コード例 #1
ファイル: Newsletters.aspx.cs プロジェクト: bjarte/Newsletter
        protected string GetPageEditUrl(Job job)
            if (job.PageId != 0)
                return(PageEditing.GetEditUrl(new ContentReference(job.PageId)));

コード例 #2
        private static string GetEditUrl(IContent content)
            var relativeUrl = PageEditing.GetEditUrl(content.ContentLink);
            var absoluteUrl = new UrlBuilder(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url)
                Path  = relativeUrl,
                Query = null // Had to do this because if the auth token is passed in the querystring, it was getting copied to the edit URL...

コード例 #3
        public virtual async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ImageViewed(ImageData image, IContent page, HttpContextBase httpContext)
                var trackingData = new TrackingData <ImageView>
                    EventType = "Imagery",
                    Value     = "Image viewed: '" + (image as IContent).Name + "' on page - '" + page.Name + "'",
                    PageUri   = PageEditing.GetEditUrl(page.ContentLink),
                    Payload   = new ImageView
                        PageName  = page.Name,
                        PageId    = page.ContentLink.ID,
                        ImageId   = (image as IContent).ContentLink.ID,
                        ImageName = (image as IContent).Name

                await _trackingService.Track(trackingData, httpContext);
コード例 #4
        public virtual async System.Threading.Tasks.Task BlockViewed(BlockData block, IContent page, HttpContextBase httpContext)
                var trackingData = new TrackingData <BlockView>
                    EventType = typeof(BlockView).Name,
                    Value     = "Block viewed: '" + (block as IContent).Name + "' on page - '" + page.Name + "'",
                    PageUri   = PageEditing.GetEditUrl(page.ContentLink),
                    Payload   = new BlockView
                        PageName  = page.Name,
                        PageId    = page.ContentLink.ID,
                        BlockId   = (block as IContent).ContentLink.ID,
                        BlockName = (block as IContent).Name

                await _trackingService.Track(trackingData, httpContext);
コード例 #5
        public ContentInspectorViewModel CreateModel(ContentReference contentReference, List<string> visitorGroupNames, string contentGroup,
            int level, List<ContentReference> parentIds)
            IContent content;
            if (!_contentLoader.TryGet(contentReference, out content))
                return null;
            if (!content.QueryDistinctAccess(AccessLevel.Read))
                return null;
            var currentItem = CreateInspectorContentViewModel(content);
            if (parentIds.Contains(contentReference))
                currentItem.HasDuplicateParent = true;
            currentItem.EditUrl = PageEditing.GetEditUrl(content.ContentLink);
            if (content is ImageData)
                currentItem.MainType = MainContentType.Image;
                currentItem.ThumbnailUrl = content.ThumbnailUrl();
            else if (content is BlockData)
                currentItem.MainType = MainContentType.Block;
                currentItem.MainType = MainContentType.Page;

            var model = new ContentInspectorViewModel()
                Content = currentItem,
                VisitorGroupsNames = visitorGroupNames,
                ContentAreaItems = new List<ContentInspectorViewModel.ContentAreaItemViewModel>(),
                ContentGroup = contentGroup,
                ContentReferenceItems = new List<ContentInspectorViewModel.ContentReferenceViewModel>(),
                XhtmlStringItems = new List<ContentInspectorViewModel.XhtmlStringViewModel>()

            var contentType = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentTypeRepository>().Load(content.ContentTypeID);

            if (level >= _maxLevel)
                model.Content.IsMaxLevel = true;
            else if (!currentItem.HasDuplicateParent)
                model.ContentAreaItems = GetContentAreaItems(level, parentIds, contentType, content); ;
            var inspectablePropertes = GetInspectableProperties(contentType);
            foreach (var propertyInfo in inspectablePropertes)
                if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(ContentReference) ||
                    propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(PageReference))
                    GetContentReferenceProperty(level, parentIds, content, propertyInfo, model);
                else if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(XhtmlString))
                    var property = content.Property[propertyInfo.Name] as PropertyXhtmlString;
                    var fragments = property?.XhtmlString?.Fragments;
                    var xhtmlStringViewModel = new ContentInspectorViewModel.XhtmlStringViewModel();
                    xhtmlStringViewModel.Name = property.TranslateDisplayName();
                    if (fragments != null)
                        foreach (var fragment in fragments)
                            CreateFragment(level, parentIds, fragment, xhtmlStringViewModel, null);
                    var property = content.Property[propertyInfo.Name];
                    if (property != null)
                        model.Content.AdditionalProperties.Add(property.TranslateDisplayName(), property.Value);

                        model.Content.AdditionalProperties.Add(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(content));
            return model;
コード例 #6
        public RatingListDto GetRatings([FromUri] RatingFilterDto filterParams)
            var ratingDataList = new RatingListDto();
            var filter         = new FilterContentForVisitor();
            var pages          = GetChildPages(ContentReference.StartPage).ToList();

            var ratingTableDataList = new List <RatingTableDataDto>();

            var ratingInterfacePages = filterParams != null && filterParams.RatingEnabled
                ? pages.OfType <IRatingPage>().Where(p => p.RatingEnabled == filterParams.RatingEnabled).ToList()
                : pages.OfType <IRatingPage>().ToList();

            //var reviews = GetReviews(ratingInterfacePages);

            foreach (var ratingPage in ratingInterfacePages)
                var ratingContent = (IContent)ratingPage;
                var ratings       = _reviewService.GetReviews(ratingContent.ContentLink);

                if (ratings == null)

                var ratingsList = ratings.ToList();

                var ratingTableData = new RatingTableDataDto
                    PageName        = ratingContent.Name,
                    RatingEnabled   = ratingPage.RatingEnabled,
                    ContentId       = ratingContent.ContentLink.ID.ToString(),
                    ContentUrl      = PageEditing.GetEditUrl(ratingContent.ContentLink),
                    PageFriendlyUrl = _urlResolver.GetUrl(ratingContent.ContentLink)

                if (ratingsList.Any())
                    if (filterParams != null)
                        ratingsList = ratingsList.Where(r =>
                                                        !filterParams.DateFrom.HasValue || r.Created.Date >= filterParams.DateFrom.Value.Date &&
                                                        (!filterParams.DateTo.HasValue || r.Created.Date <= filterParams.DateTo.Value.Date))

                    var allCommentsDto = ratingsList.Where(r => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Text))
                                         .Select(r => new RatingCommentDto {
                        CommentText = r.Text, CommentDate = r.Created

                    ratingTableData.ShortComments = new List <RatingCommentDto>(allCommentsDto
                                                                                .OrderByDescending(c => c.CommentDate).Take(5)
                                                                                .Select(c => new RatingCommentDto
                        CommentText =
                            c.CommentText.Length > 500 ? c.CommentText.Substring(0, 500) + "..." : c.CommentText,
                        CommentDate = c.CommentDate

                    ratingTableData.Comments = new List <RatingCommentDto>(allCommentsDto.Select(comment =>
                                                                                                 new RatingCommentDto
                        CommentText = comment.CommentText + "{nl}",
                        CommentDate = comment.CommentDate

                    ratingTableData.Rating          = (int)ratingsList.Select(r => r.Rating).Sum();
                    ratingTableData.LastCommentDate =
                        allCommentsDto.OrderByDescending(c => c.CommentDate).First().CommentDate;
                    ratingTableData.RatingCount         = ratingsList.Count;
                    ratingTableData.PositiveRatingCount = ratingsList.Count(r => r.Rating > 0);
                    ratingTableData.NegativeRatingCount = ratingsList.Count(r => r.Rating < 0);

                if (filterParams == null || !filterParams.OnlyRatedPages ||
                    (filterParams.OnlyRatedPages && ratingsList.Any()))

            ratingDataList.RatingData = ratingTableDataList;

コード例 #7
 public string GetEditUrl(ContentReference contentLink)
コード例 #8
        private async Task <List <ContentTask> > ProcessChangeData(int pageNumber, int pageSize, string sorting, AdvancedTaskIndexViewData model)
            //List of All task for the user
            var query = new ApprovalQuery
                Status    = ApprovalStatus.InReview,
                Username  = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name,
                Reference = new Uri("changeapproval:")

            var list = await _approvalRepository.ListAsync(query, (pageNumber - 1) *pageSize, pageSize);

            model.TotalItemsCount = Convert.ToInt32(list.TotalCount);

            var taskList = new List <ContentTask>();

            foreach (var task in list.PagedResult)
                IContent content = null;
                var      id      = task.ID.ToString();

                var customTask = new ContentTask
                    ApprovalId = task.ID,
                    DateTime   = task.ActiveStepStarted.ToString("dd MMMM HH:mm"),
                    StartedBy  = task.StartedBy,
                    URL        = PageEditing.GetEditUrl(new ContentReference(task.ID)).Replace(".contentdata:", ".changeapproval:")

                if (!(task is ContentApproval))
                    var taskDetails = _changeTaskHelper.GetData(task.ID);

                    if (taskDetails != null)
                        customTask.Type        = taskDetails.Type;
                        customTask.ContentName = taskDetails.Name;
                        customTask.Details     = taskDetails.Details;

                    if (task.Reference != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.Reference.AbsolutePath))
                            var pageId = task.Reference.AbsolutePath.Replace("/", "");

                            int.TryParse(pageId, out var contentId);
                            if (contentId != 0)
                                _contentRepository.TryGet(new ContentReference(contentId), out content);

                    if (content != null)
                        customTask.ContentReference = content.ContentLink;
                        customTask.ContentType      = GetTypeContent(content);

                    customTask = await GetNotifications(id, customTask, false);


            taskList = SortColumns(sorting, taskList);

コード例 #9
        private async Task <List <ContentTask> > ProcessContentData(int pageNumber, int pageSize, string sorting, AdvancedTaskIndexViewData model, string taskValues, string approvalComment)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskValues))
                await ApproveContent(taskValues, approvalComment);

            //List of All task for the user
            var query = new ApprovalQuery
                Status    = ApprovalStatus.InReview,
                Username  = PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name,
                Reference = new Uri("content:")

            var list = await _approvalRepository.ListAsync(query, (pageNumber - 1) *pageSize, pageSize);

            model.TotalItemsCount = Convert.ToInt32(list.TotalCount);

            var taskList = new List <ContentTask>();

            foreach (var task in list.PagedResult)
                var id = task.ID.ToString();

                var customTask = new ContentTask
                    ApprovalId = task.ID,
                    DateTime   = task.ActiveStepStarted.ToString("dd MMMM HH:mm"),
                    StartedBy  = task.StartedBy

                if (task is ContentApproval approval)
                    _contentRepository.TryGet(approval.ContentLink, out IContent content);

                    if (content != null)
                        customTask.URL = PageEditing.GetEditUrl(approval.ContentLink);
                        id             = content.ContentLink.ID.ToString();
                        var canUserPublish = await _helper.CanUserPublish(content);

                        customTask.CanUserPublish   = canUserPublish;
                        customTask.ContentReference = content.ContentLink;
                        customTask.ContentName      = content.Name;

                        customTask.ContentType = GetTypeContent(content);

                        if (content is PageData)
                            customTask.Type = "Page";
                        else if (content is BlockData)
                            customTask.Type = "Block";

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customTask.ContentType) && customTask.ContentType.Equals("Form container"))
                                customTask.Type = "Form";
                        else if (content is ImageData)
                            customTask.Type = "Image";
                        else if (content is MediaData)
                            customTask.Type = "Media";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customTask.ContentType) && customTask.ContentType.Equals("Video"))
                                customTask.Type = "Video";

                        var enableContentApprovalDeadline = bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ATM:EnableContentApprovalDeadline"] ?? "false");
                        var warningDays = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ATM:WarningDays"] ?? "4");

                        if (enableContentApprovalDeadline)
                            //Deadline Property of The Content
                            var propertyData = content.Property.Get(ContentApprovalDeadlinePropertyName) ?? content.Property[ContentApprovalDeadlinePropertyName];
                            if (propertyData != null)
                                DateTime.TryParse(propertyData.ToString(), out DateTime dateValue);
                                if (dateValue != DateTime.MinValue)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customTask.Type))
                                        customTask.Deadline = dateValue.ToString("dd MMMM HH:mm");
                                        var days = DateTime.Now.CountDaysInRange(dateValue);

                                        if (days == 0)
                                            customTask.WarningColor = "red";
                                        else if (days > 0 && days < warningDays)
                                            customTask.WarningColor = "green";
                                        customTask.Deadline = " - ";

                    //Get Notifications
                    customTask = await GetNotifications(id, customTask, true);


            taskList = SortColumns(sorting, taskList);

コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Resolves the CMS edit URL to a specified content instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">The content instance.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string ResolveEditUrl(IContent content)
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the URI for this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The content.</param>
        /// <param name="createVersionUnspecificLink">if set to <c>true</c> creates a version unspecific link.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> that represents the type and id of the item.
        /// </returns>
        public static string GetUri(this IContent content, bool createVersionUnspecificLink)
            ContentReference contentReference = createVersionUnspecificLink ? content.ContentLink.ToReferenceWithoutVersion() : content.ContentLink;
