コード例 #1
        private void SetupMapWithBlankPage()
            // Setup the map unit, you want to always use feet or meters for the printer layout map.
            mapView.MapUnit = GeographyUnit.Meter;

            // Here we create the default zoom levels for the sample.  We have pre-created a PrinterZoomLevelSet
            // That pre-defines commonly used zoom levels based on percentages of zoom
            mapView.ZoomLevelSet = new PrinterZoomLevelSet(mapView.MapUnit, PrinterHelper.GetPointsPerGeographyUnit(mapView.MapUnit));

            // Here we set the background color to gray so there is contrast with the white page
            mapView.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White;

            // Create the PrinterInteractiveOverlay to contain all of the PrinterLayers.
            // The interactive overlay allows the layers to be interacted with
            PrinterInteractiveOverlay printerOverlay = new PrinterInteractiveOverlay();

            mapView.InteractiveOverlays.Add("PrintPreviewOverlay", printerOverlay);

            // Create the PagePrinterLayer which shows the page boundary and is the area the user will
            // arrange all of the other layer on top of.
            PagePrinterLayer pagePrinterLayer = new PagePrinterLayer(PrinterPageSize.AnsiA, PrinterOrientation.Portrait);

            pagePrinterLayer.BackgroundMask = new AreaStyle(new GeoPen(GeoColors.LightGray, 1), GeoBrushes.White);
            printerOverlay.PrinterLayers.Add("PageLayer", pagePrinterLayer);

            // Get the pages extent, slightly scale it up, and then set that as the default current extent
            mapView.CurrentExtent = pagePrinterLayer.GetPosition().GetBoundingBox();

            // Set the minimum sscale of the map to the last zoom level
            mapView.MinimumScale = mapView.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel20.Scale;
コード例 #2
        private RectangleShape GetPageBoundingBox(PrintingUnit unit)
            // This helper method gets the pages bounding box in the unit requested
            PrinterInteractiveOverlay printerInteractiveOverlay = (PrinterInteractiveOverlay)mapView.InteractiveOverlays["PrintPreviewOverlay"];
            PagePrinterLayer          pagePrinterLayer          = (PagePrinterLayer)printerInteractiveOverlay.PrinterLayers["PageLayer"];

 protected override void DrawTileCore(GeoCanvas geoCanvas)
     if (gridLayer != null)
         PagePrinterLayer pagePrinterLayer = PrinterLayers.OfType <PagePrinterLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
         if (pagePrinterLayer != null)
             if (!gridLayer.IsOpen)
             gridLayer.Draw(geoCanvas, new Collection <SimpleCandidate>());