コード例 #1
            public static void PlayerAction_BuildAfterPrebuildPostfix(PlayerAction_Build __instance, ref PlanetFactory ___factory, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux)
                // Do we have cached inserters?
                var ci = PatchCopyInserters.cachedInserters;

                if (ci.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var buildPreview in __instance.buildPreviews)
                        var targetPos  = __instance.previewPose.position + __instance.previewPose.rotation * buildPreview.lpos;
                        var entityPool = ___factory.entityPool;
                        foreach (var inserter in ci)
                            // Find the desired belt/building position
                            // As delta doesn't work over distance, re-trace the Grid Snapped steps from the original
                            // to find the target belt/building for this inserters other connection
                            var currentPos = targetPos;
                            for (int u = 0; u < inserter.snapCount; u++)
                                currentPos = ___planetAux.Snap(currentPos + inserter.snapMoves[u], true, false);

                            var testPos = currentPos;

                            // Find the other entity at the target location
                            int otherId = 0;
                            for (int x = 1; x < ___factory.entityCursor; x++)
                                if (entityPool[x].id == x)
                                    var distance = Vector3.Distance(entityPool[x].pos, testPos);
                                    if (distance < 0.2)
                                        otherId = entityPool[x].id;

                            if (otherId != 0)
                                // Order an inserter
                                var pi = new PatchCopyInserters.PendingInserter();
                                pi.otherId      = otherId;
                                pi.ci           = inserter;
                                pi.AssemblerPos = targetPos;

コード例 #2
            public static void PlayerAction_BuildAfterPrebuildPostfix(PlayerAction_Build __instance, ref PlanetFactory ___factory, PlanetAuxData ___planetAux)
                // Do we have cached inserters?
                var ci = PatchCopyInserters.cachedInserters;

                if (CopyInserters.copyEnabled && ci.Count > 0)
                    foreach (BuildPreview buildPreview in __instance.buildPreviews)
                        Vector3    targetPos;
                        Quaternion targetRot;
                        if (__instance.buildPreviews.Count > 1)
                            targetPos = buildPreview.lpos;
                            targetRot = buildPreview.lrot;
                            targetPos = __instance.previewPose.position + __instance.previewPose.rotation * buildPreview.lpos;
                            targetRot = __instance.previewPose.rotation;

                        // ignore buildings not being built at ground level
                        if (__instance.multiLevelCovering)

                        var entityPool = ___factory.entityPool;
                        foreach (var inserter in ci)
                            // Find the desired belt/building position
                            // As delta doesn't work over distance, re-trace the Grid Snapped steps from the original
                            // to find the target belt/building for this inserters other connection
                            var testPos = targetPos;
                            // Note: rotates each move relative to the rotation of the new building
                            for (int u = 0; u < inserter.snapCount; u++)
                                testPos = ___planetAux.Snap(testPos + targetRot * inserter.snapMoves[u], true, false);

                            // Find the other entity at the target location
                            int otherId = 0;
                            for (int x = 1; x < ___factory.entityCursor; x++)
                                if (entityPool[x].id == x)
                                    var distance = Vector3.Distance(entityPool[x].pos, testPos);
                                    if (distance < 0.2)
                                        otherId = entityPool[x].id;

                            if (otherId != 0)
                                // Order an inserter
                                var pi = new PatchCopyInserters.PendingInserter();
                                pi.otherId      = otherId;
                                pi.ci           = inserter;
                                pi.AssemblerPos = targetPos;
