コード例 #1
        private void CopyTopCoverLevelPayout()
            //top level cover payouts will be copied to allocated payouts
            int[] ParentLevelChildrenMap = ParentCoverLevelAggInfo.GetChildrenMap();
            int   numOfParents           = ParentLevelChildrenMap.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfParents; i++) //loop through each Parent cover
                TotalAllocatedPayoutState[ParentLevelChildrenMap[i]] = TotalPayoutState[ParentLevelChildrenMap[i]];
コード例 #2
        private void AllocateToOneCoverLevel()
            int[] ParentLevelChildrenMap = ParentCoverLevelAggInfo.GetChildrenMap();
            int[] ChildrenMap            = ChildrenCoverLevelAggInfo.GetChildrenMap();
            int[] MapPartitions          = ChildrenCoverLevelAggInfo.GetCoverAggregationPartitions();

            //int numOfParents = ParentLevelChildrenMap.Length;
            int numOfParents = ParentCoverLevelAggInfo.NumOfNodes;
            int MapPosition  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfParents; i++)                   //loop through each Parent cover
                for (int j = MapPosition; j < MapPartitions[i]; j++) //loop throught each child of this parent cover
                    TotalAllocatedPayoutState[ChildrenMap[j]] += TotalAllocatedPayoutState[ParentLevelChildrenMap[i]] * ChildrenCoverLevelAllocationState.GetCoverAllocationRatioP()[j];
                MapPosition = MapPartitions[i];
コード例 #3
        private void AllocateToLowestCoverLevel()
            int[] ParentLevelChildrenMap = ParentCoverLevelAggInfo.GetChildrenMap();
            //using this ParentLevelChildrenMap will not work here, because some leaf nodes will be top nodes as well,
            //so those leaf nodes will not appear in this list
            //all other cover nodes (except the top nodes) will be in this ParentLevelChildrenMap
            //because it must aggregate to some top level cover nodes

            int parentPosition = 0; //first leaf node is indexed 0 in TotalCoverState

            int[]   ResidulePartitions   = ResiduleInfo.GetResiduleSubAggPartitions();
            int[]   AritePartitions      = AriteInfo.GetARiteAggregationPartitions();
            float[] ResiduleAllocatedArr = ResiduleState.GetAllocatedPayout();
            float[] aRiteAllocatedArr    = AriteState.GetAllocatedPayout();

            float[] residualRatio = LowestCoverLevelResidualAllocationRatio.GetCoverAllocationRatioP();
            float[] aRiteRatio    = LowestCoverLevelAriteAllocationRatio.GetCoverAllocationRatioP();

            int numOfParents = ResidulePartitions.Length;

            int MapPosition  = 0;
            int MapPosition2 = 0;

            //loop through each parent leaf cover
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfParents; i++)                     //loop through each Parent cover
                for (int j = MapPosition; j < AritePartitions[i]; j++) //loop throught each child of this parent cover
                    aRiteAllocatedArr[j] += TotalAllocatedPayoutState[parentPosition] * aRiteRatio[j];
                MapPosition = AritePartitions[i];

                for (int j = MapPosition2; j < ResidulePartitions[i]; j++)  //loop throught each child of this parent cover
                    ResiduleAllocatedArr[j] += TotalAllocatedPayoutState[parentPosition] * residualRatio[j];
                MapPosition2 = ResidulePartitions[i];