コード例 #1
        public void WellFormatedNewNodeWithPositionAndDataCommand()
            string s = PWGraphCLI.GenerateNewNodeCommand(typeof(PWNodePerlinNoise2D), "perlin noise", new Vector2(21, 84), new PWGraphCLIAttributes()
                { "persistance", 1.4f }, { "octaves", 2 }
            PWGraphCommand cmd = PWGraphCLI.Parse(s);

            var parsedAttrs     = PWJson.Parse(cmd.attributes);
            var persistanceAttr = parsedAttrs[0];
            var octavesAttr     = parsedAttrs[1];

            Assert.That(persistanceAttr.first == "persistance", "The persistance name expected to be 'persistance' but was '" + persistanceAttr.first + "'");
            Assert.That((float)persistanceAttr.second == 1.4f, "The persistance value expected to be 1.4 but was '" + persistanceAttr.second + "'");
            Assert.That(octavesAttr.first == "octaves", "The octaves name expected to be 'octaves' but was '" + octavesAttr.first + "'");
            Assert.That((int)octavesAttr.second == 2, "The octaves value expected to be 2 but was '" + octavesAttr.second + "'");
コード例 #2
        static void     CreateNode(PWGraph graph, PWGraphCommand command, string inputCommand)
            Vector2 position = command.position;
            PWNode  node     = null;

            //if we receive a CreateNode with input/output graph nodes, we assign them so we don't have multiple inout/output nodes
            if (command.nodeType == typeof(PWNodeGraphInput) || command.nodeType == typeof(PWNodeBiomeGraphInput))
                node = graph.inputNode;
            else if (command.nodeType == typeof(PWNodeGraphOutput) || command.nodeType == typeof(PWNodeBiomeGraphOutput))
                node = graph.outputNode;
                node = graph.CreateNewNode(command.nodeType, position);

            //set the position again for input/output nodes
            node.rect.position = position;

            Type nodeType = node.GetType();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(command.attributes))
                foreach (var attr in PWJson.Parse(command.attributes))
                    FieldInfo attrField = nodeType.GetField(attr.first, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);

                    if (attrField != null)
                        attrField.SetValue(node, attr.second);
                        Debug.LogError("Attribute " + attr.first + " can be found in node " + node);

            node.name = command.name;