public async Task <PaginatedPaymentsModel> GetPendingPaymentRequestsForCustomerAsync(string customerId, int currentPage, int pageSize) { var(skip, take) = PagingUtils.GetNextPageParameters(currentPage, pageSize); var(paymentRequests, totalCount) = await _paymentsRepository.GetPendingPaymentRequestsForCustomerAsync(customerId, skip, take); return(new PaginatedPaymentsModel { CurrentPage = currentPage, PageSize = pageSize, PaymentRequests = paymentRequests, TotalCount = totalCount }); }
public async Task <TransactionReportResult> GetPaginatedAsync( int currentPage, int pageSize, DateTime from, DateTime to) { var(skip, take) = PagingUtils.GetNextPageParameters(currentPage, pageSize); var reports = await _transactionReportRepository.GetPaginatedAsync(skip, take, from, to); return(new TransactionReportResult { CurrentPage = currentPage, PageSize = pageSize, TotalCount = reports.Count, TransactionReports = reports }); }
public async Task <TransactionsResult> GetFilteredAsync(TransactionsFilter filter, int currentPage, int pageSize) { if (filter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter)); } var(skip, take) = PagingUtils.GetNextPageParameters(currentPage, pageSize); var items = await _transactionRepository.GetFilteredAsync(filter, skip, take); return(new TransactionsResult { CurrentPage = currentPage, PageSize = pageSize, Transactions = items }); }
public async Task <TransactionReportResult> GetPaginatedAsync( int currentPage, int pageSize, DateTime from, DateTime to, string[] partnerIds, Guid?campaignId, string transactionType = null, string status = null) { var(skip, take) = PagingUtils.GetNextPageParameters(currentPage, pageSize); var reports = await _transactionReportRepository.GetPaginatedAsync(skip, take, from, to, partnerIds, transactionType, status, campaignId); return(new TransactionReportResult { CurrentPage = currentPage, PageSize = pageSize, TotalCount = reports.Count, TransactionReports = reports }); }
public async Task <TransactionsResult> GetByBlockAsync(string blockHash, int currentPage, int pageSize) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(blockHash)) { throw new ArgumentException("Block hash can't be empty", nameof(blockHash)); } var(skip, take) = PagingUtils.GetNextPageParameters(currentPage, pageSize); var queryResult = await _transactionRepository.GetByBlockHashAsync(blockHash, skip, take); return(new TransactionsResult { CurrentPage = currentPage, PageSize = pageSize, Transactions = queryResult.Item2, TotalCount = }); }
public async Task <TransactionsResult> GetByBlockAsync(long blockNumber, int currentPage, int pageSize) { if (blockNumber < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Block number can't be negative", nameof(blockNumber)); } var(skip, take) = PagingUtils.GetNextPageParameters(currentPage, pageSize); var queryResult = await _transactionRepository.GetByBlockNumberAsync(blockNumber, skip, take); return(new TransactionsResult { CurrentPage = currentPage, PageSize = pageSize, Transactions = queryResult.Item2, TotalCount = }); }
public async Task <EventsResult> GetByTransactionAsync(string txHash, int currentPage, int pageSize) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txHash)) { throw new ArgumentException("Transaction hash can't be empty", nameof(txHash)); } var(skip, take) = PagingUtils.GetNextPageParameters(currentPage, pageSize); var queryResult = await _eventRepository.GetByTransactionAsync(txHash, skip, take); return(new EventsResult { CurrentPage = currentPage, PageSize = pageSize, Events = queryResult.Item2, TotalCount = }); }