protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var userDoc = new XmlDocument(); userDoc.LoadXml(UserPwPlain); var loginNav = userDoc.CreateNavigator(); var creditCardDoc = new XmlDocument(); creditCardDoc.LoadXml(UserCreditCardInfo); var creditCardNav = creditCardDoc.CreateNavigator(); var login = ParamUtils.GetParam(Request, "name"); var pw = ParamUtils.GetParam(Request, "pw"); var cardprop = ParamUtils.GetParam(Request, "cardprop"); // authenticate user var authQuery = "string(//user[name/text()='" + login + "' and password/text() ='" + pw + "']/account/text())"; var account = Convert.ToString(loginNav.Evaluate(loginNav.Compile(authQuery))); if (account.Length <= 0) { ParamUtils.PrintOut(SensitiveDataExposureResults, "Please login by providing a valid username and password"); } else { var cardno = "string(//user[name/text()='" + login + "']/" + cardprop + "/text())"; var creditCard = Convert.ToString(creditCardNav.Evaluate(creditCardNav.Compile(cardno))); ParamUtils.PrintOut(SensitiveDataExposureResults, "'" + jsEncode.Encode(login) + "' successfully logged in; your card-number is '" + jsEncode.Encode(creditCard) + "'"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextEncoder jsEncode = new TextEncoder(); // TODO: // var xml = ParamUtils.GetParam(Request, "xml"); if (xml.Length > 0) { var ser_xml = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Executable)); try { var sread = new StringReader(xml); var xread = XmlReader.Create(sread); var exe = (Executable)ser_xml.Deserialize(xread); ParamUtils.PrintOut(DeserializeResult, "Request results: \'" + jsEncode.Encode(exe.Run()) + "\'"); } catch (Exception) { ParamUtils.PrintOut(DeserializeResult, "Request results: \'\'"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = ParamUtils.GetParam(Request, "id"); if (id.Length == 0) { id = "0"; } if (id != "0") { var command = new SQLiteCommand($"DELETE FROM users WHERE id = {id}", DatabaseUtils._con); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { ParamUtils.PrintOut(AdminResults, "Deleted user with " + jsEncode.Encode(id)); } else { ParamUtils.PrintOut(AdminResults, string.Empty); } } }
protected override async Task <bool> PublishConfig(string dataId, string group, string tenant, string appName, string tag, string betaIps, string content) { group = ParamUtils.Null2DefaultGroup(group); ParamUtils.CheckParam(dataId, group, content); ConfigRequest cr = new ConfigRequest(); cr.SetDataId(dataId); cr.SetTenant(tenant); cr.SetGroup(group); cr.SetContent(content); // _configFilterChainManager.doFilter(cr, null); content = cr.GetContent(); string url = Constants.CONFIG_CONTROLLER_PATH; var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(6); parameters["dataId"] = dataId; parameters["group"] = group; parameters["content"] = content; if (tenant.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { parameters["tenant"] = tenant; } if (appName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { parameters["appName"] = appName; } if (tag.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { parameters["tag"] = tag; } var headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(1); if (betaIps.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { headers["betaIps"] = betaIps; } HttpResponseMessage result = null; try { var timeOut = _options.DefaultTimeOut > 0 ? _options.DefaultTimeOut : POST_TIMEOUT; result = await HttpPost(url, headers, parameters, "", timeOut); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger?.LogWarning( ex, "[{0}] [publish-single] exception, dataId={1}, group={2}, tenant={3}", _agent.GetName(), dataId, group, tenant); return(false); } if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { _logger?.LogInformation( "[{0}] [publish-single] ok, dataId={1}, group={2}, tenant={3}, config={4}", _agent.GetName(), dataId, group, tenant, ContentUtils.TruncateContent(content)); return(true); } else if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { _logger?.LogWarning( "[{0}] [publish-single] error, dataId={1}, group={2}, tenant={3}, code={4}, msg={5}", _agent.GetName(), dataId, group, tenant, (int)result.StatusCode, result.StatusCode.ToString()); throw new NacosException((int)result.StatusCode, result.StatusCode.ToString()); } else { _logger?.LogWarning( "[{0}] [publish-single] error, dataId={1}, group={2}, tenant={3}, code={4}, msg={5}", _agent.GetName(), dataId, group, tenant, (int)result.StatusCode, result.StatusCode.ToString()); return(false); } }
private async Task <string> GetConfigInner(string tenant, string dataId, string group, long timeoutMs) { group = ParamUtils.Null2DefaultGroup(group); ParamUtils.CheckKeyParam(dataId, group); ConfigResponse cr = new ConfigResponse(); cr.SetDataId(dataId); cr.SetTenant(tenant); cr.SetGroup(group); string encryptedDataKey = string.Empty; // 优先使用本地配置 string content = await FileLocalConfigInfoProcessor.GetFailoverAsync(_worker.GetAgentName(), dataId, group, tenant).ConfigureAwait(false); if (content != null) { _logger?.LogWarning( "[{0}] [get-config] get failover ok, dataId={1}, group={2}, tenant={3}, config={4}", _worker.GetAgentName(), dataId, group, tenant, ContentUtils.TruncateContent(content)); cr.SetContent(content); await FileLocalConfigInfoProcessor.GetEncryptDataKeyFailover(_worker.GetAgentName(), dataId, group, tenant).ConfigureAwait(false); encryptedDataKey = string.Empty; cr.SetEncryptedDataKey(encryptedDataKey); _configFilterChainManager.DoFilter(null, cr); content = cr.GetContent(); return(content); } try { ConfigResponse response = await _worker.GetServerConfig(dataId, group, tenant, timeoutMs, false).ConfigureAwait(false); cr.SetContent(response.GetContent()); cr.SetEncryptedDataKey(response.GetEncryptedDataKey()); _configFilterChainManager.DoFilter(null, cr); content = cr.GetContent(); return(content); } catch (NacosException ioe) { if (NacosException.NO_RIGHT == ioe.ErrorCode) { throw; } _logger?.LogWarning( "[{0}] [get-config] get from server error, dataId={1}, group={2}, tenant={3}, msg={4}", _worker.GetAgentName(), dataId, group, tenant, ioe.ErrorMsg); } _logger?.LogWarning( "[{0}] [get-config] get snapshot ok, dataId={1}, group={2}, tenant={3}, config={4}", _worker.GetAgentName(), dataId, group, tenant, ContentUtils.TruncateContent(content)); content = await FileLocalConfigInfoProcessor.GetSnapshotAync(_worker.GetAgentName(), dataId, group, tenant).ConfigureAwait(false); cr.SetContent(content); encryptedDataKey = await FileLocalConfigInfoProcessor.GetEncryptDataKeyFailover(_worker.GetAgentName(), dataId, group, tenant).ConfigureAwait(false); cr.SetEncryptedDataKey(encryptedDataKey); _configFilterChainManager.DoFilter(null, cr); content = cr.GetContent(); return(content); }
private async Task <bool> RemoveConfigInner(string tenant, string dataId, string group, string tag) { group = ParamUtils.Null2DefaultGroup(group); ParamUtils.CheckKeyParam(dataId, group); return(await _worker.RemoveConfig(dataId, group, tenant, tag).ConfigureAwait(false)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var comment = ParamUtils.GetParam(Request, "comment"); ParamUtils.PrintOut(VulnerableComponentResults, $"your comment is \'" + vulnerable_asp_net_core.Utils.VulnerableComponent.process(comment) + "\'"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var comment = ParamUtils.GetParam(Request, "comment"); ParamUtils.PrintOut(XSSInput, $"your comment is '{comment}'"); }