protected override void DrawCall(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ParentNode parentNode) { for (int y = 0; y < this.LadderHeight; y++) { base.DrawCall(spriteBatch, parentNode); parentNode.Position.Y += this.Texture.Height; } }
public static ListNode GetParent(ParentNode<Keywords> node) { var res = node.Parent as ListNode; if (res != null) return res; var tree = node.Parent; return (ListNode)tree.Parent; }
public void ChildReferencingParentTest() { ParentNode parent = new ParentNode(); ChildNode child = new ChildNode(); parent.Children.Add(child); Assert.AreSame(parent, child.Parent); parent.Children.Remove(child); Assert.IsNull(child.Parent); }
public void EnterTo(ListNode node, ParentNode<Keywords> tree = null) { if (tree != null) { tree.Parent = _currentNode; node.Parent = tree; } else { node.Parent = _currentNode; _currentNode.Childs.Add(node); } _currentNode = node; }
protected override void DrawCall(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ParentNode parentNode) { parentNode.Position.X *= this.ScrollFactor.X; parentNode.Position.Y *= this.ScrollFactor.Y; spriteBatch.Draw( this.Emitter.Data.BaseTexture, parentNode.Position, this.SourceRectangle, this.Color * parentNode.Alpha, this.Rotation, this.Origin, this.Scale, this.SpriteEffects, Node.GetDrawDepth(this.Depth)); }
public void ChildReferencingParentTest() { ParentNode parent = new ParentNode(); ChildNode child1 = new ChildNode(); ChildNode child2 = new ChildNode(); parent.AdoptedChildren.Add(child1); parent.AdoptedChildren.Add(child2); Assert.AreSame(parent, child1.Parent); Assert.AreSame(parent, child2.Parent); Assert.AreSame(child1, parent.AdoptedChildren[0]); Assert.AreSame(child2, parent.AdoptedChildren[1]); parent.AdoptedChildren.Remove(child1); Assert.IsNull(child1.Parent); Assert.AreSame(parent, child2.Parent); }
public override void ExecuteForward() { ParentNode node = UIUtils.GetNode( m_nodeId ): if ( node != null ) node.Vec2Position = m_nodeFinalPos: }
public void Destroy() { m_additionalPragmas.Clear(); m_additionalPragmas = null; m_currentOwner = null; }
public IEnumerable <PackageDependencyNode> GetProjectPackageReferencesAsDependencyNodes() { return(ParentNode.GetProjectPackageReferencesAsDependencyNodes()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(Depth ^ (Move == null ? 0 : Move.GetHashCode()) ^ (ParentNode == null ? 0 : ParentNode.GetHashCode())); }
private SendToGump( int page, Mobile from, LocationTree tree, ParentNode node ) : base( 50, 50 ) { from.CloseGump( typeof( SendToGump ) ); tree.LastBranch[from] = node; m_Page = page; m_Tree = tree; m_Node = node; int x = BorderSize + OffsetSize; int y = BorderSize + OffsetSize; int count = node.Children.Length - (page * EntryCount); if ( count < 0 ) count = 0; else if ( count > EntryCount ) count = EntryCount; int totalHeight = OffsetSize + ((EntryHeight + OffsetSize) * (count + 1)); AddPage( 0 ); AddBackground( 0, 0, BackWidth, BorderSize + totalHeight + BorderSize, BackGumpID ); AddImageTiled( BorderSize, BorderSize, TotalWidth - (OldStyle ? SetWidth + OffsetSize : 0), totalHeight, OffsetGumpID ); if ( OldStyle ) AddImageTiled( x, y, TotalWidth - (OffsetSize * 3) - SetWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID ); else AddImageTiled( x, y, PrevWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID ); if ( node.Parent != null ) { AddButton( x + PrevOffsetX, y + PrevOffsetY, PrevButtonID1, PrevButtonID2, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); if ( PrevLabel ) AddLabel( x + PrevLabelOffsetX, y + PrevLabelOffsetY, TextHue, "Previous" ); } x += PrevWidth + OffsetSize; int emptyWidth = TotalWidth - (PrevWidth * 2) - NextWidth - (OffsetSize * 5) - (OldStyle ? SetWidth + OffsetSize : 0); if ( !OldStyle ) AddImageTiled( x - (OldStyle ? OffsetSize : 0), y, emptyWidth + (OldStyle ? OffsetSize * 2 : 0), EntryHeight, EntryGumpID ); AddHtml( x + TextOffsetX, y, emptyWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, String.Format( "<center>{0}</center>", node.Name ), false, false ); x += emptyWidth + OffsetSize; if ( OldStyle ) AddImageTiled( x, y, TotalWidth - (OffsetSize * 3) - SetWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID ); else AddImageTiled( x, y, PrevWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID ); if ( page > 0 ) { AddButton( x + PrevOffsetX, y + PrevOffsetY, PrevButtonID1, PrevButtonID2, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); if ( PrevLabel ) AddLabel( x + PrevLabelOffsetX, y + PrevLabelOffsetY, TextHue, "Previous" ); } x += PrevWidth + OffsetSize; if ( !OldStyle ) AddImageTiled( x, y, NextWidth, EntryHeight, HeaderGumpID ); if ( (page + 1) * EntryCount < node.Children.Length ) { AddButton( x + NextOffsetX, y + NextOffsetY, NextButtonID1, NextButtonID2, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 1 ); if ( NextLabel ) AddLabel( x + NextLabelOffsetX, y + NextLabelOffsetY, TextHue, "Next" ); } for ( int i = 0, index = page * EntryCount; i < EntryCount && index < node.Children.Length; ++i, ++index ) { x = BorderSize + OffsetSize; y += EntryHeight + OffsetSize; object child = node.Children[index]; string name = ""; if ( child is ParentNode ) name = ((ParentNode)child).Name; else if ( child is ChildNode ) name = ((ChildNode)child).Name; AddImageTiled( x, y, EntryWidth, EntryHeight, EntryGumpID ); AddLabelCropped( x + TextOffsetX, y, EntryWidth - TextOffsetX, EntryHeight, TextHue, name ); x += EntryWidth + OffsetSize; if ( SetGumpID != 0 ) AddImageTiled( x, y, SetWidth, EntryHeight, SetGumpID ); AddButton( x + SetOffsetX, y + SetOffsetY, SetButtonID1, SetButtonID2, index + 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); } }
public LocationTree(string filePath) { m_FilePath = filePath; XmlTextReader xml = new XmlTextReader(new FileStream(m_FilePath, FileMode.Open)); xml.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None; m_Root = Parse(xml); xml.Close(); }
public LocationTree() { m_Root = new ParentNode(null, "Locations"); }
void BuildTreeChildren (Gtk.TreeStore store, Gtk.TreeIter parent, ParentNode p, IList<Block> blocks) { foreach (Node node in p) { if (!(node is TagNode)) { var startLoc = new TextLocation (node.Location.BeginLine, node.Location.BeginColumn); var endLoc = new TextLocation (node.Location.EndLine, node.Location.EndColumn); var doc = defaultDocument.Editor.Document; var blocksBetween = blocks.Where (n => n.Start.AbsoluteIndex >= doc.GetOffset (startLoc) && n.Start.AbsoluteIndex <= doc.GetOffset (endLoc)); foreach (var block in blocksBetween) { var outlineNode = new OutlineNode (block) { Location = new DomRegion (doc.OffsetToLocation (block.Start.AbsoluteIndex), doc.OffsetToLocation (block.Start.AbsoluteIndex + block.Length)) }; if (!parent.Equals (Gtk.TreeIter.Zero)) store.AppendValues (parent, outlineNode); else store.AppendValues (outlineNode); } continue; } Gtk.TreeIter childIter; if (!parent.Equals (Gtk.TreeIter.Zero)) childIter = store.AppendValues (parent, new OutlineNode(node as TagNode)); else childIter = store.AppendValues (new OutlineNode(node as TagNode)); ParentNode pChild = node as ParentNode; if (pChild != null) BuildTreeChildren (store, childIter, pChild, blocks); } }
public virtual void Leave (ParentNode node) { }
public DestroyNodeActionData( ParentNode node ) { m_nodeId = node.UniqueId: m_nodePos = node.Vec2Position: m_nodeType = node.GetType(): }
public ParentNode(ParentNode parent, string name = "empty") : this(parent, name, Color.FromArgb(0x08, 0x08, 0x08)) { }
public virtual void Draw(ParentNode owner) { }
public ParentNode(ParentNode parent, string name, Color color) { m_Parent = parent; m_Children = new object[0]; m_Name = name; m_Color = color; }
public bool Draw(Rect parentPosition, ParentNode selectedNode, Vector2 mousePosition, int mouseButtonId, bool hasKeyboardFocus) { bool changeCheck = false; base.Draw(parentPosition, mousePosition, mouseButtonId, hasKeyboardFocus); if (m_nodePropertiesStyle == null) { m_nodePropertiesStyle = UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.NodePropertiesTitle); m_nodePropertiesStyle.normal.textColor = = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(1f, 1f, 1f) : new Color(0f, 0f, 0f); } if (m_isMaximized) { KeyCode key = Event.current.keyCode; if (m_isMouseInside || hasKeyboardFocus) { if (key == ShortcutsManager.ScrollUpKey) { m_currentScrollPos.y -= 10; if (m_currentScrollPos.y < 0) { m_currentScrollPos.y = 0; } Event.current.Use(); } if (key == ShortcutsManager.ScrollDownKey) { m_currentScrollPos.y += 10; Event.current.Use(); } } if (m_forceUpdate) { if (m_propertyReordableList != null) { m_propertyReordableList.ReleaseKeyboardFocus(); } m_propertyReordableList = null; if (m_functionInputsReordableList != null) { m_functionInputsReordableList.ReleaseKeyboardFocus(); } m_functionInputsReordableList = null; if (m_functionSwitchesReordableList != null) { m_functionSwitchesReordableList.ReleaseKeyboardFocus(); } m_functionSwitchesReordableList = null; if (m_functionOutputsReordableList != null) { m_functionOutputsReordableList.ReleaseKeyboardFocus(); } m_functionOutputsReordableList = null; m_forceUpdate = false; } GUILayout.BeginArea(m_transformedArea, m_content, m_style); { //Draw selected node parameters if (selectedNode != null) { // this hack is need because without it the several FloatFields/Textfields/... would show wrong values ( different from the ones they were assigned to show ) if (m_lastSelectedNode != selectedNode.UniqueId) { m_lastSelectedNode = selectedNode.UniqueId; GUI.FocusControl(""); } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { EditorGUILayout.Separator(); if (selectedNode.UniqueId == ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentMasterNodeId) { m_dummyContent.text = "Output Node"; } else { if (selectedNode.Attributes != null) { m_dummyContent.text = selectedNode.Attributes.Name; } else if (selectedNode is CommentaryNode) { m_dummyContent.text = "Commentary"; } else { m_dummyContent.text = TitleStr; } } EditorGUILayout.LabelField(m_dummyContent, m_nodePropertiesStyle); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); //UIUtils.RecordObject( selectedNode , "Changing properties on node " + selectedNode.UniqueId); m_currentScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_currentScrollPos, GUILayout.Width(0), GUILayout.Height(0)); float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; if (selectedNode.TextLabelWidth > 0) { EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = selectedNode.TextLabelWidth; } changeCheck = selectedNode.SafeDrawProperties(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth; EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if (changeCheck) { if (selectedNode.ConnStatus == NodeConnectionStatus.Connected) { ParentWindow.SetSaveIsDirty(); } } } else { //Draw Graph Params EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { EditorGUILayout.Separator(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Graph Properties", m_nodePropertiesStyle); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); m_currentScrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_currentScrollPos, GUILayout.Width(0), GUILayout.Height(0)); float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 90; bool generalIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedGeneralShaderOptions; NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup(ref generalIsVisible, " General", DrawGeneralFunction); m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedGeneralShaderOptions = generalIsVisible; AmplifyShaderFunction function = ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentShaderFunction; if (function != null) { //function.AdditionalIncludes.Draw( ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode ); //function.AdditionalPragmas.Draw( ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode ); function.AdditionalDirectives.Draw(ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentOutputNode); } bool inputIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionInputs; NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup(ref inputIsVisible, " Function Inputs", DrawFunctionInputs); m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionInputs = inputIsVisible; bool swicthIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionSwitches; NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup(ref swicthIsVisible, " Function Switches", DrawFunctionSwitches); m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionSwitches = swicthIsVisible; bool outputIsVisible = m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionOutputs; NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup(ref outputIsVisible, " Function Outputs", DrawFunctionOutputs); m_parentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedFunctionOutputs = outputIsVisible; bool properties = ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties; NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup(ref properties, " Material Properties", DrawFunctionProperties); ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedProperties = properties; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth; EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } } // Close window area GUILayout.EndArea(); } PostDraw(); return(changeCheck); }
public ParentNode(XmlTextReader xml, ParentNode parent) { m_Parent = parent; Parse(xml); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void OnDebugDraw(ViewportDebugDrawData data) { ParentNode.OnDebugDraw(data); data.HighlightBrushSurface(Brush.Surfaces[Index]); }
private void addGroupToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ParentNode node = null; if (locationsTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag is ParentNode) node = (locationsTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag as ParentNode).Parent; if (locationsTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag is ChildNode) node = (locationsTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag as ChildNode).Parent; int index = locationsTreeView.SelectedNode.Index; object[] children = node.Children; Array.Resize<object>(ref children, node.Children.Length + 1); Array.Copy(node.Children, index, children, index + 1, node.Children.Length - index); node.Children = children; ParentNode newnode = new ParentNode(node); node.Children[index] = newnode; locationsTreeView.BeginUpdate(); TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(); treeNode.Text = newnode.Name; treeNode.ForeColor = newnode.Color; treeNode.Tag = newnode; locationsTreeView.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes.Insert(index, treeNode); locationsTreeView.EndUpdate(); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ParentNode parentNode) { // we need to pass a zero vector to the draw call, because the particle engine always is at 0,0 parentNode.Position = Vector2.Zero; base.Draw(spriteBatch, parentNode); }
public override void Draw(ParentNode owner) { bool blendModeIsVisible = EditorVariablesManager.ExpandedBlendModeModule.Value; NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup(ref blendModeIsVisible, BlendModeStr, () => { if (m_blendModeEnabled) { // RGB EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_currentRGBIndex = owner.EditorGUILayoutPopup(BlendModesRGBStr, m_currentRGBIndex, m_commonBlendTypesArr); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (m_currentRGBIndex > 1) { m_sourceFactorRGB = m_commonBlendTypes[m_currentRGBIndex].SourceFactor; m_destFactorRGB = m_commonBlendTypes[m_currentRGBIndex].DestFactor; } } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(m_currentRGBIndex == 0); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float cached = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 40; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); m_sourceFactorRGB = (AvailableBlendFactor)owner.EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup(SourceFactorStr, m_sourceFactorRGB); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 25; m_destFactorRGB = (AvailableBlendFactor)owner.EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup(DstFactorStr, m_destFactorRGB); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = cached; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { CheckRGBIndex(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); // Alpha EditorGUILayout.Separator(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_currentAlphaIndex = owner.EditorGUILayoutPopup(BlendModesAlphaStr, m_currentAlphaIndex, m_commonBlendTypesArr); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (m_currentAlphaIndex > 0) { m_sourceFactorAlpha = m_commonBlendTypes[m_currentAlphaIndex].SourceFactor; m_destFactorAlpha = m_commonBlendTypes[m_currentAlphaIndex].DestFactor; } } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(m_currentAlphaIndex == 0); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); cached = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 40; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); m_sourceFactorAlpha = (AvailableBlendFactor)owner.EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup(SourceFactorStr, m_sourceFactorAlpha); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 25; m_destFactorAlpha = (AvailableBlendFactor)owner.EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup(DstFactorStr, m_destFactorAlpha); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = cached; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { CheckAlphaIndex(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); } if (m_blendOpEnabled) { m_blendOpRGB = (AvailableBlendOps)owner.EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup(BlendOpsRGBStr, m_blendOpRGB); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); m_blendOpAlpha = (AvailableBlendOps)owner.EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup(BlendOpsAlphaStr, m_blendOpAlpha); } }); EditorVariablesManager.ExpandedBlendModeModule.Value = blendModeIsVisible; }
public void Update() { if (m_takingShots) { m_window.Focus(); switch (m_screenShotState) { case DebugNodeState.CreateNode: { m_node = m_window.CreateNode(m_screenshotList[0].NodeType,, null, false); m_screenShotState = DebugNodeState.FocusOnNode; } break; case DebugNodeState.FocusOnNode: { m_window.FocusOnNode(m_node, 1, false); m_screenShotState = DebugNodeState.TakeScreenshot; } break; case DebugNodeState.TakeScreenshot: { if (m_screenshotRT != null && Event.current.type == EventType.repaint) { m_screenshotTex2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, m_screenshotRT.width, m_screenshotRT.height), 0, 0); m_screenshotTex2D.Apply(); byte[] bytes = m_screenshotTex2D.EncodeToPNG(); string pictureFilename = UIUtils.ReplaceInvalidStrings(m_screenshotList[0].Name); pictureFilename = UIUtils.RemoveInvalidCharacters(pictureFilename); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(m_pathname + pictureFilename + ".png", bytes); m_screenShotState = DebugNodeState.WaitFrame; } } break; case DebugNodeState.WaitFrame: { Debug.Log("Wait Frame"); m_screenShotState = DebugNodeState.DeleteNode; } break; case DebugNodeState.DeleteNode: { m_window.DestroyNode(m_node); m_screenshotList.RemoveAt(0); m_takingShots = m_screenshotList.Count > 0; Debug.Log("Destroy Node " + m_screenshotList.Count); if (m_takingShots) { m_screenShotState = DebugNodeState.CreateNode; } else { = null; m_screenshotRT.Release(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(m_screenshotRT); m_screenshotRT = null; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(m_screenshotTex2D); m_screenshotTex2D = null; } } break; } ; } }
public ParentInfo(ParentNode node, DPath path, IExternalControl data) : base(node, path, data) { }
public void VisitNode(JSUnaryOperatorExpression uoe) { var type = uoe.Expression.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var isIntegral = TypeUtil.Is32BitIntegral(type); if (isIntegral && (uoe.Operator is JSUnaryMutationOperator)) { if ( (uoe.Operator == JSOperator.PreIncrement) || (uoe.Operator == JSOperator.PreDecrement) ) { var assignment = MakeUnaryMutation( uoe.Expression, (uoe.Operator == JSOperator.PreDecrement) ? JSOperator.Subtract : JSOperator.Add, type ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(uoe, assignment); VisitReplacement(assignment); return; } else if ( (uoe.Operator == JSOperator.PostIncrement) || (uoe.Operator == JSOperator.PostDecrement) ) { // FIXME: Terrible hack var tempVariable = TemporaryVariable.ForFunction( Stack.Last() as JSFunctionExpression, type ); var makeTempCopy = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Assignment, tempVariable, uoe.Expression, type ); var assignment = MakeUnaryMutation( uoe.Expression, (uoe.Operator == JSOperator.PostDecrement) ? JSOperator.Subtract : JSOperator.Add, type ); var comma = new JSCommaExpression( makeTempCopy, assignment, tempVariable ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(uoe, comma); VisitReplacement(comma); return; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Unary mutation not supported: " + uoe); } } VisitChildren(uoe); }
public override void Leave (ParentNode node) { indent--; }
public void Destroy() { m_availableTags.Clear(); m_availableTags = null; m_currentOwner = null; }
public void VisitNode(JSBinaryOperatorExpression boe) { var leftType = boe.Left.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var leftIsEnum = IsEnumOrNullableEnum(leftType); var rightType = boe.Right.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var rightIsEnum = IsEnumOrNullableEnum(rightType); var resultType = boe.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var resultIsEnum = IsEnumOrNullableEnum(resultType); var eitherIsEnum = leftIsEnum || rightIsEnum; var assignmentOperator = boe.Operator as JSAssignmentOperator; JSBinaryOperator replacementOperator; JSBinaryOperatorExpression replacement; if (LogicalOperators.Contains(boe.Operator)) { if (eitherIsEnum) { if (leftIsEnum) { var cast = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod( JS.valueOf(TypeSystem.Int32), boe.Left, null, true ); boe.ReplaceChild(boe.Left, cast); } if (rightIsEnum) { var cast = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod( JS.valueOf(TypeSystem.Int32), boe.Right, null, true ); boe.ReplaceChild(boe.Right, cast); } } } else if (BitwiseOperators.Contains(boe.Operator)) { var parentCast = ParentNode as JSCastExpression; var parentReinterpret = Stack.Skip(2).FirstOrDefault() as JSChangeTypeExpression; if (resultIsEnum && ((parentCast == null) || (parentCast.NewType != resultType)) && ((parentReinterpret == null) || (parentReinterpret.NewType != resultType)) ) { var cast = CastToEnumType(boe, resultType); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(boe, cast); VisitReplacement(cast); } } else if ( leftIsEnum && ((replacement = DeconstructMutationAssignment(boe, TypeSystem, TypeSystem.Int32)) != null) ) { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(boe, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } VisitChildren(boe); }
public override void ShowUnreadableDataMessage( ParentNode owner ) { bool foldoutValue = owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedDepth: NodeUtils.DrawPropertyGroup( ref foldoutValue, ZBufferOpHelper.DepthParametersStr, base.ShowUnreadableDataMessage ): owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.ExpandedDepth = foldoutValue: }
public void VisitNode(JSInvocationExpression invocation) { FunctionAnalysis2ndPass sa = null; if (invocation.JSMethod != null) { sa = GetSecondPass(invocation.JSMethod); } CloneArgumentsIfNecessary(invocation.Parameters, invocation.Arguments, sa); var thisReference = invocation.ThisReference; if ( (thisReference != null) && (sa != null) && !(ParentNode is JSCommaExpression) && !(thisReference is JSStructCopyExpression) && !( (ParentNode is JSResultReferenceExpression) && Stack.OfType <JSCommaExpression>().Any() ) && ( sa.ViolatesThisReferenceImmutability || sa.ModifiedVariables.Contains("this") || sa.EscapingVariables.Contains("this") ) ) { // The method we're calling violates immutability so we need to clone the this-reference // before we call it. var thisReferenceType = thisReference.GetActualType(TypeSystem); if (TypeUtil.IsStruct(thisReferenceType) && !TypeUtil.IsStructImmutable(thisReferenceType)) { if ((thisReference is JSVariable) || (thisReference is JSFieldAccess)) { var rre = ParentNode as JSResultReferenceExpression; var cloneExpr = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Assignment, thisReference, new JSStructCopyExpression(thisReference), thisReferenceType ); var commaExpression = new JSCommaExpression( cloneExpr, (rre != null) ? (JSExpression) new JSResultReferenceExpression(invocation) : (JSExpression)invocation ); if (rre != null) { ResultReferenceReplacement = commaExpression; } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(invocation, commaExpression); VisitReplacement(commaExpression); } } else { invocation.ReplaceChild(thisReference, new JSStructCopyExpression(thisReference)); VisitChildren(invocation); } return; } } VisitChildren(invocation); }
public override void ExecuteReverse() { ParentNode node = UIUtils.GetNode( m_nodeId ): if ( node != null ) node.Vec2Position = m_nodeInitalPos: }
public void VisitNode(JSInvocationExpression ie) { var type = ie.JSType; var method = ie.JSMethod; var thisExpression = ie.ThisReference; if (method != null) { if ( (type != null) && (type.Type.FullName == "System.Object") ) { switch (method.Method.Member.Name) { case ".ctor": { var replacement = new JSNullExpression(); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } case "ReferenceEquals": { var lhs = ie.Arguments[0]; var rhs = ie.Arguments[1]; var lhsType = lhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var rhsType = rhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem); JSNode replacement; // Structs can never compare equal with ReferenceEquals if (TypeUtil.IsStruct(lhsType) || TypeUtil.IsStruct(rhsType)) { replacement = JSLiteral.New(false); } else { replacement = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Equal, lhs, rhs, TypeSystem.Boolean ); } ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } case "GetType": { JSNode replacement; var thisType = JSExpression.DeReferenceType(thisExpression.GetActualType(TypeSystem), false); if ((thisType is GenericInstanceType) && thisType.FullName.StartsWith("System.Nullable")) { var git = (GenericInstanceType)thisType; replacement = new JSTernaryOperatorExpression( new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.NotEqual, thisExpression, new JSNullLiteral(thisType), TypeSystem.Boolean ), new JSTypeOfExpression(git.GenericArguments[0]), JSIL.ThrowNullReferenceException(), new TypeReference("System", "Type", TypeSystem.Object.Module, TypeSystem.Object.Scope, false) ); } else { replacement = JSIL.GetTypeOf(thisExpression); } ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } } } else if ( (type != null) && (type.Type.FullName == "System.ValueType") ) { switch (method.Method.Member.Name) { case "Equals": { var replacement = JSIL.StructEquals(ie.ThisReference, ie.Arguments.First()); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); return; } } } else if ( (type != null) && IsNullable(type.Type) ) { var t = (type.Type as GenericInstanceType).GenericArguments[0]; var @null = JSLiteral.Null(t); var @default = new JSDefaultValueLiteral(t); switch (method.Method.Member.Name) { case ".ctor": JSExpression value; if (ie.Arguments.Count == 0) { value = @null; } else { value = ie.Arguments[0]; } var boe = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Assignment, ie.ThisReference, value, type.Type ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, boe); VisitReplacement(boe); break; case "GetValueOrDefault": { var replacement = JSIL.ValueOfNullableOrDefault( ie.ThisReference, (ie.Arguments.Count == 0) ? @default : ie.Arguments[0] ); if (ParentNode is JSResultReferenceExpression) { // HACK: Replacing the invocation inside a result reference is incorrect, so we need to walk up the stack // and replace the result reference with the ternary instead. _ResultReferenceReplacement = replacement; } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); } break; } case "get_HasValue": { var replacement = JSIL.NullableHasValue(ie.ThisReference); if (ParentNode is JSResultReferenceExpression) { _ResultReferenceReplacement = replacement; } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); } break; } case "get_Value": { var replacement = JSIL.ValueOfNullable(ie.ThisReference); if (ParentNode is JSResultReferenceExpression) { _ResultReferenceReplacement = replacement; } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, replacement); VisitReplacement(replacement); } break; } case "Equals": JSBinaryOperatorExpression equality = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression(JSOperator.Equal, ie.ThisReference, ie.Parameters.First().Value, type.Type); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, equality); VisitReplacement(equality); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(method.Method.Member.FullName); } return; } else if ( (type != null) && TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.String, type.Type) && (method.Method.Name == "Concat") ) { if (ie.Arguments.Count > 2) { if (ie.Arguments.All( (arg) => TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual( TypeSystem.String, arg.GetActualType(TypeSystem) ) )) { var boe = JSBinaryOperatorExpression.New( JSOperator.Add, ie.Arguments, TypeSystem.String ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild( ie, boe ); VisitReplacement(boe); } } else if ( // HACK: Fix for #239, only convert concat call into + if both sides are non-null literals (ie.Arguments.Count == 2) ) { var lhs = ie.Arguments[0]; var rhs = ie.Arguments[1]; var isAddOk = (lhs is JSStringLiteral) && (rhs is JSStringLiteral); var lhsType = TypeUtil.DereferenceType(lhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem)); if (!( TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.String, lhsType) || TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.Char, lhsType) )) { lhs = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod(lhsType, JS.toString, lhs, null); isAddOk = true; } var rhsType = TypeUtil.DereferenceType(rhs.GetActualType(TypeSystem)); if (!( TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.String, rhsType) || TypeUtil.TypesAreEqual(TypeSystem.Char, rhsType) )) { rhs = JSInvocationExpression.InvokeMethod(rhsType, JS.toString, rhs, null); isAddOk = true; } if (isAddOk) { var boe = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Add, lhs, rhs, TypeSystem.String ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild( ie, boe ); VisitReplacement(boe); } } else if ( TypeUtil.GetTypeDefinition(ie.Arguments[0].GetActualType(TypeSystem)).FullName == "System.Array" ) { } else { var firstArg = ie.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(); ParentNode.ReplaceChild( ie, firstArg ); if (firstArg != null) { VisitReplacement(firstArg); } } return; } else if ( TypeUtil.IsDelegateType(method.Reference.DeclaringType) && (method.Method.Name == "Invoke") ) { var newIe = new JSDelegateInvocationExpression( thisExpression, ie.GetActualType(TypeSystem), ie.Arguments.ToArray() ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, newIe); VisitReplacement(newIe); return; } else if ( (method.Reference.DeclaringType.Name == "RuntimeHelpers") && (method.Method.Name == "InitializeArray") ) { var array = ie.Arguments[0]; var arrayType = array.GetActualType(TypeSystem); var field = ie.Arguments[1].SelfAndChildrenRecursive.OfType <JSField>().First(); var initializer = JSArrayExpression.UnpackArrayInitializer(arrayType, field.Field.Member.InitialValue); var copy = JSIL.ShallowCopy(array, initializer, arrayType); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, copy); VisitReplacement(copy); return; } else if ( method.Reference.DeclaringType.FullName == "System.Reflection.Assembly" ) { switch (method.Reference.Name) { case "GetExecutingAssembly": { var assembly = Method.DeclaringType.Module.Assembly; var asmNode = new JSReflectionAssembly(assembly); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, asmNode); VisitReplacement(asmNode); return; } } } else if ( method.Method.DeclaringType.Definition.FullName == "System.Array" && (ie.Arguments.Count == 1) ) { switch (method.Method.Name) { case "GetLength": case "GetUpperBound": { var index = ie.Arguments[0] as JSLiteral; if (index != null) { var newDot = JSDotExpression.New(thisExpression, new JSStringIdentifier( String.Format("length{0}", Convert.ToInt32(index.Literal)), TypeSystem.Int32 )); if (method.Method.Name == "GetUpperBound") { var newExpr = new JSBinaryOperatorExpression( JSOperator.Subtract, newDot, JSLiteral.New(1), TypeSystem.Int32 ); ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, newExpr); } else { ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, newDot); } } break; } case "GetLowerBound": ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ie, JSLiteral.New(0)); break; } } } VisitChildren(ie); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void OnDebugDraw(ViewportDebugDrawData data) { ParentNode.OnDebugDraw(data); }
public void Draw( ParentNode owner, TemplateModulesData currentModule , TemplateModulesHelper parent = null ) { if( currentModule.ShaderModel.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) m_shaderModelHelper.Draw( owner ): m_isDirty = m_shaderModelHelper.IsDirty: if( currentModule.CullModeData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) m_cullModeHelper.Draw( owner ): m_isDirty = m_isDirty || m_cullModeHelper.IsDirty: if( currentModule.ColorMaskData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) m_colorMaskHelper.Draw( owner ): m_isDirty = m_isDirty || m_colorMaskHelper.IsDirty: if( currentModule.DepthData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) m_depthOphelper.Draw( owner, false ): m_isDirty = m_isDirty || m_depthOphelper.IsDirty: if( currentModule.BlendData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) m_blendOpHelper.Draw( owner, false ): m_isDirty = m_isDirty || m_blendOpHelper.IsDirty: if( currentModule.StencilData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) { CullMode cullMode = CullMode.Back: if( currentModule.CullModeData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) { cullMode = m_cullModeHelper.CurrentCullMode: } else if( parent != null && parent.CullModeHelper.ValidData ) { cullMode = parent.CullModeHelper.CurrentCullMode: } m_stencilBufferHelper.Draw( owner, cullMode, false ): } m_isDirty = m_isDirty || m_stencilBufferHelper.IsDirty: if( currentModule.TagData.DataCheck == TemplateDataCheck.Valid ) m_tagsHelper.Draw( owner, false ): m_isDirty = m_isDirty || m_tagsHelper.IsDirty: if( currentModule.PragmaTag.IsValid ) { //m_additionalDefines.Draw( owner ): //m_additionalIncludes.Draw( owner ): //m_additionalPragmas.Draw( owner ): m_additionalDirectives.Draw( owner , false): } m_isDirty = m_isDirty || //m_additionalDefines.IsDirty || //m_additionalIncludes.IsDirty || //m_additionalPragmas.IsDirty || m_additionalDirectives.IsDirty: }
public virtual void ShowUnreadableDataMessage(ParentNode owner) { ShowUnreadableDataMessage(); }
public void DuplicateMe() { bool previewOpen = m_showPreview; string allOptions = m_allFunctionSwitches.Count.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < m_allFunctionSwitches.Count; i++) { allOptions += "," + m_allFunctionSwitches[i].UniqueId + "," + m_allFunctionSwitches[i].GetCurrentSelectedInput(); } ReadOptionsHelper = allOptions.Split(','); ParentGraph cachedGraph = ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph; ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph = null; if (ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentStandardSurface != null) { ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CurrentGraph.CurrentStandardSurface.InvalidateMaterialPropertyCount(); } ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.CustomGraph = cachedGraph; ParentNode newNode = ContainerGraph.CreateNode(m_function, false, Vec2Position); newNode.ShowPreview = previewOpen; (newNode as FunctionNode).ReadOptionsHelper = ReadOptionsHelper; newNode.RefreshExternalReferences(); if ((newNode as FunctionNode).m_reordenator && m_reordenator) { (newNode as FunctionNode).m_reordenator.OrderIndex = m_reordenator.OrderIndex; } for (int i = 0; i < m_outputPorts.Count; i++) { if (m_outputPorts[i].IsConnected) { OutputPort newOutputPort = newNode.GetOutputPortByUniqueId(m_outputPorts[i].PortId); if (newNode.OutputPorts != null && newOutputPort != null) { for (int j = m_outputPorts[i].ExternalReferences.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { ContainerGraph.CreateConnection(m_outputPorts[i].ExternalReferences[j].NodeId, m_outputPorts[i].ExternalReferences[j].PortId, newOutputPort.NodeId, newOutputPort.PortId); } } } //else //{ //if( newNode.OutputPorts != null && newNode.OutputPorts[ i ] != null ) //{ // ContainerGraph.DeleteConnection( false, newNode.UniqueId, newNode.OutputPorts[ i ].PortId, false, false, false ); //} //} } for (int i = 0; i < m_inputPorts.Count; i++) { if (m_inputPorts[i].IsConnected) { InputPort newInputPort = newNode.GetInputPortByUniqueId(m_inputPorts[i].PortId); if (newNode.InputPorts != null && newInputPort != null) { ContainerGraph.CreateConnection(newInputPort.NodeId, newInputPort.PortId, m_inputPorts[i].ExternalReferences[0].NodeId, m_inputPorts[i].ExternalReferences[0].PortId); } } } ContainerGraph.OnDuplicateEvent -= DuplicateMe; if (Selected) { ContainerGraph.DeselectNode(this); ContainerGraph.SelectNode(newNode, true, false); } ContainerGraph.DestroyNode(this, false); }
public void Draw(ParentNode owner, GUIStyle toolbarstyle, Material mat) { Color cachedColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(cachedColor.r, cachedColor.g, cachedColor.b, 0.5f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(toolbarstyle); GUI.color = cachedColor; owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.OutlineActiveMode = owner.GUILayoutToggle(owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.OutlineActiveMode, EditorVariablesManager.OutlineActiveMode.LabelName, UIUtils.MenuItemToggleStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_enabled = owner.EditorGUILayoutToggle(string.Empty, m_enabled, UIUtils.MenuItemEnableStyle, GUILayout.Width(16)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (m_enabled) { UpdateToMaterial(mat); } UIUtils.RequestSave(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (owner.ContainerGraph.ParentWindow.InnerWindowVariables.OutlineActiveMode) { cachedColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(cachedColor.r, cachedColor.g, cachedColor.b, (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? 0.5f : 0.25f)); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(UIUtils.MenuItemBackgroundStyle); GUI.color = cachedColor; EditorGUILayout.Separator(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!m_enabled); EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; { m_mode = (OutlineMode)owner.EditorGUILayoutEnumPopup(ModePropertyStr, m_mode); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_outlineColor = owner.EditorGUILayoutColorField(OutlineColorLabel, m_outlineColor); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && mat != null) { if (mat.HasProperty(ColorPropertyName)) { mat.SetColor(ColorPropertyName, m_outlineColor); } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_outlineWidth = owner.EditorGUILayoutFloatField(OutlineWidthLabel, m_outlineWidth); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && mat != null) { if (mat.HasProperty(WidthPropertyName)) { mat.SetFloat(WidthPropertyName, m_outlineWidth); } } m_noFog = owner.EditorGUILayoutToggle(NoFogStr, m_noFog); } EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } }
public void Remove(int index) { User user = this[index]; ParentNode.RemoveChild(user.Node); }
private void OnCheckBoxChanged(CheckBox checkBox) { ParentNode.SetValue(Archetype.ValueIndex, checkBox.Checked); }
public void Remove(string name) { User user = this[name]; ParentNode.RemoveChild(user.Node); }
public void Destroy() { m_additionalIncludes.Clear(); m_additionalIncludes = null; m_currentOwner = null; }
/// <summary> /// create the parentnode of the chart /// </summary> /// <param name="objectlink"></param> public XElement CreateParentNode(string objectlink) { ParentNode.SetAttributeValue(Ns.XLink + "href", objectlink); return(ParentNode); }
public void Remove(int index) { Element element = this[index]; ParentNode.RemoveChild(element.Node); }
public IEnumerable <TargetFrameworkNode> GetTargetFrameworkNodes() { return(ParentNode.GetTargetFrameworkNodes(sdkDependencies: false)); }
public ChildNode(ParentNode parent) { _parent = parent; }
public void UpdateShape(ShapeType goalShape, ParentNode p) { this.gameObject.GetComponent<ColorBehavior>().Set_Color(goalShape); //Transform to goal shape bool changed = false; if (_meshRenderer != null) { if (goalShape != ShapeType.Circle) { float currentGoalWeight = _meshRenderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(ShapeToInt(goalShape)); if(currentGoalWeight < 100) { float newval = currentGoalWeight + 2f / (p!=null?((float)p.ChildCount()):1f); _meshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight(ShapeToInt(goalShape), newval); } else { changed = true; } } else { changed = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i != ShapeToInt(goalShape)) { float currentWeight = _meshRenderer.GetBlendShapeWeight(i); if(currentWeight > 0) { float newval = currentWeight - 2f / (p!=null?((float)p.ChildCount()):1f); _meshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight(i, newval); } } } if (changed && InCorrectShape(goalShape)) { if(this.gameObject.tag == "Player" && p != null) { p.SetTargetForChildren(this.gameObject); this.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerController>()._currentShape = goalShape; this._shapeType = goalShape; } else if(p!= null) { p.SetTargetForChildren(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player")); this._shapeType = goalShape; } else if(this.gameObject.tag != "Player" && _target == _originalParentNode) { this.transform.parent = _originalParentNode.transform; _originalParentNode.GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>().isTrigger = false; if(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>()._followers.Remove(this.gameObject)) { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>()._followerCount--; _shapeType = goalShape; } } } } }