コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取商户密钥,除去头部和尾部
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetPartnerKeyBody()
            .Replace("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "")
            .Replace("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "")
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the empty table p_partner_attribute using selected data from p_partner_location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Number of created PPartnerAttribute Rows.</returns>
        public static int PopulatePPartnerAttribute()
            int   RowCounter = 0;
            Int64 BestPartnerLocSiteKey;
            int   BestPartnerLocLocationKey;

            List <PPartnerAttributeRecord> PPARecords;

            if (FEmptyStringIndicator == null)
                throw new EOPException("'FEmptyStringIndicator' must be set before Method 'PopulatePPartnerAttribute' gets called!");

            // FPartnerLocationRecords got created when the p_partner_location table got processed; it holds selected Columns of all
            // p_partner_location records of each Partner that gets loaded.
//            TLogging.Log(String.Format("We have entries for {0} Partners.", FPartnerClassInformation.Count));

            // Process each Partner and its p_partner_location records
            foreach (Int64 PartnerKey in FPartnerClassInformation.Keys)
                FInsertionOrderPerPartner = -1;

                // Get that Partner's p_partner_location records from PPartnerLocationRecords
                DataRow[] CurrentRows = FPartnerLocationRecords[Math.Abs(PartnerKey) % NumberOfTables].Select(
                    "p_partner_key_n = " + PartnerKey.ToString());

                if (CurrentRows.Length == 0)

                DataTable PPartnersLocationsDT = TPartnerContactDetails.BestAddressHelper.GetNewPPartnerLocationTableInstance();

                foreach (DataRow r in CurrentRows)

                // We hazard a guess that we will possibly create 2 times as many p_partner_attribute records as there are
                // p_partner_location records - but in some cases there will be more (if we need to create many 'primary'
                // p_partner_attribute records for Contact Details that come out of the 'Best Address' p_partner_location records,
                // or less (if there are many p_partner_location records that don't have details that will become a Contact Detail).
                // The guess is done so that PPARecords doesn't need to continually get expanded by .NET as we are adding to it.
                // (The 2.0 factor got determined by checking the average number of records that got created by running this
                // over actual data from the SA DB (1.3) and then rounding the number up, as often there will only be one
                // p_partner_location record, and so we create at least 2 entries in that case.)
                PPARecords = new List <PPartnerAttributeRecord>(PPartnersLocationsDT.Rows.Count * 2);

                // Determine the p_partner_location record that constitutes the 'Best Address' of that Partner
                if (!BestAddressHelper.DetermineBestAddress(PPartnersLocationsDT,
                                                            out BestPartnerLocSiteKey, out BestPartnerLocLocationKey))
                    throw new Exception(String.Format(
                                            "Problem determining the 'Best Address' for the p_partner_location records of Partner with PartnerKey {0}! Number of p_partner_location records: {1}",
                                            PartnerKey, PPartnersLocationsDT.Rows.Count));
                    if (PPartnersLocationsDT.Rows.Count > 1)
//                        TLogging.Log(
//                            String.Format(
//                                "'Best Address' for the p_parter_location records of Partner with PartnerKey {0} which has {1} p_partner_locations:   p_parter_location SiteKey: {2}; p_parter_location LocationKey: {3}",
//                                PartnerKey, PPartnersLocationsDT.Rows.Count, BestPartnerLocSiteKey, BestPartnerLocLocationKey));

                    // Create p_partner_attribute records for each p_partner_location records'
                    // columns that hold 'Contact Detail' data and have values, and are unique,

                    // We want to create the p_partner_attribute records in the same order that the user
                    // would see the p_location records (that we lift them from) on the Address Tab.
                    DataView SortedRecordsDV = PPartnersLocationsDT.DefaultView;
                    SortedRecordsDV.Sort = "Icon_For_Sorting ASC, p_date_effective_d DESC";

                    for (int Counter = 0; Counter < SortedRecordsDV.Count; Counter++)
                        List <PPartnerAttributeRecord> PPARecordsSingleLocation =
                            ConstructPPartnerAttributeRecords(PartnerKey, SortedRecordsDV[Counter].Row);

                        for (int SingleLocCounter = 0; SingleLocCounter < PPARecordsSingleLocation.Count; SingleLocCounter++)
                            // LINQ Query for de-duplication: Check if there are already PPARecords of a Partner that have
                            // the same Attribute Type and Value as a record from PPARecordsSingleLocation. If so, don't add
                            // the record from PPARecordsSingleLocation to PPARecords as it would create a duplicate Contact Detail!
                            // (it is often the case that several p_partner_location records of a Partner hold the same data!)
                            var PPARecordsContainsQuery =
                                from PPARecord in PPARecords
                                where PPARecord.AttributeType == PPARecordsSingleLocation[SingleLocCounter].AttributeType &&
                                PPARecord.Value == PPARecordsSingleLocation[SingleLocCounter].Value
                                select PPARecord;

                            if (!PPARecordsContainsQuery.Any())

                    // LINQ Query to establish Index values: Group all PPARecords of a Partner by
                    // Attribute Type and have the Primary record come first in each Group, followed by
                    // the other PPARecords in their insertion order.
                    var PPARecordsGroupedQuery =
                        from PPARecord in PPARecords
                        orderby PPARecord.Primary descending, PPARecord.InsertionOrderPerPartner
                    group PPARecord by PPARecord.AttributeType into grouping
                    orderby grouping.Key
                    select grouping;

                    // Iterate over each Group and determine the Index values of their individual members.
                    // The first member always starts with Index 0.
                    // Reason for this: The Contact Details Tab displays Contact Details grouped by
                    // Contact Category, and the ones of the same Contact Category are sorted by Index
                    // within each Contact Category. With this approach, 'Primary' PPARecords will be
                    // listed first, followed by other records in the order that a user would have seen
                    // them on the 'Addresses' Tab in Petra 2.x!
                    foreach (var PPARecordGroup in PPARecordsGroupedQuery)
                        int IndexInGroup = 0;

                        foreach (var PPARecGroupMember in PPARecordGroup)
                            PPARecGroupMember.Index = IndexInGroup++;

                    // Create new Rows and write them out
                    foreach (var PPARec in PPARecords)
                        CreateContactDetailsRow(PPARec, PartnerAttributeHoldingDataSet);

                    RowCounter += PPARecords.Count;

            // Get rid of the Data Structure that we don't need anymore!
            FPartnerLocationRecords = null;
            // ... and kindly ask .NET's Garbage Collector to really get it out of memory, if it's convenient.
            GC.Collect(0, GCCollectionMode.Optimized);

コード例 #3
ファイル: Extracts.cs プロジェクト: jsuen123/openpetragit
        /// <summary>
        /// extend an extract from a list of best addresses
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExtractId">Extract Id of the Extract to extend</param>
        /// <param name="APartnerKeysTable"></param>
        /// <param name="APartnerKeyColumn">number of the column that contains the partner keys</param>
        /// <param name="ASiteKeyColumn">number of the column that contains the site keys</param>
        /// <param name="ALocationKeyColumn">number of the column that contains the location keys</param>
        /// <param name="AIgnoreDuplicates">true if duplicates should be looked out for. Can be set to false if called only once and not several times per extract.</param>
        /// <param name="ACommitTransaction">true if transaction should be committed at end of method</param>
        public static void ExtendExtractFromListOfPartnerKeys(
            Int32 AExtractId,
            DataTable APartnerKeysTable,
            Int32 APartnerKeyColumn,
            Int32 ASiteKeyColumn,
            Int32 ALocationKeyColumn,
            bool AIgnoreDuplicates,
            bool ACommitTransaction)
            Boolean NewTransaction;
            int     RecordCounter = 0;
            PPartnerLocationTable PartnerLocationKeysTable;
            Int64 PartnerKey;

            TDBTransaction WriteTransaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable,
                                                                                                TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, out NewTransaction);

                MExtractTable ExtractTable = new MExtractTable();
                ExtractTable = MExtractAccess.LoadViaMExtractMaster(AExtractId, WriteTransaction);

                // Location Keys need to be determined as extracts do not only need partner keys but
                // also Location Keys.
                DetermineBestLocationKeys(APartnerKeysTable, APartnerKeyColumn, ASiteKeyColumn,
                                          ALocationKeyColumn, out PartnerLocationKeysTable,

                // use the returned table which contains partner and location keys to build the extract
                foreach (PPartnerLocationRow PartnerLocationRow in PartnerLocationKeysTable.Rows)
                    PartnerKey = Convert.ToInt64(PartnerLocationRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()]);

                    if (PartnerKey > 0)
                        RecordCounter += 1;
                        TLogging.Log("Preparing Partner " + PartnerKey.ToString() + " (Record Number " + RecordCounter.ToString() + ")");

                        // add row for partner to extract and fill with contents
                        MExtractRow NewRow = ExtractTable.NewRowTyped();
                        NewRow.ExtractId   = AExtractId;
                        NewRow.PartnerKey  = PartnerKey;
                        NewRow.SiteKey     = Convert.ToInt64(PartnerLocationRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName()]);
                        NewRow.LocationKey = Convert.ToInt32(PartnerLocationRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName()]);

                        // only add row if it does not already exist for this partner
                        if (AIgnoreDuplicates || !ExtractTable.Rows.Contains(new object[] { NewRow.ExtractId, NewRow.PartnerKey, NewRow.SiteKey }))

                if (ExtractTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    // update field in extract master for quick access to number of partners in extract
                    MExtractMasterTable ExtractMaster = MExtractMasterAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(AExtractId, WriteTransaction);
                    ExtractMaster[0].KeyCount = ExtractTable.Rows.Count;

                    ExtractTable.ThrowAwayAfterSubmitChanges = true; // no need to keep data as this increases speed significantly

                    MExtractAccess.SubmitChanges(ExtractTable, WriteTransaction);

                    MExtractMasterAccess.SubmitChanges(ExtractMaster, WriteTransaction);

                if (ACommitTransaction)
            catch (Exception Exc)
                TLogging.Log("An Exception occured while extending an Extract from a list of Partner Keys:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString());

                if (NewTransaction)

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Demotes selected ID (and promotes the FamilyID next (lower) to selected FamilyID
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public void DemoteFamilyID()
            Int32 Buttonvalue = -1;
            Int32 NumberOfRows;
            Int32 Counter;
            Int32 CounterToMax;
            Int32 FamilyIDint;

            System.Object     PartnerKey;
            System.Object     FamilyID         = -1;
            System.Object     PreviousFamilyID = -1;
            System.Object     PersonName1      = "";
            System.Object     PersonName2      = "";
            Boolean           MemberFind;
            MessageBoxButtons Button;

            // Get the PartnerKey of the selected Row
            PartnerKey   = ((DataRowView)FDataGrid.SelectedDataRows[0]).Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()];
            NumberOfRows = GetNumberOfRows();

            // for loop to get the selected partners ID
            for (Counter = 0; Counter <= (NumberOfRows - 1); Counter += 1)
                if (FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()].ToString() == PartnerKey.ToString())
                    FamilyID    = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()];
                    PersonName1 = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName()];

            if ((this.IsMinimum()) && (Convert.ToInt32(FamilyID) > 0))
                FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()] = (object)0;
                Buttonvalue = 1;
                FamilyID    = (object)0;

            // loop to find the nearest smaller FamilyID compared to selected FamilyID.
            // sets the previous FamilyID to correct.
            MemberFind  = true;
            FamilyIDint = Convert.ToInt32(FamilyID);

            // If Family ID is 2, or A parent is to be replaced with child, gives warning.
            if (FamilyIDint == 2)
                Button = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;

                if (MessageBox.Show("Parents should be Family ID 0 or 1" + "\r\nAre you sure you want to change this Family ID?", "Family ID Change",
                                    Button) == DialogResult.No)
                    Buttonvalue = 1;

            // if FamilyID to be demoted is 2 and cancel is selected from warnind messagebox, does nothing. otherwice goes through the  for loop
            if (Buttonvalue != 1)
                // Goes through the FamilyID:s from 1 to selected FamilyID
                for (CounterToMax = 1; CounterToMax <= FamilyIDint; CounterToMax += 1)
                    // Goes through all the FamilyID:s
                    for (Counter = 0; Counter <= (NumberOfRows - 1); Counter += 1)
                        // when finds FamilyID next to selected (below), Sets the found Family ID to selected
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()].ToString()) ==
                            (FamilyIDint - CounterToMax))
                            // saves the found FamilyID
                            PreviousFamilyID = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()];
                            FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()] =
                                (object)(Convert.ToInt32(PreviousFamilyID) + 1);
                            PersonName2 = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName()];

                            if (PersonName2 == PersonName1)
                                PersonName1 = PreviousPartnerMemory;

                            MemberFind = false;

                    if (!MemberFind)

                // loop to set the selected FamilyID to the PreviousFamilyID
                for (Counter = 0; Counter <= (NumberOfRows - 1); Counter += 1)
                    if (FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()].ToString() == PartnerKey.ToString())
                        FFamilyMembersDV[Counter].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()] = PreviousFamilyID;

                MessageBox.Show(String.Format(StrFamilyIDChangeDone, PersonName1, FamilyID, PreviousFamilyID,
                                              PersonName2, PreviousFamilyID, (Convert.ToInt32(PreviousFamilyID) + 1)),
                PreviousPartnerMemory = PersonName1;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Promotes selected ID (and demotes the FamilyID next (up) to selected FamilyID
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public void PromoteFamilyID()
            Int32 buttonvalue = -1;
            Int32 Counter1;
            Int32 NumberOfRows;
            Int32 Counter2;
            Int32 Counter2ToMax;
            Int32 FamilyIDint;

            System.Object     PartnerKey;
            System.Object     FamilyID     = -1;
            System.Object     PersonName1  = "";
            System.Object     PersonName2  = "";
            System.Object     NextFamilyID = "";
            Boolean           MemberFind;
            MessageBoxButtons Button;

            // Get the PartnerKey of the selected Row
            PartnerKey   = ((DataRowView)FDataGrid.SelectedDataRows[0]).Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()];
            NumberOfRows = GetNumberOfRows();

            // for loop to get the selected partners ID
            for (Counter2 = 0; Counter2 <= (NumberOfRows - 1); Counter2 += 1)
                if (FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()].ToString() == PartnerKey.ToString())
                    FamilyID    = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()];
                    PersonName1 = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName()];

            // loop to find the nearest  FamilyID compared to selected FamilyID.
            // sets the next FamilyID to correct.
            MemberFind  = true;
            FamilyIDint = Convert.ToInt32(FamilyID);

            // If Family ID 1 (parent) is about to be promoted
            if (FamilyIDint == 1)
                Button      = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;
                buttonvalue = 0;

                // if pressed No to question below, does nothing.
                if (MessageBox.Show("Parents should be Family ID 0 or 1" + "\r\nAre you sure you want to change this Family ID?", "Family ID Change",
                                    Button) == DialogResult.No)
                    buttonvalue = 1;

            // Executes this loop, if Family ID to be promoted is not 1.
            if (buttonvalue != 1)
                Counter2ToMax = 100;

                // goes through all values from selected +1 to 100+selected.
                for (Counter1 = 1; Counter1 <= Counter2ToMax; Counter1 += 1)
                    // goes through all FamilyID:s
                    for (Counter2 = 0; Counter2 <= (NumberOfRows - 1); Counter2 += 1)
                        // When finds FamilyID that's next (above) to selected FamilyID, Replaces the Found Family members ID with selected ID
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()].ToString())
                            == FamilyIDint + Counter1)
                            // saves the FamilyIF just found
                            NextFamilyID = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()];
                            FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()] = FamilyID;
                            PersonName2 = FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName()];
                            MemberFind  = false;

                    if (!MemberFind)

                // end;
                // loop to set the selected FamilyID to the PreviousFamilyID
                for (Counter2 = 0; Counter2 <= (NumberOfRows - 1); Counter2 += 1)
                    if (FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()].ToString() == PartnerKey.ToString())
                        FFamilyMembersDV[Counter2].Row[PartnerEditTDSFamilyMembersTable.GetFamilyIdDBName()] = (object)(FamilyIDint + 1);

                // button := MessageBoxButtons.OK;

                MessageBox.Show(String.Format(StrFamilyIDChangeDone, PersonName1, FamilyID, (FamilyIDint + 1),
                                              PersonName2, NextFamilyID, FamilyID),