public void Continue() { foreach (Room room in this.rooms) { if (this.rooms.IndexOf(room) > 0) { EstablishmentPage.SelectRoomTab(room.roomNumber); if (room.availableRoomNumber != 0) { EstablishmentPage.SelectRoomByNumber(room.availableRoomNumber); } Driver.WaitForAjax(); Driver.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); EstablishmentPage.ClickContinueButton(); try { PageFunctions.WaitForLoad("agentpaymentpage", "Payment page not displayed in 40 secs"); } catch (Exception ex) { Guids.SearchGuid = PageFunctions.GetSearchGUID(); Guids.pageUrl = PageFunctions.GetUrl(); ReadOnlyCollection <IWebElement> ErrMsgsDivs = Driver.Instance.FindElements(By.CssSelector("")); IWebElement displayedErrMsg; try { displayedErrMsg = ErrMsgsDivs.First(i => i.Displayed); } catch { throw ex; } if (displayedErrMsg.Text.Trim() == "Hotel unavailable") { throw new Exception(string.Format("Selected Hotel room(s) are fully booked for the dates selected.")); } if (displayedErrMsg.Text.Trim() == "No results found") { throw new Exception(string.Format("For Selected Hotel 'No results found' error message is displayed.")); } if (displayedErrMsg.Text.Trim() == "Room unavailable") { throw new Exception(string.Format("For Room Number {0} selected room {1} is no longer available.", room.roomNumber, room.availableRoomNumber)); } throw ex; } } else { if (room.availableRoomNumber != 0) { EstablishmentPage.SelectRoomByNumber(room.availableRoomNumber); } } } }
public void Search() { if (destination != null) { HomePage.TypeDestination(this.destination, this.IsHotel); } if (fromDate != null) { HomePage.SelectCheckIn(this.fromDate); } if (toDate != null) { HomePage.SelectCheckOut(toDate); } PassangerPopUpBox.Open(); foreach (Room room in this.rooms) { if (this.rooms.IndexOf(room) > 0) { PassangerPopUpBox.ClickAddAnotherRoom(); } if (room.noOfAdults != 0) { PassangerPopUpBox.SelectAdults(room.noOfAdults, this.rooms.IndexOf(room)); } if (room.noOfChildren != 0) { PassangerPopUpBox.SelectChildren(room.noOfChildren, room.childrenAges, this.rooms.IndexOf(room)); } } PassangerPopUpBox.SaveChanges(); HomePage.ClickSearchButton(); if (IsHotel) { try { PageFunctions.WaitForLoad("establishmentpage", "Establishment page not displayed in 40 secs"); } catch (Exception ex) { ReadOnlyCollection <IWebElement> ErrMsgsDivs = Driver.Instance.FindElements(By.CssSelector("")); IWebElement displayedErrMsg; try { displayedErrMsg = ErrMsgsDivs.First(i => i.Displayed); } catch { throw ex; } if (displayedErrMsg.Text.Trim() == "Hotel unavailable") { throw new Exception(string.Format("Selected Hotel {0} is fully booked for the dates {1} to {2}.", this.destination, this.fromDate, this.toDate)); } if (displayedErrMsg.Text.Trim() == "No results found") { throw new Exception(string.Format("For Selected Hotel {0} between {1} to {2} dates 'No results found' error message is displayed.", this.destination, this.fromDate, this.toDate)); } throw ex; } } else { try { PageFunctions.WaitForLoad("accommodationresultspage", "Accommodation result page not displayed in 40 secss"); } catch (Exception ex) { ReadOnlyCollection <IWebElement> ErrMsgsDivs = Driver.Instance.FindElements(By.CssSelector("")); IWebElement displayedErrMsg; try { displayedErrMsg = ErrMsgsDivs.First(i => i.Displayed); } catch { throw ex; } displayedErrMsg = ErrMsgsDivs.First(i => i.Displayed); if (displayedErrMsg.Text.Trim() == "No results found") { throw new Exception(string.Format("For Selected destination {0} between {1} to {2} dates 'No results found' error message is displayed.", this.destination, this.fromDate, this.toDate)); } throw ex; } } }