コード例 #1
        public void AncestryFrom_EC_DE_de_params()
            var subdir   = "de";
            var fileName = "de.params";
            var parent0  = "simple.params";

            var fileSpec = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(RelativePath, subdir, fileName));


            // Set up the database
            var pd = new ParameterDatabase(new FileInfo(fileSpec));

            // Now look up the parent.0 parameter value and make sure it matches what we expect
            var parent = pd.GetFile(new Parameter("parent.0"), null);

            Assert.AreEqual(parent.Name, parent0);

            // The following seems very convoluted. But keep in mind
            // we are trying to verify that one implementation is valid
            // using a second implementation that is entirely different. (Indeed, that is the whole point!)

            // Use the ParameterFileTree to double check the details
            var subnode = Tree.Root[subdir];                                                     // We can search down from the root given a relative subdirectory

            Assert.IsTrue(subnode.Name == fileName.Split(new[] { '.' })[0]);                     // Doublecheck that we've been given the correct subdirectory
            var paramFile     = subnode.Files[fileName];                                         // Now grab the relevant source param file
            var parentRelPath = paramFile.Properties["parent.0"];                                // This now gives the relative path to the parent param file
            var parentAbsPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(subnode.FullName, parentRelPath)); // Now we should have the full path of the parent

            //var fi = new FileInfo(parentAbsPath);
            // Now that we've verified the validity of the relative path specified in the source param file
            // we can get the copy from the Tree and use that to check all params
            // in the database hierarchy (which is only two levels deep in this case)
            // NOT FINISHED: This is currently comparing raw values from the Tree against over-shadowed values in the Database : NEED MORE WORK!
            //foreach (var p in Tree.FileCollection[Path.GetFullPath(fi.FullName)].Properties) // This if from the tree
            //    var v = pd.GetProperty(p.Key); // This is what we find in the database
            //    Assert.AreEqual(v, p.Value);

            var childFile = Tree.NodeRegistry[fileSpec];

            var parentFile = Tree.NodeRegistry[parentAbsPath];

            foreach (DictionaryEntry kv in pd)
                context.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", kv.Key, kv.Value);
            foreach (var prop in parentFile.Properties)
                if (childFile.Properties.ContainsKey(prop.Key))
                    context.WriteLine("ShadowedProperty: {0}    Parent: {1}    Child: {2}", prop.Key,
                                      childFile.Properties[prop.Key], prop.Value);