protected virtual void OnPacketArrival(PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { if (PacketArrival != null) { PacketArrival(this, e); } }
static public void Pack(Object sender, PacketArrivedEventArgs args) { //Console.Clear(); Length = Length + args.PacketLength; if (args.Protocol == "TCP:") { TCP++; } if (args.Protocol == "UDP:") { UDP++; } if (args.Protocol == "ICMP:") { ICMP++; } if (args.Protocol == "IGMP:") { IGMP++; } if (args.Protocol == "UNKNOWN") { UNKNOWN++; } //if (args.OriginationPort == Port.ToString() && iPAddress.Contains(IPAddress.Parse(args.OriginationAddress))) // Out = Out + args.PacketLength; //if (args.DestinationPort == Port.ToString() && iPAddress.Contains(IPAddress.Parse(args.DestinationAddress))) //In = In + args.PacketLength; if (iPAddress.Contains(IPAddress.Parse(args.OriginationAddress))) { AllOut = AllOut + args.PacketLength; if (args.OriginationPort == Port.ToString()) { Out = Out + args.PacketLength; } } else { AllIn = AllIn + args.PacketLength; if (args.DestinationPort == Port.ToString()) { In = In + args.PacketLength; } } Console.WriteLine("目标IP:" + args.DestinationAddress + "\t目标端口:" + args.DestinationPort + "\t协议版本:" + args.IPVersion + "\t目标地址:" + args.OriginationAddress + "\t目标端口:" + args.OriginationPort + "\tIP包长度:" + args.PacketLength + "\t协议类型:" + args.Protocol); //Console.WriteLine("已接收字节数:" + Length); // Console.WriteLine(GetSpand(Length)); }
//解析接收的数据包,形成PacketArrivedEventArgs事件数据类对象,并引发OnPacketArrival事件 unsafe private void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte temp_protocol = 0; uint temp_version = 0; uint temp_sourceAddress = 0; uint temp_destinationAddress = 0; short temp_srcport = 0; short temp_dstport = 0; IPAddress temp_ip; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs();//新网络数据包信息事件 fixed(byte *fixed_buf = buf) { IPHeader *head = (IPHeader *)fixed_buf; //把数据流整和为IPHeader结构 e.HeaderLength = (uint)(head->versionAndLength & 0x0F) << 2; e.IPHeaderBuffer = new byte[e.HeaderLength]; temp_protocol = head->protocol; switch (temp_protocol) //提取协议类型 { case 1: e.Protocol = "ICMP"; break; case 2: e.Protocol = "IGMP"; break; case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP"; break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP"; break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } temp_version = (uint)(head->versionAndLength & 0xF0) >> 4;//提取IP协议版本 e.IPVersion = temp_version.ToString(); //以下语句提取出了PacketArrivedEventArgs对象中的其他参数 temp_sourceAddress = head->sourceAddress; temp_destinationAddress = head->destinationAddress; temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_sourceAddress); e.OriginationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_destinationAddress); e.DestinationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_srcport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength]; temp_dstport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength + 2]; e.OriginationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_srcport).ToString(); e.DestinationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_dstport).ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = (uint)len - e.HeaderLength; e.MessageBuffer = new byte[e.MessageLength]; e.ReceiveBuffer = buf; //把buf中的IP头赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的IPHeaderBuffer Array.Copy(buf, 0, e.IPHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)e.HeaderLength); //把buf中的包中内容赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的MessageBuffer Array.Copy(buf, (int)e.HeaderLength, e.MessageBuffer, 0, (int)e.MessageLength); } //引发PacketArrival事件 OnPacketArrival(e); }
private void HostScannerControlPackageArrived(object sender, PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { EthernetPacket packet = e.Packet; ArpPacket arpPacket = packet.PayloadPacket as ArpPacket; if (arpPacket == null || _foundAddresses.Contains(arpPacket.SenderIp)) return; _foundAddresses.Add(arpPacket.SenderIp); AddHost(arpPacket); }
}//黄罡2017.4.29 //定义封包数据的事件参数类 private void SaveToPcap(PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { FileInfo File = new FileInfo(Main.FileSavePath + "\\" + Main.FileName + ".pcap"); if (File.Length < 50 * 1024 * 1024) { BuiltPcapFile(e.PacketBuffer, e.PacketLength); } else { Main.CreatPcapFile(); BuiltPcapFile(e.PacketBuffer, e.PacketLength); } }
/// <summary> /// Uses the information contained in a PacketDotNet packet to update the /// network graph. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> public void HandlePacketArrived(object sender, PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { MacFrame frame = e.ArrivedPacket.Extract <MacFrame>(); switch (frame) { case DataFrame dataFrame: HandleDataFrame(dataFrame); break; case ManagementFrame managementFrame: break; default: break; } }
private void HostScannerControlPackageArrived(object sender, PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { EthernetPacket packet = e.Packet; IpPacket ipPacket = packet.PayloadPacket as IpPacket; if (ipPacket == null) return; TCPPacket tcpPacket = ipPacket.PayloadPacket as TCPPacket; if (tcpPacket == null) return; HttpPacket httpPacket = tcpPacket.PayloadPacket as HttpPacket; if (httpPacket == null) return; if (httpPacket.Content.StartsWith("POST") || httpPacket.Content.StartsWith("GET")) { AddUrl(httpPacket); } }
/// <summary> /// 解析接收的数据包,形成PacketArrivedEventArgs时间数据类对象,并引发PacketArrival事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="buf"></param> /// <param name="len"></param> unsafe private void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte temp_protocol = 0; uint temp_version = 0; uint temp_ip_srcaddr = 0; uint temp_ip_destaddr = 0; short temp_srcport = 0; short temp_dstport = 0; IPAddress temp_ip; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs(); udp_hdr * pUdpheader; //UDP头结构体指针 IPHeader * head; //IP头结构体指针 tcp_hdr * pTcpheader; //TCP头结构体指针 icmp_hdr * pIcmpheader; //ICMP头结构体指针 IPHeader2 *Portheader; //端口指针 fixed(byte *fixed_buf = buf) { int lentcp, lenudp, lenicmp, lenip; head = (IPHeader *)fixed_buf; //IP头结构体指针 Portheader = (IPHeader2 *)fixed_buf; pTcpheader = (tcp_hdr *)(fixed_buf + sizeof(IPHeader)); //TCP头结构体指针 pUdpheader = (udp_hdr *)(fixed_buf + sizeof(IPHeader)); pIcmpheader = (icmp_hdr *)(fixed_buf + sizeof(IPHeader)); //计算各种包的长度(只有判断是否是该包后才有意义,先计算出来) lenip = ntohs(head->ip_totallength); try { lentcp = ntohs(head->ip_totallength) - (sizeof(IPHeader) + sizeof(tcp_hdr)); lenudp = ntohs(head->ip_totallength) - (sizeof(IPHeader) + sizeof(udp_hdr)); lenicmp = ntohs(head->ip_totallength) - (sizeof(IPHeader) + sizeof(icmp_hdr)); } catch { } e.HeaderLength = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0x0F) << 2; temp_protocol = head->ip_protocol; temp_dstport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength + 2]; switch (temp_protocol) { case 1: e.Protocol = "ICMP:"; break; case 2: e.Protocol = "IGMP:"; break; case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP:"; e.DestinationPort = ntohs(pTcpheader->dport).ToString(); break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP:"; e.DestinationPort = ntohs(pUdpheader->dport).ToString(); break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } temp_version = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0xF0) >> 4; e.IPVersion = temp_version.ToString(); temp_ip_srcaddr = head->ip_srcaddr; temp_ip_destaddr = head->ip_destaddr; temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_srcaddr); e.OriginationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_destaddr); e.DestinationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_srcport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength]; e.OriginationPort = ntohs(Portheader->sport).ToString(); int acb = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(Portheader->sport); e.DestinationPort = ntohs(Portheader->dport).ToString(); int abc = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(Portheader->dport); e.PacketLength = (uint)lenip; e.MessageLength = (uint)lenip - e.HeaderLength; e.ReceiveBuffer = buf; //把buf中的IP头赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的IPHeaderBuffer Array.Copy(buf, 0, e.IPHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)e.HeaderLength); //把buf中的包中内容赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的MessageBuffer Array.Copy(buf, (int)e.HeaderLength, e.MessageBuffer, 0, (int)e.MessageLength); } //引发PacketArrival事件 OnPacketArrival(e); }
private void HostScannerControlPackageArrived(object sender, PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { EthernetPacket packet = e.Packet; AddPacket(packet); }
//解析接收的数据包,形成PacketArrivedEventArgs时间数据类对象,并引发PacketArrival事件 unsafe private void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte temp_protocol = 0; uint temp_version = 0; uint temp_ip_srcaddr = 0; uint temp_ip_destaddr = 0; short temp_srcport = 0; short temp_dstport = 0; IPAddress temp_ip; //return; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs(); fixed(byte *fixed_buf = buf) { IPHeader *head = (IPHeader *)fixed_buf; e.HeaderLength = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0x0F) << 2; temp_protocol = head->ip_protocol; switch (temp_protocol) { case 1: e.Protocol = "ICMP:"; break; case 2: e.Protocol = "IGMP:"; break; case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP:"; break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP:"; break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } temp_version = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0xF0) >> 4; e.IPVersion = temp_version.ToString(); temp_ip_srcaddr = head->ip_srcaddr; temp_ip_destaddr = head->ip_destaddr; temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_srcaddr); e.OriginationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_destaddr); e.DestinationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_srcport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength]; temp_dstport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength + 2]; e.OriginationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_srcport).ToString(); e.DestinationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_dstport).ToString(); // if(e.DestinationAddress!=""||int.Parse(e.DestinationPort)>1000) // { // return; // } e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = (uint)len - e.HeaderLength; e.ReceiveBuffer = buf; //把buf中的IP头赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的IPHeaderBuffer Array.Copy(buf, 0, e.IPHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)e.HeaderLength); //把buf中的包中内容赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的MessageBuffer Array.Copy(buf, (int)e.HeaderLength, e.MessageBuffer, 0, (int)e.MessageLength); } //引发PacketArrival事件 OnPacketArrival(e); }
unsafe private void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte temp_protocol = 0; uint temp_version = 0; uint temp_ip_srcaddr = 0; uint temp_ip_destaddr = 0; short temp_srcport = 0; short temp_dstport = 0; IPAddress temp_ip; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs(); fixed(byte *fixed_buf = buf) { IPHeader *head = (IPHeader *)fixed_buf; e.HeaderLength = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0x0F) << 2; //Extract Network Protocal Type temp_protocol = head->ip_protocol; switch (temp_protocol) { case 1: e.Protocol = "ICMP"; break; case 2: e.Protocol = "IGMP"; break; case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP"; break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP"; break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } //Extract Network Protocal Version temp_version = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0xF0) >> 4; e.IPVersion = temp_version.ToString(); temp_ip_srcaddr = head->ip_srcaddr; temp_ip_destaddr = head->ip_destaddr; temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_srcaddr); e.OriginationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_destaddr); e.DestinationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_srcport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength]; temp_dstport = *(short *)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength + 2]; e.OriginationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_srcport).ToString(); e.DestinationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_dstport).ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = (uint)len - e.HeaderLength; e.ReceiveBuffer = buf; Array.Copy(buf, 0, e.IPHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)e.HeaderLength); Array.Copy(buf, (int)e.HeaderLength, e.MessageBuffer, 0, (int)e.MessageLength); } OnPacketArrival(e); }
unsafe private void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte protocol = 0; uint version = 0; uint ipSourceAddress = 0; uint ipDestinationAddress = 0; int sourcePort = 0; int destinationPort = 0; IPAddress ip; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs(); e.ReceiveBuf = buf; e.BufLength = len; fixed(byte *FixedBuf = buf) { IPHeader *head = (IPHeader *)FixedBuf; e.IPHeaderLength = (uint)((head->versionAndLength & 0x0f) << 2); //一个指向结构体或对象的指针访问其内成员(->指向结构体成员运算符) //并将变量versionAndLength的值高四位清0,保留低四位 // protocol = head->protocol; switch (protocol) { case 1: e.Protocol = "ICMP"; break; case 2: e.Protocol = "IGMP"; break; case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP"; break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP"; break; case 132: e.Protocol = "SCTP"; break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } version = (uint)((head->versionAndLength & 0xf0) >> 4); e.Version = version.ToString(); ipSourceAddress = head->sourceAddress; ipDestinationAddress = head->destinationAdress; ip = new IPAddress(ipSourceAddress); e.OriginationAddress = ip.ToString(); ip = new IPAddress(ipDestinationAddress); e.DestinationAddress = ip.ToString(); sourcePort = buf[e.IPHeaderLength] * 256 + buf[e.IPHeaderLength + 1]; destinationPort = buf[e.IPHeaderLength + 2] * 256 + buf[e.IPHeaderLength + 3]; e.OriginationPort = sourcePort.ToString(); e.DestinationPort = destinationPort.ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = e.PacketLength - e.IPHeaderLength; e.PacketBuffer = buf; Array.Copy(buf, (int)e.IPHeaderLength, e.MessageBuffer, 0, (int)e.MessageLength); OnPacketArrival(e);//引发PacketArrival事件 } }
protected virtual void OnPacketArrival(PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { PacketArrival?.Invoke(this, e); }
private void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte protocol = 0; uint version = 0; int sourcePort = 0; int destinationPort = 0; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs(); protocol = buf[9]; switch (protocol) { case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP"; break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP"; break; case 132: e.Protocol = "SCTP"; break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } version = (uint)((buf[0] & 0xf0) >> 4); sourcePort = buf[20] * 256 + buf[21]; destinationPort = buf[22] * 256 + buf[23]; if ((protocol == 6) && (sourcePort == 3868 || destinationPort == 3868))//TCP-diameter (黄罡) { e.IPHeaderLength = (uint)((buf[0] & 0x0f) << 2); e.Version = version.ToString(); e.OriginationPort = sourcePort.ToString(); e.DestinationPort = destinationPort.ToString(); e.DestinationAddress = buf[16].ToString() + "." + buf[17].ToString() + "." + buf[18].ToString() + "." + buf[19].ToString(); e.OriginationAddress = buf[12].ToString() + "." + buf[13].ToString() + "." + buf[14].ToString() + "." + buf[15].ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = e.PacketLength - e.IPHeaderLength; e.PacketBuffer = buf; OnPacketArrival(e);//引发PacketArrival事件 SaveToPcap(e); } else if ((protocol == 17) && (sourcePort == 2123 || destinationPort == 2123))//UDP-GTPv2 (黄罡) { e.IPHeaderLength = (uint)((buf[0] & 0x0f) << 2); e.Version = version.ToString(); e.OriginationPort = sourcePort.ToString(); e.DestinationPort = destinationPort.ToString(); e.DestinationAddress = buf[16].ToString() + "." + buf[17].ToString() + "." + buf[18].ToString() + "." + buf[19].ToString(); e.OriginationAddress = buf[12].ToString() + "." + buf[13].ToString() + "." + buf[14].ToString() + "." + buf[15].ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = e.PacketLength - e.IPHeaderLength; e.PacketBuffer = buf; OnPacketArrival(e);//引发PacketArrival事件 SaveToPcap(e); } else if (protocol == 132) { byte[] sctp = new byte[len - 20]; Array.Copy(buf, 20, sctp, 0, len - 20);//去除IP头部20字节 C.DeScChunk(sctp); int PPID = C.paylaodProtocolIdentifier; if (PPID == 18)//sctp-s1ap { e.IPHeaderLength = (uint)((buf[0] & 0x0f) << 2); e.Version = version.ToString(); e.OriginationPort = sourcePort.ToString(); e.DestinationPort = destinationPort.ToString(); e.DestinationAddress = buf[16].ToString() + "." + buf[17].ToString() + "." + buf[18].ToString() + "." + buf[19].ToString(); e.OriginationAddress = buf[12].ToString() + "." + buf[13].ToString() + "." + buf[14].ToString() + "." + buf[15].ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = e.PacketLength - e.IPHeaderLength; e.PacketBuffer = buf; OnPacketArrival(e);//引发PacketArrival事件 SaveToPcap(e); } else if ((PPID == 0 || PPID == 46 || PPID == 47 || PPID == 132) && ((sourcePort == 3868) || (destinationPort == 3868) || (sourcePort == 60000) || (destinationPort == 60000)))//sctp-diameter(黄罡) { B.DecodeSctpChunk(sctp); if (B.IsDia == 1) { e.IPHeaderLength = (uint)((buf[0] & 0x0f) << 2); e.Version = version.ToString(); e.OriginationPort = sourcePort.ToString(); e.DestinationPort = destinationPort.ToString(); e.DestinationAddress = buf[16].ToString() + "." + buf[17].ToString() + "." + buf[18].ToString() + "." + buf[19].ToString(); e.OriginationAddress = buf[12].ToString() + "." + buf[13].ToString() + "." + buf[14].ToString() + "." + buf[15].ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = e.PacketLength - e.IPHeaderLength; e.PacketBuffer = buf; OnPacketArrival(e);//引发PacketArrival事件 SaveToPcap(e); } } } }//黄罡2017.4.29
//解析接收的数据包,形成PacketArrivedEventArgs时间数据类对象,并引发PacketArrival事件 private unsafe void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte temp_protocol = 0; uint temp_version = 0; uint temp_ip_srcaddr = 0; uint temp_ip_destaddr = 0; short temp_srcport = 0; short temp_dstport = 0; IPAddress temp_ip; //return; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs(); fixed (byte* fixed_buf = buf) { IPHeader* head = (IPHeader*)fixed_buf; e.HeaderLength = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0x0F) << 2; temp_protocol = head->ip_protocol; switch (temp_protocol) { case 1: e.Protocol = "ICMP:"; break; case 2: e.Protocol = "IGMP:"; break; case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP:"; break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP:"; break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } temp_version = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0xF0) >> 4; e.IPVersion = temp_version.ToString(); temp_ip_srcaddr = head->ip_srcaddr; temp_ip_destaddr = head->ip_destaddr; temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_srcaddr); e.OriginationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_destaddr); e.DestinationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_srcport = *(short*)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength]; temp_dstport = *(short*)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength + 2]; e.OriginationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_srcport).ToString(); e.DestinationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_dstport).ToString(); // if(e.DestinationAddress!=""||int.Parse(e.DestinationPort)>1000) // { // return; // } e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = (uint)len - e.HeaderLength; e.ReceiveBuffer = buf; //把buf中的IP头赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的IPHeaderBuffer Array.Copy(buf, 0, e.IPHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)e.HeaderLength); //把buf中的包中内容赋给PacketArrivedEventArgs中的MessageBuffer Array.Copy(buf, (int)e.HeaderLength, e.MessageBuffer, 0, (int)e.MessageLength); } //引发PacketArrival事件 OnPacketArrival(e); }
public event PacketArrivedEventHandler PacketArrival;//声明时间句柄函数 private void OnPacketArrival(PacketArrivedEventArgs e) { PacketArrival?.Invoke(this, e);//触发事件 }
private unsafe void Receive(byte[] buf, int len) { byte temp_protocol = 0; byte temp_flag = 0; uint temp_version = 0; uint temp_ip_srcaddr = 0; uint temp_ip_destaddr = 0; short temp_srcport = 0; short temp_dstport = 0; IPAddress temp_ip; PacketArrivedEventArgs e = new PacketArrivedEventArgs(); fixed (byte* fixed_buf = buf) { IPHeader* head = (IPHeader*)fixed_buf; e.HeaderLength = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0x0F) << 2; temp_protocol = head->ip_protocol; switch (temp_protocol) { case 1: e.Protocol = "ICMP"; break; case 2: e.Protocol = "IGMP"; break; case 6: e.Protocol = "TCP"; break; case 17: e.Protocol = "UDP"; break; default: e.Protocol = "UNKNOWN"; break; } temp_version = (uint)(head->ip_verlen & 0xF0) >> 4; e.IPVersion = temp_version.ToString(); temp_ip_srcaddr = head->ip_srcaddr; temp_ip_destaddr = head->ip_destaddr; temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_srcaddr); e.OriginationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_ip = new IPAddress(temp_ip_destaddr); e.DestinationAddress = temp_ip.ToString(); temp_srcport = *(short*)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength]; temp_dstport = *(short*)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength + 2]; temp_flag = *(byte*)&fixed_buf[e.HeaderLength + 13]; e.Flag = temp_flag.ToString(); e.OriginationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_srcport).ToString(); e.DestinationPort = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(temp_dstport).ToString(); e.PacketLength = (uint)len; e.MessageLength = (uint)len - e.HeaderLength; e.ReceiveBuffer = buf; Array.Copy(buf, 0, e.IPHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)e.HeaderLength); Array.Copy(buf, (int)e.HeaderLength, e.MessageBuffer, 0, (int)e.MessageLength); } OnPacketArrival(e); }