コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Start(BatchSignatureStartRequest request)
            // Recover the batch information based on its ID, which contains the user's certificate
            var batchInfo = batches[request.BatchId];

            // Get an instance of the PadesSignatureStarter class, responsible for receiving the signature elements and start the
            // signature process
            var signatureStarter = new PadesSignatureStarter(Util.GetRestPkiClient())
                // Set the user's certificate. Notice that this step is not necessary on the regular batch signature example. This
                // enhances the performance of the batch processing
                SignerCertificate = Convert.FromBase64String(batchInfo.Certificate),

                // Set the signature policy
                SignaturePolicyId = StandardPadesSignaturePolicies.Basic,

                // Set a SecurityContext to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain
                SecurityContextId = StandardSecurityContexts.PkiBrazil,
                // Note: By changing the SecurityContext above you can accept certificates from a custom security context created on the Rest PKI website.

                // Set a visual representation for the signature
                VisualRepresentation = new PadesVisualRepresentation()
                    // The tags {{signerName}} and {{signerNationalId}} will be substituted according to the user's certificate
                    // signerName -> full name of the signer
                    // signerNationalId -> if the certificate is ICP-Brasil, contains the signer's CPF
                    Text = new PadesVisualText("Signed by {{signerName}} ({{signerNationalId}})")
                        // Specify that the signing time should also be rendered
                        IncludeSigningTime = true,

                        // Optionally set the horizontal alignment of the text ('Left' or 'Right'), if not set the default is Left
                        HorizontalAlign = PadesTextHorizontalAlign.Left

                    // We'll use as background the image in Content/PdfStamp.png
                    Image = new PadesVisualImage(Util.GetPdfStampContent(), "image/png")
                        // Opacity is an integer from 0 to 100 (0 is completely transparent, 100 is completely opaque).
                        Opacity = 50,

                        // Align the image to the right
                        HorizontalAlign = PadesHorizontalAlign.Right

                    // Position of the visual representation. We have encapsulated this code in a method to include several
                    // possibilities depending on the argument passed. Experiment changing the argument to see different examples
                    // of signature positioning. Once you decide which is best for your case, you can place the code directly here.
                    Position = getVisualPositioning(1)

            // Set the document to be signed based on its ID (passed to us from the page)

            // Call the Start() method, which initiates the signature. Notice that, on the regular signature example, we call the
            // StartWithRestPki() method, which is simpler but with worse performance. The Start() method will yield not only the
            // token, a 43-character case-sensitive URL-safe string which identifies this signature process, but also the data
            // that should be used to call the signHash() function on the Web PKI component (instead of the signWithRestPki()
            // function, which is also simpler but far slower).
            var signatureParams = signatureStarter.Start();

            // Notice: it is not necessary to call SetNoCacheHeaders() because this action is a POST action, therefore no caching
            // of the response will be made by browsers.

            // Return a JSON with the token obtained from REST PKI, along with the parameters for the signHash() call
            // (the page will use jQuery to decode this value)
            var response = new BatchSignatureStartResponse()
                Token              = signatureParams.Token,
                ToSignHash         = Convert.ToBase64String(signatureParams.ToSignHash),
                DigestAlgorithmOid = signatureParams.DigestAlgorithmOid

        public ActionResult Start(BatchSignatureStartRequest request)
            // Recover the batch information based on its ID, which contains the user's certificate
            var batchInfo = batches[request.BatchId];

            // Get an instance of the PadesSignatureStarter class, responsible for receiving the signature elements and start the
            // signature process
            var signatureStarter = new PadesSignatureStarter(Util.GetRestPkiClient()) {

                // Set the user's certificate. Notice that this step is not necessary on the regular batch signature example. This
                // enhances the performance of the batch processing
                SignerCertificate = batchInfo.Certificate,

                // Set the signature policy
                SignaturePolicyId = StandardPadesSignaturePolicies.Basic,

                // Set a SecurityContext to be used to determine trust in the certificate chain
                SecurityContextId = StandardSecurityContexts.PkiBrazil,
                // Note: By changing the SecurityContext above you can accept certificates from a custom security context created on the Rest PKI website.

                // Set a visual representation for the signature
                VisualRepresentation = new PadesVisualRepresentation() {

                    // The tags {{signerName}} and {{signerNationalId}} will be substituted according to the user's certificate
                    // signerName -> full name of the signer
                    // signerNationalId -> if the certificate is ICP-Brasil, contains the signer's CPF
                    Text = new PadesVisualText("Signed by {{signerName}} ({{signerNationalId}})") {

                        // Specify that the signing time should also be rendered
                        IncludeSigningTime = true,

                        // Optionally set the horizontal alignment of the text ('Left' or 'Right'), if not set the default is Left
                        HorizontalAlign = PadesTextHorizontalAlign.Left


                    // We'll use as background the image in Content/PdfStamp.png
                    Image = new PadesVisualImage(Util.GetPdfStampContent(), "image/png") {

                        // Opacity is an integer from 0 to 100 (0 is completely transparent, 100 is completely opaque).
                        Opacity = 50,

                        // Align the image to the right
                        HorizontalAlign = PadesHorizontalAlign.Right


                    // Position of the visual representation. We have encapsulated this code in a method to include several
                    // possibilities depending on the argument passed. Experiment changing the argument to see different examples
                    // of signature positioning. Once you decide which is best for your case, you can place the code directly here.
                    Position = getVisualPositioning(1)

            // Set the document to be signed based on its ID (passed to us from the page)

            // Call the Start() method, which initiates the signature. Notice that, on the regular signature example, we call the
            // StartWithRestPki() method, which is simpler but with worse performance. The Start() method will yield not only the
            // token, a 43-character case-sensitive URL-safe string which identifies this signature process, but also the data
            // that should be used to call the signHash() function on the Web PKI component (instead of the signWithRestPki()
            // function, which is also simpler but far slower).
            var signatureParams = signatureStarter.Start();

            // Notice: it is not necessary to call SetNoCacheHeaders() because this action is a POST action, therefore no caching
            // of the response will be made by browsers.

            // Return a JSON with the token obtained from REST PKI, along with the parameters for the signHash() call
            // (the page will use jQuery to decode this value)
            var response = new BatchSignatureStartResponse() {
                Token = signatureParams.Token,
                ToSignHash = signatureParams.ToSignHash,
                DigestAlgorithmOid = signatureParams.DigestAlgorithmOid
            return Json(response);