コード例 #1
        public override bool Compile(out int blockId, ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock parentBlock, ProtoCore.LanguageCodeBlock langBlock, ProtoCore.CompileTime.Context callContext, ProtoCore.DebugServices.EventSink sink = null, ProtoCore.AST.Node codeBlockNode = null, ProtoCore.AssociativeGraph.GraphNode graphNode = null)
            Validity.Assert(langBlock != null);
            blockId = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex;

            bool buildSucceeded  = false;
            bool isLangSignValid = core.Langverify.Verify(langBlock);

            if (isLangSignValid)
                    ProtoCore.CodeGen oldCodegen = core.assocCodegen;

                    if (ProtoCore.DSASM.InterpreterMode.kNormal == core.ExecMode)
                        if ((core.IsParsingPreloadedAssembly || core.IsParsingCodeBlockNode) && parentBlock == null)
                            if (core.CodeBlockList.Count == 0)
                                core.assocCodegen = new ProtoAssociative.CodeGen(core, callContext, parentBlock);
                                // We reuse the existing toplevel CodeBlockList's for the procedureTable's
                                // by calling this overloaded constructor - pratapa
                                core.assocCodegen = new ProtoAssociative.CodeGen(core);
                            core.assocCodegen = new ProtoAssociative.CodeGen(core, callContext, parentBlock);

                    if (null != core.AssocNode)
                        ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode cnode = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode();
                        cnode.Body.Add(core.AssocNode as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode);

                        core.assocCodegen.context = callContext;

                        blockId = core.assocCodegen.Emit((cnode as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode), graphNode);
                        //if not null, Compile has been called from DfsTraverse. No parsing is needed.
                        if (codeBlockNode == null)
                            var p = ParserUtils.CreateParser(langBlock.body, core);

                            // TODO Jun: Set this flag inside a persistent object
                            core.builtInsLoaded = true;

                            codeBlockNode = p.root;

                            //core.AstNodeList = p.GetParsedASTList(codeBlockNode as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode);
                            List <ProtoCore.AST.Node> astNodes = ProtoCore.Utils.ParserUtils.GetAstNodes(codeBlockNode);
                            core.AstNodeList = astNodes;
                            if (!core.builtInsLoaded)
                                // Load the built-in methods manually
                                ProtoCore.Utils.CoreUtils.InsertPredefinedAndBuiltinMethods(core, codeBlockNode, false);
                                core.builtInsLoaded = true;

                        core.assocCodegen.context = callContext;

                        //Temporarily change the code block for code gen to the current block, in the case it is an imperative block
                        //CodeGen for ProtoImperative is modified to passing in the core object.
                        ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock oldCodeBlock = core.assocCodegen.codeBlock;
                        if (core.ExecMode == ProtoCore.DSASM.InterpreterMode.kExpressionInterpreter)
                            int tempBlockId = core.GetCurrentBlockId();

                            ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlock tempCodeBlock = core.GetCodeBlock(core.CodeBlockList, tempBlockId);
                            while (null != tempCodeBlock && tempCodeBlock.blockType != ProtoCore.DSASM.CodeBlockType.kLanguage)
                                tempCodeBlock = tempCodeBlock.parent;
                            core.assocCodegen.codeBlock = tempCodeBlock;
                        core.assocCodegen.codeBlock.EventSink = sink;
                        if (core.BuildStatus.ErrorCount == 0) //if there is syntax error, no build needed
                            blockId = core.assocCodegen.Emit((codeBlockNode as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode), graphNode);
                        if (core.ExecMode == ProtoCore.DSASM.InterpreterMode.kExpressionInterpreter)
                            blockId = core.assocCodegen.codeBlock.codeBlockId;
                            //Restore the code block.
                            core.assocCodegen.codeBlock = oldCodeBlock;

                    // @keyu: we have to restore asscoCodegen here. It may be
                    // reused later on. Suppose for an inline expression
                    // "x = 1 == 2 ? 3 : 4", we dynamically create assocCodegen
                    // to compile true and false expression in this inline
                    // expression, and if we don't restore assocCodegen, the pc
                    // is totally messed up.
                    // But if directly replace with old assocCodegen, will it
                    // replace some other useful information? Need to revisit it.
                    // Also refer to defect IDE-2120.
                    if (oldCodegen != null && core.assocCodegen != oldCodegen)
                        core.assocCodegen = oldCodegen;
                catch (ProtoCore.BuildHaltException)

                buildSucceeded = core.BuildStatus.BuildSucceeded;
