public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int startIndex, int count) { var positions = particles.positions; int endIndex = startIndex + count; for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { int particleIndex = sortKeys[i].Index; float3 particlePosition = positions[particleIndex]; int i2 = i + 1; while (i2 < particles.count) { int particleIndex2 = sortKeys[i2++].Index; float3 particlePosition2 = positions[particleIndex2]; if (math.distancesq(particlePosition, particlePosition2) < distance * distance) { lineList.Enqueue(new Line { Start = particlePosition, End = particlePosition2 }); } else if (particlePosition2.x - particlePosition.x > distance) { break; } } } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int i) { // Collider Collisions if (collisionPointsCount > 0) { int maxParticles = ClipperTest.maxParticleCollisions > collisionPointsCount ? collisionPointsCount : ClipperTest.maxParticleCollisions; for (int j = 0; j < maxParticles; j++) { float windPushBackPercent = 1; float fireBurnUpPercent = .075f; if (myElement == ElementType.Earth) { windPushBackPercent = windPushBackPercent * .75f; fireBurnUpPercent = fireBurnUpPercent * .75f; } if (elementCollision[j] == ElementType.Wind) { PushBackCollision(particles, i, j, maxParticles, windPushBackPercent); } else if (elementCollision[j] == ElementType.Fire) { KillOtherParticle(particles, i, j, maxParticles, fireBurnUpPercent); } } } }
void PushBackCollision(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int particleIndex, int collisionIndex, int maxParticles, float percent) { float particleWeight = collisionPointsCount / maxParticles; Vector3 collisionPoint = new Vector3(collisionPointsX[collisionIndex], collisionPointsY[collisionIndex], collisionPointsZ[collisionIndex]); Vector3 currentPosition = new Vector3(particles.positions.x[particleIndex], particles.positions.y[particleIndex], particles.positions.z[particleIndex]); float distance = Vector2.Distance(collisionPoint, currentPosition); if (distance < maxParticleCollisionEffectDistance) { var aliveTimePercent = particles.aliveTimePercent; float distanceForceConst = percent * (1 - (distance / (maxParticleCollisionEffectDistance * particleWeight))) * deltaTime; var velocitiesX = particles.velocities.x; var velocitiesY = particles.velocities.y; var velocitiesZ = particles.velocities.z; if (velocitiesX[particleIndex] < collisionVelocitiesX[collisionIndex]) { velocitiesX[particleIndex] += collisionVelocitiesX[collisionIndex] * distanceForceConst * particleWeight; } if (velocitiesY[particleIndex] < collisionVelocitiesY[collisionIndex]) { velocitiesY[particleIndex] += collisionVelocitiesY[collisionIndex] * distanceForceConst * particleWeight; } if (velocitiesZ[particleIndex] < collisionVelocitiesZ[collisionIndex]) { velocitiesZ[particleIndex] += collisionVelocitiesZ[collisionIndex] * distanceForceConst * particleWeight; } } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData jobData) { var partColors = jobData.startColors; var partPos = jobData.positions; for (int i = 0; i < jobData.count; ++i) { Points[i] = new float3(partPos.x[i], partPos.y[i], partPos.z[i]); } // Set every particle to white first for (int i = 0; i < jobData.count; i++) { partColors[i] = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255); } // Set all neighbours to result color for (int i = 0; i < KnnResults.Length; i++) { var results = KnnResults[i]; var setColor = Colors[i]; for (int j = 0; j < results.Length; ++j) { partColors[results[j]] = setColor; } } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles) { if (hasInitialVelocity || hasMaximumVelocity) { var velocitiesX = particles.velocities.x; var velocitiesY = particles.velocities.y; var velocitiesZ = particles.velocities.z; for (int i = 0; i < particles.count; i++) { if (hasInitialVelocity && particles.aliveTimePercent[i] * totalLifeTime / 100f < ParticleMagic.MINLIFETIME) { velocitiesX[i] = directionX * initialVelocity; velocitiesY[i] = directionY * initialVelocity; velocitiesZ[i] = directionZ * initialVelocity; } else if (shouldFollowTarget) { float randomSeed = particles.randomSeeds[i] / (float)uint.MaxValue + .5f; velocitiesX[i] += ((targetX - particles.positions.x[i]) * randomSeed - velocitiesX[i] * force / 1000f); velocitiesY[i] += ((targetY - particles.positions.y[i]) * randomSeed - velocitiesY[i] * force / 1000f); velocitiesZ[i] += ((targetZ - particles.positions.z[i]) * randomSeed - velocitiesZ[i] * force / 1000f); } Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(velocitiesX[i], velocitiesY[i], velocitiesZ[i]); if (hasMaximumVelocity && velocity.magnitude > maxVelocity) { velocity = velocity.normalized; velocitiesX[i] = velocity.x * maxVelocity; velocitiesY[i] = velocity.y * maxVelocity; velocitiesZ[i] = velocity.z * maxVelocity; } } } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int startIndex, int count) { m_RotationDifference = m_RotationDifference / 180 * math.PI; var rotations = particles.rotations.z; for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++) { rotations[i] += m_RotationDifference; } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles) { var positionsX = particles.positions.x; var positionsY = particles.positions.y; var positionsZ = particles.positions.z; for (int i = 0; i < particles.count && i < particlePositionsX.Length; i++) { positionsX[i] = particlePositionsX[i] + offsetX; positionsY[i] = particlePositionsY[i] + offsetY; positionsZ[i] = particlePositionsZ[i] + offsetZ; } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles) { if (immortalityOn) { var aliveTimePercent = particles.aliveTimePercent; for (int i = 0; i < particles.count; i++) { if (aliveTimePercent[i] / 100f * totalLifeTime > ParticleMagic.MINLIFETIME) { aliveTimePercent[i] = ParticleMagic.MINLIFETIME / totalLifeTime * 100f + 1; } } } }
void KillOtherParticle(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int particleIndex, int collisionIndex, int maxParticles, float percent) { float particleWeight = collisionPointsCount / maxParticles; Vector3 collisionPoint = new Vector3(collisionPointsX[collisionIndex], collisionPointsY[collisionIndex], collisionPointsZ[collisionIndex]); Vector3 currentPosition = new Vector3(particles.positions.x[particleIndex], particles.positions.y[particleIndex], particles.positions.z[particleIndex]); float distance = Vector2.Distance(collisionPoint, currentPosition); if (distance < maxParticleCollisionEffectDistance) { var aliveTimePercent = particles.aliveTimePercent; float distanceDeathConst = percent * (1 - (distance / (maxParticleCollisionEffectDistance * particleWeight))) * deltaTime; aliveTimePercent[particleIndex] += percent * particleWeight; } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int i) { // If the particle is a trigger Collisions if (isTrigger) { // If the particle is colliding with a trigger if (collideWithTrigger && particleTriggerColliders.ContainsKey(gameObjectID)) { Vector3 point = new Vector3(particles.positions.x[i], particles.positions.y[i], particles.positions.z[i]); int hit = 0; Vector3 extends = particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID].bounds.extents; Vector3 center = particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID]; // IntRect bounds = particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID].bounds; // make sure the particle is within the bounds of the other trigger; // Within left bounds ------------ Within right bounds if (point.x > center.x - extends.x && point.x < center.x + extends.x // Within bottom bounds ------------ Within top bounds && point.y > center.y - extends.y && point.y < center.y + extends.y) { // Check to see if the particle is colliding with the trigger for (int pathsIndex = 0; pathsIndex < particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID].path.Count; pathsIndex++) { hit = Clipper.PointInPolygon(new IntPoint(point.x * clipperPrecision, point.y * clipperPrecision), particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID].path[pathsIndex]); if (hit != 0) { break; } } // If we've collided with the trigger then, apply the relevant action if (hit != 0) { //TODO: Add check for the amount one of particles we are colliding with // If the particle is colliding with fire if (particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID].element == ElementType.Fire) { KillOtherParticle(particles, i, 100); PushBackCollision(particles, i, 1); } // If the particle is colliding with Wind else if (particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID].element == ElementType.Wind) { PushBackCollision(particles, i, 1); } } } } } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int startIndex, int count) { var positionsX = particles.positions.x; int endIndex = startIndex + count; for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { sortKeys[i] = new SortKey { Key = positionsX[i], Index = i } } ; } }
public void ProcessParticleSystem(ParticleSystemJobData jobData) { Color customColor = Color.white; var startColors = jobData.startColors; var customDatas = jobData.customData1; for (int idx = 0; idx < startColors.Length; idx++) { customColor.r = customDatas.x[idx]; customColor.g = customDatas.y[idx]; customColor.b = customDatas.z[idx]; customColor.a = customDatas.w[idx]; startColors[idx] = customColor; } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles) { var positions = particles.positions; var velocities = particles.velocities; int count = collisions.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var collision = collisions.Dequeue(); positions[collision.Index] += (Vector3)collision.DeltaPosition; velocities[collision.Index] += (Vector3)collision.DeltaVelocity; positions[collision.Index2] += (Vector3)collision.DeltaPosition2; velocities[collision.Index2] += (Vector3)collision.DeltaVelocity2; } }
public void ProcessParticleSystem(ParticleSystemJobData jobData) { var colors = jobData.startColors; var positions = jobData.positions; for (int i = 0; i < jobData.count; ++i) { Points[i] = new float3(positions.x[i], positions.y[i], positions.z[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < jobData.count; i++) { colors[i] = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255); } // Set all neighbours to red for (int i = 0; i < KnnResults.Length; i++) { colors[KnnResults[i]] = Colors[i / K]; } }
void PushBackCollision(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int particleIndex, float percent) { ParticleMagic pm = particleTriggerColliders[gameObjectID].particleMagic; Vector3 velocity = pm.initialVelocity * pm.direction; var velocitiesX = particles.velocities.x; var velocitiesY = particles.velocities.y; var velocitiesZ = particles.velocities.z; // Set the x,y,and z velocities for the push back if (Mathf.Abs(velocitiesX[particleIndex]) < Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) || Mathf.Sign(velocitiesX[particleIndex]) != Mathf.Sign(velocity.x)) { velocitiesX[particleIndex] += velocity.x * deltaTime * percent; } if (Mathf.Abs(velocitiesY[particleIndex]) < Mathf.Abs(velocity.y) || Mathf.Sign(velocitiesY[particleIndex]) != Mathf.Sign(velocity.y)) { velocitiesY[particleIndex] += velocity.y * deltaTime * percent; } if (Mathf.Abs(velocitiesZ[particleIndex]) < Mathf.Abs(velocity.z) || Mathf.Sign(velocitiesZ[particleIndex]) != Mathf.Sign(velocity.z)) { velocitiesZ[particleIndex] += velocity.z * deltaTime * percent; } }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles) { new NativeSlice <SortKey>(sortKeys, 0, particles.count).Sort(); }
void KillOtherParticle(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int particleIndex, float percent) { var aliveTimePercent = particles.aliveTimePercent; aliveTimePercent[particleIndex] += percent * deltaTime; }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int startIndex, int count) { if (areaArray.IsCreated && areaArray.Length > 0) { var positionsX = particles.positions.x; var positionsY = particles.positions.y; var positionsZ = particles.positions.z; // scaleX = scaleX != default( float ) ? scaleX : 1; // scaleY = scaleY != default( float ) ? scaleY : 1; // scaleZ = scaleZ != default( float ) ? scaleZ : 1; for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++) { System.Random rand = new System.Random((int)particles.randomSeeds[i]); if (particles.aliveTimePercent[i] * totalLifeTime / 100f < ParticleMagic.MINLIFETIME || shouldFollowStartPosition) { float randomSeed = particles.randomSeeds[i] / (float)uint.MaxValue; float targetArea = totalArea * (float)rand.NextDouble();//randomSeed; float currentAreaCount = 0; int triangleIndex = 0; for ( ; triangleIndex < areaArray.Length; triangleIndex++) { currentAreaCount += areaArray[triangleIndex]; if (currentAreaCount >= targetArea) { break; } } // Get the triangle vertexes Vector3 vertexA = new Vector3(verticesX[triangles[triangleIndex * 3]], verticesY[triangles[triangleIndex * 3]], verticesZ[triangles[triangleIndex * 3]]); Vector3 vertexB = new Vector3(verticesX[triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 1]], verticesY[triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 1]], verticesZ[triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 1]]); Vector3 vertexC = new Vector3(verticesX[triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 2]], verticesY[triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 2]], verticesZ[triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 2]]); // Scale the triangle Vector3 scale = new Vector3(scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ); vertexA = Vector3.Scale(vertexA, scale); vertexB = Vector3.Scale(vertexB, scale); vertexC = Vector3.Scale(vertexC, scale); // Rotate the triangle Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion(quaterionX, quaterionY, quaterionZ, quaterionW); vertexA = rotation * vertexA; vertexB = rotation * vertexB; vertexC = rotation * vertexC; // Place the particle at a random point on the triangle float randomSeed2 = (float)rand.NextDouble(); float startPositionsX = offsetX + (1 - Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed)) * vertexA.x + (Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed) * (1 - randomSeed2)) * vertexB.x + (Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed) * randomSeed2) * vertexC.x; float startPositionsY = offsetY + (1 - Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed)) * vertexA.y + (Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed) * (1 - randomSeed2)) * vertexB.y + (Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed) * randomSeed2) * vertexC.y; float startPositionsZ = offsetZ + (1 - Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed)) * vertexA.z + (Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed) * (1 - randomSeed2)) * vertexB.z + (Mathf.Sqrt(randomSeed) * randomSeed2) * vertexC.z; if (particles.aliveTimePercent[i] * totalLifeTime / 100f < ParticleMagic.MINLIFETIME) { positionsX[i] = startPositionsX; positionsY[i] = startPositionsY; positionsZ[i] = startPositionsZ; } // Follow the start position of the shape else if (shouldFollowStartPosition) { if (maxDistanceTillTp != default(float) && (new Vector3((startPositionsX - positionsX[i]), (startPositionsY - positionsY[i]), (startPositionsZ - positionsZ[i]))).magnitude > maxDistanceTillTp) { positionsX[i] = startPositionsX; positionsY[i] = startPositionsY; positionsZ[i] = startPositionsZ; } else { var velocitiesX = particles.velocities.x; var velocitiesY = particles.velocities.y; var velocitiesZ = particles.velocities.z; velocitiesX[i] = (startPositionsX - positionsX[i]) * followSpeed * 10; velocitiesY[i] = (startPositionsY - positionsY[i]) * followSpeed * 10; velocitiesZ[i] = (startPositionsZ - positionsZ[i]) * followSpeed * 10; } } } } } // areaArray.Dispose(); }
public void Execute(ParticleSystemJobData particles, int startIndex, int count) { var positions = particles.positions; var velocities = particles.velocities; var sizes = particles.sizes.x; int endIndex = startIndex + count; for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { int particleIndex = sortKeys[i].Index; float3 particlePosition = positions[particleIndex]; float3 particleVelocity = velocities[particleIndex]; float particleSize = sizes[particleIndex] * 0.5f * radiusScale; float particleMass = (4.0f / 3.0f) * math.PI * particleSize * particleSize * particleSize; int i2 = i + 1; while (i2 < particles.count) { int particleIndex2 = sortKeys[i2++].Index; float3 particlePosition2 = positions[particleIndex2]; float particleSize2 = sizes[particleIndex2] * 0.5f * radiusScale; float particleSizeSum = particleSize + particleSize2; if (math.distancesq(particlePosition, particlePosition2) < particleSizeSum * particleSizeSum) { float3 particleVelocity2 = velocities[particleIndex2]; float particleMass2 = (4.0f / 3.0f) * math.PI * particleSize2 * particleSize2 * particleSize2; // get the mtd float3 delta = particlePosition - particlePosition2; float d = math.length(delta); // minimum translation distance to push particles apart after intersecting float3 mtd = delta * ((particleSizeSum - d) / d); // resolve intersection // inverse mass quantities float im1 = 1.0f / particleMass; float im2 = 1.0f / particleMass2; // push-pull them apart based off their mass float3 deltaPosition = mtd * (im1 / (im1 + im2)); float3 deltaPosition2 = -mtd * (im2 / (im1 + im2)); particlePosition += deltaPosition; // apply to cached variable too, to increase stability // impact speed float3 v = (particleVelocity - particleVelocity2); float vn =, math.normalize(mtd)); // spheres intersecting but moving away from each other already if (vn > 0.0f) { continue; } // collision impulse float imp = (-(1.0f + bounce) * vn) / (im1 + im2); float3 impulse = math.normalize(mtd) * imp; // change in momentum float3 deltaVelocity = impulse * im1; float3 deltaVelocity2 = -impulse * im2; // enqueue collision response collisions.Enqueue(new Collision { Index = particleIndex, DeltaPosition = deltaPosition, DeltaVelocity = deltaVelocity, Index2 = particleIndex2, DeltaPosition2 = deltaPosition2, DeltaVelocity2 = deltaVelocity2 }); } else if (particlePosition2.x - particlePosition.x > maxDiameter) { break; } } } }