コード例 #1
ファイル: KeyCommand.cs プロジェクト: planetarium/libplanet
        public void Export(
            [Argument("KEY-ID", Description = "A key UUID to export.")]
            Guid keyId,
            PassphraseParameters passphrase,
            [Option('P', Description = "Export a public key instead of private key.")]
            bool publicKey = false,
                 Description = "Print raw bytes instead of hexadecimal.  No trailing LF appended."
            bool bytes = false
            PrivateKey key = UnprotectKey(keyId, passphrase);

            byte[] rawKey = publicKey ? key.PublicKey.Format(true) : key.ToByteArray();
            if (bytes)
                using Stream stdout = Console.OpenStandardOutput();
                stdout.Write(rawKey, 0, rawKey.Length);
コード例 #2
ファイル: KeyCommand.cs プロジェクト: planetarium/libplanet
 public void Create(
     PassphraseParameters passphrase,
          Description = "Print the created private key as Web3 Secret Storage format."
     bool json = false,
     [Option(Description = "Do not add to the key store, but only show the created key.")]
     bool dryRun = false
     ) =>
 Add(new PrivateKey(), passphrase, json, dryRun);
コード例 #3
ファイル: KeyCommand.cs プロジェクト: planetarium/libplanet
        public void Remove(
            [Argument(Name = "KEY-ID", Description = "A key UUID to remove.")]
            Guid keyId,
            PassphraseParameters passphrase,
            [Option(Description = "Remove without asking passphrase.")]
            bool noPassphrase = false
                if (!noPassphrase)
                    UnprotectKey(keyId, passphrase);

            catch (NoKeyException)
                throw Utils.Error($"No such key ID: {keyId}");
コード例 #4
ファイル: KeyCommand.cs プロジェクト: planetarium/libplanet
        public void Import(
                 Description = "A raw private key to import in hexadecimal string."
            string rawKeyHex,
            PassphraseParameters passphrase,
                 Description = "Print the created private key as Web3 Secret Storage format."
            bool json = false,
            [Option(Description = "Do not add to the key store, but only show the created key.")]
            bool dryRun = false
            PrivateKey key;

                key = PrivateKey.FromString(rawKeyHex);
            catch (FormatException)
                throw Utils.Error("A raw private key should be hexadecimal.");
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                throw Utils.Error("Hexadecimal characters should be even (not odd).");
            catch (Exception)
                throw Utils.Error("Invalid private key.");

            Add(key, passphrase, json, dryRun);
コード例 #5
        public void Sign(
            [Argument(Name = "KEY-ID", Description = "A private key to use for signing.")]
            Guid keyId,
            [Argument(Name = "VERSION", Description = "A version number to sign.")]
            int version,
            PassphraseParameters passphrase,
                 ValueName = "FILE",
                 Description = "Bencodex file to use for extra data.  " +
                               "For standard input, use a hyphen (`-').  " +
                               "For an actual file named a hyphen, prepend `./', i.e., `./-'."
            string?extraFile = null,
                 ValueName = "KEY=VALUE",
                 Description = "Set a value to a key on extra Bencodex dictionary.  " +
                               "Can be applied multiple times (e.g., `-e foo=1 -e bar=baz').  " +
                               "This option implies the extra data to be a Bencodex dictionary, " +
                               "hence cannot be used together with -E/--extra-file option."
            string[]?extra = null
            if (passphrase.PassphraseFile == "-" && extraFile == "-")
                throw Utils.Error(
                          "-P/--passphrase-file and -E/--extra-file cannot read standard input at a " +
                          "time.  Please specify one of both to read from a regular file."

            PrivateKey key        = new KeyCommand().UnprotectKey(keyId, passphrase, ignoreStdin: true);
            IValue?    extraValue = null;

            if (extraFile is string path)
                if (extra is string[] e && e.Length > 0)
                    throw Utils.Error(
                              "-E/--extra-file and -e/--extra cannot be used together at a time."

                var codec = new Codec();
                if (path == "-")
                    // Stream for stdin does not support .Seek()
                    using MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream();
                    using (Stream stream = Console.OpenStandardInput())

                    buffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    extraValue = codec.Decode(buffer);
                    using Stream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    extraValue          = codec.Decode(stream);
            else if (extra is string[] e && e.Length > 0)
                var dict = Bencodex.Types.Dictionary.Empty;
                foreach (string pair in e)
                    int sepPos = pair.IndexOf('=');
                    if (sepPos < 0)
                        throw Utils.Error(
                                  "-e/--extra must be a pair of KEY=VALUE, but no equal (=) separator: " +

                    string key_  = pair.Substring(0, sepPos);
                    string value = pair.Substring(sepPos + 1);
                    dict = dict.SetItem(key_, value);

                extraValue = dict;

            AppProtocolVersion v = AppProtocolVersion.Sign(key, version, extraValue);
