protected void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection conn1 = new SqlConnection(strConnString); try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT T1.[id], T2.[nombre], T1.[del], T1.[sub], [user_type], [cargo],[depto] FROM [MOD40].[dbo].[User] T1 INNER JOIN [Panel_Control].[dbo].[Usuarios] T2 ON T1.[id]=T2.[id] WHERE T2.[user]='" + Request.Cookies["ID"].Value + "' AND T2.[pass]='" + PassAnterior.Text + "' AND T1.[id]=T2.[id]", conn1); conn1.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { PassAnterior.Attributes.Add("value", PassAnterior.Text); PassNueva.Focus(); } else { PassAnterior.Attributes.Add("value", PassAnterior.Text); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Error6", "alertify.error('La Contraseña Anterior no corresponde. Intenta de nuevo');", true); PassAnterior.Focus(); } } catch (Exception Msj) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Error7", "alertify.error('" + Msj.Message + "');", true); } }
protected void PassAnterior_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection conn1 = new SqlConnection(strConnString); try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT T1.[id], T2.[nombre], T1.[del], T1.[sub], [user_type], [cargo],[depto] FROM [Supervision].[dbo].[User] T1 INNER JOIN [Panel_Control].[dbo].[Usuarios] T2 ON T1.[id]=T2.[id] WHERE T2.[user]='" + Request.Cookies["User_Sup"].Value + "' AND T2.[pass]='" + PassAnterior.Text + "' AND T1.[id]=T2.[id]", conn1); conn1.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { LabelErrorPass.Text = ""; PassAnterior.Attributes.Add("value", PassAnterior.Text); PassNueva.Focus(); } else { PassAnterior.Attributes.Add("value", PassAnterior.Text); PassAnterior.Focus(); LabelErrorPass.Text = @"<div id='card-alert' class='card red'> <div class='card-content white-text'> <p><i class='mdi-alert-error'></i> Alerta : La Constraseña Ingresada no es la correcta. Intenta de nuevo por favor. </p>" + @"</div> <button type='button' class='close white-text' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'> <span aria-hidden='true'>×</span> </button> </div>"; } } catch (Exception Msj) { LabelMensaje.Text = @"<div id='card-alert' class='card red'> <div class='card-content white-text'> <p><i class='mdi-alert-error'></i> Alerta :" + Msj.Message + " </p>" + @"</div> <button type='button' class='close white-text' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'> <span aria-hidden='true'>×</span> </button> </div>"; } }