public IActionResult PopupContact(int id) { List <System.Security.Claims.Claim> c = User.Claims.Where(x => x.Type.Contains("mail")).ToList(); string email = c[0].Value; ViewData["ActionID"] = id; return(PartialView("_ContactList", (context.GetAllUsers(email), context.GetUserGroups(email)))); }
public async Task <ActionResult> GetSongGroup(string key, SongSort sort) { IGrouping <string, Track> group = default; bool hasPlaylists = await dataService.Exists <Playlist>(item => item.Type == (int)PlaylistTabs.Music); await musicService.GetSongGroups(sort).ContinueWith(task => group = task.Result.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Key == key)); return(PartialView("~/Views/Music/SongGroup.cshtml", (Group: group, PlaylistCount: hasPlaylists))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetContentForLocation(int sifraGrada) { var statistike = await _context.Statistika.Include(st => st.SifraOrganizacijeNavigation).Where(s => s.SifraGrada == sifraGrada).ToListAsync(); var putovanjaIds = _context.PutovanjeLokacija.Where(s => s.SifraGrada == sifraGrada) .Select(pl => pl.SifraPutovanja); var putovanja = await _context.Putovanje.Include(p => p.IdentifikacijskiBrojNavigation).Join(putovanjaIds, p => p.SifraPutovanja, pi => pi, (p, pi) => p).ToListAsync(); return(PartialView("ContentMaster", (Statistike: statistike, Putovanja: putovanja))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ChangeVenue(long tid, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var teamEntity = await _appDb.TeamRepository.GetTeamEntityAsync(new PredicateExpression(TeamFields.Id == tid), cancellationToken); if (teamEntity == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(PartialView(ViewNames.Team._ChangeVenueModalPartial, (TeamId: teamEntity.Id, VenueId: teamEntity.VenueId))); }
void LoadWebview() { WebSettings settings = PartialView.Settings; //启用js事件 settings.SetSupportZoom(true); settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; //启用js的dom缓存 settings.DomStorageEnabled = true; //加载javascript接口方法,以便调用前台方法 PartialView.AddJavascriptInterface(new AndroidScript(this, PartialView), "AndroidScript"); PartialView.AddJavascriptInterface(new PartialScript(this, PartialView), "PartialScript"); PartialView.AddJavascriptInterface(new BuinessScript(this, PartialView), "BuinessScript"); PartialView.SetWebViewClient(new AgreementRouteClient($"ViewScript.RequestPartial('#MainContent','{PartialLoadForm.Replace}' ,'{Partial.Host}','{Partial.Path}',null);")); SetTitle("首页"); var intColor = Resource.Color.MenuMainPanel_Background; var color = GetColor(intColor); var setting = new Template.Setting { Background = string.Format("#%06X", 0xFFFFFF & color), }; PartialView.LoadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/", Template.Layout(setting), "text/html", "UTF-8", null); }
public override IPartialView Get(string id) { // get the relative path within the filesystem // (though... id should be relative already) var path = FileSystem.GetRelativePath(id); if (FileSystem.FileExists(path) == false) { return(null); } // content will be lazy-loaded when required var created = FileSystem.GetCreated(path).UtcDateTime; var updated = FileSystem.GetLastModified(path).UtcDateTime; //var content = GetFileContent(path); var view = new PartialView(ViewType, path, file => GetFileContent(file.OriginalPath)) { //id can be the hash Id = path.GetHashCode(), Key = path.EncodeAsGuid(), //Content = content, CreateDate = created, UpdateDate = updated, VirtualPath = FileSystem.GetUrl(id) }; //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked // view.ResetDirtyProperties(false); return(view); }
public HttpResponseMessage PostCreate(string type, CodeFileDisplay display) { if (display == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("display"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", "type"); } switch (type) { case Core.Constants.Trees.PartialViews: var view = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, display.VirtualPath); view.Content = display.Content; var result = Services.FileService.CreatePartialView(view, display.Snippet, Security.CurrentUser.Id); return(result.Success == true?Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK) : Request.CreateNotificationValidationErrorResponse(result.Exception.Message)); case Core.Constants.Trees.PartialViewMacros: var viewMacro = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialViewMacro, display.VirtualPath); viewMacro.Content = display.Content; var resultMacro = Services.FileService.CreatePartialViewMacro(viewMacro, display.Snippet, Security.CurrentUser.Id); return(resultMacro.Success == true?Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK) : Request.CreateNotificationValidationErrorResponse(resultMacro.Exception.Message)); case Core.Constants.Trees.Scripts: var script = new Script(display.VirtualPath); Services.FileService.SaveScript(script, Security.CurrentUser.Id); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); default: return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to take care of persisting partial views or partial view macros - so we're not duplicating the same logic /// </summary> /// <param name="display"></param> /// <param name="systemDirectory"></param> /// <param name="getView"></param> /// <param name="saveView"></param> /// <param name="createView"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Attempt <IPartialView> CreateOrUpdatePartialView( CodeFileDisplay display, string systemDirectory, Func <string, IPartialView> getView, Func <IPartialView, int, Attempt <IPartialView> > saveView, Func <IPartialView, string, int, Attempt <IPartialView> > createView) { //must always end with the correct extension display.Name = EnsureCorrectFileExtension(display.Name, ".cshtml"); Attempt <IPartialView> partialViewResult; var virtualPath = NormalizeVirtualPath(display.VirtualPath, systemDirectory); var view = getView(virtualPath); if (view != null) { // might need to find the path var orgPath = view.OriginalPath.Substring(0, view.OriginalPath.IndexOf(view.Name)); view.Path = orgPath + display.Name; view.Content = display.Content; partialViewResult = saveView(view, Security.CurrentUser.Id); } else { view = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, virtualPath + display.Name); view.Content = display.Content; partialViewResult = createView(view, display.Snippet, Security.CurrentUser.Id); } return(partialViewResult); }
public bool ValidatePartialViewMacro(PartialView partialView) { using (var scope = ScopeProvider.CreateScope(autoComplete: true)) { return(_partialViewMacroRepository.ValidatePartialView(partialView)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetDeleteModal(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } var user = await _context.Users.Where(x => x.RoleId != 3).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id.Equals(id)); if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(PartialView("_DeleteModal", (user.Name, user.Id, "Users"))); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the partial view that consisist of elements of type M that fullfil a condition provided by the argument <paramref name="selectionCriterium"/>. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="M">Type of the elements of the partial view.</typeparam> /// <param name="selectionCriterium">The selection criterium. If this function applied to an element returns <c>true</c>, this element is included into the partial view.</param> /// <param name="actionBeforeInsertion">Action that is called before elements are included into the partial view. Note that this action is executed only if items are directly added into the partial view, /// but it is not executed if items are indirectly included into the partial view by adding items that fullfil the selection criterium to the parent list.</param> /// <returns></returns> public IObservableList <M> CreatePartialViewOfType <M>(Func <M, bool> selectionCriterium, Action <M> actionBeforeInsertion) where M : T { var result = new PartialView <M>(this, x => (x is M) && selectionCriterium((M)x), actionBeforeInsertion); _partialViews.AddLast(new WeakReference(result)); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a partial view. A partial view is a view of the list of items of the original collection, that fulfill a certain condition. /// </summary> /// <param name="selectionCriterium"> /// The selection condition. /// If this function returns <c>true</c> on an item of the original collection, that item is member of the partial view. /// Note that during the lifetime of the partition, the behaviour of the selection criterion must not change. /// </param> /// <returns>List of items of the original collection, that fullfils the selection condition. The returned list is automatically updated, when the original collection changed or when /// the user changed the partial view itself.</returns> public IObservableList <T> CreatePartialView(Func <T, bool> selectionCriterium) { var result = new PartialView <T>(this, selectionCriterium); _partialViews.AddLast(new WeakReference(result)); return(result); }
public ActionResult Postdata(PartialView partialView) { var redirectUrl = new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action("Postdata", "Home", new { }); try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { entities.PartialViews.Add(partialView); entities.SaveChanges(); partialView.partialviewDBItems = entities.PartialViews.ToList(); //return RedirectToAction("Postdata"); // return View(partialView); //return Json(new { Url = redirectUrl }); } //return View(); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Url = redirectUrl, status = "Error" })); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return(Json(new { Url = redirectUrl, status = "OK" })); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the partial view that consists of all elements in the original collection that are of type M. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="M">Type of the elements of the partial view.</typeparam> /// <param name="actionBeforeInsertion">Action that is executed on an item before it is inserted.</param> /// <returns>View of all elements of type M of the original collection.</returns> public IObservableList <M> CreatePartialViewOfType <M>(Action <M> actionBeforeInsertion) where M : T { var result = new PartialView <M>(this, x => x is M, actionBeforeInsertion); _partialViews.AddLast(new WeakReference(result)); return(result); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetDeleteModal(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } var company = await _context.Companies.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id); if (company == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(PartialView("_DeleteModal", (company.Name, company.Id, "Companies"))); }
public bool ValidatePartialViewMacro(PartialView partialView) { using (var uow = UowProvider.GetUnitOfWork(readOnly: true)) { var repository = RepositoryFactory.CreatePartialViewMacroRepository(uow); return(repository.ValidatePartialView(partialView)); } }
public bool ValidatePartialViewMacro(PartialView partialView) { var uow = _dataUowProvider.GetUnitOfWork(); using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreatePartialViewMacroRepository(uow)) { return repository.ValidatePartialView(partialView); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetLokacijaAddEdit(int sifraGrada) { Lokacija lokacija; if (sifraGrada > 0) { lokacija = await _context.Lokacija.FirstAsync(g => g.SifraGrada == sifraGrada); } else { lokacija = new Lokacija(); } var drzave = await _context.Drzava.OrderBy(d => d.ImeDrzave).Select(d => new { d.ImeDrzave, d.SifraDrzave }).ToListAsync(); return(PartialView("LocationEditMaster", (Lokacija: lokacija, drzave: new SelectList(drzave, nameof(Drzava.SifraDrzave), nameof(Drzava.ImeDrzave))))); }
public ActionResult <CodeFileDisplay> PostCreate(string type, CodeFileDisplay display) { if (display == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("display"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", "type"); } IUser?currentUser = _backOfficeSecurityAccessor.BackOfficeSecurity?.CurrentUser; switch (type) { case Constants.Trees.PartialViews: var view = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, display.VirtualPath ?? string.Empty) { Content = display.Content, }; Attempt <IPartialView?> result = _fileService.CreatePartialView(view, display.Snippet, currentUser?.Id); if (result.Success) { return(Ok()); } return(ValidationProblem(result.Exception?.Message)); case Constants.Trees.PartialViewMacros: var viewMacro = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialViewMacro, display.VirtualPath ?? string.Empty) { Content = display.Content, }; Attempt <IPartialView?> resultMacro = _fileService.CreatePartialViewMacro(viewMacro, display.Snippet, currentUser?.Id); if (resultMacro.Success) { return(Ok()); } return(ValidationProblem(resultMacro.Exception?.Message)); case Constants.Trees.Scripts: var script = new Script(display.VirtualPath ?? string.Empty); _fileService.SaveScript(script, currentUser?.Id); return(Ok()); default: return(NotFound()); } }
// [HttpPost] // public ActionResult Cancel( //parameters here ) //{ // var redirectUrl = new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action("Index", "user", new { }); // try // { // // perform some action // } // catch (Exception) // { // return Json(new { Url = redirectUrl, status = "Error" }); // } // return Json(new { Url = redirectUrl, status = "OK" }); // } public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } PartialView partialView = entities.PartialViews.Find(id); if (partialView == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(partialView)); }
public ActionResult Postdata() { try { ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to my demo!"; PartialView partialView = new PartialView(); partialView.partialviewDBItems = entities.PartialViews.ToList(); return(View(partialView)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int?id) { try { PartialView partialView = entities.PartialViews.Find(id); entities.PartialViews.Remove(partialView); entities.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Postdata")); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult Details(int?id) { try { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } PartialView partialView = entities.PartialViews.Find(id); if (partialView == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(partialView)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public override bool PerformSave() { var pipesIndex = Alias.IndexOf("|||", StringComparison.Ordinal); var snippetName = Alias.Substring(0, pipesIndex).Trim(); var fileName = Alias.Substring(pipesIndex + 3, Alias.Length - pipesIndex - 3); if (fileName.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".cshtml") == false) { fileName += ".cshtml"; } var model = new PartialView(fileName); var fileService = (FileService)ApplicationContext.Current.Services.FileService; var macroService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.MacroService; if (IsPartialViewMacro == false) { var attempt = fileService.CreatePartialView(model, snippetName, User.Id); _returnUrl = string.Format("settings/views/EditView.aspx?treeType=partialViews&file={0}", model.Path.TrimStart('/')); return(attempt.Success); } else { var attempt = fileService.CreatePartialViewMacro(model, /*ParentID == 1,*/ snippetName, User.Id); // if ParentId = 0 then that means that the "Create macro" checkbox was OFF, so don't try to create an actual macro // See PartialViewMacro.ascx.cs and PartialView.ascx.cs: SubmitButton_Click if (attempt && ParentID != 0) { //The partial view path to be saved with the macro must be a fully qualified virtual path var virtualPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", SystemDirectories.MvcViews, "MacroPartials", attempt.Result.Path); macroService.Save(new Macro(attempt.Result.Alias, attempt.Result.Alias) { ScriptPath = virtualPath }); } _returnUrl = string.Format("settings/views/EditView.aspx?treeType=partialViewMacros&file={0}", model.Path.TrimStart('/')); return(attempt.Success); } }
public override IPartialView?Get(string?id) { if (FileSystem is null) { return(null); } // get the relative path within the filesystem // (though... id should be relative already) var path = FileSystem.GetRelativePath(id !); if (FileSystem.FileExists(path) == false) { return(null); } // content will be lazy-loaded when required DateTime created = FileSystem.GetCreated(path).UtcDateTime; DateTime updated = FileSystem.GetLastModified(path).UtcDateTime; // var content = GetFileContent(path); var view = new PartialView(ViewType, path, file => GetFileContent(file.OriginalPath)) { // id can be the hash Id = path.GetHashCode(), Key = path.EncodeAsGuid(), // Content = content, CreateDate = created, UpdateDate = updated, VirtualPath = FileSystem.GetUrl(id), }; // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946) view.ResetDirtyProperties(false); return(view); }
public ActionResult Edit(PartialView partialView)//[Bind(Include = "CustomerID,CustomerName,ContactMidName,PhoneNumber,EmailID,Password,ConfirmPassword")]Customer customer { var redirectUrl1 = new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action("Postdata", "Home", new { }); try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //PartialView partialView = new PartialView(); UpdateModel(partialView);//UpdateModel<Customer>(customers); entities.Entry(partialView).State = EntityState.Modified; entities.SaveChanges(); partialView.partialviewDBItems = entities.PartialViews.ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Url = redirectUrl1, status = "Error" })); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return(Json(new { Url = redirectUrl1, status = "OK" })); }
public void PathTests() { // unless noted otherwise, no changes / 7.2.8 var fileSystems = Mock.Of <IFileSystems>(); Mock.Get(fileSystems).Setup(x => x.PartialViewsFileSystem).Returns(_fileSystem); var provider = TestObjects.GetScopeProvider(Logger); using (var scope = provider.CreateScope()) { var repository = new PartialViewRepository(fileSystems); var partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "test-path-1.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.Save(partialView); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("test-path-1.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("test-path-1.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/test-path-1.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "path-2/test-path-2.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.Save(partialView); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("path-2/test-path-2.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.Path); // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 does not update the path Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2/test-path-2.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.Save(partialView); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("path-2/test-path-3.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2/test-path-3.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "\\test-path-4.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; Assert.Throws <UnauthorizedAccessException>(() => // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 used to strip the \ { repository.Save(partialView); }); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("missing.cshtml"); Assert.IsNull(partialView); // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 used to... Assert.Throws <UnauthorizedAccessException>(() => { partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("\\test-path-4.cshtml"); // outside the filesystem, does not exist }); Assert.Throws <UnauthorizedAccessException>(() => { partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("../../packages.config"); // outside the filesystem, exists }); } }
public ApplicationCanvas() { Width = DefaultWidth; Height = DefaultHeight; this.Background = Brushes.Blue; var left = new PartialView(Colors.Blue, true).AttachTo(this); var right = new PartialView(Colors.Green).AttachTo(this).MoveTo(DefaultWidth / 2, 0); this.InfoOverlay = new Canvas().AttachTo(this); this.About = new TextBox { BorderThickness = new Thickness(0), Background = Brushes.Transparent, Foreground = Brushes.Black, AcceptsReturn = true, Text = @"Windows Presentation Foundation Touch demo - Debuggable under .NET (fullscreen when maximized and touch events) - Adobe Flash 10.1 version via jsc No touch events in fullscreen Browser fullscreen feature shall be used instead Tested for IE, Firefox, Chrome - Javascript version for Firefox4 via jsc - Tested with 4 touch points on Dell Latitude XT - Galaxy S/ Galaxy Tab within browser have only 1 touchpoint - 2012.09 flash no longer available on android - multitouch seems to work in firefox/ flash (11.0) - multitouch seems to work in ie/flash (10.0) - p2p LAN no longer works? - Works on AIR for Android! :) 2013-03-05 - Works on AIR for iPad! :) 2014-03-01 " }.AttachTo(InfoOverlay).MoveTo(128, 32); var c1 = new cloud_mid().AttachTo(InfoOverlay); var c2 = new cloud_mid().AttachTo(InfoOverlay); this.TouchOverlay = new Canvas { }.AttachTo(this); //.SizeTo(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); var TouchArea = new Rectangle { Width = DefaultWidth, Height = DefaultHeight, Fill = Brushes.White, Opacity = 0 }.AttachTo(TouchOverlay); var t = TouchOverlay.ToTouchEvents( m => { // a new reusable finger introduced by the system! var Content = new Canvas(); new Avalon.Images.white_jsc().AttachTo(Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / -2, Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / -2 ); var CurrentTouchPoint = default(Tuple<double, double>); Func<Tuple<double, double>> GetTouchPoint = () => CurrentTouchPoint; m.TouchDown += e => { var p = e.GetTouchPoint(TouchOverlay).Position; CurrentTouchPoint = Tuple.Create(p.X, p.Y); Content.AttachTo(InfoOverlay); }; m.TouchUp += e => { CurrentTouchPoint = null; Content.Orphanize(); }; m.TouchMove += e => { var p = e.GetTouchPoint(TouchOverlay).Position; CurrentTouchPoint = Tuple.Create(p.X, p.Y); Content.MoveTo(e, TouchOverlay); }; // this is what will be visible for the rest. return new { Content, GetTouchPoint, }; } ); var touches = from k in t.Touches let p = k.GetTouchPoint() where p != null let x = p.Item1 let y = p.Item2 select new { x, y, touch = k }; var left_touch = from k in touches let x = k.x let y = k.y where x < 64 where y > Height - 64 select k; var RocketsPending = new Dictionary<object, Canvas>(); var buildmode_touches = from c in left_touch.Take(1) from k in touches where k.y < Height - 64 // um, this finger already seems to have a pending rocket... where !RocketsPending.ContainsKey(k.touch) select k; var RocketsPendingToUpdate = from c in touches where RocketsPending.ContainsKey(c.touch) let rocket = RocketsPending[c.touch] let Update = new Action(() => rocket.MoveTo(c.x, c.y)) select new { rocket, c, Update }; var __left_buildmode = false; #region NotifyBuildRocket this.NotifyBuildRocket = (x, y) => { #region create a pending rocket var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple var i = new Avalon.Images.rocket { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); // hold/build! //i.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.MoveTo(x, y); MultitouchExample.Sounds.launch.Source.PlaySound(); n.Content.AccelerateAndFade(); #endregion }; #endregion #region VisualizeTouch Action<double, double> VisualizeTouch = (x, y) => { var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple new Avalon.Images.white_jsc { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); n.Content.FadeOut(); n.Content.MoveTo(x, y); }; this.NotifyVisualizeTouch = VisualizeTouch; #endregion #region MouseLeftButtonUp TouchOverlay.MouseLeftButtonUp += (sender, args) => { // um this device has no finger support? // 2014! less tech? var p = args.GetPosition(TouchOverlay); var item = new { x = p.X, y = p.Y }; #region create a pending rocket var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple var rocket = new Avalon.Images.rocket { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); // hold/build! //i.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.MoveTo(item.x, item.y); #endregion MultitouchExample.Sounds.launch.Source.PlaySound(); rocket.Opacity = 1; rocket.AccelerateAndFade(); //RocketsPending.Remove(item.touch); if (AtNotifyBuildRocket != null) AtNotifyBuildRocket(item.x, item.y); }; #endregion (1000 / 15).AtInterval( delegate { #region visualize all touches foreach (var item in touches) { VisualizeTouch(item.x, item.y); if (this.AtNotifyVisualizeTouch != null) this.AtNotifyVisualizeTouch(item.x, item.y); } #endregion foreach (var item in from k in t.Touches where k.GetTouchPoint() == null where RocketsPending.ContainsKey(k) select new { rocket = RocketsPending[k], touch = k } ) { // finger was lifted and rocked should be launched // no sound in .net // and NO fingers in this laptop!!!! 2014 MultitouchExample.Sounds.launch.Source.PlaySound(); item.rocket.Opacity = 1; item.rocket.AccelerateAndFade(); RocketsPending.Remove(item.touch); if (AtNotifyBuildRocket != null) AtNotifyBuildRocket(Canvas.GetLeft(item.rocket), Canvas.GetTop(item.rocket)); } var left_buildmode = left_touch.Any(); if (left_buildmode) { if (!__left_buildmode) { MultitouchExample.Sounds.building.Source.PlaySound(); // sound: build mode engaged! } // all other touches in range are now build orders! foreach (var item in RocketsPendingToUpdate) { item.Update(); } #region build foreach (var item in buildmode_touches) { #region create a pending rocket var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple var i = new Avalon.Images.rocket { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); // hold/build! //i.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.MoveTo(item.x, item.y); #endregion RocketsPending[item.touch] = n.Content; //n.Content.AccelerateAndFade(); } #endregion left.buildmode_off.Hide(); left.buildmode_on.Show(); } else { left.buildmode_on.Hide(); left.buildmode_off.Show(); } __left_buildmode = left_buildmode; } ); #region SizeChanged Action SizeChanged = delegate { c1.MoveTo( (Width - c1.Width) / 2, 0); c2.MoveTo( (Width - c1.Width) / 2, Height / 2); left.SizeTo( Width / 2, Height ); right.MoveTo( Width / 2, 0).SizeTo( Width / 2, Height ); TouchArea.SizeTo(Width, Height); }; this.SizeChanged += (s, e) => { SizeChanged(); }; SizeChanged(); #endregion }
public void PathTests() { // unless noted otherwise, no changes / 7.2.8 var provider = new FileUnitOfWorkProvider(); var unitOfWork = provider.GetUnitOfWork(); var repository = new PartialViewRepository(unitOfWork, _fileSystem); var partialView = new PartialView("test-path-1.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.AddOrUpdate(partialView); unitOfWork.Commit(); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("test-path-1.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("test-path-1.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/test-path-1.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView("path-2/test-path-2.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.AddOrUpdate(partialView); unitOfWork.Commit(); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("path-2/test-path-2.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.Path); // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 does not update the path Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2/test-path-2.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.AddOrUpdate(partialView); unitOfWork.Commit(); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("path-2/test-path-3.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2/test-path-3.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView("\\test-path-4.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; Assert.Throws <FileSecurityException>(() => // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 used to strip the \ { repository.AddOrUpdate(partialView); }); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("missing.cshtml"); Assert.IsNull(partialView); // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 used to... Assert.Throws <FileSecurityException>(() => { partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("\\test-path-4.cshtml"); // outside the filesystem, does not exist }); Assert.Throws <FileSecurityException>(() => { partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("../../packages.config"); // outside the filesystem, exists }); }
public void PathTests() { // unless noted otherwise, no changes / 7.2.8 FileSystems fileSystems = FileSystemsCreator.CreateTestFileSystems(LoggerFactory, IOHelper, GetRequiredService <IOptions <GlobalSettings> >(), HostingEnvironment, null, _fileSystem, null, null, null); IScopeProvider provider = ScopeProvider; using (IScope scope = provider.CreateScope()) { var repository = new PartialViewRepository(fileSystems); var partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "test-path-1.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.Save(partialView); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("test-path-1.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("test-path-1.cshtml", partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/test-path-1.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "path-2/test-path-2.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.Save(partialView); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("path-2/test-path-2.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-2.cshtml".Replace("\\", $"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"), partialView.Path); // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 does not update the path Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2/test-path-2.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-2.cshtml".Replace("\\", $"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"), partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-2.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; repository.Save(partialView); Assert.IsTrue(_fileSystem.FileExists("path-2/test-path-3.cshtml")); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml".Replace("\\", $"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"), partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2/test-path-3.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml".Replace("\\", $"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"), partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml"); Assert.IsNotNull(partialView); Assert.AreEqual("path-2\\test-path-3.cshtml".Replace("\\", $"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"), partialView.Path); Assert.AreEqual("/Views/Partials/path-2/test-path-3.cshtml", partialView.VirtualPath); partialView = new PartialView(PartialViewType.PartialView, "\\test-path-4.cshtml") { Content = "// partialView" }; Assert.Throws <UnauthorizedAccessException>(() => // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 used to strip the \ repository.Save(partialView)); partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("missing.cshtml"); Assert.IsNull(partialView); // fixed in 7.3 - 7.2.8 used to... Assert.Throws <UnauthorizedAccessException>(() => partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("\\test-path-4.cshtml")); Assert.Throws <UnauthorizedAccessException>(() => partialView = (PartialView)repository.Get("../../packages.config")); } }
public ApplicationCanvas() { Width = DefaultWidth; Height = DefaultHeight; this.Background = Brushes.Blue; var left = new PartialView(Colors.Blue, true).AttachTo(this); var right = new PartialView(Colors.Green).AttachTo(this).MoveTo(DefaultWidth / 2, 0); this.InfoOverlay = new Canvas().AttachTo(this); this.About = new TextBox { BorderThickness = new Thickness(0), Background = Brushes.Transparent, Foreground = Brushes.Black, AcceptsReturn = true, Text = @"Windows Presentation Foundation Touch demo - Debuggable under .NET (fullscreen when maximized and touch events) - Adobe Flash 10.1 version via jsc No touch events in fullscreen Browser fullscreen feature shall be used instead Tested for IE, Firefox, Chrome - Javascript version for Firefox4 via jsc - Tested with 4 touch points on Dell Latitude XT - Galaxy S/ Galaxy Tab within browser have only 1 touchpoint - 2012.09 flash no longer available on android - multitouch seems to work in firefox/ flash (11.0) - multitouch seems to work in ie/flash (10.0) - p2p LAN no longer works? - Works on AIR for Android! :) 2013-03-05 - Works on AIR for iPad! :) 2014-03-01 " }.AttachTo(InfoOverlay).MoveTo(128, 32); var c1 = new cloud_mid().AttachTo(InfoOverlay); var c2 = new cloud_mid().AttachTo(InfoOverlay); this.TouchOverlay = new Canvas { }.AttachTo(this); //.SizeTo(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); var TouchArea = new Rectangle { Width = DefaultWidth, Height = DefaultHeight, Fill = Brushes.White, Opacity = 0 }.AttachTo(TouchOverlay); var t = TouchOverlay.ToTouchEvents( m => { // a new reusable finger introduced by the system! var Content = new Canvas(); new Avalon.Images.white_jsc().AttachTo(Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / -2, Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / -2 ); var CurrentTouchPoint = default(Tuple <double, double>); Func <Tuple <double, double> > GetTouchPoint = () => CurrentTouchPoint; m.TouchDown += e => { var p = e.GetTouchPoint(TouchOverlay).Position; CurrentTouchPoint = Tuple.Create(p.X, p.Y); Content.AttachTo(InfoOverlay); }; m.TouchUp += e => { CurrentTouchPoint = null; Content.Orphanize(); }; m.TouchMove += e => { var p = e.GetTouchPoint(TouchOverlay).Position; CurrentTouchPoint = Tuple.Create(p.X, p.Y); Content.MoveTo(e, TouchOverlay); }; // this is what will be visible for the rest. return(new { Content, GetTouchPoint, }); } ); var touches = from k in t.Touches let p = k.GetTouchPoint() where p != null let x = p.Item1 let y = p.Item2 select new { x, y, touch = k }; var left_touch = from k in touches let x = k.x let y = k.y where x <64 where y> Height - 64 select k; var RocketsPending = new Dictionary <object, Canvas>(); var buildmode_touches = from c in left_touch.Take(1) from k in touches where k.y < Height - 64 // um, this finger already seems to have a pending rocket... where !RocketsPending.ContainsKey(k.touch) select k; var RocketsPendingToUpdate = from c in touches where RocketsPending.ContainsKey(c.touch) let rocket = RocketsPending[c.touch] let Update = new Action(() => rocket.MoveTo(c.x, c.y)) select new { rocket, c, Update }; var __left_buildmode = false; #region NotifyBuildRocket this.NotifyBuildRocket = (x, y) => { #region create a pending rocket var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple var i = new Avalon.Images.rocket { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); // hold/build! //i.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.MoveTo(x, y); MultitouchExample.Sounds.launch.Source.PlaySound(); n.Content.AccelerateAndFade(); #endregion }; #endregion #region VisualizeTouch Action <double, double> VisualizeTouch = (x, y) => { var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple new Avalon.Images.white_jsc { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.white_jsc.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); n.Content.FadeOut(); n.Content.MoveTo(x, y); }; this.NotifyVisualizeTouch = VisualizeTouch; #endregion #region MouseLeftButtonUp TouchOverlay.MouseLeftButtonUp += (sender, args) => { // um this device has no finger support? // 2014! less tech? var p = args.GetPosition(TouchOverlay); var item = new { x = p.X, y = p.Y }; #region create a pending rocket var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple var rocket = new Avalon.Images.rocket { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); // hold/build! //i.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.MoveTo(item.x, item.y); #endregion MultitouchExample.Sounds.launch.Source.PlaySound(); rocket.Opacity = 1; rocket.AccelerateAndFade(); //RocketsPending.Remove(item.touch); if (AtNotifyBuildRocket != null) { AtNotifyBuildRocket(item.x, item.y); } }; #endregion (1000 / 15).AtInterval( delegate { #region visualize all touches foreach (var item in touches) { VisualizeTouch(item.x, item.y); if (this.AtNotifyVisualizeTouch != null) { this.AtNotifyVisualizeTouch(item.x, item.y); } } #endregion foreach (var item in from k in t.Touches where k.GetTouchPoint() == null where RocketsPending.ContainsKey(k) select new { rocket = RocketsPending[k], touch = k } ) { // finger was lifted and rocked should be launched // no sound in .net // and NO fingers in this laptop!!!! 2014 MultitouchExample.Sounds.launch.Source.PlaySound(); item.rocket.Opacity = 1; item.rocket.AccelerateAndFade(); RocketsPending.Remove(item.touch); if (AtNotifyBuildRocket != null) { AtNotifyBuildRocket(Canvas.GetLeft(item.rocket), Canvas.GetTop(item.rocket)); } } var left_buildmode = left_touch.Any(); if (left_buildmode) { if (!__left_buildmode) { MultitouchExample.Sounds.building.Source.PlaySound(); // sound: build mode engaged! } // all other touches in range are now build orders! foreach (var item in RocketsPendingToUpdate) { item.Update(); } #region build foreach (var item in buildmode_touches) { #region create a pending rocket var n = new { Content = new Canvas().AttachTo(InfoOverlay) }; //Tuple var i = new Avalon.Images.rocket { }.AttachTo(n.Content).MoveTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / -4, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / -4 ).SizeTo( Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultWidth / 2, Avalon.Images.rocket.ImageDefaultHeight / 2 ); // hold/build! //i.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.Opacity = 0.5; n.Content.MoveTo(item.x, item.y); #endregion RocketsPending[item.touch] = n.Content; //n.Content.AccelerateAndFade(); } #endregion left.buildmode_off.Hide(); left.buildmode_on.Show(); } else { left.buildmode_on.Hide(); left.buildmode_off.Show(); } __left_buildmode = left_buildmode; } ); #region SizeChanged Action SizeChanged = delegate { c1.MoveTo( (Width - c1.Width) / 2, 0); c2.MoveTo( (Width - c1.Width) / 2, Height / 2); left.SizeTo( Width / 2, Height ); right.MoveTo( Width / 2, 0).SizeTo( Width / 2, Height ); TouchArea.SizeTo(Width, Height); }; this.SizeChanged += (s, e) => { SizeChanged(); }; SizeChanged(); #endregion }