private void BindControl() { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { dropDownSource = db.CollabCtr .OrderBy(c => c.Id) .Where(c => c.Id > 0) .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.NameAbbrv + " | " + x.Name) }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollab, dropDownSource, string.Empty); dropDownSource = db.Project2 .OrderByDescending(d => d.Id) .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.Id + " " + x.Title).Substring(0, 118) }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); } PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProject, dropDownSource, string.Empty); //phase dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); for (int p = 1; p < 10; p++) { string s = string.Format("Phase-{0}", p); dropDownSource.Add(p, s); } PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProjectPhaseHdn, dropDownSource, ""); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProjectPhase, dropDownSource, ""); BindRptClientAgmt(); }
private void BindControl() { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { dropDownSource = db.BioStats .Where(b => b.EndDate > DateTime.Now) .OrderBy(b => b.Name) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostat, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlAssignTo, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); dropDownSource = db.TaskFields .Where(t => t.FieldType == "Status") .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FieldName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlStatus, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlTaskStatus, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); dropDownSource = db.TaskFields .Where(t => t.FieldType == "Priority") .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FieldName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPriority, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlTaskPriority, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); } }
/// <summary> /// Binds the dropdown options on page load. /// </summary> private void BindControl() { if (!Creator.Equals(string.Empty)) { IDictionary <string, IDictionary <int, string> > controlSource = mgr.GetControlSource(); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlInvestor, controlSource["ddlInvestor"], String.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlGrantStatus, controlSource["ddlGrantStatus"], String.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlFundStatus, controlSource["ddlFundStatus"], String.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlFundStatus1, controlSource["ddlFundStatus"], "--- Select ---"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProject, controlSource["ddlProject"], string.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostat, controlSource["ddlBiostat"], "--- Select ---"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlInternal, controlSource["ddlInternal"], "--- Select ---"); //GridViewBioStat.DataSource = controlSource["ddlBiostat"]; //GridViewBioStat.DataBind(); //GridViewGrant.DataSource = controlSource["GridViewGrant"]; //GridViewGrant.DataBind(); BindGridViewBiostat(-1); } }
/// <summary> /// Prepopulates the Academic Type and Events dropdowns, as well as staff list /// for the Academic Form. /// </summary> private void BindControl() { using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { var dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); var dropDownSource2 = new Dictionary <long, string>(); dropDownSource = db.Academic .Where(a => a.Id > 0) .OrderByDescending(d => d.Id) .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.Id + " " + x.Title).Substring(0, 99) }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlEvent, dropDownSource, "Add new event"); dropDownSource = db.Academic .Join(db.AcademicField, a => a.AcademicTypeId, f => f.Id, (a, f) => new { a.Id, f.Name, f.Category }) .Where(a => a.Id > 0 && a.Category == "AcademicType") .OrderByDescending(d => d.Id) .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.Id + " " + x.Name) }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlEventHdn, dropDownSource, "Add new event"); dropDownSource2 = db.BioStats .Where(b => b.BitValue > 0 && b.EndDate >= DateTime.Now && b.Name != "N/A") .OrderBy(b => b.Id) .ToDictionary(c => (long)c.BitValue, c => c.Name); BindTable2(dropDownSource2, rptBiostat); //dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.OfType<AcademicType>().OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.Where(f => f.Category == "AcademicType").OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlAcademicType, dropDownSource, "--- please select ---"); //dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.OfType<AcademicSemester>().OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.Where(f => f.Category == "Semester").OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlSemester, dropDownSource, string.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlStartSemester, dropDownSource, string.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlEndSemester, dropDownSource, string.Empty); dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.Where(f => f.Category == "CommitteeType").OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCommitteeType, dropDownSource, string.Empty); dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.Where(f => f.Category == "RoleInCommittee").OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPanelCommittee, dropDownSource, string.Empty); dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.Where(f => f.Category == "Agency").OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlGrantAgency, dropDownSource, string.Empty); dropDownSource = db.AcademicField.Where(f => f.Category == "TypeOfTraining").OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlTrainingType, dropDownSource, string.Empty); } //var random = new Random(); //int randomNum = random.Next(100, 999); //txtConfirmCode.Value = randomNum.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Preloads grant dropdown (selection between Ola HAWAII and RMATRIX) /// </summary> private void BindControl() { /// Populates Grant type dropdown (RMATRIX/Ola Hawaii) Dictionary <int, string> grantTypeSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); grantTypeSource.Add(1, "RMATRIX"); grantTypeSource.Add(2, "Ola HAWAII"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlGrantType, grantTypeSource, null); }
protected void ddlAgreement_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)sender; int agmtId = 0; Int32.TryParse(ddl.SelectedValue, out agmtId); if (agmtId > 0) { GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)ddl.Parent.Parent; //int idx = row.RowIndex; if (row != null) { TextBox txtAgreementDate = row.FindControl("txtAgreementDate") as TextBox; TextBox txtProjectId = row.FindControl("txtProjectId") as TextBox; //TextBox txtRate = row.FindControl("txtRate") as TextBox; //TextBox txtCompletedHours = row.FindControl("txtCompletedHours") as TextBox; //TextBox txtTotalCost = row.FindControl("txtTotalCost") as TextBox; using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { var agmt = db.ClientAgmt.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == agmtId); if (agmt != null) { txtAgreementDate.Text = agmt.ApprovalDate != null?Convert.ToDateTime(agmt.ApprovalDate).ToShortDateString() : ""; txtProjectId.Text = agmt.Project2Id.ToString(); //txtRate.Text = agmt.ApprovedPhdRate != null ? agmt.ApprovedPhdRate.ToString() : ""; //txtCompletedHours.Text = agmt.ApprovedPhdHr != null ? agmt.ApprovedPhdHr.ToString() : ""; if (agmt.Project2Id > 0) { DropDownList ddlBiostat = row.FindControl("ddlBiostat") as DropDownList; if (ddlBiostat != null) { var dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); ddlBiostat.ClearSelection(); dropDownSource = db.BioStats .Join(db.ProjectBioStats, b => b.Id, p => p.BioStats_Id, (b, p) => new { b.Id, b.Name, p.EndDate, p.Projects_Id }) .Where(b => b.EndDate > DateTime.Now && b.Projects_Id == agmt.Project2Id) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostat, dropDownSource, "- Select -"); } } } } } } }
//private void BindGrid(ProjectTrackerContainer context, GridView GridViewTimeEntry) //{ // int bioStatId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlBioStat.SelectedValue); // var query = context.TimeEntries // .Join(context.Projects // , t => t.ProjectId // , p => p.Id // , (t, p) => new { t, p.Title } // ) // .Join(context.ServiceTypes // , tt => tt.t.ServiceTypeId // , s => s.Id // , (tt, s) => new { tt, s.Name } // ) // .Join(context.Date1 // , ttt => // , d => d.DateKey // , (ttt, d) => new { // // , // , // , ttt.Name // , d.Date // , // , // } // ) // .Where(a => a.BioStatId == bioStatId); // GridViewTimeEntry.DataSource = query.ToList(); // GridViewTimeEntry.DataBind(); //} protected void ddlBioStat_Changed(Object sender, EventArgs e) { //ddlPI.ClearSelection(); ddlProject.ClearSelection(); int biostatId; Int32.TryParse(ddlBioStat.SelectedValue, out biostatId); if (biostatId > 0) { using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { var biostat = context.BioStats.First(x => x.Id == biostatId); if (biostat != null) { //var projects = context.ProjectBioStats // .Where(p => p.BioStats_Id == biostat.Id // && (p.Project.ProjectCompletionDate == null || p.Project.ProjectCompletionDate > _leadDate)); var projects = context.vwProjectBiostat.Where(v => v.BiostatId == biostat.Id); if (projects.Count() > 0) { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); dropDownSource = projects .OrderByDescending(d => d.FirstName) .Select(x => new { x.InvestId, FullName = x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(c => c.InvestId, c => c.FullName); //PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPI, dropDownSource, string.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostatChosen, dropDownSource, string.Empty); dropDownSource = projects .OrderByDescending(d => d.ProjectId) .Select(x => new { x.ProjectId, FullName = (x.ProjectId + " " + x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName + " | " + x.Title).Substring(0, 188) }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(c => c.ProjectId, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProject, dropDownSource, string.Empty); //BindGrid(context, GridViewTimeEntry); BindGridView(); } } } BindrptPhase(-1); } }
/// <summary> /// Obtains a list newly-entered investigators and projects and binds them into a separate tables /// for review by the QHS Tracking Team. /// </summary> private void BindControl() { GridViewBindEmpty(GridViewProject); using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { // List of pending Investigators to review by QHS Tracking Team. var query = context.Invests .Join(context.InvestStatus, i => i.InvestStatusId, s => s.Id, (i, s) => new { i.Id, i.FirstName, i.LastName, i.Email, i.Phone, s.StatusValue, i.IsApproved }) .Where(d => d.Id > 0 && !d.IsApproved) .OrderByDescending(d => d.Id); // Bind list of pending Investigators to table. GridViewPI.DataSource = query.ToList(); GridViewPI.DataBind(); // List of pending Projects to review by QHS Tracking Team. var pending = context.Project2 .Join(context.Invests, p => p.Invests.Id, i => i.Id, ((p, i) => new { p.Id, p.Title, p.InitialDate, p.IsApproved, i.FirstName, i.LastName })) .Where(a => a.IsApproved == false && a.Id > 0) .OrderByDescending(d => d.Id); // Binds list of pending Projects to table. GridViewPending.DataSource = pending.ToList(); GridViewPending.DataBind(); //var project = context.Projects // .Join(context.Invests, p => p.InvestId, i => i.Id, ((p, i) => new { p.Id, p.Title, p.InitialDate, p.IsApproved, i.FirstName, i.LastName })) // .Where(a => a.IsApproved == true) // .OrderByDescending(p => p.Id) // .Take(10); //GridViewProject.DataSource = project.ToList(); //GridViewProject.DataBind(); IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); //ddlInvestor dropDownSource = context.Invests .OrderBy(d => d.FirstName).ThenBy(l => l.LastName) .Select(x => new { x.Id, Name = x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlInvestor, dropDownSource, "------ Select All ------"); DataTable clientRqstTable = GetClientRqstAll(); rptClientRqst.DataSource = clientRqstTable; rptClientRqst.DataBind(); } }
private void BindControl() { using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); dropDownSource = context.BiostatReports .Where(b => b.ReportType == "RmatrixSummary") .OrderBy(b => b.Id) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.ReportName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlReport, dropDownSource, "--- Select Report ---"); } }
private void LoadEditTimeEntry(GridViewRow row) { lblEditId.Text = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblId")).Text; lblEditProjectId.Text = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblProjectId")).Text; lblEditProject.Text = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblProjectName")).Text; lblEditPhase.Text = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblPhase")).Text; int projectId = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(lblEditProjectId.Text, out projectId)) { using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { var projectPhases = context.ProjectPhase.Where(p => p.ProjectId == projectId).ToList(); IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); dropDownSource = context.ProjectPhase.Where(p => p.ProjectId == projectId && p.IsDeleted == false) .OrderBy(d => d.Id) .Select(x => new { x.Id, x.Name }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); //PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPI, dropDownSource, string.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPhaseEdit, dropDownSource, null); ddlPhaseEdit.ClearSelection(); ddlPhaseEdit.Items.FindByText(lblEditPhase.Text).Selected = true; } } TextBoxEditDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(((Label)row.FindControl("lblDate")).Text).ToShortDateString(); TextBoxEditTime.Text = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblTime")).Text; TextBoxEditDesc.Text = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblDesc")).Text; string serviceType = ((Label)row.FindControl("lblServiceType")).Text; ddlEditServiceType.ClearSelection(); ddlEditServiceType.Items.FindByText(serviceType).Selected = true; System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"<script type='text/javascript'>"); sb.Append("$('#editModal').modal('show');"); sb.Append(@"</script>"); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ModalScript", sb.ToString(), false); }
/// <summary> /// Pre-loads dropdown list based on what the type of reports there are for the Ola Hawaii Summary reports. /// Uses Rmatrix Summary drop downs as they are the same for Ola Hawaii reports. /// </summary> private void BindControl() { using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); //11 RmatrixSummary Projects //12 RmatrixSummary HealthcareData //13 RmatrixSummary NonUH //14 RmatrixSummary Publications //15 RmatrixSummary AbstractsPresentations //16 RmatrixSummary Academic dropDownSource = context.BiostatReports .Where(b => b.ReportType == "RmatrixSummary") .OrderBy(b => b.Id) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.ReportName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlReport, dropDownSource, "--- Select Report ---"); /// Populates Grant type dropdown (RMATRIX/Ola Hawaii) Dictionary <int, string> grantTypeSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); grantTypeSource.Add(1, "RMATRIX"); grantTypeSource.Add(2, "Ola Hawaii"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlGrantType, grantTypeSource, null); /// Populates Collaboration Center dropdown (e.g., OBGYN, SONDH, etc.) Dictionary <int, string> collabCtrSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); collabCtrSource = context.CollabCtr .Where(d => d.Id > 0) .OrderBy(h => h.NameAbbrv) .ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.NameAbbrv + " (" + x.Contact + ")"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollabCenter, collabCtrSource, "--- Select Collaborative Center ---"); /// Only Admin are allowed to view collaborative center report option. if (!Page.User.IsInRole("Admin")) { collabCtrSectionTitle.Visible = false; collabCtrButtonSection.Visible = false; } else { collabCtrSectionTitle.Visible = true; collabCtrButtonSection.Visible = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Pre-loads dropdown list based on what the type of reports there are for the Ola Hawaii Summary reports. /// Uses Rmatrix Summary drop downs as they are the same for Ola Hawaii reports. /// </summary> private void BindControl() { using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); //11 RmatrixSummary Projects //12 RmatrixSummary HealthcareData //13 RmatrixSummary NonUH //14 RmatrixSummary Publications //15 RmatrixSummary AbstractsPresentations //16 RmatrixSummary Academic dropDownSource = context.BiostatReports .Where(b => b.ReportType == "RmatrixSummary") .OrderBy(b => b.Id) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.ReportName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlReport, dropDownSource, "--- Select Report ---"); } }
private void BindControl() { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); int ccid = 0; using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { //dropDownSource = db.BioStats // //.Where(b => b.EndDate > DateTime.Now) // .OrderByDescending(b => b.Id) // .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); //PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostatHdn, dropDownSource, "- Select -"); Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["CCId"], out ccid); txtCCId.Value = ccid.ToString(); //dropDownSource = db.ClientAgmt // .Where(a => a.CollabCtr.Id == ccid) // .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.CollabCtr.NameAbbrv + "-" + c.Id); //PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlAgreementHdn, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); dropDownSource = db.CollabCtr .OrderBy(c => c.Id) .Where(c => c.Id > 0) .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.NameAbbrv + " | " + x.Name) }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollab, dropDownSource, string.Empty); } //BindgvInvoiceItem(-1); BindRptInvoice(); //if (ccid > 0) // BindRptNewInvoice(ccid); }
/// <summary> /// Populates dropdown fields with corresponding selections. /// </summary> private void BindControl() { using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); //ddlBioStat //if (Page.User.IsInRole("Admin")) //{ // dropDownSource = context.BioStats // .OrderBy(b => b.Name) // .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); // PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostat, dropDownSource, "--- Select All ---"); //} //else //{ // var biostat = context.BioStats.FirstOrDefault(b => b.LogonId == Page.User.Identity.Name); // if (biostat != null) // { // dropDownSource.Add(biostat.Id, biostat.Name); // PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostat, dropDownSource, null); // } //} dropDownSource = context.BioStats .Where(b => b.Name != "N/A" && b.Name != "Unknown") .OrderByDescending(b => b.EndDate) .ThenBy(b => b.Name) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostat, dropDownSource, "--- Select All ---"); dropDownSource = context.BioStats //.Where(b => b.EndDate > currentDate) .OrderBy(b => b.Name) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); //PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostat, dropDownSource, "--- Select All ---"); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlMember, dropDownSource, "--- Select All ---"); dropDownSource = context.BiostatReports .Where(b => b.ReportType == "TimeEntry") .OrderBy(b => b.Id) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.ReportName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlReport, dropDownSource, "--- Select Report ---"); int biostatId; Int32.TryParse(ddlBiostat.SelectedValue, out biostatId); if (biostatId > 0) { dropDownSource = context.ProjectBioStats .Where(p => p.BioStats_Id == biostatId) .OrderByDescending(d => d.Project.Id) .Select(x => new { x.Project.Id, FullName = (x.Project.Id + " " + x.Project.Title).Substring(0, 99) }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); } else { dropDownSource = context.Project2 .Where(p => p.Id > 0) .OrderByDescending(d => d.Id) .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.Id + " " + x.Title).Substring(0, 99) }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); } PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProject, dropDownSource, "--- Select All ---"); dropDownSource = context.PublishStatus .Where(p => p.Id > 0) .OrderBy(d => d.Id) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPaperStatus, dropDownSource, string.Empty); /*Added "Funding Source" dropdown*/ dropDownSource = context.ProjectField .Where(p => p.IsFundingSource == true) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlFundingSource, dropDownSource, string.Empty); dropDownSource.Clear(); dropDownSource.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(1, "Small")); dropDownSource.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(2, "Large")); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlServiceType, dropDownSource, "--- Select All ---"); dropDownSource.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { dropDownSource.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(i, i.ToString())); } PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlThreshold, dropDownSource, "default"); dropDownSource = context.JabsomAffils .Where(a => a.Type != "Other" && a.Type != "Degree" && a.Type != "Unknown" && a.Name != "Other") .OrderBy(a => a.Name) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); var affilsJson = dropDownSource.Select(x => new { Id = x.Key, Name = x.Value }); textAreaAffil.Value = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(affilsJson); dropDownSource = context.AcademicField.Where(f => f.Category == "AcademicType").OrderBy(f => f.DisplayOrder).ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlAcademicType, dropDownSource, string.Empty); } }
//protected void ddlPI_Changed(Object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // int biostatId; // bool result = Int32.TryParse(ddlBioStat.SelectedValue, out biostatId); // int investId; // bool piResult = Int32.TryParse(ddlPI.SelectedValue, out investId); // if (biostatId > 0) // { // using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) // { // IDictionary<int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary<int, string>(); // var projects = context.ProjectBioStats // .Where(p => p.BioStats_Id == biostatId && p.Project.IsApproved && p.Project.IsProject && (p.Project.ProjectCompletionDate == null || p.Project.ProjectCompletionDate > _leadDate)); // if (investId > 0) // { // projects = projects // .Where(p => p.Project.InvestId == investId); // } // dropDownSource = projects // .OrderByDescending(d => d.Project.Id) // .Select(x => new { x.Project.Id, FullName = (x.Project.Id + " " + x.Project.Invest.FirstName + " " + x.Project.Invest.LastName + " | " + x.Project.Title).Substring(0, 108) }) // .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); // if (projects.Count() > 0) // { // PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProject, dropDownSource, string.Empty); // } // } // } //} private void BindControl(string projectId) { string userName = Page.User.Identity.Name; _currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); if (!userName.Equals(string.Empty)) { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); using (ProjectTrackerContainer context = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { //var dbQuery = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateQuery<DateTime>("CurrentDateTime() "); //HiddenFieldCurrentDate.Value = dbQuery.AsEnumerable().First().ToString(); //_currentDate = HiddenFieldCurrentDate.Value; _leadDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-50); //ddlBioStat var biostat = context.BioStats.FirstOrDefault(b => b.LogonId == userName); if (biostat != null) { if (Page.User.IsInRole("Admin")) { dropDownSource = context.BioStats .Where(b => b.Id > 0 && b.Id < 90) .OrderBy(b => b.Id) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBioStat, dropDownSource, string.Empty); ddlBioStat.Items.FindByText(biostat.Name).Selected = true; } else { dropDownSource.Add(biostat.Id, biostat.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBioStat, dropDownSource, null); } int biostatId; Int32.TryParse(ddlBioStat.SelectedValue, out biostatId); if (biostatId > 0) { //var projects = context.ProjectBioStats // .Where(p => p.BioStats_Id == biostatId && (p.Project.ProjectCompletionDate == null || p.Project.ProjectCompletionDate > _leadDate)); var projects = context.vwProjectBiostat.Where(v => v.BiostatId == biostatId); if (projects.Count() > 0) { dropDownSource = projects .OrderByDescending(d => d.InvestId) .Select(x => new { x.InvestId, FullName = x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(c => c.InvestId, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlBiostatChosen, dropDownSource, "Search PI"); int piId = 0; Int32.TryParse(ddlBiostatChosen.SelectedValue, out piId); if (piId > 0) { projects = projects.Where(p => p.InvestId == piId); } dropDownSource = projects .OrderByDescending(d => d.ProjectId) .Select(x => new { x.ProjectId, FullName = (x.ProjectId + " " + x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName + " | " + x.Title).Substring(0, 108) }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(c => c.ProjectId, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlProject, dropDownSource, string.Empty); ddlProject.SelectedValue = projectId; int _projectId; bool result = Int32.TryParse(ddlProject.SelectedValue, out _projectId); BindrptPhase(_projectId); } } } //ddlServiceType and ddlEditServiceType dropDownSource = context.ServiceTypes .OrderBy(b => b.Id) .Select(x => new { x.Id, x.Name }) .Distinct().ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlServiceType, dropDownSource, string.Empty); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlEditServiceType, dropDownSource, string.Empty); TextBoxSubmitDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(_currentDate).ToShortDateString(); //ddlMonth int currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year; string currentMonth = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); dropDownSource = context.Date1.Where(d => d.Year > 2014) .Select(x => new { id = (int)x.Year, x.Year }) .Distinct() .OrderBy(i => .ToDictionary(c =>, c => c.Year.ToString()); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlYear, dropDownSource, null); ddlYear.SelectedValue = currentYear.ToString(); int yearSelected = currentYear; Int32.TryParse(ddlYear.SelectedValue, out yearSelected); dropDownSource = context.Date1.Where(d => d.Year == yearSelected) .Select(x => new { id = (int)x.MonthOfYear, x.Month }) .Distinct() .OrderBy(i => .ToDictionary(c =>, c => c.Month); //if (!Page.User.IsInRole("Admin")) //{ // dropDownSource = dropDownSource.Select(i => i).Where(m => m.Key.ToString() == currentMonth).ToDictionary(c => c.Key, c => c.Value); //} PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlMonth, dropDownSource, null); ddlMonth.SelectedValue = currentMonth; BindGridView(); } //BindGridViewProjectEffort(-1); //phase dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); for (int p = 0; p < 10; p++) { string s = string.Format("Phase-{0}", p); dropDownSource.Add(p, s); } PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPhaseHdn, dropDownSource, "--- Select ---"); //BindgvPhase(-1); } }
/// <summary> /// If there is an existing PI in the request, the pop-out form will populate with /// the PI information already stored into the database. /// /// Otherwise, a brand new, blank form will be presented to the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="piId"></param> private void BindControl(string piId) { using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { IDictionary <int, string> dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); int id = 0; Int32.TryParse(piId, out id); if (id > 0) { var query1 = db.Invests .Join(db.InvestStatus, i => i.InvestStatusId, s => s.Id, (i, s) => new { i.Id, i.FirstName, i.LastName, i.Email, i.Phone, s.StatusValue }) .Where(d => d.Id == id) .OrderBy(d => d.Id); //GridView1.DataSource = query1.ToList(); //GridView1.DataBind(); rptPI.DataSource = query1.ToList(); rptPI.DataBind(); } else { var query = db.Invests .Join(db.InvestStatus, i => i.InvestStatusId, s => s.Id, (i, s) => new { i.Id, i.FirstName, i.LastName, i.Email, i.Phone, s.StatusValue }) .Where(d => d.Id > 0) .OrderBy(d => d.Id); //GridView1.DataSource = query.ToList(); //GridView1.DataBind(); rptPI.DataSource = query.ToList(); rptPI.DataBind(); } var statusQuery = db.InvestStatus .OrderBy(d => d.DisplayOrder); ddlStatus.DataSource = statusQuery.ToList(); ddlStatus.DataValueField = "Id"; ddlStatus.DataTextField = "StatusValue"; ddlStatus.DataBind(); //uhfaculty var uhfacultyQuery = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "UHFaculty") .OrderBy(d => d.Id); ddlUHFaculty.DataSource = uhfacultyQuery.ToList(); ddlUHFaculty.DataValueField = "Id"; ddlUHFaculty.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlUHFaculty.DataBind(); ddlUHFaculty.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(String.Empty, String.Empty)); //degree var queryDegree = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "Degree"); GridViewDegree.DataSource = queryDegree.ToList(); GridViewDegree.DataBind(); //department var queryDept = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "Department"); GridViewDept.DataSource = queryDept.ToList(); GridViewDept.DataBind(); var queryOffice = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "Office"); GridViewOffice.DataSource = queryOffice.ToList(); GridViewOffice.DataBind(); //ddlJabsomOther dropDownSource = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "College") .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlJabsomOther, dropDownSource, string.Empty); var queryUHDept = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "UHSchool"); GridViewUHDept.DataSource = queryUHDept.ToList(); GridViewUHDept.DataBind(); //GridViewCommunityCollege var queryCommunityCollege = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "CommunityCollege"); GridViewCommunityCollege.DataSource = queryCommunityCollege.ToList(); GridViewCommunityCollege.DataBind(); //GridViewCommunityPartner var queryCommunityPartner = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "CommunityPartner"); GridViewCommunityPartner.DataSource = queryCommunityPartner.ToList(); GridViewCommunityPartner.DataBind(); //ddlHospital dropDownSource = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "MajorHospital") .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.Name); //PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlHospital, dropDownSource, String.Empty); ////GridViewHph //var queryHph = db.JabsomAffils // .Where(d => d.Type == "HawaiiPacificHealth"); //GridViewHph.DataSource = queryHph.ToList(); //GridViewHph.DataBind(); //GridViewNonUH var queryNonUH = db.JabsomAffils .Where(d => d.Type == "MajorHospital"); GridViewNonUH.DataSource = queryNonUH.ToList(); GridViewNonUH.DataBind(); //if (!Page.User.IsInRole("Admin")) //{ // btnAdd.Visible = false; // btnSave.Visible = false; //} //var principleI = db.Invests.Where(i => i.Id > 0) // .Select(x => new { FullName = x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName }); //textAreaPI.Value = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(principleI); } }
/// <summary> /// Prepares initial page load for use. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { using (ProjectTrackerContainer dbContext = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { var dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); var query = dbContext.BioStats.Where(b => b.Id > 0 && b.Id != 99); dropDownSource = query .Where(b => b.Type == "phd") .OrderByDescending(b => b.EndDate) .ThenBy(b => b.Name) .ToDictionary(b => b.Id, b => b.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPhd, dropDownSource, " --- Select --- "); dropDownSource = query .Where(b => b.Type != "phd") .OrderByDescending(b => b.EndDate) .ThenBy(b => b.Name) .ToDictionary(b => b.Id, b => b.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlMs, dropDownSource, " --- Select --- "); dropDownSource = dbContext.InvestStatus .OrderBy(d => d.DisplayOrder) .ToDictionary(b => b.Id, b => b.StatusValue); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlPIStatus, dropDownSource, " --- Select --- "); dropDownSource = dbContext.ProjectField .Where(g => g.GroupName == "HealthData") .OrderBy(d => d.DisplayOrder) .ToDictionary(b => b.BitValue, b => b.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlHealthData, dropDownSource, " --- Select --- "); dropDownSource = dbContext.ProjectField .Where(g => g.GroupName == "Grant") .OrderBy(d => d.DisplayOrder) .ToDictionary(b => b.BitValue, b => b.Name); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlGrant, dropDownSource, " --- Select --- "); var affil = dbContext.JabsomAffils .Where(a => a.Type != "Other" && a.Type != "Degree" && a.Type != "Unknown" && a.Name != "Other") .OrderBy(a => a.Id) .Select(x => new { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name }); textAreaAffil.Value = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(affil); var piName = dbContext.Invests .Where(i => i.Id > 0) .Select(x => new { Id = x.Id, Name = x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName }); textAreaPI.Value = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(piName); Dictionary <int, string> reportType = new Dictionary <int, string>(); /*reportType.Add(1, "Check-in Meeting Report");*/ PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlReportType, reportType, "Full Report"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Loads Collaborative Center form given id. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Referred collab center id.</param> private void LoadCCForm(int id) { collabCtrProjSxn.Visible = true; collabCtrClientAgmtSxn.Visible = true; var dropDownSource = new Dictionary <int, string>(); var dropDownSourcewString = new Dictionary <string, string>(); /// Populates dropdowns of projects and client agreements associated with the collaboration center. using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer()) { /// List of Collab Centers dropDownSource = db.CollabCtr .OrderBy(c => c.NameAbbrv) .Where(c => c.Id > 0) .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.NameAbbrv + " | " + x.Name) }) .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollab, dropDownSource, string.Empty); /// Pulls list of projects associated with collaborative center OR /// if collaborative center is SONDH, pulls the projects with /// "MOU" listed as the grant payment. dropDownSource = db.Project2 .GroupJoin( db.JabsomAffils, p => p.GrantDepartmentFundingType, ja => ja.Id, (p, ja) => new { p, ja }) .Where(y => y.p.ClientAgmt.FirstOrDefault().CollabCtrId == id || (id == 116 && y.ja.FirstOrDefault().Name == "School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene") && (y.p.IsMOU == 1 || y.p.GrantOther.Contains("MOU") || (y.p.AknOther.Contains("MOU")))) .OrderByDescending(y => y.p.Id) .Select(x => new { x.p.Id, FullName = (x.p.Id + " " + x.p.Title).Substring(0, 150) }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollabCtrProjects, dropDownSource, "-- List of Projects for Collaborative Center --"); /// Pulls list of Client Agreements associated with collaborative center. dropDownSourcewString = db.ClientAgmt .Join(db.CollabCtr, ca => ca.CollabCtrId, cct => cct.Id, (ca, cct) => new { ca, cct }) .Where(z => == id) .OrderByDescending(y => .Select(x => new { /**/, FullName = ( + " - " + + " - " + + " - Project ID " +, 150) }) .Distinct() .ToDictionary(d => d.AgmtId, d => d.FullName); PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollabCtrClientAgmts, dropDownSourcewString, "-- List of Client Agreements for Collaborative Center --"); } CollabCtr cc = GetCollabCtrById(id); if (cc != null) { SetCollabCtr(cc); if (cc.Id > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ModalScript", PageUtility.LoadEditScript(true), false); } } }