コード例 #1
ファイル: FXNode.cs プロジェクト: kergalym/Materia
        void GetQuadParams(float i, float imax, float x, float y, ref MVector trans,
                           ref MVector scale, ref float rot,
                           ref FXPivot pivot, ref FXBlend blend,
                           ref float luminosity, ref float luminosityRandomness)
            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Blending"))
                if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Blending"))
                    FunctionGraph g = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Blending").Value as FunctionGraph;
                    g.SetVar("pos", new MVector(x, y), NodeType.Float2);
                    g.SetVar("iteration", i, NodeType.Float);
                    g.SetVar("maxIterations", imax, NodeType.Float);
                    blend = (FXBlend)Convert.ToInt32(g.Result);
                    blend = (FXBlend)Convert.ToInt32(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "Blending"));

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Luminosity"))
                if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Luminosity"))
                    FunctionGraph g = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Luminosity").Value as FunctionGraph;
                    g.SetVar("pos", new MVector(x, y), NodeType.Float2);
                    g.SetVar("iteration", i, NodeType.Float);
                    g.SetVar("maxIterations", imax, NodeType.Float);
                    luminosity = Convert.ToSingle(g.Result);
                    luminosity = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "Luminosity"));

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "LuminosityRandomness"))
                if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "LuminosityRandomness"))
                    FunctionGraph g = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "LuminosityRandomness").Value as FunctionGraph;
                    g.SetVar("pos", new MVector(x, y), NodeType.Float2);
                    g.SetVar("iteration", i, NodeType.Float);
                    g.SetVar("maxIterations", imax, NodeType.Float);
                    luminosityRandomness = Convert.ToSingle(g.Result);
                    luminosityRandomness = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "LuminosityRandomness"));

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "PatternPivot"))
                if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "PatternPivot"))
                    FunctionGraph g = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "PatternPivot").Value as FunctionGraph;
                    g.SetVar("pos", new MVector(x, y), NodeType.Float2);
                    g.SetVar("iteration", i, NodeType.Float);
                    g.SetVar("maxIterations", imax, NodeType.Float);
                    pivot = (FXPivot)Convert.ToInt32(g.Result);
                    pivot = (FXPivot)Convert.ToInt32(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "PatternPivot"));

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Translation"))
                if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Translation"))
                    FunctionGraph g = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Translation").Value as FunctionGraph;
                    g.SetVar("pos", new MVector(x, y), NodeType.Float2);
                    g.SetVar("iteration", i, NodeType.Float);
                    g.SetVar("maxIterations", imax, NodeType.Float);

                    object o = g.Result;
                    if (o != null && o is MVector)
                        trans = (MVector)o;
                    object o = ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "Translation");
                    if (o != null && o is MVector)
                        trans = (MVector)o;

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Scale"))
                if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Scale"))
                    FunctionGraph g = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Scale").Value as FunctionGraph;
                    g.SetVar("pos", new MVector(x, y), NodeType.Float2);
                    g.SetVar("iteration", i, NodeType.Float);
                    g.SetVar("maxIterations", imax, NodeType.Float);

                    object o = g.Result;
                    if (o != null && o is MVector)
                        scale = (MVector)o;
                    object o = ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "Scale");
                    if (o != null && o is MVector)
                        scale = (MVector)o;

            if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Rotation"))
                if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Rotation"))
                    FunctionGraph g = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Rotation").Value as FunctionGraph;
                    g.SetVar("pos", new MVector(x, y), NodeType.Float2);
                    g.SetVar("iteration", i, NodeType.Float);
                    g.SetVar("maxIterations", imax, NodeType.Float);
                    rot = Convert.ToSingle(g.Result);
                    rot = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "Rotation"));
コード例 #2
ファイル: TextNode.cs プロジェクト: kergalym/Materia
        private void GetTransforms()
            if (map == null || map.Count == 0)


            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                string line = lines[i];
                float  alignmentAdjustment = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < line.Length; j++)
                    string ch = line.Substring(j, 1);
                    FontManager.CharData data = null;

                    MVector pPos          = position;
                    float   pcharRotation = rotation;
                    MVector pScale        = scale;

                    if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Rotation"))
                        if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Rotation"))
                            FunctionGraph func = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Rotation").Value as FunctionGraph;
                            func.SetVar("character", j, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("maxCharacters", line.Length, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("line", i, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("maxLines", lines.Length, NodeType.Float);

                        pcharRotation = Convert.ToSingle(ParentGraph.GetParameterValue(Id, "Rotation"));

                    if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Scale"))
                        if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Scale"))
                            FunctionGraph func = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Scale").Value as FunctionGraph;
                            func.SetVar("character", j, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("maxCharacters", line.Length, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("line", i, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("maxLines", lines.Length, NodeType.Float);

                        pScale = ParentGraph.GetParameterValue <MVector>(Id, "Position");

                    if (ParentGraph != null && ParentGraph.HasParameterValue(Id, "Position"))
                        if (ParentGraph.IsParameterValueFunction(Id, "Position"))
                            FunctionGraph func = ParentGraph.GetParameterRaw(Id, "Position").Value as FunctionGraph;
                            func.SetVar("character", j, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("maxCharacters", line.Length, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("line", i, NodeType.Float);
                            func.SetVar("maxLines", lines.Length, NodeType.Float);

                        pPos = ParentGraph.GetParameterValue <MVector>(Id, "Position");

                    CharacterTransform ct = new CharacterTransform(pcharRotation * (float)(Math.PI / 180.0f), pPos, pScale);

                    //for these two alignments we need to calculate the
                    //actual full line width first before we do final
                    //positing and rendering
                    //to apply the proper adjustment
                    //for right alignment all we need is the total
                    //for center we need the halfway point
                    if (palignment == TextAlignment.Center || palignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                        if (map.TryGetValue(ch, out data))
                            alignmentAdjustment += data.size.X + pspacing;

                if (palignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                    alignmentAdjustment *= 0.5f;
