public void OnClicked() { NetClient client = new NetClient(Global.Network.IPAdress, Global.Network.Port); try { client.Connect(); Packet.LoginReq login = new Packet.LoginReq { Name = "Offline" }; client.Send(Packet.Type.LoginReq, login); Debug.Log("Send"); PacketInfo info = new PacketInfo(); client.TryGetPacket(out info); if (info.Type == Packet.Type.LoginAck) { // Packet.LoginAck ack = Packet.LoginAck.Parser.ParseFrom(info.Payload); } } catch (System.Exception) { Debug.Log("Error"); } finally { client.Close(); } }
// 큐를 꺼냄 public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) { if (m_offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } int recvSize = 0; lock (lockObj) { PacketInfo info = m_offsetList[0]; // 버퍼로부터 해당하는 패킷 데이터를 가져옴 int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); // 큐 데이터를 꺼냈으므로 선두 요소 삭제 if (recvSize > 0) { m_offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } // 모든 큐 데이터를 꺼냈을 때는 스트림 클리어 if (m_offsetList.Count == 0) { Clear(); m_offset = 0; } } return(recvSize); }
public async void Dispatch(Session session, PacketInfo packetInfo) { Type messageType = Game.Scene.GetComponent <OpcodeTypeComponent>().GetType(packetInfo.Header.Opcode); IMessage message = (IMessage)session.Network.MessagePacker.DeserializeFrom(messageType, packetInfo.Bytes, packetInfo.Index, packetInfo.Length); // gate session收到actor消息直接转发给actor自己去处理 if (message is IActorMessage) { long unitId = session.GetComponent <SessionPlayerComponent>().Player.UnitId; ActorProxy actorProxy = Game.Scene.GetComponent <ActorProxyComponent>().Get(unitId); actorProxy.Send(message); return; } // gate session收到actor rpc消息,先向actor 发送rpc请求,再将请求结果返回客户端 if (message is IActorRequest aActorRequest) { long unitId = session.GetComponent <SessionPlayerComponent>().Player.UnitId; ActorProxy actorProxy = Game.Scene.GetComponent <ActorProxyComponent>().Get(unitId); IResponse response = await actorProxy.Call(aActorRequest); session.Reply(packetInfo.Header.RpcId, response); return; } if (message != null) { Game.Scene.GetComponent <MessageDispatherComponent>().Handle(session, packetInfo.Header.RpcId, message); return; } throw new Exception($"message type error: {message.GetType().FullName}"); }
/// <summary> /// 待ち行列から1つのパケットを取り出す /// 取り出すパケットがなかった場合は-1が返される /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">パケットデータ</param> /// <returns> /// 受け取ったパケットデータのサイズ /// パケットが存在しなかった場合は-1 /// </returns> public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer) { if (packets_info.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } PacketInfo info = packets_info[0]; // バッファから該当するパケットデータを取得する. m_stream.Position = info.offset; int recvSize = m_stream.Read(buffer, 0, info.size); // キューデータを取り出したので先頭要素を削除. if (recvSize > 0) { packets_info.RemoveAt(0); } // すべてのキューデータを取り出したときはストリームをクリアしてメモリを節約する. if (packets_info.Count == 0) { Clear(); } return(recvSize); }
public void Dispatch(Session session, PacketInfo packetInfo) { Type messageType = Game.Scene.GetComponent <OpcodeTypeComponent>().GetType(packetInfo.Opcode); IMessage message = (IMessage)session.Network.MessagePacker.DeserializeFrom(messageType, packetInfo.Bytes, packetInfo.Index, packetInfo.Length); // 收到actor rpc request if (message is ActorRequest actorRpcRequest) { Entity entity = Game.Scene.GetComponent <ActorManagerComponent>().Get(actorRpcRequest.Id); if (entity == null) { Log.Warning($"not found actor: {actorRpcRequest.Id}"); ActorResponse response = new ActorResponse { Error = ErrorCode.ERR_NotFoundActor }; session.Reply(packetInfo.RpcId, response); return; } entity.GetComponent <ActorComponent>().Add(new ActorMessageInfo() { Session = session, RpcId = packetInfo.RpcId, Message = actorRpcRequest }); return; } Game.Scene.GetComponent <MessageDispatherComponent>().Handle(session, new MessageInfo(packetInfo.RpcId, packetInfo.Opcode, message)); }
/// <summary> /// 转发常规数据包 /// </summary> /// <param name="packetInfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static void TranNormalPacket(PacketInfo packetInfo) { byte[] packetByte = packetInfo.GetPacketByte(); PacketEntity packetEntity = (PacketEntity)Util.BytesToObject(packetByte); string srcIP = packetEntity.GetHead().strSrcIP; string desIP = packetEntity.GetHead().strDesIP; Const.EN_RET_CODE retVal = Const.EN_RET_CODE.EN_RET_INIT; int tranPort = Const.INVALID_NUM; //流表中存在转发选项,直接转发 if (FlowTable.GetInstance().TryGetItem(desIP, out tranPort)) { retVal = Transmitter.SendViaPhyPort(tranPort, packetByte); if (Const.EN_RET_CODE.EN_RET_SUCC != retVal) { Util.Log(Util.EN_LOG_LEVEL.EN_LOG_INFO, "数据包转发失败"); } } //流表中不存在转发选项,将数据包暂存缓冲区,上报控制器 else { Program.BufferQueue.Enqueue(packetInfo); PacketHead head = new PacketHead(srcIP, desIP, PacketHead.EN_PACKET_TYPE.EN_PACKET_IN); PacketEntity packetIn = new PacketEntity(head, ""); retVal = Transmitter.SendViaPhyPort(0, Util.ObjectToBytes(packetIn)); if (retVal != Const.EN_RET_CODE.EN_RET_SUCC) { Util.Log(Util.EN_LOG_LEVEL.EN_LOG_INFO, "packet_in发送失败"); } } }
public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) { if (m_offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } int recvSize = 0; lock (lockObj) { PacketInfo info = m_offsetList[0]; int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); if (recvSize > 0) { m_offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } if (m_offsetList.Count == 0) { Clear(); m_offset = 0; } } return(recvSize); }
public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) { if (m_offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } PacketInfo info = m_offsetList[0]; // 패킷으로부터 해당하는 패킷 데이터를 가져옵니다. int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; int recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); // 큐 데이터를 추출했으므로 선두 요소를 삭제. if (recvSize > 0) { m_offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } // 모든 큐 데이터를 추출했을 때는 스트림을 비워 메모리를 절약합니다. if (m_offsetList.Count == 0) { Clear(); m_offset = 0; } return(recvSize); }
public void OffsetTest() { var packetInfo = new PacketInfo(new DeliveryOptions(false, true), 100, ConsoleLogger, new Payload(new byte[] { 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 9 }, 2, 3)); packetInfo.Append(new Payload(new byte[] { 2, 1 })); packetInfo.Append(new Payload(new byte[] { 3, 1 }, 0, 2)); packetInfo.Append(new Payload(new byte[] { 4, 2, 3, 1, 8 }, 0, 4)); packetInfo.Append(new Payload(new byte[] { 8, 5, 2, 3, 1 }, 1, 4)); packetInfo.Append(new Payload(new byte[] { 8, 6, 2, 3, 1, 0 }, 1, 4)); var offsets = PacketInfo.GetOffsetInfo(packetInfo.Buffer, packetInfo.Offset).ToArray(); offsets.Length.Should().Be(6); offsets[0].Length.Should().Be(3); offsets[1].Length.Should().Be(2); offsets[2].Length.Should().Be(2); offsets[3].Length.Should().Be(4); offsets[4].Length.Should().Be(4); offsets[5].Length.Should().Be(4); new ArraySegment <byte>(packetInfo.Buffer, offsets[0].Offset, offsets[0].Length).ToArray().Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }); new ArraySegment <byte>(packetInfo.Buffer, offsets[1].Offset, offsets[1].Length).ToArray().Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new byte[] { 2, 1 }); new ArraySegment <byte>(packetInfo.Buffer, offsets[2].Offset, offsets[2].Length).ToArray().Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new byte[] { 3, 1 }); new ArraySegment <byte>(packetInfo.Buffer, offsets[3].Offset, offsets[3].Length).ToArray().Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new byte[] { 4, 2, 3, 1 }); new ArraySegment <byte>(packetInfo.Buffer, offsets[4].Offset, offsets[4].Length).ToArray().Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new byte[] { 5, 2, 3, 1 }); new ArraySegment <byte>(packetInfo.Buffer, offsets[5].Offset, offsets[5].Length).ToArray().Should() .BeEquivalentTo(new byte[] { 6, 2, 3, 1 }); }
public void Update(PacketInfo packetInfo) { var packetInfoVM = new PacketInfoViewModel(packetInfo); PacketInfoHistory.Add(packetInfoVM); LatestPacketInfoVM = packetInfoVM; }
/// <summary> /// 处理游戏登录信息封包 /// </summary> /// <param name="pack">封包数据结构体</param> /// <returns>处理结果标志</returns> private static int ProcessPlayerLoginInfo(PacketInfo pack) { JObject json =; if (json["user"] == null) { return(E_FAILED); } DataUtil.Game.isOnline = true; = json["user"]["levelId"].ToString() != null?int.Parse(json["user"]["levelId"].ToString()) : 1; DataUtil.Game.player.friendId = json["user"]["searchUserId"] != null ? json["user"]["searchUserId"].ToString() : "-"; DataUtil.Game.CalcPlayerMaxAPExp(); DataUtil.Game.player.maxBP = GameInfo.PLAYER_MAX_BP; DataUtil.Game.player.maxSP = GameInfo.PLAYER_MAX_SP; DataUtil.Game.CalcPlayerGamePoint(GameInfo.PlayerPointType.AP, json["user"]["stamina"], json["user"]["staminaTime"]); DataUtil.Game.CalcPlayerGamePoint(GameInfo.PlayerPointType.BP, json["user"]["battlePoint"], json["user"]["battlePointTime"]); DataUtil.Game.CalcPlayerGamePoint(GameInfo.PlayerPointType.SP, json["userSearchQuest"]["searchQuestPoint"], json["userSearchQuest"]["searchQuestPointTime"]); = json["user"]["gameMoney"] != null?int.Parse(json["user"]["gameMoney"].ToString()) : 0; DataUtil.Game.player.stone = json["user"]["chargeMoney"] != null?int.Parse(json["user"]["chargeMoney"].ToString()) : 0; DataUtil.Game.player.exp = json["user"]["levelExperience"] != null?int.Parse(json["user"]["levelExperience"].ToString()) : 0; DataUtil.Game.notifyRecord.lastAP = DataUtil.Game.player.AP; DataUtil.Game.notifyRecord.lastBP = DataUtil.Game.player.BP; DataUtil.Game.notifyRecord.lastSP = DataUtil.Game.player.SP; UpdateTimeLeft(); MiscHelper.AddLog("已经成功登录游戏", MiscHelper.LogType.System); return(E_SUCCESS); }
public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) { if (m_offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } PacketInfo info = m_offsetList[0]; // バッファから該当するパケットデータを取得する. int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; int recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); // キューデータを取り出したので先頭要素を削除. if (recvSize > 0) { m_offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } // すべてのキューデータを取り出したときはストリームをクリアしてメモリを節約する. if (m_offsetList.Count == 0) { Clear(); m_offset = 0; } return(recvSize); }
/// <summary> /// 处理探索信息封包 /// </summary> /// <param name="pack">封包数据结构体</param> /// <returns>处理结果标志</returns> private static int ProcessPlayerSearchInfo(PacketInfo pack) { JObject json =; DataUtil.Game.CalcPlayerGamePoint(GameInfo.PlayerPointType.AP, json["stamina"], json["staminaTime"]); DataUtil.Game.CalcPlayerGamePoint(GameInfo.PlayerPointType.BP, json["battlePoint"], json["battlePointTime"]); DataUtil.Game.CalcPlayerGamePoint(GameInfo.PlayerPointType.SP, json["searchQuestPoint"], json["searchQuestPointTime"]); JArray items = (JArray)json["masterSearchQuestList"]; int gold = 0, ap = 0, gp = 0; foreach (JObject item in items) { switch (item["searchQuestGivingItemId"].ToString()) { case "1": //金币 += int.Parse(item["value"].ToString()); gold += int.Parse(item["value"].ToString()); break; case "1002": //体力 ap += int.Parse(item["value"].ToString()); break; case "3": //种子 gp += int.Parse(item["value"].ToString()); break; } } UpdateTimeLeft(); string log = string.Format("探索完成,获得体力{0:D},金币{1:D},种子{2:D}", ap, gold, gp); MiscHelper.AddLog(log, MiscHelper.LogType.Search); return(E_SUCCESS); }
/// <summary> /// 处理游戏花盆开花时间信息封包 /// </summary> /// <param name="pack">封包数据结构体</param> /// <returns>处理结果标志</returns> private static int ProcessUserGardenPlant(PacketInfo pack) { JObject json =; if (json["userGardenPlantPotList"] == null) { return(E_FAILED); } JArray plants = (JArray)json["userGardenPlantPotList"]; if (plants.Count <= 0) { return(E_FAILED); } foreach (JObject plant in plants) { if (plant["floweringTime"] != null) { DateTime pTime = Convert.ToDateTime(plant["floweringTime"].ToString()); if (DataUtil.Game.player.plantTime < pTime) { DataUtil.Game.player.plantTime = pTime; } } } UpdateTimeLeft(); return(E_SUCCESS); }
/// <summary> /// 处理礼品箱物品取出全部物品信息封包 /// </summary> /// <param name="pack">封包数据结构体</param> /// <returns>处理结果标志</returns> private static int ProcessPresentReceivedAll(PacketInfo pack) { JObject json =; += json["givingGameMoney"] != null?int.Parse(json["givingGameMoney"].ToString()) : 0; DataUtil.Game.player.stone += json["givingChargeMoney"] != null?int.Parse(json["givingChargeMoney"].ToString()) : 0; string log = "取出礼品箱内物品,获得"; log += json["givingGameMoney"] != null && json["givingGameMoney"].ToString() != "0" ? "金币" + json["givingGameMoney"].ToString() + "," : ""; log += json["givingChargeMoney"] != null && json["givingChargeMoney"].ToString() != "0" ? "华灵石" + json["givingChargeMoney"].ToString() + "," : ""; log += json["givingGachaPoint"] != null && json["givingGachaPoint"].ToString() != "0" ? "种子" + json["givingGachaPoint"].ToString() + "," : ""; log += json["givingRaidBossGachaPoint"] != null && json["givingRaidBossGachaPoint"].ToString() != "0" ? "初级装备种子" + json["givingRaidBossGachaPoint"].ToString() + "," : ""; log += (json["givingUserCharacterList"] as JArray).Count > 0 ? "角色" + (json["givingUserCharacterList"] as JArray).Count.ToString() + "," : ""; log += (json["givingUserCharacterEquipmentList"] as JArray).Count > 0 ? "装备" + (json["givingUserCharacterEquipmentList"] as JArray).Count.ToString() + "," : ""; log += (json["givingUserGiftList"] as JArray).Count > 0 ? "赠物" + (json["givingUserGiftList"] as JArray).Count.ToString() + "," : ""; JArray items = (JArray)json["givingUserPointItemList"]; foreach (JObject item in items) { log += MiscHelper.ProcessUserPointItem(item); } log += (json["givingUserEventItemList"] as JArray).Count > 0 ? "活动物品" + (json["givingUserEventItemList"] as JArray).Count.ToString() + "," : ""; log += (json["givingUserGachaTicketList"] as JArray).Count > 0 ? "扭蛋券" + (json["givingUserGachaTicketList"] as JArray).Count.ToString() + "," : ""; log += (json["givingUserGardenMakeoverItemList"] as JArray).Count > 0 ? "庭院物品" + (json["givingUserGardenMakeoverItemList"] as JArray).Count.ToString() + "," : ""; MiscHelper.AddLog(log.Substring(0, log.Length - 1), MiscHelper.LogType.Mailbox); return(E_SUCCESS); }
/// <summary> /// 处理主页BOSS列表封包 /// </summary> /// <param name="pack">封包数据结构体</param> /// <returns>处理结果标志</returns> private static int ProcessRaidBossList(PacketInfo pack) { DataUtil.Game.canAuto = false; MiscHelper.ShowMapInfoButton(false); MiscHelper.SetAutoGo(false); return(E_SUCCESS); }
public FormColours() { InitializeComponent(); Pairs = new Dictionary<Key, Val>(Colours.I.Pairs); var data = new PacketInfo[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { data[i] = new PacketInfo(new byte[] { }); data[i].Time = DateTime.Now; data[i].Length = 42; data[i].Source = (i < 4) ? Client : (Daemon)(i - 3); data[i].Destination = (i < 4) ? (Daemon)(i + 1) : Client; data[i].Opcode = 1337; } olvPreview.SetObjects(data); SetComboColours(cpC2LFG, cpC2LBG, Client, Login); SetComboColours(cpC2WFG, cpC2WBG, Client, World); SetComboColours(cpC2CHFG, cpC2CHBG, Client, Chat); SetComboColours(cpC2AFG, cpC2ABG, Client, Auction); SetComboColours(cpL2CFG, cpL2CBG, Login, Client); SetComboColours(cpW2CFG, cpW2CBG, World, Client); SetComboColours(cpCH2CFG, cpCH2CBG, Chat, Client); SetComboColours(cpA2CFG, cpA2CBG, Auction, Client); }
public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) // 큐에서 데이터 리턴 { if (m_offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } int recvSize = 0; lock (lockObj) { PacketInfo info = m_offsetList[0]; // 버퍼에서 해당하는 패킷 데이터를 가져 온다. int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); if (recvSize > 0)// 큐 데이터를 앞으로 꺼냈으므로 맨 앞 데이터는 삭제 { m_offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } //모든 큐 데이터를 꺼냈을 때는 스트림을 정리해서 메모리를 절약한다. if (m_offsetList.Count == 0) { Clear(); m_offset = 0; } } return(recvSize); }
public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) { if (offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } PacketInfo info = offsetList[0]; int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); memoryStreamBuffer.Position = info.offset; int recvSize = memoryStreamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); if (recvSize > 0) { offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } if (offsetList.Count == 0) { Clear(); offset = 0; } return(recvSize); }
public void ParseMessageWithAlternativeSymbols() { var data = @"KB9VBR-N>APDG03,TCPIP*,qAC,T2INDIANA:!4456.70ND08937.08W&/A=000000440 MMDVM Voice 431.50000MHz +0.0000MHz, KB9VBR_Pi-Star KD9GCX-S>APDG01,TCPIP*,qAC,KD9GCX-GS:;KD9GCX B 160126z4415.63ND08817.60Wa/A=000010RNG0001 440 Voice 433.00000MHz +0.0000MHz WE9C0M-8>APN391,qAR,K9FR:!4541.60NS09120.85W#PHG6560 W3, In honor to Bill W9NNS KD9GCX-B>APDG02,TCPIP,qAC,KD9GCX-BS:!4415.63ND08817.60W&/A=000010RNG0001 440 Voice 433.00000MHz +0.0000MHz"; var messages = data.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); var first = PacketInfo.Parse(messages[0]); Assert.AreEqual("KB9VBR-N", first.Callsign); Assert.AreEqual(Skyhop.Aprs.Client.Enums.DataType.PositionWithoutTimestampNoAprsMessaging, first.DataType); Assert.AreEqual(new Latitude(44, 56, 42, LatitudeHemisphere.North).ToString(), first.Latitude.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(new Longitude(89, 37, 4.8, LongitudeHemisphere.West).ToString(), first.Longitude.ToString()); //Assert.AreEqual(Skyhop.Aprs.Client.Enums.Symbol.HfGateway, first.Symbol); var second = PacketInfo.Parse(messages[1]); Assert.IsNotNull(second); var third = PacketInfo.Parse(messages[2]); Assert.IsNotNull(third); var fourth = PacketInfo.Parse(messages[3]); Assert.IsNotNull(fourth); }
/// <summary> /// 阻塞的方式处理控制器的消息,处理完之前无法接受控制器消息,属于监听子线程 /// </summary> /// <param name="packetInfo"></param> public static void DealControllerPacket(PacketInfo packetInfo) { int iPhyPortNo = packetInfo.GetPhyPort(); byte[] buffer = packetInfo.GetPacketByte(); PacketEntity packet = (PacketEntity)Util.BytesToObject(buffer); string content = packet.GetStrContent(); string srcIP = packet.GetHead().strSrcIP; string desIP = packet.GetHead().strDesIP; PacketHead.EN_PACKET_TYPE packetType = packet.GetHead().enPacketType; switch (packetType) { case PacketHead.EN_PACKET_TYPE.EN_ACK_SWITCH_ONLINE: Util.Log(Util.EN_LOG_LEVEL.EN_LOG_INFO, "控制器上线"); break; //收到控制器下发的流表 case PacketHead.EN_PACKET_TYPE.EN_PACKET_OUT_WITH_FLOW_ITEM: DealPacketOut(packetInfo); break; case PacketHead.EN_PACKET_TYPE.EN_PACKET_OUT_DUMP: //TODO break; default: break; } }
public override void OnReceivePacketFromClient(IPEndPoint endPoint, DataPacket dataPacket) { GamePeer peer = null; try { peer = PeerCollection.Get(endPoint); var offsets = PacketInfo.GetOffsetInfo(dataPacket.Buffer, dataPacket.Offset); foreach (var item in offsets) { try { var messageData = new Payload(dataPacket.Buffer, item.Offset, item.Length); ProcessMessage(endPoint, messageData, dataPacket.DeliveryOptions, peer); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error($"Error processing message: {ex}"); if (peer != null) { _messageSender.Send(new ErrorResponse(ResultCode.MessageProcessingError), peer); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error($"OnReceivePacketFromClient: Error processing package: {ex}"); if (peer != null) { _messageSender.Send(new ErrorResponse(ResultCode.MessageProcessingError), peer); } } }
public void AppendPacket(TimedPacket newPacket) { // Assuming the packet is correct for this stream var payloadData = newPacket.Packet.PayloadData; var payloadLength = payloadData.Length; if (payloadLength == 0) { return; } lock (_packetsInfo) { // An extra validation step here would be verifying that the order of packets is not messed up, i.e packet #3 did not arrive before packet #2. // This approach however does not take into account the client data that change server sequence number, // so we rely on the SharpPcap giving us packets in the correct order var newPacketInfo = new PacketInfo(newPacket, base.Length); lock (this) { var position = base.Position; _packetsInfo.AddLast(newPacketInfo); base.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); base.Write(payloadData, 0, payloadLength); base.Position = position; } } }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { //ConfigInfo info = new ConfigInfo(); //var path = "F:\\设备管理\\DeviceMonitor\\SubServiceForDeviceMonitor\\bin\\Debug\\soft.ini";//info.GetCurrentPath(); //var io = info.GetConfigInfo(path); //softinfo= info.SerialObj(io); PacketInfo pinfo = new PacketInfo(); LANAllComputerIp lan = new LANAllComputerIp(); lan.GetLocalMachineIp(); lan.localMachine.status = LANAllComputerIp.ComputerStatus.ON_LINE; pinfo.ip.Add(lan.localMachine); SoftInfo sinfo = new SoftInfo(); sinfo.SoftName = "coach.exe"; sinfo.status = SoftStatus.Init; pinfo.soft.Add(sinfo); Packet pt = new Packet(); var data = pt.Package(pinfo); sc.Start(); sc.RD += Sc_RD; sc.SendInfo("", data); }
// Dequeue packets public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) { if (m_offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } int recvSize = 0; lock (lockObj){ PacketInfo info = m_offsetList[0]; // Get the packet from the buffer int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); // Remove the first data from the Queue if (recvSize > 0) { m_offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } // Arragne the streams to save memory if (m_offsetList.Count == 0) { //Clear (); m_offset = 0; } } return(recvSize); }
public int FindConnectionUnion(PacketInfo conn) { for (int x = 0; x <= connections_.Count - 1; x++) { if (connections_[x].ipSource == conn.ipSource) { if (connections_[x].ipDestination == conn.ipDestination) { if (connections_[x].portSource == conn.portSource) { if (connections_[x].portDestination == conn.portDestination) { if (connections_[x].protocol == conn.protocol) { return(x); } } } } } if ((connections_[x].ipSource == conn.ipDestination) && (connections_[x].portDestination == conn.portSource) && (connections_[x].protocol == conn.protocol)) { return(x); } } return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a packet to the server to figure out what to do. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <param name="serverPacket"></param> private void writePackageInfo(NetOutgoingMessage msg, ServerPacketTypes serverPacket) { PacketInfo packet = new PacketInfo(SenderPackets.Client, ClientPacketTypes.None_None, serverPacket); packet.writeToMessage(msg); Console.WriteLine(packet.ToString()); }
public PacketInfo UpdateConnection(int id, PacketInfo conn) { connections_[id].size += conn.size; connections_[id].count++; connections_[id].lastActiveTime = conn.time; return(connections_[id]); }
public void UpdateActiveConnection() { PacketInfo cconnect = new PacketInfo(); for (int x = 0; x <= connections_.Count - 1; x++) { cconnect = connections_[x]; if (cconnect.protocol == "TCP") { if ((DateTime.Now - cconnect.lastActiveTime).Minutes >= 4) { = "F"; RemoveConnection(x); } } else if (cconnect.protocol == "UDP") { if ((DateTime.Now - cconnect.lastActiveTime).Minutes >= 1) { = "F"; RemoveConnection(x); } } else { = "F"; RemoveConnection(x); } db.UpdateConnection(cconnect.pos, cconnect); UpdateInfoEvent(cconnect.protocol); } }
public int Dequeue(out Socket sourceSock, ref byte[] buffer, int size) { sourceSock = null; if (m_offsetQueue.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } int recvSize = 0; PacketInfo info = m_offsetQueue.Peek(); sourceSock = info.sockSource; // 버퍼에서 데이터 가져오기 m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, info.size); // 큐 데이터를 꺼냈으면 맨 앞 데이터는 삭제 if (recvSize > 0) { m_offsetQueue.Dequeue(); } // 모든 큐 데이터를 꺼냇으면 스트림 정리해서 메모리 절약한다. if (m_offsetQueue.Count == 0) { Clear(); m_offest = 0; } return(recvSize); }
// 큐를 추출. public int Dequeue(ref byte[] buffer, int size) { if (m_offsetList.Count <= 0) { return(-1); } int recvSize = 0; lock (lockObj) { PacketInfo info = m_offsetList[0]; // 버퍼에서 해당하는 패킷 데이터를 획득한다. int dataSize = Math.Min(size, info.size); m_streamBuffer.Position = info.offset; recvSize = m_streamBuffer.Read(buffer, 0, dataSize); // 큐 데이터를 추출했으므로 선두 요소를 삭제. if (recvSize > 0) { m_offsetList.RemoveAt(0); } // 모든 큐 데이터를 추출했을 때는 스티림을 클리어해서 메모리를 절약한다. if (m_offsetList.Count == 0) { Clear(); m_offset = 0; } } return(recvSize); }
// public int Enqueue(byte[] data, int size) { PacketInfo info = new PacketInfo(); info.offset = m_offset; info.size = size; // 패킷 저장 정보를 보존. m_offsetList.Add(info); // 패킷 데이터를 보존. m_streamBuffer.Position = m_offset; m_streamBuffer.Write(data, 0, size); m_streamBuffer.Flush(); m_offset += size; return size; }
//------------------------------- // Public Logic //------------------------------- public int Enqueue(byte[] data, int size) { PacketInfo info = new PacketInfo(); info.offset = offset; info.size = size; lock (lockObj) { offsetList.Add(info); streamBuffer.Position = offset; streamBuffer.Write(data, 0, size); streamBuffer.Flush(); offset += size; } return size; }
public static List<PacketInfo> Load(string file) { var result = new List<PacketInfo>(); var f = File.OpenRead(file); var r = new BinaryReader(f, Encoding.ASCII); while (r.PeekChar() != -1) { var length = r.ReadInt32(); var data = r.ReadBytes(length); var p = new PacketInfo(data); p.Opcode = r.ReadUInt16(); p.Time = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(r.ReadInt64()); p.Source = (PacketInfo.Daemon)r.ReadByte(); p.Destination = (PacketInfo.Daemon)r.ReadByte(); result.Add(p); } r.Dispose(); return result; }
public void SendPacket(PacketInfo packetInfo) { new Thread(() => SendPacketThread(packetInfo)).Start(); }
public PacketClass(TcpDatagram tcp, bool inc, PacketInfo.Daemon daemon, ushort port) { Tcp = tcp; IsIncoming = inc; Daemon = daemon; Port = port; }
private void SendPacketThread(PacketInfo packetInfo) { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream()); JsonSerializerSettings jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(packetInfo, jsonSettings); Debug.WriteLine("SendPacket: " + data); sw.Write(data); sw.Flush(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Send packet failed: " + e.ToString()); } }
public void SendToAll(PacketInfo packetInfo) { foreach (Client client in Clients) { client.SendPacket(packetInfo); } }
public void SendMessageToAll(string nickname, string message) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickname) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { PacketInfo packetInfoMessage = new PacketInfo("Message"); MessageInfo messageInfo = new MessageInfo(message); messageInfo.FromUser = new UserInfo(nickname); packetInfoMessage.Data = messageInfo; SendToAll(packetInfoMessage); } }
private void ClientMessageReceived(Client client, string text) { OnConsoleOutput(string.Format("{0} {1}: {2}", client.UserInfo.Nickname, client.IP, text)); PacketInfo packetInfo; try { packetInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PacketInfo>(text); } catch { return; } if (packetInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(packetInfo.Command)) { if (packetInfo.Command == "Connect") { client.UserInfo.Nickname = packetInfo.GetParameter("Nickname"); string password = packetInfo.GetParameter("Password"); ClientConnect(client, password); } else if (client.Authorized) { switch (packetInfo.Command) { case "Disconnect": string reason = packetInfo.GetParameter("Reason"); ClientDisconnected(client, reason); break; case "Message": if (client.Authorized) { PacketInfo packetInfoMessage = new PacketInfo("Message"); MessageInfo messageInfo = packetInfo.GetData<MessageInfo>(); messageInfo.FromUser = client.UserInfo; packetInfoMessage.Data = messageInfo; if (messageInfo.ToUser != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageInfo.ToUser.Nickname)) { SendTo(messageInfo.ToUser, packetInfoMessage); SendTo(messageInfo.FromUser, packetInfoMessage); } else { SendToAll(packetInfoMessage); } } break; case "Ping": SendTo(client.UserInfo, new PacketInfo("Pong")); break; } } } }
private bool ClientConnect(Client client, string password = "") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && !password.Equals(Password, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { KickClient(client, "Wrong password."); return false; } string nickname = client.UserInfo.Nickname; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickname) || nickname.Equals(Nickname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { KickClient(client, "Invalid nickname."); return false; } if (Clients.Any(x => nickname.Equals(x.UserInfo.Nickname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { KickClient(client, "Nickname is already in use: " + nickname); return false; } Clients.Add(client); OnUserConnected(client.UserInfo); client.Authorized = true; SendUserList(client); PacketInfo packetInfoConnected = new PacketInfo("Connected"); packetInfoConnected.Data = client.UserInfo; SendToAll(packetInfoConnected); return true; }
public void Disconnect() { PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo("Disconnect"); packetInfo.AddParameter("Reason", "User disconnect"); client.SendPacket(packetInfo); client.Disconnect(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the visible packet. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The index.</param> /// <param name="packetInfo">The packet info.</param> public void SetVisiblePacket(int index, PacketInfo packetInfo) { if (index >= visiblePacketsCount) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, "Index of visible packets should be less that count of visible packets"); } if (index != 0 && packetInfo.TextEndIndex <= m_packetInfos[index - 1].TextEndIndex) { throw new ArgumentException("New text index should be greater than previous"); } // Store packet info m_packetInfos[index] = packetInfo; }
string GetSchemaFilename(PacketInfo packet) { PacketInfo.Daemon daemon; var opcode = packet.Opcode; if (packet.IsIncoming) daemon = packet.Source; else daemon = packet.Destination; var dchar = (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Auction) ? 'a' : (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Chat) ? 'c' : (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Login) ? 'l' : 'w'; var ichar = (packet.IsIncoming) ? 'i' : 'o'; return $"{opcode}.{ichar}.{dchar}.bee"; }
void AddPacket(PacketInfo p) { if (!Ignores.I.Values.Contains(p.Opcode)) flvPackets.AddObject(p); }
ResultCollection ParsePacketData(PacketInfo packet) { var filename = $"cfg\\structs\\{GetSchemaFilename(packet)}"; if (!File.Exists(filename)) return null; ResultCollection r = null; try { r = Schema.FromFile(filename).Parse(packet.Data); } catch (Exception e) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(e.Message); #else MessageBox.Show(e.Message); #endif } return r; }
void ProcessPacket(byte[] data, bool inc, PacketInfo.Daemon daemon, ushort port) { int s; byte[] tmp; if (inc) { switch (daemon) { case PacketInfo.Daemon.Login: if (partil == null) break; s = partil.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partil, 0, tmp, 0, partil.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partil.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partil = null; break; case PacketInfo.Daemon.World: if (partiw == null) break; s = partiw.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partiw, 0, tmp, 0, partiw.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partiw.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partiw = null; break; case PacketInfo.Daemon.Chat: if (partic == null) break; s = partic.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partic, 0, tmp, 0, partic.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partic.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partic = null; break; case PacketInfo.Daemon.Auction: if (partia == null) break; s = partia.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partia, 0, tmp, 0, partia.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partia.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partia = null; break; } } else { switch (daemon) { case PacketInfo.Daemon.Login: if (partol == null) break; s = partol.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partol, 0, tmp, 0, partol.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partol.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partol = null; break; case PacketInfo.Daemon.World: if (partow == null) break; s = partow.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partow, 0, tmp, 0, partow.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partow.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partow = null; break; case PacketInfo.Daemon.Chat: if (partoc == null) break; s = partoc.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partoc, 0, tmp, 0, partoc.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partoc.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partoc = null; break; case PacketInfo.Daemon.Auction: if (partoa == null) break; s = partoa.Length + data.Length; tmp = new byte[s]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(partoa, 0, tmp, 0, partoa.Length); Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, tmp, partoa.Length, data.Length); data = tmp; partoa = null; break; } } var size = (inc) ? serverCrypt[port].GetPacketSize(data) : clientCrypt[port].GetPacketSize(data); if (size > data.Length) { #if DEBUG //Console.WriteLine("Found partial packet. Storing..."); #endif if (inc) { if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Login) { partil = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partil, 0, data.Length); } else if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.World) { partiw = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partiw, 0, data.Length); } else if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Chat) { partic = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partic, 0, data.Length); } else if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Auction) { partia = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partia, 0, data.Length); } } else { if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Login) { partol = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partol, 0, data.Length); } else if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.World) { partow = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partow, 0, data.Length); } else if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Chat) { partoc = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partoc, 0, data.Length); } else if (daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Auction) { partoa = new byte[data.Length]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, partoa, 0, data.Length); } } return; } if (size < data.Length) { // Process the first subpacket var sub = new byte[size]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, 0, sub, 0, size); ProcessPacket(sub, inc, daemon, port); // Process the rest of the data. May contain further subpackets, or a partial packet. We don't care sub = new byte[data.Length - size]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(data, size, sub, 0, data.Length - size); ProcessPacket(sub, inc, daemon, port); return; } if (inc) serverCrypt[port].Decrypt(data); else clientCrypt[port].Decrypt(data); var ppkt = new PacketInfo(data, DateTime.Now, inc, daemon); if (inc && ((ppkt.Opcode == 101 && daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Login) || (ppkt.Opcode == 140 && daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.World) || (ppkt.Opcode == 401 && daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Chat) || (ppkt.Opcode == 101 && daemon == PacketInfo.Daemon.Auction))) { unsafe { fixed (byte* pp = data) { var key = *(uint*)&pp[6]; var step = *(ushort*)&pp[16]; serverCrypt[port].ChangeKey(key, step); clientCrypt[port].ChangeKey(key, step); } } } if (!paused) { if (flvPackets.InvokeRequired) this.Invoke(new AddPacketDel(AddPacket), new object[] { ppkt }); else AddPacket(ppkt); } }
void AddPacket(TcpDatagram tcp, bool inc, PacketInfo.Daemon daemon, ushort port) { foreach (var p in packets) { if (p.Tcp.SequenceNumber == tcp.SequenceNumber) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Dropping duplicate packet..."); #endif return; } } packets.Enqueue(new PacketClass(tcp, inc, daemon, port)); if (packets.Count > 10) { var p = packets.Dequeue(); var data = p.Tcp.Payload.ToMemoryStream(); ProcessPacket(data.ToArray(), p.IsIncoming, p.Daemon, p.Port); } }
public void AnalysePacket(PacketInfo data) { byte [] PacketData = data.Data; int StartIndex = data.StartIndex; int Index = StartIndex; // Start by eliminating non IP and non TCP packets if( ( Index + LENGTH_OF_INTERNET + LENGTH_OF_TCP ) > PacketData.Length ) { return ; } PacketINTERNET.PACKET_INTERNET PInternet = new PacketINTERNET.PACKET_INTERNET(); PInternet.Version = PacketData[ Index++ ]; PInternet.HeaderLength = (byte) ( ( (int) PInternet.Version & 0x0f ) * 4 ); PInternet.Version = (byte) ( (int) PInternet.Version >> 4 ); PInternet.DifferentiatedServicesField = PacketData[ Index++ ]; PInternet.Length = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PInternet.Identification = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PInternet.FragmentOffset = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PInternet.Flags = (byte)( (int) PInternet.FragmentOffset >> 12 ); PInternet.FragmentOffset = (ushort) ( (int) PInternet.FragmentOffset & 0x0f ); PInternet.TimeToLive = PacketData[ Index++ ]; PInternet.Protocol = PacketData[ Index++ ]; PInternet.HeaderChecksum = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PInternet.Source = Function.GetIpAddress( PacketData , ref Index ); PInternet.Destination = Function.GetIpAddress( PacketData , ref Index ); if(PInternet.Protocol != IPPROTO_TCP ) return; // Check IPs //if(!analysisFromCapFile) //{ if(((PInternet.Source == IP1) && (PInternet.Destination == IP1)) || (PInternet.Source == PInternet.Destination)) { return; } //} PacketTCP.PACKET_TCP PTcp = new PacketTCP.PACKET_TCP(); PTcp.SourcePort = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PTcp.DestinationPort = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PTcp.SequenceNumber = Function.Get4Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PTcp.Acknowledgement = Function.Get4Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PTcp.HeaderLength = PacketData[ Index++ ]; PTcp.HeaderLength = (byte) ( ( (int) PTcp.HeaderLength >> 4 ) * 4 ); PTcp.Flags = PacketData[ Index++ ]; PTcp.WindowSize = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PTcp.Checksum = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); PTcp.Options = Function.Get2Bytes( PacketData , ref Index , Const.NORMAL ); //if(!analysisFromCapFile) //{ if(((PTcp.SourcePort == Port1) && (PTcp.DestinationPort == Port1)) || ((PTcp.SourcePort == Port2) && (PTcp.DestinationPort == Port2))) { return; } //} String signature = Signature(PInternet.Source, PTcp.SourcePort, PInternet.Destination, PTcp.DestinationPort); //Keep track of the connections which have been established.(The list will be used later to populate the Associations Combo Box.) if (!listOfConnections.Contains(signature)) { listOfConnections.Add(signature); } TCPPacket packet = new TCPPacket(PacketData, StartIndex , PInternet, PTcp, data.TimeStamp); LastParsedPacketTime = packet.TimeStamp; int match = -1; TCPState state; for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { if(List[i].Contains(signature)) { match=i; } } // add as new item if necessary if(match==(-1)) { //Need to check here that we have SYNs String signature1 = Signature(PInternet.Destination, PTcp.DestinationPort,PInternet.Source, PTcp.SourcePort); state = new TCPState(packet,signature, signature1); List[0].Add(signature,state); List[1].Add(signature1,state); match=0; } else { state = (TCPState) List[match][signature]; } lock(state) { if(state.State[match] != TCPState.States.REPORTED) { state.AddPacket(match,packet); TCPState.PacketAction LastAction; while((LastAction = state.Defragment(match)) == TCPState.PacketAction.DATA) { if(FragmentAdded != null) { FragmentAdded(state, match); } nrOfCapturedPackets++; } if(LastAction == TCPState.PacketAction.FIN) { if(EndOfStream != null) EndOfStream(state, match, "FIN Seen (" + signature + ")"); } if(LastAction == TCPState.PacketAction.RST) { if(EndOfStream != null) EndOfStream(state, match, "RST Seen (" + signature + ")"); } if(LastAction == TCPState.PacketAction.DEAD) { //Error("DEAD seen" + signature); if(EndOfStream != null) EndOfStream(state, match, "DEAD data seen (" + signature + ")"); } } } }
public static DataSet GetDataSet(string packageName, string commandName, PacketInfo packetInfo) { var clientInfo = EFClientTools.ClientUtility.ClientInfo; var xml = (string)EFClientTools.ClientUtility.Client.GetDataSet(clientInfo, packageName, commandName, packetInfo); return Deserialize(xml); }
public void AddPacket(PacketInfo p) { // NOTE - this is designed to be called asynchronously from the // packet sniffing thread lock(Packets) { Packets.Enqueue(p); } }
public static DataSet ExecuteSql(SQLCommandInfo sqlCommand, PacketInfo packetInfo, SDTableType tableType) { var clientInfo = EFClientTools.ClientUtility.ClientInfo; var xml = (string)EFClientTools.ClientUtility.Client.SDExcuteSql(clientInfo, sqlCommand, packetInfo, tableType); return Deserialize(xml); }
private void ClientDisconnected(Client client, string reason) { if (client.Authorized) { Clients.Remove(client); OnUserDisconnected(client.UserInfo); OnConsoleOutput(string.Format("Client disconnected: {0} {1} {2}", client.UserInfo.Nickname, client.IP, reason)); if (IsWorking) { PacketInfo packetInfoDisconnected = new PacketInfo("Disconnected"); packetInfoDisconnected.Data = client.UserInfo; SendToAll(packetInfoDisconnected); } } }
public static DataSet ExecuteSql(string commandText, PacketInfo packetInfo, SDTableType tableType) { return ExecuteSql(new SQLCommandInfo() { CommandText = commandText }, packetInfo, tableType); }
public void SendUserList(Client client) { if (Clients.Count > 0) { PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo("UserList"); packetInfo.Data = Clients.Select(x => x.UserInfo).ToArray(); client.SendPacket(packetInfo); } }
void wincap_OnReceivePacket(object sender, PacketHeader p, byte[] s) { if (p.Caplength >= p.Length) // no point in trying to handle incomplete packets { PacketInfo data = new PacketInfo(); data.Data = s; data.TimeStamp = p.TimeStamp; data.Length = (uint)s.Length; data.StartIndex = 14; nrOfCapturedPackets++; if (DataReceived != null) DataReceived(data); } }
public bool SendTo(UserInfo userInfo, PacketInfo packetInfo) { if (userInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.Nickname)) { Client client = Clients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserInfo.Nickname == userInfo.Nickname); if (client != null) { client.SendPacket(packetInfo); return true; } } return false; }
private static void DefinePackets() { clientToServerPackets = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, PacketInfo>(); serverToClientPackets = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, PacketInfo>(); uint packetCount = 0u; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; foreach (Type type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()) { foreach (var packetAttribute in type.GetCustomAttributes<PacketAttribute>()) { var packetInfo = new PacketInfo() { Name = packetAttribute.Name, Direction = packetAttribute.Direction, SessionType = packetAttribute.SessionType, AuthRequired = packetAttribute.AuthRequired, Type = type }; if (packetAttribute.HasDirection(PacketDirection.ClientToServer)) if (!clientToServerPackets.ContainsKey(packetAttribute.Name)) clientToServerPackets[packetAttribute.Name] = packetInfo; if (packetAttribute.HasDirection(PacketDirection.ServerToClient)) if (!serverToClientPackets.ContainsKey(type)) serverToClientPackets[type] = packetInfo; packetCount++; } } LogManager.Write("Packet Manager", "Initialised {0} packet(s) in {1} milliseconds(s).", packetCount, (DateTime.Now - startTime).Milliseconds); }
public void SendMessage(string message, string toUser, Color color) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo("Message"); MessageInfo messageInfo = new MessageInfo(message); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toUser)) messageInfo.ToUser = new UserInfo(toUser); messageInfo.TextColor = color; packetInfo.Data = messageInfo; client.SendPacket(packetInfo); } }
public void KickClient(Client client, string reason = "") { PacketInfo packetInfo = new PacketInfo("Kick"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) packetInfo.AddParameter("Reason", reason); client.SendPacket(packetInfo); client.Disconnect(); }