public async Task GetZoneTypes() { IEnumerable <IZone> zones = await Db.GetZonesAsync(); IEnumerable <IZoneType> zoneTypes = (await Db.GetZoneTypesAsync()) .OrderBy(type => type.Name) .Where(type => zones.Any(zone => zone.TypeId == type.Id)); if (zoneTypes.Any()) { List <string> lines = new List <string>(); foreach (IZoneType zoneType in zoneTypes) { StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int zoneCount = zones.Where(zone => zone.TypeId == zoneType.Id).Count(); lineBuilder.Append($"{zoneType.Icon} {zoneType.Name.ToTitle().ToBold()} ({zoneCount})"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zoneType.Description)) { lineBuilder.Append("\t—\t"); lineBuilder.Append(zoneType.Description.GetFirstSentence()); } lines.Add(lineBuilder.ToString().Truncate(DiscordUtilities.MaxEmbedLineLength - 2, true)); } string description = $"For detailed type information, use `{Config.Prefix}zonetype <type>` (e.g. `{Config.Prefix}zonetype {zoneTypes.First().Name.ToLowerInvariant()}`).\n\n"; IPaginatedMessage message = new PaginatedMessage(); message.AddLines($"All Zone Types ({zoneTypes.Count()})", lines, columnsPerPage: 1, options: EmbedPaginationOptions.AddPageNumbers); foreach (IEmbed embed in message.Select(page => page.Embed)) { embed.Description = description + embed.Description; embed.Footer += " — Empty types are not listed."; } await ReplyAsync(message); } else { await ReplyInfoAsync("No zone types have been added."); } }
public async Task ReplyMatchingSpeciesAsync(IEnumerable <ISpecies> matchingSpecies) { IPaginatedMessage message = new PaginatedMessage(); List <string> lines = new List <string>(); foreach (ISpecies species in matchingSpecies.OrderBy(species => species.GetFullName())) { lines.Add(species.GetFullName()); } message.AddLines($"Matching species ({matchingSpecies.Count()})", lines, options: EmbedPaginationOptions.AddPageNumbers); await ReplyAsync(message); }
public async Task Favs() { // Get all species fav'd by this user. List <string> lines = new List <string>(); using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE id IN (SELECT species_id FROM Favorites WHERE user_id = $user_id);")) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$user_id", Context.User.Id); foreach (DataRow row in await Db.GetRowsAsync(cmd)) { ISpecies sp = await Db.CreateSpeciesFromDataRowAsync(row); long fav_count = 0; // Get the number of times this species has been favorited. using (SQLiteCommand cmd2 = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Favorites WHERE species_id = $species_id;")) { cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("$species_id", sp.Id); fav_count = await Db.GetScalarAsync <long>(cmd2); } lines.Add(sp.GetShortName() + (fav_count > 1 ? string.Format(" (+{0})", fav_count) : "")); } lines.Sort(); } // Display the species list. if (lines.Count() <= 0) { await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Info(Context, string.Format("**{0}** has not favorited any species.", Context.User.Username)); } else { IPaginatedMessage message = new PaginatedMessage(); message.AddLines(lines); message.SetTitle($"⭐ Species favorited by {Context.User.Username} ({lines.Count()})"); message.SetThumbnailUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl(size: 32)); message.AddPageNumbers(); await ReplyAsync(message); } }
private async Task <SQLiteDatabase> GetDatabaseFromDMAsync() { if (Config.SingleDatabase) { // If we're running in single-database mode, there is only one database to choose from. return(await DatabaseService.GetDatabaseAsync(Context.Guild)); } else { // Find guilds that we share with the user. List <IGuild> sharedGuilds = new List <IGuild>(); foreach (IGuild guild in await Context.Client.GetGuildsAsync()) { if (await guild.GetUserAsync(Context.User.Id) != null) { sharedGuilds.Add(guild); } } // If the user has a DM guild set and is still in that guild, use it. IGuild userDMGuild = await GetUserDMGuildAsync(Context.User); if (userDMGuild != null && sharedGuilds.Any(guild => guild.Id == userDMGuild.Id)) { return(await DatabaseService.GetDatabaseAsync(userDMGuild)); } else { // The user does not have a DM guild set. List <SQLiteDatabase> databases = new List <SQLiteDatabase>(); foreach (IGuild guild in sharedGuilds) { databases.Add(await DatabaseService.GetDatabaseAsync(guild)); } if (databases.Count() == 1) { return(databases.First()); } else if (databases.Count() > 0) { IPaginatedMessage message = new PaginatedMessage(); message.AddLines(string.Empty, sharedGuilds.Select( (guild, index) => $"`{(index + 1).ToString().PadLeft(sharedGuilds.Count().ToString().Length)}.` {guild.Name}"), options: EmbedPaginationOptions.Default | EmbedPaginationOptions.AddPageNumbers); foreach (Discord.Messaging.IEmbed embed in message.Select(page => page.Embed)) { embed.Description = $"You share more than one guild with {Bot.Name}. You can pick which guild you would like to interact with using the `{Config.Prefix}pickserver` command.\n\n" + embed.Description; } message.SetTitle($"Shared Guilds ({sharedGuilds.Count()})"); await ReplyAsync(message); throw new Exception($"You must specify which guild you would like to interact with using the `{Config.Prefix}pickserver` command."); } else { throw new Exception($"You must share at least one guild with {Bot.Name}."); } } } }