コード例 #1
        private void show_estimate(string invoiceNo)
            txtBox_estimate_AP.Text = "Invalid";
            txtBox_estimate_AP_factor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_AP_nonfactor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_HE.Text = "Invalid";
            txtBox_estimate_HE_factor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_HE_nonfactor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_EP.Text = "Invalid";
            txtBox_estimate_EP_factor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_EP_nonfactor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_EP_weightfactor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_TL.Text = "Invalid";
            txtBox_estimate_TL_factor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_TL_nonfactor = 0.0;
            txtBox_estimate_TL_weightfactor = 0.0;
            double AP_total = 0.0;
            double EP_total = 0.0;
            double HE_total = 0.0;
            double TL_total = 0.0;
            double EP_size_total = 0.0;
            double TL_size_total = 0.0;

            cost_estimates = new ArrayList(6) { "","","","","",""};

            string new_temp_city = temp_invoice.InvoiceCustomer.City;
            int num_parcels = int.Parse(txtBox_input_parcelnum.Text);
            int parcel_number = 1;

            //int numSizeWeights = txtBox_input_dimensions.Text == "" ? 0 : txtBox_input_dimensions.Text.Split('/').Length;

            // Split the weights and do separate checks for each
            foreach (string str_weight in txtBox_input_weight.Text.Split('/')) {
                float weight = float.Parse(str_weight);
                if (weight > 25.0) {
                    MessageBox.Show("Parcel weight is larger than 25KGs!"); return;

                Parcel p = new Parcel(weight, parcel_number, 0.0d, num_parcels);

                //if (numSizeWeights > 0 && parcel_number <= numSizeWeights) {
                    Dimensions d = new Dimensions();
                    //string vals = txtBox_input_dimensions.Text.Split('/')[parcel_number - 1];
                    //string[] items = vals.Split('-');
                    txtBox_input_L.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox_input_L.Text) ? "0" : txtBox_input_L.Text;
                    txtBox_input_W.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox_input_W.Text) ? "0" : txtBox_input_W.Text;
                    txtBox_input_H.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox_input_H.Text) ? "0" : txtBox_input_H.Text;
                    //if (items.Length == 3) {
                        d.Length = float.Parse(txtBox_input_L.Text);
                        d.Width = float.Parse(txtBox_input_W.Text);
                        d.Height = float.Parse(txtBox_input_H.Text);

                        p.Size = d;

                // Get Australia post estimate
                //PricingMatrix matrix = GetMatrix(AP);

                float rate = BusinessLayer.PricingAPI.GetCostEstimate(AustraliaPost, p, temp_invoice);
                //float rate = matrix.getCostEstimate(p, temp_invoice);
                AP_total += rate;
                if (parcel_number == 1)
                    cost_estimates[0] = (rate.ToString());
                    cost_estimates[0] += "|" + (rate.ToString());

                // Get Hunter Express estimate
                //matrix = GetMatrix(HE);
                rate = BusinessLayer.PricingAPI.GetCostEstimate(HunterExpress, p, temp_invoice);
                HE_total += rate;
                if (parcel_number == 1)
                    cost_estimates[1] = (rate.ToString());
                    cost_estimates[1] += "|" + (rate.ToString());

                // Get E-post estimate
                // matrix = GetMatrix(EP);
                rate = BusinessLayer.PricingAPI.GetCostEstimate(EPost, p, temp_invoice);
                EP_total += rate;
                if (parcel_number == 1) {
                    cost_estimates[2] = (rate.ToString());
                } else {
                    cost_estimates[2] += "|" + (rate.ToString());

                // Get E-post size estimate
                float sizeWeight = p.getSizeWeight() * EPost.DimensionWeightRate;
                rate = BusinessLayer.PricingAPI.GetCostEstimateByWeight(sizeWeight, EPost, p, temp_invoice);
                //rate = matrix.getEstimateByWeight(sizeWeight, temp_invoice.InvoiceCustomer.Postcode, p.ParcelNumber);
                EP_size_total += rate;
                if (parcel_number == 1) {
                    cost_estimates[3] = (rate.ToString());
                    txtBox_sizeweight_EP.Text = sizeWeight.ToString("N2") + "kg";
                } else {
                    cost_estimates[3] += "|" + (rate.ToString());
                    txtBox_sizeweight_EP.Text += "|" + sizeWeight.ToString("N2") + "kg";

                // Get TOLL estimate
                //matrix = GetMatrix(TL);
                rate = BusinessLayer.PricingAPI.GetCostEstimate(Toll, p, temp_invoice);
                //rate = matrix.getCostEstimate(p, temp_invoice);
                TL_total += rate;
                if (parcel_number == 1)
                    cost_estimates[4] = (rate.ToString());
                    cost_estimates[4] += "|" + (rate.ToString());

                // Get TOLL size estimate
                sizeWeight = p.getSizeWeight() * Toll.DimensionWeightRate;
                rate = BusinessLayer.PricingAPI.GetCostEstimateByWeight(sizeWeight, Toll, p, temp_invoice);
                //rate = matrix.getEstimateByWeight(sizeWeight, temp_invoice.InvoiceCustomer.Postcode, p.ParcelNumber);
                TL_size_total += rate;
                if (parcel_number == 1) {
                    cost_estimates[5] = (rate.ToString());
                    txtBox_sizeweight_TL.Text = sizeWeight.ToString("N2") + "kg";
                } else {
                    cost_estimates[5] += "|" + (rate.ToString());
                    txtBox_sizeweight_TL.Text += "|" + sizeWeight.ToString("N2") + "kg";

            txtBox_estimate_AP_factor = AP_total;
            txtBox_estimate_HE_factor = HE_total;
            txtBox_estimate_EP_factor = EP_total;
            txtBox_estimate_EP_weightfactor = EP_size_total;
            txtBox_estimate_TL_factor = TL_total;
            txtBox_estimate_TL_weightfactor = TL_size_total;

            txtBox_estimate_AP.Text = AP_total.ToString("c2");
            txtBox_estimate_EP.Text = EP_total.ToString("c2");
            txtBox_estimate_HE.Text = HE_total.ToString("c2");
            if (temp_invoice.InvoiceCustomer.HasEmailOrMobile()) {
                txtBox_estimate_TL.Text = TL_total == PricingMatrix.MAX_VAL ? "N/A" : TL_total.ToString("c2");
            } else {
                txtBox_estimate_TL.Text = "N/A";

            txtBox_sizeweight_AP.Text = "N/A";
            txtBox_sizeweight_HE.Text = "N/A";

            txtBox_size_estimate_EP.Text = EP_size_total.ToString("c2");
            txtBox_size_estimate_AP.Text = "N/A";
            txtBox_size_estimate_HE.Text = "N/A";
            txtBox_size_estimate_TL.Text = TL_size_total.ToString("c2");

