コード例 #1
        public IActionResult GetUserFavourites([FromQuery] UserNameParameters model)
            Claim idClaim = User.FindFirst("sub");
            PaginatedPostCardReturn ret = _userInfoDataService.GetUserFavourites(model.Username, model.PageIndex, model.PageSize, model.Order, idClaim?.Value);

コード例 #2
        public PaginatedPostCardReturn GetCollectionPosts(int collectionId, int pageIndex, int pageSize, string currUserId)
            bool isLoggedIn = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currUserId);

            if (isLoggedIn)
            PaginatedPostCardReturn ret = new PaginatedPostCardReturn();
            int totalCount = _entityContext.Set <Post>().Count(p => p.CollectionId == collectionId && p.IsPublished);
            var entities   = _entityContext.Set <Post>()
                             .Where(p => p.IsPublished == true && p.CollectionId == collectionId)
                             .OrderByDescending(p => p.DateUtcPublished)
                             .Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize)
                             .Select(p => new PostCardModel()
                DateUtcPublished = p.DateUtcPublished,
                AuthorInfo       = new UserCardModel()
                    AppUserId    = p.UserInfoId,
                    Name         = p.UserInfo.Name,
                    Username     = p.UserInfo.UName,
                    Surname      = p.UserInfo.Surname,
                    ProfileImage = p.UserInfo.ProfilePicture.SmallPath
                Content   = p.Content,
                Title     = p.Title,
                PostParts = p.PostParts.Select(f => new PostPartDisplay()
                    Description = f.Description,
                    Image       = new BaseImageReturn()
                        Dimension = f.Image.ImageDimension,
                        Extension = f.Image.FileExtension,
                        LazyUrl   = f.Image.BlurLazyPath,
                        Url       = f.Image.ThumbPath,
                        SmallUrl  = f.Image.SmallPath
                    Title = f.Title,
                    Id    = f.Id
                Id = p.Id,

            foreach (var post in entities)
                post.IsCurrentUserLiked = isLoggedIn ? userPostLikesIds.Contains(post.Id) : false;
                post.FavouriteCount     = _postCacheService.GetPostLikesCount(post.Id)
                                          ?? _postDataService.GetPostLikeCount(post.Id, cacheTreshold: 20);
                post.ReviewCount = _postDataService.GetPostReviewsCount(post.Id);
                post.Rating      = post.Rating = GetPostRating(post.Id, 30);
            ret.Entities = entities.ToPaginatedList(pageIndex, pageSize, totalCount);

コード例 #3
        public IActionResult GetGroupPosts([FromQuery] PaginatedGroupUrlkeyModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            var   user    = HttpContext.User;
            Claim idClaim = User.FindFirst("sub");
            // Get group with followers
            PaginatedPostCardReturn ret = _groupDataService.GetGroupPosts(model.Urlkey, idClaim?.Value, model.PageIndex, model.PageSize, model.Order);

コード例 #4
        public PaginatedPostCardReturn GeUnreviewedPosts(string urlkey, string currUserId, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 12, string order = "publishDate")
            bool isLoggedIn = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currUserId);

            if (isLoggedIn)
                currentUserFollowings = new Dictionary <string, FollowState>();
            PaginatedPostCardReturn ret = new PaginatedPostCardReturn();
            var gid = _context.Set <Group>().AsNoTracking().Select(p => new { p.Id, p.UrlKey }).FirstOrDefault(p => p.UrlKey == urlkey);

            if (gid == null)
            int groupId = gid.Id;
            var postIds = _context.SetChild <GroupPost>().Where(p => p.GroupId == groupId)
                          .Select(f => f.PostId)

            if (postIds == null)
            int total = _context.Set <Post>().AsNoTracking().Select(p => new { p.Id, p.DateUtcPublished, ReviewCount = p.Reviews.Count() }).Count(p => postIds.Contains(p.Id) && p.ReviewCount < 1);

            if (total < 0)
            ret.Entities = _context.Set <Post>().AsNoTracking()
                           .Select(p => new { Entity = p, p.UserInfo, p.PostParts, ReviewCount = p.Reviews.Count() })
                           .Where(p => postIds.Contains(p.Entity.Id) && p.ReviewCount < 1)
                           .Select(p => new PostCardModel()
                DateUtcPublished = p.Entity.DateUtcPublished,
                Content          = p.Entity.Content,
                Title            = p.Entity.Title,
                Id          = p.Entity.Id,
                ReviewCount = p.ReviewCount,
                PostParts   = p.Entity.PostParts.Select(f => new PostPartDisplay()
                    Description = f.Description,
                    Id          = f.Id,
                    Image       = new BaseImageReturn()
                        Dimension = f.Image.ImageDimension,
                        Extension = f.Image.FileExtension,
                        LazyUrl   = f.Image.BlurLazyPath,
                        SmallUrl  = f.Image.SmallPath,
                        ThumbUrl  = f.Image.ThumbPath,
                        Url       = f.Image.ResizedPath
                    PostId = f.PostId,
                    Title  = f.Title
                AuthorInfo = new UserCardModel()
                    AppUserId    = p.UserInfo.AppUserId,
                    Name         = p.UserInfo.Name,
                    ProfileImage = _userProfileImageSettings.UserImageUrlTemplate.Replace("{#appUserId}", p.UserInfo.AppUserId),
                    Surname      = p.UserInfo.Surname,
                    Username     = p.UserInfo.UName,
                           .OrderByDescending(p => p.DateUtcPublished)
                           .Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize)
                           .ToPaginatedList(pageIndex, pageSize, total);

            foreach (var post in ret.Entities)
                post.Rating             = GetPostRating(post.Id, 2);
                post.IsCurrentUserLiked = isLoggedIn ? userPostLikesIds.Contains(post.Id) : false;
                post.FavouriteCount     = _postCacheService.GetPostLikesCount(post.Id)
                                          ?? this.GetPostLikeCount(post.Id, cacheTreshold: 20);
                if (currentUserFollowings.Any(p => p.Key == post.AuthorInfo.AppUserId))
                    post.AuthorInfo.FollowState = currentUserFollowings[post.AuthorInfo.AppUserId];
                    post.AuthorInfo.FollowState = FollowState.Unfollowed;

コード例 #5
        public PaginatedPostCardReturn GetTrendingPosts(string urlkey, string currUserId, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 12, string order = "thisweek")
            bool isLoggedIn = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currUserId);

            if (isLoggedIn)
                currentUserFollowings = new Dictionary <string, FollowState>();
            PaginatedPostCardReturn ret = new PaginatedPostCardReturn();
            Group             gr        = GetGroupFromUrlKey(urlkey);
            IEnumerable <int> postIds   = _trendingCacheService.GetTrendingPostIdsForGroup(gr.Id);

            if (postIds == null)
                postIds = _trendingDataService.GetTrendingPostIdsForGroup(gr.Id, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7), DateTime.UtcNow, true);
            if (postIds == null)
            IEnumerable <int> paginatedPostIds = postIds.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

            ret.Entities = _context.Set <Post>().AsNoTracking()
                           .Include(p => p.PostParts)
                           .ThenInclude(p => p.Image)
                           .Select(p => new { Entity = p, p.UserInfo, p.PostParts, p.ReputationGains, p.Groups, ReviewCount = p.Reviews.Count() })
                           .Where(p => paginatedPostIds.Contains(p.Entity.Id))
                           .Select(p => new PostCardModel()
                DateUtcPublished = p.Entity.DateUtcPublished,
                Content          = p.Entity.Content,
                Title            = p.Entity.Title,
                Id          = p.Entity.Id,
                ReviewCount = p.ReviewCount,
                PostParts   = p.Entity.PostParts.Select(f => new PostPartDisplay()
                    Description = f.Description,
                    Id          = f.Id,
                    Image       = new BaseImageReturn()
                        Dimension = f.Image.ImageDimension,
                        Extension = f.Image.FileExtension,
                        LazyUrl   = f.Image.BlurLazyPath,
                        SmallUrl  = f.Image.SmallPath,
                        ThumbUrl  = f.Image.ThumbPath,
                        Url       = f.Image.ResizedPath
                    PostId = f.PostId,
                    Title  = f.Title
                AuthorInfo = new UserCardModel()
                    AppUserId    = p.UserInfo.AppUserId,
                    Name         = p.UserInfo.Name,
                    ProfileImage = _userProfileImageSettings.UserImageUrlTemplate.Replace("{#appUserId}", p.UserInfo.AppUserId),
                    Surname      = p.UserInfo.Surname,
                    Username     = p.UserInfo.UName,
            }).ToPaginatedList(pageIndex, pageSize, postIds.Count());

            foreach (var post in ret.Entities)
                post.Rating             = GetPostRating(post.Id, 2);
                post.IsCurrentUserLiked = isLoggedIn ? userPostLikesIds.Contains(post.Id) : false;
                post.FavouriteCount     = _postCacheService.GetPostLikesCount(post.Id)
                                          ?? this.GetPostLikeCount(post.Id, cacheTreshold: 20);
                if (currentUserFollowings.Any(p => p.Key == post.AuthorInfo.AppUserId))
                    post.AuthorInfo.FollowState = currentUserFollowings[post.AuthorInfo.AppUserId];
                    post.AuthorInfo.FollowState = FollowState.Unfollowed;

コード例 #6
        public PaginatedPostCardReturn GetUserFavourites(string userName, int pageIndex, int pageSize, string order, string currUserId)
            bool isLoggedIn = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currUserId);

            PaginatedPostCardReturn ret = new PaginatedPostCardReturn();

            if (isLoggedIn)

            string userId = GetUserId(userName);

            int [] favPostLikesIds = _userLikesCacheService.GetUserLikedPostsIds(userId);
            if (favPostLikesIds == null || favPostLikesIds.Count() == 0)
                favPostLikesIds = _userLikesDataService.GetUserLikedPostsIds(userId);
                _userLikesCacheService.SetUserLikedPostsIds(userId, favPostLikesIds, 20);
            // Get Users post Count From Cache
            int?favouriteCount = favPostLikesIds.Count();

            // If null Get From Database and set Cache 60Min
            if (!favouriteCount.HasValue)
                var favourites = _context.SetChild <UserPostLike>()
                                 .AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.UserInfoId == userId);

                favouriteCount = _context.SetChild <UserPostLike>()
                                 .AsNoTracking().Count(p => p.UserInfoId == userId);

                _userCacheService.SetUserFavouriteCount(userId, favouriteCount.Value, 60);
                if (favouriteCount == 0)

            var entities = _context.Set <Post>()
                           .Where(p => favPostLikesIds.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).Contains(p.Id) && p.IsPublished)
                           .OrderByDescending(p => p.DateUtcPublished)
                           .Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize)
                           .Select(p => new PostCardModel()
                DateUtcPublished = p.DateUtcPublished,
                AuthorInfo       = new UserCardModel()
                    AppUserId    = p.UserInfoId,
                    Name         = p.UserInfo.Name,
                    Username     = p.UserInfo.UName,
                    Surname      = p.UserInfo.Surname,
                    ProfileImage = p.UserInfo.ProfilePicture.SmallPath
                Content   = p.Content,
                Title     = p.Title,
                PostParts = p.PostParts.Select(f => new PostPartDisplay()
                    Description = f.Description,
                    Image       = new BaseImageReturn()
                        Dimension = f.Image.ImageDimension,
                        Extension = f.Image.FileExtension,
                        LazyUrl   = f.Image.BlurLazyPath,
                        ThumbUrl  = f.Image.ThumbPath,
                        Url       = f.Image.ResizedPath,
                        SmallUrl  = f.Image.SmallPath
                    Title = f.Title,
                    Id    = f.Id
                Id = p.Id,

            foreach (var post in entities)
                post.IsCurrentUserLiked = userPostLikesIds.Contains(post.Id);
                post.FavouriteCount     = _postCacheService.GetPostLikesCount(post.Id)
                                          ?? _postDataService.GetPostLikeCount(post.Id, cacheTreshold: 20);
                post.ReviewCount = _postDataService.GetPostReviewsCount(post.Id);
                post.Rating      = GetPostRating(post.Id, 30);
            ret.Entities = entities.ToPaginatedList(pageIndex, pageSize, favouriteCount.Value);