コード例 #1
ファイル: PackageIndexHandler.cs プロジェクト: wlclass/Photon
        public override HttpHandlerResult Get()
            var vm = new PackageIndexVM(this);


            return(Response.View("Package\\Index.html", vm));
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult SubmitSearchGeneral(GeneralIndexVM obj)
            PackageIndexVM package = new PackageIndexVM()
                composition = obj.composition,
                desCity     = obj.desCity,
                desCountry  = obj.desCountry,
                sdate       = obj.startDate,
                edate       = obj.endDate,

コード例 #3
        // TEMP ActionResult for static run
        public ActionResult SearchResults()
            PackageIndexVM obj = new PackageIndexVM()
                composition = "Couple",
                desCity     = "London",
                desCountry  = "UK",
                edate       = "16.07.2018",
                sdate       = "09.07.2018",

コード例 #4
        //                                               Index page for hotels (include search)
        public ActionResult Index()
            PackageIndexVM pivm = new PackageIndexVM();
            DataLayer      dl   = new DataLayer();

            pivm.countries = (from u in dl.locations
                              select u.country).ToList <string>().GroupBy(p => p)
                             .Select(g => g.First()).OrderBy(q => q)

            pivm.cities = (from u in dl.locations
                           where u.country == pivm.countries.FirstOrDefault()
                           select u.city).ToList <string>().GroupBy(p => p)
                          .Select(g => g.First()).OrderBy(q => q)
コード例 #5
        private PackageIndexVM LoadCities()
            PackageIndexVM fivm = new PackageIndexVM();
            DataLayer      dl   = new DataLayer();

            fivm.countries = (from u in dl.locations
                              select u.country).ToList <string>().GroupBy(p => p)
                             .Select(g => g.First()).OrderBy(q => q)

            fivm.cities = (from u in dl.locations
                           where u.country == fivm.countries.FirstOrDefault()
                           select u.city).ToList <string>().GroupBy(p => p)
                          .Select(g => g.First()).OrderBy(q => q)

コード例 #6
        public ActionResult SubmitSearch(PackageIndexVM packageData)
            DataLayer dl = new DataLayer();

            packageData.desCode = (from u in dl.locations
                                   where  u.city.ToLower() == packageData.desCity.ToLower()
                                   select u.code).ToList <string>().FirstOrDefault();

            // HOTELS:
            HotelSearch hs = new HotelSearch();

            hs.FillData(packageData.desCode, packageData.sdate, packageData.edate);
            string json = hs.GetJson();

            dynamic         results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); // convert incoming data to json form
            SearchResultsVM sr      = new SearchResultsVM();

            sr.hotelSearchResultsVM = new List <HotelSearchResultsVM>();
            sr.startdDate           = packageData.sdate;
            sr.endDate = packageData.edate;
            sr.nights  = ToolsClass.getNumOfNights(ToolsClass.getDate(sr.startdDate), ToolsClass.getDate(sr.endDate));

            for (int i = 0; i < results.results.Count; ++i)
                ImageSearch image = new ImageSearch();

                    image.SetHotelName(results.results[i].property_name.ToString()); // initialize object by GoogleAPI
                catch (Exception)

                int newRating = -1; // initialize to -1
                    if (results.results[i].awards[0].rating != null)
                        newRating = results.results[i].awards[0].rating;
                catch (Exception) { }
                if (newRating == -1)
                    newRating = GenerateRating();

                HotelSearchResultsVM temp = new HotelSearchResultsVM()
                    originalLink     = hs.GetSearchURL(), // to fix the api room problem
                    hotelLink        = results.results[i]._links.more_rooms_at_this_hotel.href,
                    hotelName        = results.results[i].property_name,
                    hotelDescription = results.results[i].marketing_text,
                    rating           = newRating,
                    hotelPrice       = results.results[i].total_price.amount,
                    hotelImage       = image.GetImage() // image is an object

            // FLIGHTS:
            FlightSearch flightSearch = new FlightSearch();

            flightSearch.FillData("TLV", packageData.desCode, packageData.sdate, packageData.edate, "Israel", "Tel Aviv", packageData.desCountry, packageData.desCity);

            // if no results were found (400: bad request)
            if (flightSearch.GetResponse() != "")
                List <PackageDetails> packages = new List <PackageDetails>();
                packages.Add(new PackageDetails()
                    flight = new FlightInfoVM()
                        departureDate      = packageData.sdate,
                        returnDate         = packageData.edate,
                        destinationCity    = packageData.desCity,
                        destinationCountry = packageData.desCountry,
                        originCity         = "Tel Aviv",
                        originCountry      = "Israel",

                PackageDetailsVM newObj = new PackageDetailsVM()
                    composition = packageData.composition,
                    packages    = packages,
                return(View("SearchResults", newObj));

            // for the google map
            string[] loc       = flightSearch.GetLocation().Split(',');
            double   latitude  = Double.Parse(loc[0]);
            double   longitude = Double.Parse(loc[1]);

            // create object to pass to the view
            FlightSearchResultsVM flightSearchResultsVM = new FlightSearchResultsVM()
                departureDate       = flightSearch.GetDepartureDate(),
                destinationCity     = flightSearch.GetDestinationCity(),
                destinationCodeCity = flightSearch.GetDestinationCodeCity(),
                destinationCountry  = flightSearch.GetDestinationCountry(),
                inbound             = flightSearch.GetInbound(),
                originCity          = flightSearch.GetOriginCity(),
                originCodeCity      = flightSearch.GetOriginCodeCity(),
                originCountry       = flightSearch.GetOriginCountry(),
                outbound            = flightSearch.GetOutbound(),
                price          = flightSearch.GetPrice(),
                returnDate     = flightSearch.GetReturnDate(),
                seatsRemaining = flightSearch.GetSeatsRemaining(),
                airline        = flightSearch.GetAirline(),

            PackageDetailsVM pdvm = new PackageDetailsVM();

            pdvm.composition = packageData.composition;
            var rand = new Random();

            foreach (HotelSearchResultsVM h in sr.hotelSearchResultsVM)
                PackageDetails pd = new PackageDetails();
                pd.hotel = h;

                int          n = rand.Next(flightSearchResultsVM.airline.Count());
                FlightInfoVM f = new FlightInfoVM()
                    airline             = flightSearchResultsVM.airline[n],
                    inbound             = flightSearchResultsVM.inbound[n],
                    outbound            = flightSearchResultsVM.outbound[n],
                    departureDate       = flightSearchResultsVM.departureDate,
                    returnDate          = flightSearchResultsVM.returnDate,
                    originCountry       = flightSearchResultsVM.originCountry,
                    originCity          = flightSearchResultsVM.originCity,
                    destinationCountry  = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCountry,
                    destinationCity     = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCity,
                    originCodeCity      = flightSearchResultsVM.originCodeCity,
                    destinationCodeCity = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCodeCity,
                    seatsRemaining      = flightSearchResultsVM.seatsRemaining[n],
                    price = flightSearchResultsVM.price[n].ToString()
                pd.flight = f;

                pd.price = (pd.hotel.hotelPrice + Convert.ToDouble(pd.flight.price)) * Tools.ToolsClass.getPricePercent(pdvm.composition);


            pdvm.nights = sr.nights;

            pdvm.latitude  = latitude;
            pdvm.longitude = longitude;

            return(View("SearchResults", pdvm));