public List <CarsInfo.PackagesInfo> GetPackageDetailsByUID(string UID, string AuthenticationID, string CustomerID, string SessionID) { List <CarsInfo.PackagesInfo> objPackagesInfo = new List <CarsInfo.PackagesInfo>(); MobileBL objMobileBL = new MobileBL(); try { if (CustomerID.Trim() != "") { DataSet dsSaveCustInfo = objMobileBL.SaveMobileCustomerInfo("GetPackageDetailsByUID", CustomerID, AuthenticationID, UID); } bool bnew = objMobileBL.CheckMobileAuthorizeUSer(SessionID, Convert.ToInt32(UID)); if (bnew) { if (AuthenticationID == ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppleID"].ToString()) { objPackagesInfo = (List <CarsInfo.PackagesInfo>)objMobileBL.GetPackageDetailsBYUID(UID); } } else { PackagesInfo objPack = new PackagesInfo(); objPack.AASuccess = "Session timed out"; objPackagesInfo.Add(objPack); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(objPackagesInfo); }
public override void Configure(string src, string dst, PackagesInfo pi) { foreach (var copyPath in pi.NugetInfo.CopyPaths) { var s = copyPath.Src.StartsWith("/") ? copyPath.Src.Substring(1) : copyPath.Src; var d = copyPath.Dst.StartsWith("/") ? copyPath.Dst.Substring(1) : copyPath.Dst; var src1 = Path.Combine(src, s); var dst1 = Path.Combine(dst, d); Io.CreateDirIfNotExist(dst1); var files = GetFiles(src1); var copyList = CreateCopyList(src1, dst1, files); FilesToCopy.AddRange(copyList); } }
public SlnxHandler(string fName, SlnXType userSettings, IFileWriter writer, ILogger logger, string debugPackageId, bool offlineMode) { _logger = logger; _fileWriter = writer; _offlineMode = offlineMode; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPackageId)) { userSettings = null; //Ignore use settings in case of an import via <debug package.../> } _slnxPath = Path.GetFullPath(fName); Assert(File.Exists(_slnxPath), "The provided SlnX file '{0}' is not a file or it doesn't exists", _slnxPath); _slnxDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(_slnxPath); _slnxFile = Path.GetFileName(fName); _slnxName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fName); _specialSlnxKeys["slnx"] = _slnxDirectory; _slnx = ReadSlnx(fName); AppendSpecialKeys(false); ExtendDictionary(_environmentVariables, _slnx.env, true); ExtendDictionary(_packageBundles, _slnx.bundle, true); TryApplyUserEnvironmentValues(userSettings); //Eventually apply user settings SetAll(_environmentVariables); // to allow import having env variable in the path ExpandAll(_environmentVariables); // to allow import having env variable with special keys in the path ReadImports(_environmentVariables, _packageBundles, _packagesInfo); TryApplyUserEnvironmentValues(userSettings); //re-Apply, to override value from the imports ExpandAll(_environmentVariables); // to apply imports & user env vars string enforcedContainer = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPackageId)) { enforcedContainer = $"_DEBUG/{debugPackageId}"; } if (offlineMode) { _offlineCache = new Uri(PackagesPath); _logger.Info($"Offline mode for {SlnxName}, using {PackagesPath} as package source."); } ExtendList(_packagesInfo, _slnx.package, _offlineCache); _projects = FindProjects(_slnx.project, ProjectsSearchPath, _slnx.skip, enforcedContainer); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugPackageId)) //Main SlnX { EvalueteDebugPackages(_slnx.debug); EvalueteDebugPackages(userSettings?.debug); //Read debug SlnX foreach (var item in _packagesToDebug) { var debugSourcePakckage = PackagesInfo.Where(x => x.Identity.Id.Equals(item.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); Assert(debugSourcePakckage != default(NuGetPackageInfo), $"The package {item.Key} is marked for debug, but it is not present as nuget package in the main SlnX file."); var slnxItem = new SlnxHandler(item.Value, _fileWriter, _logger, offlineMode, item.Key); _debugSlnxItems[debugSourcePakckage] = slnxItem; _packagesInfo.Remove(debugSourcePakckage); foreach (var candidate in slnxItem.Packages) { if (_packagesToDebug.ContainsKey(candidate.Identity.Id)) { //This package is under debug, no version check needed. continue; } var known = Packages.Where(x => x.Identity.Id.Equals(candidate.Identity.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (known == default(NuGetPackage)) { _logger?.Warn($"The package {candidate} required by the SlnX {item.Key} selected for debug, is not present in the current SlnX file {_slnxName}{SlnxExtension}"); } else { Assert(known.Identity.MinVersion == candidate.Identity.MinVersion && known.TargetFramework == candidate.TargetFramework && known.PackageType == candidate.PackageType, $"The package {candidate} required by the SlnX {item.Key} selected for debug, does not match the already known one {known}"); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// CheckFile /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="DirectoryNotFoundException"></exception> /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException"></exception> /// <exception cref="IOException"></exception> /// <exception cref="PathTooLongException"></exception> /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException"></exception> /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException"></exception> public static List <PackagesInfo> ReadFile(string fileName) { var lines = File.ReadLines(fileName); bool isDigit = false; List <PackagesInfo> listOfPackagesToInstallInThisConfigFile = new List <PackagesInfo>(); PackagesInfo packagesToInstall = null; int helperNumberToCheckHowManyLinesIExecutedAboutDepenedencies = 0; foreach (var line in lines) { if (line.Length > 0) { isDigit = Char.IsDigit(line[0]); if (isDigit) { packagesToInstall = new PackagesInfo(); packagesToInstall.NumberPackagesToInstall = int.Parse(line[0].ToString()); continue; } if (packagesToInstall != null) { helperNumberToCheckHowManyLinesIExecutedAboutDepenedencies++; Package p = new Package(); string[] arrayString = line.Split(","); p.PackagedName = arrayString[0]; p.Version = arrayString[1]; packagesToInstall.Packages.Add(p); bool flag = true; Package dep = null; for (int i = 2; i < arrayString.Length; i++) { if (flag) { dep = new Package(); dep.PackagedName = arrayString[i]; flag = false; } else { dep.Version = arrayString[i]; p.Dependencies.Add(dep); dep = null; flag = true; } } if (helperNumberToCheckHowManyLinesIExecutedAboutDepenedencies == packagesToInstall.NumberPackagesToInstall) { listOfPackagesToInstallInThisConfigFile.Add(packagesToInstall); packagesToInstall = null; helperNumberToCheckHowManyLinesIExecutedAboutDepenedencies = 0; } } } else { continue; //throw new Exception("Empty Line in config file"); } } return(listOfPackagesToInstallInThisConfigFile); }