コード例 #1
        protected override TextureFormat CreateFrameForGeneralTexture(TacticsOgreEFXTexture texture, int frame, GenericDictionary formatSpecificData, IList <System.Drawing.Image> images, System.Drawing.Image referenceImage, int mipmapsCount)
            if (referenceImage != null || images.Count > 1)
                throw new TextureFormatException("EFX texture should not contain multiple palettes!");

            TextureFormat segment = null;

            var  image     = images.First();
            byte entryType = formatSpecificData.Get <byte>(ENTRY_TYPE_KEY);

            if (entryType != 0x52)
                segment = new DummyTexture(string.Format("Data entry, type=0x{0:X}", entryType));
                byte bpp = formatSpecificData.Get <byte>(BPP_KEY);

                segment = new PalettedTextureFormat.Builder()
                          .SetImageFilter(new SwizzleFilter(image.Width, image.Height, bpp))
                          .SetColorComparer(new ARGBColorComparer())


コード例 #2
        protected override TextureFormat CreateFrameForGeneralTexture(NamcoTexture texture, int frame, GenericDictionary formatSpecificData, IList <System.Drawing.Image> images, System.Drawing.Image referenceImage, int mipmapsCount)
            TextureFormat segment = null;

            ushort version     = texture.FormatSpecificData.Get <ushort>(VERSION_KEY);
            byte   clutFormat  = formatSpecificData.Get <byte>(CLUTFORMAT_KEY);
            byte   depth       = formatSpecificData.Get <byte>(DEPTH_KEY);
            int    colorsCount = 1 << depth;

            int width  = images.First().Width;
            int height = images.First().Height;

            byte[] data     = formatSpecificData.Get <byte[]>(DATA_KEY);
            byte[] userData = formatSpecificData.Get <byte[]>(USERDATA_KEY);

            if (IsPaletted(clutFormat))
                ColorCodec    paletteCodec;
                IndexCodec    indexCodec;
                ImageFilter   imgFilter;
                PaletteFilter palFilter;

                GetPalettedTools(version, clutFormat, depth, colorsCount, width, height, data, userData,
                                 out paletteCodec, out indexCodec, out imgFilter, out palFilter);

                var builder = new PalettedTextureFormat.Builder()
                if (referenceImage != null)
                    segment = builder.Build(referenceImage, images.Select(img => img.GetColorArray()).ToList());
                    segment = builder.Build(images.First());
                ColorCodec  imageCodec;
                ImageFilter imgFilter;

                GetUnpalettedTools(version, clutFormat, depth, colorsCount, width, height, data, userData,
                                   out imageCodec, out imgFilter);

                segment = new GenericTextureFormat.Builder()


コード例 #3
        public TextureFormat Open(System.IO.Stream formatData)
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(formatData);

                char[] magic = reader.ReadChars(MAGIC.Length);
                if (new string(magic) != MAGIC)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid TX48 Texture!");

                int bpp = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (bpp != 0 && bpp != 1)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Illegal Bit per pixel value!");

                bpp = (bpp + 1) * 4;

                int width         = reader.ReadInt32();
                int height        = reader.ReadInt32();
                int paletteOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (paletteOffset != 0x40)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("TX48 Header is wrong!");

                int paletteSize = reader.ReadInt32();
                int imageOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
                int imageSize   = reader.ReadInt32();
                reader.BaseStream.Position += 0x20;

                byte[] paletteData = reader.ReadBytes(paletteSize);
                byte[] imageData   = reader.ReadBytes(imageSize);

                PalettedTextureFormat.Builder builder = new PalettedTextureFormat.Builder();

                PalettedTextureFormat segment = builder.Build(imageData, paletteData, width, height);
                TX48Texture           texture = new TX48Texture();

            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is TextureFormatException)
                throw new TextureFormatException(e.Message, e);
コード例 #4
        public TextureFormat Import(MetadataReader metadata, string directory)
            string basename = metadata.GetAttribute <string>("Basename");

            int   bpp = metadata.Get <int>("Bpp");
            Image img = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(directory, basename + ".png"));



            PalettedTextureFormat segment = new PalettedTextureFormat.Builder()
            TX48Texture texture = new TX48Texture();


コード例 #5
        private TextureFormat ConstructSegment(BinaryReader reader, ushort version)
            ByteOrder order        = GetByteOrder();
            uint      totalSize    = reader.ReadUInt32(order);
            uint      paletteSize  = reader.ReadUInt32(order);
            uint      imageSize    = reader.ReadUInt32(order);
            uint      headerSize   = reader.ReadUInt16(order);
            int       colorsCount  = reader.ReadUInt16(order);
            byte      format       = reader.ReadByte();
            byte      mipmapsCount = reader.ReadByte();

            if (!IsSupportedFormat(format))
                throw new TextureFormatException("Unsupported image format!");

            byte clutFormat = reader.ReadByte();
            byte depth      = reader.ReadByte();

            int width  = reader.ReadUInt16(order);
            int height = reader.ReadUInt16(order);

            byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(24);

            uint userDataSize = headerSize - 0x30;

            byte[] userdata = null;
            if (userDataSize > 0)
                userdata = reader.ReadBytes((int)userDataSize);

            int totalPixels = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mipmapsCount; i++)
                totalPixels += ImageUtils.GetMipmapWidth(width, i) * ImageUtils.GetMipmapHeight(height, i);

            int firstImageSize = mipmapsCount != 0? (int)((width * height * imageSize) / totalPixels) : 0;

            byte[] imgData = reader.ReadBytes(firstImageSize);
            //we don't need to load the mipmaps, since they can be generated as needed.
            //just skip the mipmaps
            reader.BaseStream.Position += (imageSize - firstImageSize);

            byte[] palData = reader.ReadBytes((int)paletteSize);

            TextureFormat segment = null;

            if (IsPaletted(clutFormat))
                int colorSize         = GetPaletteColorSize(clutFormat);
                int numberOfPalettes  = palData.Length / (colorsCount * colorSize);
                int singlePaletteSize = palData.Length / numberOfPalettes;

                IList <byte[]> palettes = new List <byte[]>(numberOfPalettes);
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPalettes; i++)
                    palettes.Add(palData.Skip(i * singlePaletteSize).Take(singlePaletteSize).ToArray());

                PalettedTextureFormat.Builder builder = new PalettedTextureFormat.Builder();

                ColorCodec    paletteCodec;
                IndexCodec    indexCodec;
                ImageFilter   imgFilter;
                PaletteFilter palFilter;

                GetPalettedTools(version, clutFormat, depth, colorsCount, width, height, data, userdata,
                                 out paletteCodec, out indexCodec, out imgFilter, out palFilter);


                segment = builder.Build(imgData, palettes, width, height);
                ColorCodec  imageCodec;
                ImageFilter imgFilter;
                GenericTextureFormat.Builder builder = new GenericTextureFormat.Builder();

                GetUnpalettedTools(version, clutFormat, depth, colorsCount, width, height, data, userdata,
                                   out imageCodec, out imgFilter);

                segment = builder.SetColorCodec(imageCodec)
                          .Build(imgData, width, height);

            segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <byte>(CLUTFORMAT_KEY, clutFormat)
            .Put <byte>(FORMAT_KEY, format)
            .Put <byte>(DEPTH_KEY, depth)
            .Put <byte[]>(DATA_KEY, data)
            .Put <byte[]>(USERDATA_KEY, userdata);

コード例 #6
        public override TextureFormat Open(System.IO.Stream formatData)
            if (!IsValidFormat(formatData))
                throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid TPL Texture!");

            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(formatData);

            reader.BaseStream.Position += 4;

            ByteOrder order = ByteOrder.BigEndian;

            int  texturesCount    = (int)reader.ReadUInt32(order);
            uint imageTableOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(order);

            reader.BaseStream.Position = imageTableOffset;

            TPLTexture texture = new TPLTexture();

            for (int i = 0; i < texturesCount; i++)
                TextureFormat segment = null;

                //image table
                uint imageHeaderOffset   = reader.ReadUInt32(order);
                uint offsetPaletteHeader = reader.ReadUInt32(order);

                long oldPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;

                reader.BaseStream.Position = imageHeaderOffset;

                int  height        = reader.ReadUInt16(order);
                int  width         = reader.ReadUInt16(order);
                uint format        = reader.ReadUInt32(order);
                uint imgDataOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(order);

                ColorCodec  colorCodec = null;
                IndexCodec  idxCodec   = null;
                ImageFilter imgFilter  = null;

                ushort entryCount    = 0;
                ushort unknown       = 0;//this might be a set of flags denoting whether the palette is internal to the tpl image or external.
                uint   paletteFormat = 0;
                uint   palDataOffset = 0;
                bool   isIndexed     = false;

                int imgDataSize = 0;
                int palDataSize = 0;

                switch (format)
                case 0:     //I4
                    colorCodec  = ColorCodec.CODEC_4BITBE_I4;
                    imgFilter   = new TileFilter(4, 8, 8, width, height);
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 1:     //I8
                    colorCodec  = ColorCodec.CODEC_8BIT_I8;
                    imgFilter   = new TileFilter(8, 8, 4, width, height);
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 2:     //IA4
                    colorCodec  = ColorCodec.CODEC_8BITBE_IA4;
                    imgFilter   = new TileFilter(8, 8, 4, width, height);
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 3:     //IA8
                    colorCodec  = ColorCodec.CODEC_16BITBE_IA8;
                    imgFilter   = new TileFilter(16, 4, 4, width, height);
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 4:     //RGB565
                    colorCodec  = ColorCodec.CODEC_16BITBE_RGB565;
                    imgFilter   = new TileFilter(16, 4, 4, width, height);
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 5:     //RGB5A3
                    colorCodec  = ColorCodec.CODEC_16BITBE_RGB5A3;
                    imgFilter   = new TileFilter(16, 4, 4, width, height);
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 6:     //RGBA32 2 planes
                    colorCodec = ColorCodec.CODEC_32BIT_ARGB;
                    imgFilter  = new ImageFilterComposer {
                        new GamecubePlanarFilter(),
                        new TileFilter(32, 4, 4, width, height)
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 8:     //C4
                case 9:     //C8
                    isIndexed = true;
                    reader.BaseStream.Position = offsetPaletteHeader;

                    entryCount = reader.ReadUInt16(order);
                    unknown    = reader.ReadUInt16(order);

                    paletteFormat = reader.ReadUInt32(order);
                    palDataOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(order);

                    switch (paletteFormat)
                    case 0:
                        colorCodec = ColorCodec.CODEC_16BITBE_IA8;

                    case 1:
                        colorCodec = ColorCodec.CODEC_16BITBE_RGB565;

                    case 2:
                        colorCodec = ColorCodec.CODEC_16BITBE_RGB5A3;

                        throw new TextureFormatException("Unsupported palette format " + paletteFormat);
                    palDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(entryCount, 1);

                    if (format == 8)
                        idxCodec  = IndexCodec.FromBitPerPixel(4, order);
                        imgFilter = new TileFilter(4, 8, 8, width, height);
                        idxCodec  = IndexCodec.FromBitPerPixel(8, order);
                        imgFilter = new TileFilter(8, 8, 4, width, height);

                    imgDataSize = idxCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height, imgFilter);

                case 0xA:     //C14X2
                    throw new TextureFormatException("C14X2 not implemented yet!");

                case 0xE:     //DXT1 (aka CMPR)
                    colorCodec  = new ColorCodecDXT1Gamecube(width, height);
                    imgDataSize = colorCodec.GetBytesNeededForEncode(width, height);

                    throw new TextureFormatException("Unsupported TPL image format " + format);

                reader.BaseStream.Position = imgDataOffset;
                byte[] imgData = reader.ReadBytes(imgDataSize);

                if (isIndexed)
                    reader.BaseStream.Position = palDataOffset;
                    byte[] palData = reader.ReadBytes(palDataSize);

                    PalettedTextureFormat.Builder builder = new PalettedTextureFormat.Builder();
                    segment = builder.SetIndexCodec(idxCodec)
                              .Build(imgData, palData, width, height);
                    GenericTextureFormat.Builder builder = new GenericTextureFormat.Builder();
                    segment = builder.SetColorCodec(colorCodec)
                              .Build(imgData, width, height);

                segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <uint>(FORMAT_KEY, format)
                .Put <uint>(UNKNOWN_KEY, unknown)
                .Put <uint>(PALETTEFORMAT_KEY, paletteFormat);


                reader.BaseStream.Position = oldPos;

コード例 #7
        private TextureFormat ReadEntry(BinaryReader reader)
            TextureFormat segment = null;

            uint   fullEntrySize = reader.ReadUInt32();
            ushort unk1          = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort unk2          = reader.ReadUInt16();

            uint sizeEntryNotHeader = reader.ReadUInt32();

            ushort id        = reader.ReadUInt16();
            byte   entryType = reader.ReadByte();
            byte   unk3      = reader.ReadByte();

            if (entryType != 0x52) // non-image entry
                //let's copy the raw data and put it in a dummy texture
                byte[] buf = reader.ReadBytes((int)fullEntrySize - 0x10);

                segment = new DummyTexture(string.Format("Data entry, type=0x{0:X}", entryType));

                segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <byte[]>(RAW_DATA_KEY, buf);
                segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <uint>(ENTRY_NO_HEADER_KEY, sizeEntryNotHeader);
            else //image data, let's read header 2 data
                if (fullEntrySize - sizeEntryNotHeader != 0x10)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, full size and size without header 1 do not match!");

                byte bpp = reader.ReadByte();
                if (bpp != 4 && bpp != 8)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, unsupported bpp=" + bpp);

                byte unk4 = reader.ReadByte();
                if (unk4 != 0x20)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, unk3 not equal to 0x20!");

                ushort unk5 = reader.ReadUInt16();
                if (unk5 != 0x01)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, unk4 not equal to 0x01!");

                ushort paletteColors = reader.ReadUInt16();
                if (paletteColors != 1 << bpp)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("This EFX file contains more colors then requested by bpp. Is this a multi-palette texture?");

                ushort width  = reader.ReadUInt16();
                ushort height = reader.ReadUInt16();

                if (reader.ReadUInt16() != width)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, widths not corresponding!");
                if (reader.ReadUInt16() != height)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, widths not corresponding!");

                reader.ReadUInt16(); //pad

                uint unk6 = reader.ReadUInt32();
                if (unk6 != 0x20)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, unk5 not equal to 0x20!");

                uint header2AndImgDataSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint imgSize = header2AndImgDataSize - 0x20;

                int paletteSize = paletteColors * 4;
                if (sizeEntryNotHeader - header2AndImgDataSize != paletteSize)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, size of image data not corresponding!");

                if (reader.ReadUInt32() != sizeEntryNotHeader)
                    throw new TextureFormatException("Not a valid EFX file, size of entry without header 1 not corresponding in header 2!");

                reader.ReadUInt32(); //pad

                //retrieve image and palette data and construct texture

                byte[] imgData = reader.ReadBytes((int)imgSize);
                byte[] palData = reader.ReadBytes(paletteSize);

                segment = new PalettedTextureFormat.Builder()
                          .SetImageFilter(new SwizzleFilter(width, height, bpp))
                          .SetColorComparer(new ARGBColorComparer())
                          .Build(imgData, palData, width, height);

                segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <byte>(BPP_KEY, bpp);
                segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <byte>(UNK4_KEY, unk4);
                segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <ushort>(UNK5_KEY, unk5);
                segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <uint>(UNK6_KEY, unk6);

            segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <ushort>(UNK1_KEY, unk1);
            segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <ushort>(UNK2_KEY, unk2);
            segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <ushort>(ID_KEY, id);
            segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <byte>(ENTRY_TYPE_KEY, entryType);
            segment.FormatSpecificData.Put <byte>(UNK3_KEY, unk3);