public void AfterCameraRender(RenderTexture texture) { var size = RenderTextureBuffersManager.tinyTextureSize; int pixelsCount = size * size; var tiny = RenderTextureBuffersManager.GetDownscaleOf(texture, RenderTextureBuffersManager.tinyTextureSize, true); var pix = RenderTextureBuffersManager.GetMinSizeTexture().CopyFrom(tiny).GetPixels(); Color avg =; foreach (var p in pix) { avg += p; } var pcam = PainterCamera.GetProjectorCamera(); GlobalBrush.Color = avg / (float)pixelsCount; PainterShaderVariables.BrushColorProperty.GlobalValue = GlobalBrush.Color; PaintRenderTexture(delayedPaintingConfiguration); delayedPaintingConfiguration = null; }
public void PaintRenderTexture(StrokeVector stroke, TextureMeta image, BrushConfig bc, PlaytimePainter painter) { var vt = painter.GetVolumeTexture(); if (!vt) { Debug.LogError("Painted volume was not found"); return; } if (_enableRayTracing) { rayTraceCameraConfiguration.From(stroke); bc.useAlphaBuffer = false; delayedPaintingConfiguration = new BrushStrokePainterImage(stroke, image, bc, painter); PainterCamera.GetProjectorCamera().RenderRightNow(this); } else { PaintRenderTexture(new BrushStrokePainterImage(stroke, image, bc, painter)); } }
public bool BrushConfigPEGI(ref bool overrideBlitMode, BrushConfig br) { var changed = false; var p = InspectedPainter; var volTex = p.GetVolumeTexture(); if (volTex) { var tex = volTex.texture; if (tex) { "Volume is a {0} texture".F(tex.IsColorTexture() ? "Color" : "Non-Color Data").write(); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (tex.IsColorTexture()) {; var imp = tex.GetTextureImporter(); if ((imp != null) && "FIX texture".Click() && (imp.WasWrongIsColor(false))) { imp.SaveAndReimport(); } } #endif; } else { "Volume has no texture".writeWarning(); } overrideBlitMode = true; var id = p.TexMeta; var cpuBlit = id.TargetIsTexture2D().nl(); br.showingSize = !_enableRayTracing || cpuBlit; if (!cpuBlit) { if (BrushConfig.showAdvanced || _enableRayTracing) { "Ray-Tracing".toggleIcon(ref _enableRayTracing, true).changes(ref changed); if (br.useAlphaBuffer) { icon.Warning.write( "Ray Tracing doesn't use Alpha buffer. Alpha buffer will be automatically disabled"); } } if ("Ray Trace Camera".conditional_enter( _enableRayTracing && PainterCamera.depthProjectorCamera, ref _exploreRayTaceCamera).nl_ifFoldedOut()) { "Min".edit(40, ref minFov, 60, maxFov - 1).nl(ref changed); "Max".edit(40, ref maxFov, minFov + 1, 170).nl(ref changed); rayTraceCameraConfiguration.Nested_Inspect().nl(ref changed); } if (smoothing > 0 || BrushConfig.showAdvanced) {; "Smoothing".edit(70, ref smoothing, 0, 1).changes(ref changed); "Best used in the end".fullWindowDocumentationClickOpen();; } if (!_exploreRayTaceCamera && _enableRayTracing) { var dp = PainterCamera.depthProjectorCamera; if (!dp) { if ("Create Projector Camera".Click().nl()) { PainterCamera.GetProjectorCamera(); } } else if (dp.pauseAutoUpdates) {; "Light Projectors paused".toggleIcon(ref dp.pauseAutoUpdates).nl(ref changed); }; } } if (!cpuBlit) {; if (!br.GetBrushType(false).IsAWorldSpaceBrush) { "Only World space brush can edit volumes".writeHint();; if ("Change to Sphere brush".Click()) { br.SetBrushType(false, BrushTypes.Sphere.Inst); } } }; if (!_exploreRayTaceCamera && PainterCamera.Data.showVolumeDetailsInPainter && ( + " " + VolumeEditingExtensions.VolumeSize(id.texture2D, volTex.hSlices)) .foldout(ref _exploreVolumeData).nl()) { volTex.Nested_Inspect().changes(ref changed); if (volTex.NeedsToManageMaterials) { var painterMaterial = InspectedPainter.Material; if (painterMaterial) { if (!volTex.materials.Contains(painterMaterial)) { if ("Add This Material".Click().nl()) { volTex.AddIfNew(p); } } } } } if (!cpuBlit) { MsgPainter.Hardness.GetText() .edit(MsgPainter.Hardness.GetDescription(), 70, ref br.hardness, 1f, 5f).nl(ref changed); } var tmpSpeed = br._dSpeed.Value; if (MsgPainter.Speed.GetText().edit(40, ref tmpSpeed, 0.01f, 4.5f).nl(ref changed)) { br._dSpeed.Value = tmpSpeed; } if (br.showingSize) { var maxScale = volTex.size * volTex.Width * 4; "Scale:".edit(40, ref br.brush3DRadius, 0.001f * maxScale, maxScale * 0.5f) .changes(ref changed); if (cpuBlit && !_brushShaderFroRayTrace && br.brush3DRadius > BrushScaleMaxForCpu(volTex)) { icon.Warning.write( "Size will be reduced when panting due to low performance of the CPU brush for volumes"); } }; } return(changed); }