protected void setData(KeyValuePair <Guid, string> keyValuePair) { // Initialize a client using the validated configuration using (var client = XConnectHelper.GetClient()) { try { var channelId = Guid.Parse("52B75873-4CE0-4E98-B63A-B535739E6180"); // "email newsletter" channel // Create a new contact with the identifier Contact knownContact = new Contact(); PersonalInformation personalInfoFacet = new PersonalInformation(); personalInfoFacet.FirstName = "Abhi" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); personalInfoFacet.LastName = "Marwah"; personalInfoFacet.JobTitle = "Sitecore Architect"; personalInfoFacet.Gender = "Male"; personalInfoFacet.Nickname = "Aussie"; client.SetFacet <PersonalInformation>(knownContact, PersonalInformation.DefaultFacetKey, personalInfoFacet); EmailAddressList emails = new EmailAddressList(new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**", true), "Email"); client.SetFacet(knownContact, emails); PageViewEvent pageView = new PageViewEvent(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), keyValuePair.Key, 1, "en"); pageView.ItemLanguage = "en"; pageView.Duration = new TimeSpan(3000); pageView.SitecoreRenderingDevice = new SitecoreDeviceData(new Guid("{fe5d7fdf-89c0-4d99-9aa3-b5fbd009c9f3}"), "Default"); pageView.Url = keyValuePair.Value; client.AddContact(knownContact); // Create a new interaction for that contact Interaction interaction = new Interaction(knownContact, InteractionInitiator.Brand, channelId, ""); // Add events - all interactions must have at least one event interaction.Events.Add(pageView); IpInfo ipInfo = new IpInfo(""); ipInfo.BusinessName = "Sitecore Consultancy"; client.SetFacet <IpInfo>(interaction, IpInfo.DefaultFacetKey, ipInfo); // Add the contact and interaction client.AddInteraction(interaction); // Submit contact and interaction - a total of two operations client.Submit(); } catch (XdbExecutionException ex) { // Deal with exception } } }
private Interaction CreateOrGetInteraction(string hashtag, Contact contact, TwitterStatus tweet, Goal goal, out bool isNewInteraction) { Interaction interaction = null; isNewInteraction = false; using (var client = XConnect.Client.Configuration.SitecoreXConnectClientConfiguration.GetClient()) { try { // Get interaction if it does exists interaction = GetInteraction(hashtag, tweet, contact); if (interaction != null) { return(interaction); } // Create if does not exists isNewInteraction = true; // Item ID of the "Twitter social community" Channel at // /sitecore/system/Marketing Control Panel/Taxonomies/Channel/Online/Social community/Twitter social community var channelId = Guid.Parse("{6D3D2374-AF56-44FE-B99A-20843B440B58}"); var userAgent = hashtag; interaction = new Interaction(contact, InteractionInitiator.Brand, channelId, userAgent); // Event - Page View var newEvent = new PageViewEvent(tweet.CreatedDate, Guid.Empty, 1, "en") { DataKey = tweet.IdStr, Text = tweet.Text, Url = "" + tweet.IdStr }; interaction.Events.Add(newEvent); // Event - Goal if (goal != null) { var newGoal = new XConnect.Goal(goal.ID.Guid, tweet.CreatedDate); interaction.Events.Add(newGoal); } client.AddInteraction(interaction); client.Submit(); return(interaction); } catch (XdbExecutionException ex) { // Manage exception Diagnostics.Log.Error( $"[HashTagMonitor] Error creating or retrieving interaction for contact '{contact.Personal().Nickname}' with hashtag '{hashtag}' and tweetId '{tweet.IdStr}'", ex, GetType()); } } return(interaction); }
private static void VisitPage(Interaction interaction) { /// Visit page var homeItemId = Guid.Parse("110d559f-dea5-42ea-9c1c-8a5df7e70ef9"); PageViewEvent pageView = new PageViewEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, homeItemId, 1, "en") { Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30), Url = "/" }; interaction.Events.Add(pageView); }
private static void AddInteraction(XConnectClient client, Contact contact) { // Create a new interaction for the contact Guid channelId = new Guid("{1DA15267-B0DB-4BE1-B44F-E57C2EEB8A6B}"); string userAgent = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent; Interaction webInteraction = new Interaction(contact, InteractionInitiator.Contact, channelId, userAgent); // Create a new web visit facet model var webVisitFacet = new WebVisit(); // Populate data about the web visit HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser; webVisitFacet.Browser = new BrowserData() { BrowserMajorName = browser.Browser, BrowserMinorName = browser.Platform, BrowserVersion = browser.Version }; webVisitFacet.Language = Sitecore.Context.Language.Name; webVisitFacet.OperatingSystem = new OperatingSystemData() { Name = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString, MajorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major.ToString(), MinorVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor.ToString() }; webVisitFacet.Referrer = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer != null ? HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri : string.Empty; webVisitFacet.Screen = new ScreenData() { ScreenHeight = browser.ScreenPixelsHeight, ScreenWidth = browser.ScreenPixelsWidth }; webVisitFacet.SearchKeywords = "wechat"; webVisitFacet.SiteName = Sitecore.Context.Site.Name; var item = Sitecore.Context.Item; //page view PageViewEvent pageView = new PageViewEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, item.ID.ToGuid(), item.Version.Number, item.Language.Name) { Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30), Url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery }; webInteraction.Events.Add(pageView); // Set web visit facet on interaction client.SetWebVisit(webInteraction, webVisitFacet); // Add interaction client.AddInteraction(webInteraction); }
public static void AddGoal(Guid goalId) { using (var client = Sitecore.XConnect.Client.Configuration.SitecoreXConnectClientConfiguration.GetClient()) { var newContact = new Contact(); client.AddContact(newContact); var channelId = Tracker.Current.Interaction.ChannelId; var userAgent = Tracker.Current.Interaction.UserAgent; var interaction = new Interaction(newContact, InteractionInitiator.Brand, channelId, userAgent); var excludesUrlParts = new[] { "/api/" }; var pages = Tracker.Current.Interaction.Pages.Reverse(); var currentPage = pages.FirstOrDefault(page => page?.Url?.Path != null && !excludesUrlParts.Any(s => page.Url.Path.Contains(s))); if (currentPage != null) { var pageViewEvent = new PageViewEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, currentPage.Item.Id, currentPage.Item.Version, currentPage.Item.Language) { Url = currentPage.Url?.Path }; interaction.Events.Add(pageViewEvent); var goalFromTracker = Tracker.MarketingDefinitions.Goals[goalId]; var goalFromXConnect = new Goal(goalId, DateTime.UtcNow) { EngagementValue = goalFromTracker.EngagementValuePoints, ParentEventId = pageViewEvent.Id }; interaction.Events.Add(goalFromXConnect); client.AddInteraction(interaction); client.Submit(); } } }
/// <summary> /// This method adds the contact details in xdb - right now we are passing hardcoded data. /// </summary> public void AddContactDetails() { using (Sitecore.XConnect.Client.XConnectClient client = Sitecore.XConnect.Client.Configuration.SitecoreXConnectClientConfiguration.GetClient()) { try { // New anonymous contact //test var newContact = new Sitecore.XConnect.Contact(); client.AddContact(newContact); Guid channelId = Guid.Parse("86c7467a-d019-460d-9fa9-85d6d5d77fc4"); // Replace with real channel ID GUID string userAgent = "Astha Prasad"; // Interaction var interaction = new Interaction(newContact, InteractionInitiator.Brand, channelId, userAgent); var fakeItemID = Guid.Parse("5746c4f3-7e16-40d9-ba1d-14c70875724c"); // Replace with real item ID Sitecore.XConnect.Collection.Model.PageViewEvent pageView = new PageViewEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, fakeItemID, 3, "en") { Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30), Url = "/test/url/test/url?query=testing" }; interaction.Events.Add(pageView); client.AddInteraction(interaction); client.Submit(); } catch (XdbExecutionException ex) { // Handle exception } } }
// if addWebVisit=true, fake webvisit will be created for interaction // it is needed if you want to populate interaction country (to use contacts country for ML data model) public async Task <bool> Add(Customer purchase, bool addWebVisit = false) { using (XConnectClient client = SitecoreXConnectClientConfiguration.GetClient()) { try { IdentifiedContactReference reference = new IdentifiedContactReference(IdentificationSource, purchase.CustomerId.ToString()); var customer = await client.GetAsync( reference, new ContactExpandOptions( PersonalInformation.DefaultFacetKey, EmailAddressList.DefaultFacetKey, ContactBehaviorProfile.DefaultFacetKey ) { Interactions = new RelatedInteractionsExpandOptions { StartDateTime = DateTime.MinValue, EndDateTime = DateTime.MaxValue, Limit = 100 } } ); if (customer == null) { var email = "demo" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + ""; customer = new Contact(new ContactIdentifier(IdentificationSource, purchase.CustomerId.ToString(), ContactIdentifierType.Known)); var preferredEmail = new EmailAddress(email, true); var emails = new EmailAddressList(preferredEmail, "Work"); client.AddContact(customer); client.SetEmails(customer, emails); var identifierEmail = new ContactIdentifier(IdentificationSourceEmail, email, ContactIdentifierType.Known); client.AddContactIdentifier(customer, identifierEmail); client.Submit(); } var channel = Guid.Parse("DF9900DE-61DD-47BF-9628-058E78EF05C6"); var interaction = new Interaction(customer, InteractionInitiator.Brand, channel, "demo app"); if (addWebVisit) { //Add Device profile DeviceProfile newDeviceProfile = new DeviceProfile(Guid.NewGuid()) { LastKnownContact = customer }; client.AddDeviceProfile(newDeviceProfile); interaction.DeviceProfile = newDeviceProfile; //Add fake Ip info IpInfo fakeIpInfo = new IpInfo("") { BusinessName = "Home" }; var country = purchase.Invoices.FirstOrDefault(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Country))?.Country; fakeIpInfo.Country = GetCountryCodeByName(country); client.SetFacet(interaction, IpInfo.DefaultFacetKey, fakeIpInfo); // Add fake webvisit // Create a new web visit facet model var webVisitFacet = new WebVisit { Browser = new BrowserData { BrowserMajorName = "Chrome", BrowserMinorName = "Desktop", BrowserVersion = "22.0" }, Language = "en", OperatingSystem = new OperatingSystemData { Name = "Windows", MajorVersion = "10", MinorVersion = "4" }, Referrer = "", Screen = new ScreenData { ScreenHeight = 1080, ScreenWidth = 685 }, SearchKeywords = "sitecore", SiteName = "website" }; // Populate data about the web visit var itemId = Guid.Parse("110D559F-DEA5-42EA-9C1C-8A5DF7E70EF9"); var itemVersion = 1; // First page view var datetime = purchase.Invoices.FirstOrDefault() == null ? DateTime.Now : purchase.Invoices.First().TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime(); PageViewEvent pageView = new PageViewEvent(datetime, itemId, itemVersion, "en") { ItemLanguage = "en", Duration = new TimeSpan(3000), Url = "/home" }; // client.SetFacet(interaction, WebVisit.DefaultFacetKey, webVisitFacet); interaction.Events.Add(pageView); client.SetWebVisit(interaction, webVisitFacet); } foreach (var invoice in purchase.Invoices) { var outcome = new PurchaseOutcome(PurchaseOutcome.PurchaseEventDefinitionId, invoice.TimeStamp, invoice.Currency, invoice.Price, invoice.Number, invoice.Quantity, purchase.CustomerId, invoice.StockCode); interaction.Events.Add(outcome); } client.AddInteraction(interaction); await client.SubmitAsync(); return(true); } catch (XdbExecutionException ex) { Log.Error(ex.Message, ex, this); return(false); } } }
protected async Task <bool> CreateContact(string source, string identifier, string firstName, string lastName, string email) { using (XConnectClient client = GetClient()) { try { IdentifiedContactReference reference = new IdentifiedContactReference(source, identifier); var contactTask = client.GetAsync <Contact>( reference, new ContactExpandOptions( PersonalInformation.DefaultFacetKey, EmailAddressList.DefaultFacetKey, PhoneNumberList.DefaultFacetKey) ); Contact existingContact = await contactTask; if (existingContact != null) { return(false); } var contactIdentifier = new[] { new ContactIdentifier(source, identifier, ContactIdentifierType.Known) }; Contact contact = new Contact(contactIdentifier); var personal = new PersonalInformation { FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName }; var preferredEmail = new EmailAddress(email, true); var emails = new EmailAddressList(preferredEmail, "Work email"); client.AddContact(contact); client.SetPersonal(contact, personal); client.SetEmails(contact, emails); Interaction interaction = new Interaction(contact, InteractionInitiator.Brand, Guid.NewGuid(), "test"); var ev = new PageViewEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, Guid.Parse("{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}"), 1, "en"); interaction.Events.Add(ev); client.AddInteraction(interaction); await client.SubmitAsync(); return(true); } catch (XdbExecutionException ex) { return(false); } } }
private static void CopyEvents(Interaction source, Interaction target) { foreach (Event e in source.Events) { Event result; if (e is CampaignEvent ce) { CampaignEvent newEvent = new CampaignEvent(ce.CampaignDefinitionId, ce.Timestamp); result = newEvent; } else if (e is DownloadEvent de) { DownloadEvent newEvent = new DownloadEvent(de.Timestamp, de.ItemId); result = newEvent; } else if (e is Goal g) { Goal newEvent = new Goal(g.DefinitionId, g.Timestamp); result = newEvent; } else if (e is MVTestTriggered mvt) { MVTestTriggered newEvent = new MVTestTriggered(mvt.Timestamp); newEvent.Combination = mvt.Combination; newEvent.EligibleRules = mvt.EligibleRules; newEvent.ExposureTime = mvt.ExposureTime; newEvent.FirstExposure = mvt.FirstExposure; newEvent.IsSuspended = mvt.IsSuspended; newEvent.ValueAtExposure = mvt.ValueAtExposure; result = newEvent; } else if (e is Outcome o) { Outcome newEvent = new Outcome(o.DefinitionId, o.Timestamp, o.CurrencyCode, o.MonetaryValue); result = newEvent; } else if (e is PageViewEvent pve) { PageViewEvent newEvent = new PageViewEvent( pve.Timestamp, pve.ItemId, pve.ItemVersion, pve.ItemLanguage); newEvent.SitecoreRenderingDevice = pve.SitecoreRenderingDevice; newEvent.Url = pve.Url; result = newEvent; } else if (e is PersonalizationEvent pe) { PersonalizationEvent newEvent = new PersonalizationEvent(pe.Timestamp); newEvent.ExposedRules = pe.ExposedRules; result = newEvent; } else if (e is SearchEvent se) { SearchEvent newEvent = new SearchEvent(se.Timestamp); newEvent.Keywords = se.Keywords; result = newEvent; } else if (e is BounceEvent be) { BounceEvent newEvent = new BounceEvent(be.Timestamp); newEvent.BounceReason = be.BounceReason; newEvent.BounceType = be.BounceType; result = newEvent; } else if (e is DispatchFailedEvent dfe) { DispatchFailedEvent newEvent = new DispatchFailedEvent(dfe.Timestamp); newEvent.FailureReason = dfe.FailureReason; result = newEvent; } else if (e is EmailClickedEvent ece) { EmailClickedEvent newEvent = new EmailClickedEvent(ece.Timestamp); newEvent.Url = ece.Url; result = newEvent; } else if (e is EmailOpenedEvent eoe) { EmailOpenedEvent newEvent = new EmailOpenedEvent(eoe.Timestamp); result = newEvent; } else if (e is EmailSentEvent ese) { EmailSentEvent newEvent = new EmailSentEvent(ese.Timestamp); result = newEvent; } else if (e is SpamComplaintEvent sce) { SpamComplaintEvent newEvent = new SpamComplaintEvent(sce.Timestamp); result = newEvent; } else if (e is UnsubscribedFromEmailEvent uee) { UnsubscribedFromEmailEvent newEvent = new UnsubscribedFromEmailEvent(uee.Timestamp); result = newEvent; } else { result = new Event(e.DefinitionId, e.Timestamp); } // Many of the above are derived from EmailEvent, so only copy relevant properties once if (e is EmailEvent ee && result is EmailEvent nee) { nee.EmailAddressHistoryEntryId = ee.EmailAddressHistoryEntryId; nee.InstanceId = ee.InstanceId; nee.ManagerRootId = ee.ManagerRootId; nee.MessageId = ee.MessageId; nee.MessageLanguage = ee.MessageLanguage; nee.TestValueIndex = ee.TestValueIndex; } result.Data = e.Data; result.DataKey = e.DataKey; result.Duration = e.Duration; result.EngagementValue = e.EngagementValue; result.Id = e.Id; result.ParentEventId = e.ParentEventId; result.Text = e.Text; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> customValue in e.CustomValues) { result.CustomValues.Add(customValue.Key, customValue.Value); } if (result != null) { target.Events.Add(result); } } }