/// <summary> /// 导出盘点结果 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void OnExportPandianAsset(HttpContext context) { var pandianId = context.Request.QueryString["pandianId"]; var bll = new PandianAsset(); var cmdText = "and pda.PandianId = @PandianId "; var parm = new SqlParameter("@PandianId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); parm.Value = Guid.Parse(pandianId); var dt = bll.GetExportData(cmdText, parm); HttpClientHelper.Export(context, dt); }
public ResResultModel GetPandianAssetList(PdaPandianAssetModel model) { try { if (model == null) { return(ResResult.Response(false, MC.Request_Params_InvalidError, "")); } var userId = WebCommon.GetUserId(); if (model.PageIndex < 1) { model.PageIndex = 1; } if (model.PageSize < 10) { model.PageSize = 10; } int totalRecord = 0; var pandianId = Guid.Empty; if (model.PandianId != null) { Guid.TryParse(model.PandianId.ToString(), out pandianId); } var sqlWhere = new StringBuilder(300); var parms = new ParamsHelper(); SqlParameter parm = null; sqlWhere.AppendFormat("and pda.Status = {0} ", (int)EnumPandianAssetStatus.未盘点); if (!pandianId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { sqlWhere.Append("and PandianId = @PandianId "); parm = new SqlParameter("@PandianId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); parm.Value = pandianId; parms.Add(parm); } var bll = new PandianAsset(); var list = bll.GetListByJoin(model.PageIndex, model.PageSize, out totalRecord, sqlWhere.ToString(), parms.ToArray()); var totals = bll.GetTotal(pandianId); var dgData = "{\"total\":" + totalRecord + ",\"rows\":" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list) + ",\"footer\":[{\"TotalPan\":" + totals[0] + ",\"TotalYpan\":" + totals[1] + ",\"TotalNotPan\":" + totals[2] + "}]}"; return(ResResult.Response(true, "", dgData)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ResResult.Response(false, ex.Message, "")); } }
public ResResultModel GetPandianAssetByBarcode(string appKey, string userName, object pandianId, string barcode) { try { var userId = WebCommon.GetUserId(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(barcode)) { return(ResResult.Response(false, MC.Request_Params_InvalidError, "")); } var gId = Guid.Empty; if (pandianId != null) { Guid.TryParse(pandianId.ToString(), out gId); } if (gId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { return(ResResult.Response(false, MC.Request_Params_InvalidError, "")); } var sqlWhere = @"and pd.Id = @PandianId and ais.Barcode = @Barcode "; SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@PandianId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Barcode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 36) }; parms[0].Value = gId; parms[1].Value = barcode; var bll = new PandianAsset(); var list = bll.GetListByJoin(sqlWhere, parms.ToArray()); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return(ResResult.Response(false, MC.GetString(MC.Params_Data_NotExist, barcode))); } var item = list[0]; return(ResResult.Response(true, MC.Response_Ok, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ResResult.Response(false, ex.Message, "")); } }
public ResResultModel GetPandianAssetByBarcode(string appKey, string userName, object pandianId, string barcode) { try { object userId = null; SecurityService.DoCheckLogin(appKey, userName, out userId); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(barcode)) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "参数barcode值不能为空字符串", "")); } var gId = Guid.Empty; if (pandianId != null) { Guid.TryParse(pandianId.ToString(), out gId); } if (gId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "参数pandianId值不正确", "")); } var sqlWhere = @"and pd.Id = @PandianId and ais.Barcode = @Barcode "; SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@PandianId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Barcode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 36) }; parms[0].Value = gId; parms[1].Value = barcode; var bll = new PandianAsset(); var list = bll.GetListByJoin(sqlWhere, parms.ToArray()); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "数据不存在或已被删除", "")); } var pdaModel = new PdaPandianAssetInfo(); var item = list[0]; pdaModel.PandianId = item.PandianId; pdaModel.AssetId = item.AssetId; pdaModel.Named = item.Named; pdaModel.PandianUser = item.UserName; pdaModel.PandianAssetStatus = item.Status; pdaModel.PictureUrl = ""; pdaModel.AssetName = item.AssetName; pdaModel.Barcode = item.Barcode; pdaModel.Category = item.Category; pdaModel.SpecModel = item.SpecModel; pdaModel.OwnedCompany = item.OwnedCompany; pdaModel.UseCompany = item.UseCompany; pdaModel.UseDepmt = item.UseDepmt; pdaModel.Region = item.Region; pdaModel.StoreLocation = item.StoreLocation; pdaModel.UsePerson = item.UsePerson; pdaModel.Unit = item.Unit; return(ResResult.Response(true, "调用成功", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pdaModel))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ResResult.Response(false, ex.Message, "")); } }
public ResResultModel SavePandianAsset(PdaPandianAssetFmModel model) { object userId = null; SecurityService.DoCheckLogin(model.AppKey, model.UserName, out userId); if (model == null) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "请求参数集为空字符串", "")); } var pandianId = Guid.Empty; if (model.PandianId == null || !Guid.TryParse(model.PandianId.ToString(), out pandianId)) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "参数PandianId值为“" + model.PandianId + "”无效", "")); } if (model.ItemList == null || model.ItemList.Count == 0) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "请求参数集为空字符串", "")); } var pdaBll = new PandianAsset(); var aisBll = new AssetInStore(); var pdBll = new Pandian(); var effect = 0; foreach (var item in model.ItemList) { PandianAssetInfo pdaModel = null; AssetInStoreInfo assetModel = null; var assetId = Guid.Empty; if (item.AssetId != null) { Guid.TryParse(item.AssetId.ToString(), out assetId); } if (assetId == Guid.Empty) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Barcode)) { continue; } if (pdaBll.IsExist(item.Barcode)) { assetModel = aisBll.GetModelByBarcode(item.Barcode); if (assetModel != null) { CreateAssetInStoreInfo(item, ref assetModel, ref pdaModel); pdaModel.AssetId = assetModel.Id; pdaModel.PandianId = pandianId; assetModel.UserId = Guid.Parse(userId.ToString()); pdaModel.UserId = assetModel.UserId; effect += aisBll.Update(assetModel); effect += pdaBll.Update(pdaModel); } } else { CreateAssetInStoreInfo(item, ref assetModel, ref pdaModel); assetModel.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); pdaModel.AssetId = assetModel.Id; pdaModel.PandianId = pandianId; assetModel.UserId = Guid.Parse(userId.ToString()); pdaModel.UserId = assetModel.UserId; effect += aisBll.InsertByOutput(assetModel); effect += pdaBll.Insert(pdaModel); } } else { assetModel = aisBll.GetModel(assetId); pdaModel = pdaBll.GetModel(pandianId, assetId); CreateAssetInStoreInfo(item, ref assetModel, ref pdaModel); pdaModel.UserId = Guid.Parse(userId.ToString()); effect += pdaBll.Update(pdaModel); } } if (effect < 1) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "操作失败", "")); } return(ResResult.Response(true, "调用成功", "")); }
public ResResultModel GetPandianAssetList(PdaPandianAssetModel model) { try { if (model == null) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "未找到任何参数", "")); } if (model.PageIndex < 1) { model.PageIndex = 1; } if (model.PageSize < 10) { model.PageSize = 10; } int totalRecord = 0; var pandianId = Guid.Empty; if (model.PandianId != null) { Guid.TryParse(model.PandianId.ToString(), out pandianId); } //if (pandianId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) return ResResult.Response(false, "参数PandianId值为“" + model.PandianId + "”不正确", ""); var status = Enum.GetName(typeof(EnumData.EnumPandianAssetStatus), model.Status); //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(status)) return ResResult.Response(false, "参数Status值为“" + model.Status + "”不正确", ""); var sqlWhere = new StringBuilder(100); var parms = new ParamsHelper(); SqlParameter parm = null; if (!pandianId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { sqlWhere.Append("and PandianId = @PandianId "); parm = new SqlParameter("@PandianId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); parm.Value = pandianId; parms.Add(parm); } if (model.Status > -1) { sqlWhere.Append("and pda.Status = @Status "); parm = new SqlParameter("@Status", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20); parm.Value = status; parms.Add(parm); } var bll = new PandianAsset(); var list = bll.GetListByJoin(model.PageIndex, model.PageSize, out totalRecord, sqlWhere.ToString(), parms.ToArray()); var pdaList = new List <PdaPandianAssetInfo>(); foreach (var item in list) { var pdaModel = new PdaPandianAssetInfo(); pdaModel.PandianId = item.PandianId; pdaModel.AssetId = item.AssetId; pdaModel.Named = item.Named; pdaModel.PandianUser = item.UserName; pdaModel.TotalQty = list.Count; pdaModel.Remark = item.Remark; pdaModel.PandianAssetStatus = item.Status; pdaModel.PictureUrl = ""; pdaModel.AssetName = item.AssetName; pdaModel.Barcode = item.Barcode; pdaModel.SNCode = item.SNCode; pdaModel.Category = item.Category; pdaModel.CategoryId = item.CategoryId; pdaModel.SpecModel = item.SpecModel; pdaModel.OwnedCompany = item.OwnedCompany; pdaModel.UseCompany = item.UseCompany; pdaModel.UseDepmt = item.UseDepmt; pdaModel.Region = item.Region; pdaModel.StoreLocation = item.StoreLocation; pdaModel.UsePerson = item.UsePerson; pdaModel.Unit = item.Unit; pdaList.Add(pdaModel); } var totals = bll.GetTotal(pandianId); var dgData = "{\"total\":" + pdaList.Count + ",\"rows\":" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pdaList) + ",\"footer\":[{\"TotalPan\":" + totals[0] + ",\"TotalYpan\":" + totals[1] + ",\"TotalNotPan\":" + totals[2] + "}]}"; return(ResResult.Response(true, "", dgData)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ResResult.Response(false, ex.Message, "")); } }
public ResResultModel SavePandianAsset(PdaPandianAssetFmModel model) { try { if (model == null) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "请求参数集为空字符串", "")); } var userId = WebCommon.GetUserId(); if (userId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { return(ResResult.Response((int)ResCode.未登录, MC.Login_NotExist, "")); } var depmtId = new Staff().GetOrgId(userId); var pandianId = Guid.Empty; if (!Guid.TryParse(model.PandianId, out pandianId)) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "参数PandianId值为“" + model.PandianId + "”无效", "")); } var currTime = DateTime.Now; var gEmpty = Guid.Empty; var minDate = DateTime.Parse("1754-01-01"); var pdaBll = new PandianAsset(); var pBll = new Product(); var pdBll = new Pandian(); var effect = 0; foreach (var item in model.ItemList) { var assetId = Guid.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AssetId)) { Guid.TryParse(item.AssetId, out assetId); } var categoryId = Guid.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CategoryId)) { Guid.TryParse(item.CategoryId, out categoryId); } var useDepmtId = Guid.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UseDepmtId)) { Guid.TryParse(item.UseDepmtId, out useDepmtId); } var mgrDepmtId = Guid.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.MgrDepmtId)) { Guid.TryParse(item.MgrDepmtId, out mgrDepmtId); } var storeLocationId = Guid.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.StoreLocationId)) { Guid.TryParse(item.StoreLocationId, out storeLocationId); } ProductInfo productInfo = null; if (item.Status == (int)EnumPandianAssetStatus.盘盈) { #region 盘盈 productInfo = new ProductInfo(GlobalConfig.SiteCode, userId, depmtId, Guid.NewGuid(), categoryId, item.Barcode, item.AssetName, item.Barcode, item.SpecModel, 1, 0, 0, item.Unit, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, minDate, "1754-01-01", string.Empty, useDepmtId, item.UsePerson, mgrDepmtId, storeLocationId, string.Empty, item.Status, 0, true, currTime, currTime); effect += pBll.InsertByOutput(productInfo); var pandianAssetInfo = new PandianAssetInfo(pandianId, productInfo.Id, productInfo.AppCode, productInfo.UserId, productInfo.DepmtId, gEmpty, gEmpty, gEmpty, string.Empty, 0, item.Remark, item.Status, currTime, currTime); pdaBll.Insert(pandianAssetInfo); #endregion } else { #region 非盘盈 productInfo = pBll.GetModel(assetId); var pandianAssetInfo = pdaBll.GetModel(pandianId, assetId); if (!useDepmtId.Equals(Guid.Empty) && !useDepmtId.Equals(productInfo.UseDepmtId)) { pandianAssetInfo.LastUseDepmtId = useDepmtId; } if (!mgrDepmtId.Equals(Guid.Empty) && !mgrDepmtId.Equals(productInfo.MgrDepmtId)) { pandianAssetInfo.LastMgrDepmtId = mgrDepmtId; } if (!storeLocationId.Equals(Guid.Empty) && !storeLocationId.Equals(productInfo.StoragePlaceId)) { pandianAssetInfo.LastStoragePlaceId = storeLocationId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UsePerson) && item.UsePerson != productInfo.UsePersonName) { pandianAssetInfo.LastUsePerson = item.UsePerson; } pandianAssetInfo.Status = item.Status; effect += pdaBll.Update(pandianAssetInfo); #endregion } } if (effect < 1) { return(ResResult.Response(false, "操作失败", "")); } return(ResResult.Response(true, "调用成功", "")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ResResult.Response(false, ex.Message, "")); } }