private void Rem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataGridView2.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { DataGridViewRow row = this.dataGridView2.SelectedRows[0]; emp = row.Cells["EmpId"].Value.ToString(); } String q2 = "delete from itp.employee where EmpId ='" + emp + "' "; MySqlConnection connDatabase = ConnectionOld.getConnection(); MySqlCommand cmdDatabase = new MySqlCommand(q2, connDatabase); MySqlDataReader myReader; try { connDatabase.Open(); myReader = cmdDatabase.ExecuteReader(); //MessageBox.Show("Record is deleted successfully"); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Record Deleted", "Record is deleted successfully"); displayDataGridViewSearch(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to delete this entry from the table?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { try { DBConnect connection = new DBConnect(); connection.OpenConnection(); MySqlConnection returnConn = new MySqlConnection(); returnConn = connection.GetConnection(); string query = "DELETE FROM itp.buyer WHERE storeName = '" + listBox1.Text + "'"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, returnConn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.CloseConnection(); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Success", "Entry deleted successfully"); this.listBox1.Items.Clear(); fillList(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } } }
private void CalSalary_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (con.State != ConnectionState.Open) { con.Open(); } MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("calcSalary", con); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("_month", salMonth); command.ExecuteScalar(); //MessageBox.Show("Salary is calculated for "+salMonth); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Salary", "Salary is calculated for " + salMonth); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } finally { con.Close(); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Annual = Int32.Parse(labRemAnnual.Text); int Casual = Int32.Parse(labRemCasual.Text); DateTime endDate = dateTimePicker2.Value; DateTime startDate = dateTimePicker3.Value; TimeSpan tspan = endDate - startDate; int differenceInDays = tspan.Days; if ((this.Type_combo.Text == "Annual") && (differenceInDays > Annual)) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Annual leave", "You are exceeding the number of remaining annual days"); return; } if ((this.Type_combo.Text == "Casual") && (differenceInDays > Casual)) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Casual leave", "You are exceeding the number of remaining casual days"); return; } DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker3.Text); DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker2.Text); String query = "insert into `leave`(Type,Reason,StartDate,EndDate,RequestedDate,Status,EmpId) values('" + this.Type_combo.Text + "','" + this.Reason.Text + "', @date1 , @date2 , CURDATE(),'Pending', '" + Connection.getUserIdFromConnectionString() + "')"; MySqlConnection connDatabase = ConnectionOld.getConnection(); MySqlCommand cmdDatabase = new MySqlCommand(query, connDatabase); MySqlParameter param = new MySqlParameter("@date1", MySqlDbType.Date); param.Value = dateTimePicker3.Value; MySqlParameter param2 = new MySqlParameter("@date2", MySqlDbType.Date); param2.Value = dateTimePicker2.Value; cmdDatabase.Parameters.Add(param); cmdDatabase.Parameters.Add(param2); try { connDatabase.Open(); cmdDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery(); //MessageBox.Show("Records are saved successfully\n"); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Success", "Your leave request has been sent"); refreshEmpLeaveTable(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } }
public void Insert() { isEmpty(); if (!checkMail(this.Email_txt.Text)) { //MessageBox.Show("Not a valid Email address "); PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Validation Error", "Not a valid Email address"); return; } else if (labNationality.Text == "NIC" && (!checkNIC(this.NIC_txt.Text))) { //MessageBox.Show("Not a valid NIC Number "); PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Validation Error", "Not a valid NIC Number"); return; } else if (Double.Parse(textBox5.Text) < 10000) { //MessageBox.Show("Basic Salary should be above 10000"); PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Validation Error", "Basic Salary should be above 10000"); return; } /*if (!checkMobile()) * { * MessageBox.Show("Mobile Number should have 10 digits"); * return; * }*/ String us = assignUserName(); int val = getNewId(); Double sal = Double.Parse(this.textBox5.Text); String query = "insert into itp.employee(EmpId,FirstName,LastName,Nationality,Email,MobileNo,NIC,Position,DepId,Gender,DOB,Address,UserName,Password,BasicSalary) values('" + this.Emp_txt.Text + "','" + this.First_txt.Text + "','" + this.Last_txt.Text + "','" + nat + "','" + this.Email_txt.Text + "','" + this.Mob_txt.Text + "','" + this.NIC_txt.Text + "','" + this.Posi_combo.Text + "','" + dep + "','" + gender + "','" + this.dateTimePicker1.Text + "','" + this.Add_txt.Text + "','" + us + "','" + pw + "','" + sal + "'); "; MySqlConnection connDatabase = ConnectionOld.getConnection(); MySqlCommand cmdDatabase = new MySqlCommand(query, connDatabase); MySqlCommand createUser = new MySqlCommand("CREATE_USER", connDatabase); createUser.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; createUser.Parameters.AddWithValue("user_id_", this.Emp_txt.Text); createUser.Parameters.AddWithValue("password_", pw); createUser.Parameters.AddWithValue("name_", this.First_txt.Text + " " + this.Last_txt.Text); try { connDatabase.Open(); cmdDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery(); createUser.ExecuteNonQuery(); //MessageBox.Show("Records are saved successfully\n" + this.First_txt.Text + this.Last_txt.Text + " 's Username is " + us); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Success", "Records are saved successfully\n" + this.First_txt.Text + this.Last_txt.Text + " 's Username is " + us); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } }
private void updateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validate.isEmpty(store.Text) && validate.isContact(officeNo.Text) && validate.isNumber(creditLimit.Text) && validate.isEmpty(address.Text) && validate.isChar(city.Text) && validate.isChar(district.Text) && validate.isChar(contact.Text) && validate.isChar(contactJob.Text) && validate.isContact(contactNum.Text)) { this.x = true; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fax.Text)) { this.x = validate.isContact(fax.Text); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(email.Text)) { this.x = validate.isEmail(email.Text); } } if (this.x == true) { try { DBConnect connection = new DBConnect(); connection.OpenConnection(); MySqlConnection returnConn = new MySqlConnection(); returnConn = connection.GetConnection(); string query = "UPDATE itp.buyer SET storeName='" + store.Text + "', contactName='" + contact.Text + "', contactJob='" + contactJob.Text + "', officeNo='" + officeNo.Text + "', personalNo='" + contactNum.Text + "', fax='" + fax.Text + "', email='" + email.Text + "', address='" + address.Text + "', city ='" + city.Text + "', district ='" + district.Text + "', creditLimit='" + creditLimit.Text + "' WHERE storeName ='" + listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, returnConn); cmd.Connection = returnConn; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.CloseConnection(); this.listBox1.Items.Clear(); fillList(); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Success", "Buyer information updated"); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); //throw; } } else { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Invalid entries", "Check entered fields"); } }
public void setDetails() { String q2 = "update itp.employee set FirstName ='" + this.First_txt.Text + "', LastName ='" + this.Last_txt.Text + "',Gender ='" + gender + "', Address ='" + this.Add_txt.Text + "', MobileNo ='" + this.Mob_txt.Text + "', Email ='" + this.Email_txt.Text + "' where EmpId = '" + Connection.getUserIdFromConnectionString() + "' "; MySqlConnection connDatabase = ConnectionOld.getConnection(); MySqlCommand cmdDatabase = new MySqlCommand(q2, connDatabase); MySqlDataReader myReader; try { connDatabase.Open(); myReader = cmdDatabase.ExecuteReader(); //MessageBox.Show("Records are edited successfully"); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Success", "Records are edited successfully"); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String q2 = "update itp.leave set Status ='Denied' where EmpId = '" + emp + "' "; MySqlConnection connDatabase = ConnectionOld.getConnection(); MySqlCommand cmdDatabase = new MySqlCommand(q2, connDatabase); MySqlDataReader myReader; try { connDatabase.Open(); myReader = cmdDatabase.ExecuteReader(); //MessageBox.Show("You have rejected the request"); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Leave Request", "Leave request rejected"); refreshHRLeaveTable(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } }
private void Ot_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySqlCommand ic = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO ot (EmpId,OTHours,Month) VALUES (@empid,@ot,'" + mon + "')", con); ic.Parameters.Add("@empid", MySqlDbType.Int32, 200, "EmpId"); ic.Parameters.Add("@ot", MySqlDbType.Float, 200, "OTHours"); MySqlCommand uc = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO ot (EmpId,OTHours,Month) VALUES (@empid,@ot,'" + mon + "')", con); uc.Parameters.Add("@empid", MySqlDbType.Int32, 200, "EmpId"); uc.Parameters.Add("@ot", MySqlDbType.Float, 200, "OTHours"); sda.InsertCommand = ic; sda.UpdateCommand = uc; this.Validate(); bindingSource1.EndEdit(); sda.Update(datasetOT); //MessageBox.Show("OT Hours Added"); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "OT Hours", "OT hours have been added"); }
//confirm order method private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query, query2; string mailOrder = null; try { DBConnect conn = new DBConnect(); conn.OpenConnection(); MySqlConnection returnConn = new MySqlConnection(); returnConn = conn.GetConnection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1.Text) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tempBuyerId) || metroGrid1.Rows.Count != 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tempDate) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tempAgent)) { for (int i = 0; i < metroGrid1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { query = "INSERT INTO itp.orders (invoiceNo, buyerId, productId, quantity, unitPrice, total, shippingDate, empId) VALUES (" + "'" + textBox1.Text + "'," + "'" + this.tempBuyerId + "'," + metroGrid1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "," + metroGrid1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "," + metroGrid1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value + "," + metroGrid1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "," + "'" + this.tempDate + "'," + "'" + this.tempAgent + "');"; #region !!!!!!!! query2 = "INSERT INTO itp.payment (invoiceNo, paid, description) VALUES ('" + textBox1.Text + "', 0, 'Order received - Payment yet be received')"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, returnConn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySqlCommand(query2, returnConn); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); #endregion mailOrder += "" + metroGrid1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + " (" + metroGrid1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + ") =" + metroGrid1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + " \n"; } PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Order has been placed"); conn.CloseConnection(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tempMail)) { try { mailOrder += "------------------------------------------ \n" + "Grand total = " + this.count + "\n" + "Delivery Date = " + this.tempDate; emailThis mail = new emailThis(); mail.sendMail(this.tempMail, mailOrder); } catch (Exception ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Error", "Mail has not been sent"); } } //invoiceViewer a = new invoiceViewer(); //a.method1(textBox1.Text); //a.method2(textBox2.Text); } else { PanException.Show(this, "Invalid inputs", "Please recheck your entry"); } } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Error", "Invoice duplicating is not allowed\n" + ex); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string amount; string desc; string cheque; string bank; string invoice = comboBox1.Text; string payee = textBox1.Text; try { DBConnect connection = new DBConnect(); connection.OpenConnection(); MySqlConnection returnConn = new MySqlConnection(); returnConn = connection.GetConnection(); string query = "INSERT INTO itp.payment (invoiceNo, paid, description) VALUES (@1, @2, @3)"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, returnConn); //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //default cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@1", invoice); if (radioButton1.Checked) { amount = textBox6.Text; int n; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(amount) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(amount) || int.TryParse(amount, out n)) { desc = "Payee " + payee + " has used Cash Payment method"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@2", amount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@3", desc); } else { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Invalid Input", "Invalid value for amount"); } } else if (radioButton2.Checked) { amount = textBox5.Text; cheque = textBox3.Text; bank = textBox4.Text; int n; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(amount) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(amount) || int.TryParse(amount, out n) || int.TryParse(cheque, out n)) { desc = "Payee " + payee + " has used Cheque Payment method - Cheque No: " + cheque + " / Bank: " + bank; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@2", amount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@3", desc); } else { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Error", "Invalid Inputs"); } } else { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, "Error", "Select a payment method"); } //connection.OpenConnection(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.CloseConnection(); PanMessage.Show(this.MdiParent, "Success"); } catch (MySqlException ex) { PanException.Show(this.MdiParent, ex); } }