コード例 #1
            public VesselData(VesselData vd)
                name = vd.name;
                id = vd.id;
                craftURL = vd.craftURL;
                craftPart = vd.craftPart;
                flagURL = vd.flagURL;
                vesselType = vd.vesselType;
                body = vd.body;
                orbit = vd.orbit;
                latitude = vd.latitude;
                longitude = vd.longitude;
                altitude = vd.altitude;
                height = vd.height;
                orbiting = vd.orbiting;
                owned = vd.owned;
                pqsCity = vd.pqsCity;
                pqsOffset = vd.pqsOffset;
                heading = vd.heading;
                pitch = vd.pitch;
                roll = vd.roll;

                foreach (CrewData cd in vd.crew)
                    crew.Add(new CrewData(cd));
コード例 #2
        private static Location KSCLocation()
            CelestialBody home = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(cb => cb.isHomeWorld).First();
            PQSCity       ksc  = home.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true).Where(pqs => pqs.name == "KSC").First();

            return(new Location(home, home.GetLatitude(ksc.transform.position), home.GetLongitude(ksc.transform.position)));
コード例 #3
        public static PQSCity findKSC(CelestialBody home)
            if (home != null)
                if (home.pqsController != null && home.pqsController.transform != null)
                    Transform t = home.pqsController.transform.Find("KSC");
                    if (t != null)
                        PQSCity KSC = (PQSCity)t.GetComponent(typeof(PQSCity));
                        if (KSC != null)

            PQSCity[] cities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PQSCity>();
            foreach (PQSCity c in cities)
                if (c.name == "KSC")

コード例 #4
            public WaldoAttackVesselData(WaldoAttackVesselData vd)
                name       = vd.name;
                id         = vd.id;
                craftURL   = vd.craftURL;
                craftPart  = vd.craftPart;
                flagURL    = vd.flagURL;
                vesselType = vd.vesselType;
                body       = vd.body;
                orbit      = vd.orbit;
                latitude   = vd.latitude;
                longitude  = vd.longitude;
                altitude   = vd.altitude;
                height     = vd.height;
                orbiting   = vd.orbiting;
                owned      = vd.owned;
                pqsCity    = vd.pqsCity;
                pqsOffset  = vd.pqsOffset;
                heading    = vd.heading;
                pitch      = vd.pitch;
                roll       = vd.roll;

                foreach (CrewData cd in vd.crew)
                    crew.Add(new CrewData(cd));
コード例 #5
            public WaypointData(WaypointData orig, Contract contract)
                type                   = orig.type;
                names                  = orig.names.ToList();
                waypoint.altitude      = orig.waypoint.altitude;
                waypoint.celestialName = orig.waypoint.celestialName;
                waypoint.height        = orig.waypoint.height;
                waypoint.id            = orig.waypoint.id;
                waypoint.index         = orig.waypoint.index;
                waypoint.isClustered   = orig.waypoint.isClustered;
                waypoint.isExplored    = orig.waypoint.isExplored;
                waypoint.isOnSurface   = orig.waypoint.isOnSurface;
                waypoint.landLocked    = orig.waypoint.landLocked;
                waypoint.latitude      = orig.waypoint.latitude;
                waypoint.longitude     = orig.waypoint.longitude;
                waypoint.name          = orig.waypoint.name;
                waypoint.visible       = orig.waypoint.visible;

                randomAltitude  = orig.randomAltitude;
                waterAllowed    = orig.waterAllowed;
                forceEquatorial = orig.forceEquatorial;
                nearIndex       = orig.nearIndex;
                chained         = orig.chained;
                count           = orig.count;
                minDistance     = orig.minDistance;
                maxDistance     = orig.maxDistance;
                pqsCity         = orig.pqsCity;
                pqsOffset       = orig.pqsOffset;
                launchSite      = orig.launchSite;
                parameter       = orig.parameter.ToList();
                underwater      = orig.underwater;

コード例 #6
        void GroupFixer(object mod, Vector3 REFvector)
            // Moves the group
            Vector3 PQSposition = ((Vector3)GetPosition(mod));

            Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.City2Fixer", "        > Group center position = " + REFvector + ", (LAT: " + new LatLon(REFvector).lat + ", LON: " + new LatLon(REFvector).lon + ")");
            Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.City2Fixer", "        > Mod original position = " + PQSposition + ", (LAT: " + new LatLon(PQSposition).lat + ", LON: " + new LatLon(PQSposition).lon + ")");

            if (body == FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody() && REFvector == new Vector3(157000, -1000, -570000))
                PQSCity KSC = body.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.name == "KSC");
                MoveGroup(mod, KSC.repositionRadial, KSC.reorientFinalAngle - (-15), 0, 64.7846885412);
                REFvector = KSC.repositionRadial; // Change the REFvector the the new position for Lerping
            else if (body.Has("PQSCityGroupsMove"))
                var MovesInfo = body.Get <Dictionary <Vector3, KeyValuePair <Vector3, NumericParser <double>[]> > >("PQSCityGroupsMove");

                if (MovesInfo.ContainsKey(REFvector))
                    var info = MovesInfo[REFvector];
                    MoveGroup(mod, info.Key, (float)info.Value[0], info.Value[1], info.Value[2]);
                    REFvector = info.Key; // Change the REFvector the the new position for Lerping

            // Update PQSposition
            PQSposition = ((Vector3)GetPosition(mod));

            // Spread or Shrinks the group to account for Resize
            Vector3 NEWvector = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(REFvector.normalized, PQSposition.normalized, (float)(resizeBuildings / resize));

            SetPosition(mod, NEWvector);
            Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.City2Fixer", "        > Mod lerped position   = " + (Vector3)GetPosition(mod) + ", (LAT: " + new LatLon((Vector3)GetPosition(mod)).lat + ", LON: " + new LatLon((Vector3)GetPosition(mod)).lon + ")");
コード例 #7
        public bool scanBody()
            scanned = true;

            if (body.pqsController == null)

            PQSCity[] Cities = body.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Cities.Length; i++)
                PQSCity city = Cities[i];

                if (city == null)

                if (city.transform.parent.name != body.name)

                DMAnomalyObject anom = new DMAnomalyObject(city);


            return(AnomalyCount > 0);
コード例 #8
        internal static void SetSpaceCenterCam2(KKLaunchSite currentSite)
            if (KerbalKonstructs.focusLastLaunchSite)
                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 scCam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <SpaceCenterCamera2>())
                    scCam.transform.parent             = currentSite.lsGameObject.transform;
                    scCam.transform.position           = currentSite.lsGameObject.transform.position + Vector3.up * 100;
                    scCam.initialPositionTransformName = currentSite.lsGameObject.transform.name;
                    FieldInfo pqsField = scCam.GetType().GetField("pqs", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    pqsField.SetValue(scCam, currentSite.body.pqsController);
                    scCam.pqsName = currentSite.body.name;
                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 scCam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <SpaceCenterCamera2>())
                    scCam.transform.parent             = SpaceCenter.Instance.transform;
                    scCam.transform.position           = SpaceCenter.Instance.transform.position;
                    scCam.initialPositionTransformName = "KSC/SpaceCenter/SpaceCenterCameraPosition";
                    scCam.pqsName = "Kerbin";
            if (currentSite.LaunchSiteName == "Runway" || currentSite.LaunchSiteName == "LaunchPad")
                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 cam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SpaceCenterCamera2)))
                    cam.altitudeInitial = 45f;
                PQSCity sitePQS = currentSite.staticInstance.pqsCity;

                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 cam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SpaceCenterCamera2)))
                    if (sitePQS.repositionToSphere || sitePQS.repositionToSphereSurface)
                        double nomHeight = currentSite.body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight((Vector3d)sitePQS.repositionRadial.normalized) - currentSite.body.Radius;
                        if (sitePQS.repositionToSphereSurface)
                            nomHeight += sitePQS.repositionRadiusOffset;
                        cam.altitudeInitial = 0f - (float)nomHeight;
                        cam.altitudeInitial = 0f - (float)sitePQS.repositionRadiusOffset;
                    Log.Normal("fixed the Space Center camera.");

コード例 #9
            public WaypointData(WaypointData orig, Contract contract)
                type = orig.type;
                waypoint.altitude = orig.waypoint.altitude;
                waypoint.celestialName = orig.waypoint.celestialName;
                waypoint.height = orig.waypoint.height;
                waypoint.id = orig.waypoint.id;
                waypoint.index = orig.waypoint.index;
                waypoint.isClustered = orig.waypoint.isClustered;
                waypoint.isExplored = orig.waypoint.isExplored;
                waypoint.isOnSurface = orig.waypoint.isOnSurface;
                waypoint.landLocked = orig.waypoint.landLocked;
                waypoint.latitude = orig.waypoint.latitude;
                waypoint.longitude = orig.waypoint.longitude;
                waypoint.name = orig.waypoint.name;
                waypoint.visible = orig.waypoint.visible;

                randomAltitude = orig.randomAltitude;
                waterAllowed = orig.waterAllowed;
                forceEquatorial = orig.forceEquatorial;
                nearIndex = orig.nearIndex;
                count = orig.count;
                minDistance = orig.minDistance;
                maxDistance = orig.maxDistance;
                pqsCity = orig.pqsCity;
                pqsOffset = orig.pqsOffset;
                parameter = orig.parameter.ToList();
                randomName = orig.randomName;
                underwater = orig.underwater;

コード例 #10
            public WaypointData(WaypointData orig, Contract contract)
                type = orig.type;
                waypoint.altitude      = orig.waypoint.altitude;
                waypoint.celestialName = orig.waypoint.celestialName;
                waypoint.height        = orig.waypoint.height;
                waypoint.id            = orig.waypoint.id;
                waypoint.index         = orig.waypoint.index;
                waypoint.isClustered   = orig.waypoint.isClustered;
                waypoint.isExplored    = orig.waypoint.isExplored;
                waypoint.isOnSurface   = orig.waypoint.isOnSurface;
                waypoint.landLocked    = orig.waypoint.landLocked;
                waypoint.latitude      = orig.waypoint.latitude;
                waypoint.longitude     = orig.waypoint.longitude;
                waypoint.name          = orig.waypoint.name;

                randomAltitude  = orig.randomAltitude;
                waterAllowed    = orig.waterAllowed;
                forceEquatorial = orig.forceEquatorial;
                nearIndex       = orig.nearIndex;
                count           = orig.count;
                minDistance     = orig.minDistance;
                maxDistance     = orig.maxDistance;
                pqsCity         = orig.pqsCity;
                pqsOffset       = orig.pqsOffset;
                parameter       = orig.parameter;
                hidden          = orig.hidden;

コード例 #11
    public void DetectAnomaly()
        if (usesfilm && !LTSUseResources("CameraFilm", 1))
            ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Need more Camera Film!", 6, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

        print("Detecting anomalies!");

        PQSCity[] muns = vessel.mainBody.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true);

        double  nearest = double.PositiveInfinity;
        PQSCity anomaly = null;

        foreach (PQSCity mun in muns) // Find the closest anomaly.
            print("Anomaly " + mun.name);
            double dist = (mun.transform.position - part.transform.position).magnitude;

            if (dist < nearest)
                nearest = dist;
                anomaly = mun;

        string ExpID    = "Space";
        string ExpName  = "";
        float  ExpValue = picscival;
        float  ExpData  = picdatval;

        if (anomaly != null)
            print("Closest anomaly is " + anomaly.name + " and " + nearest + " away!");

            if (nearest < 2500)
                double targetAngleTo = Vector3d.Dot(part.transform.up + cameraForward, (anomaly.transform.position - part.transform.position).normalized);
                print("Angle: " + targetAngleTo);

                if (targetAngleTo > 1)
                    ExpID    = vessel.mainBody.name + "-" + anomaly.name;
                    ExpValue = (float)((Math.Abs(2500 - nearest) * (targetAngleTo - 1)) / 100) * picscival;
                    ExpName  = anomaly.name;
                    ExpData  = 20f * picdatval;

        print(ExpName + " is worth: " + ExpValue);

        base.experiment.id = specialExperimentName + ExpID;
        base.experiment.experimentTitle = specialExperimentTitle.Replace("#Anon#", ExpName);
        base.experiment.baseValue       = ExpValue;
        base.experiment.dataScale       = ExpData;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the SpaceCenterCam to the location os the current LaunchSite
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentSite"></param>
        internal static void SetSpaceCenterCam(KKLaunchSite currentSite)
            if (KerbalKonstructs.focusLastLaunchSite && (currentSite.body.name == ConfigUtil.GetCelestialBody("HomeWorld").name))
                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 scCam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <SpaceCenterCamera2>())
                    Log.Normal("Restting to: " + currentSite.LaunchSiteName);
                    scCam.transform.parent             = currentSite.lsGameObject.transform;
                    scCam.transform.position           = currentSite.lsGameObject.transform.position;
                    scCam.initialPositionTransformName = currentSite.lsGameObject.transform.name;
                    scCam.pqsName         = currentSite.body.name;
                    scCam.rotationInitial = currentSite.InitialCameraRotation;
                    KerbalKonstructs.scCamWasAltered = true;
                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 scCam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <SpaceCenterCamera2>())
                    Log.Normal("Restting to KSC");
                    Upgradeables.UpgradeableObject kscRnD = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Upgradeables.UpgradeableObject>().Where(x => x.name == "ResearchAndDevelopment").First();
                    scCam.transform.parent             = kscRnD.gameObject.transform;
                    scCam.transform.position           = kscRnD.gameObject.transform.transform.position;
                    scCam.initialPositionTransformName = kscRnD.gameObject.transform.name;
                    scCam.pqsName         = ConfigUtil.GetCelestialBody("HomeWorld").name;
                    scCam.rotationInitial = -60;
                    KerbalKonstructs.scCamWasAltered = false;

            if (currentSite.LaunchSiteName == "Runway" || currentSite.LaunchSiteName == "LaunchPad" || currentSite.body.name != ConfigUtil.GetCelestialBody("HomeWorld").name)
                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 cam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SpaceCenterCamera2)))
                    cam.altitudeInitial = 45f;
                PQSCity sitePQS = currentSite.staticInstance.groupCenter.pqsCity;

                foreach (SpaceCenterCamera2 cam in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(SpaceCenterCamera2)))
                    double nomHeight = currentSite.body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight((Vector3d)sitePQS.repositionRadial.normalized) - currentSite.body.Radius;
                    if (sitePQS.repositionToSphereSurface)
                        nomHeight += sitePQS.repositionRadiusOffset;
                    cam.altitudeInitial = 0f - (float)nomHeight;

                    Log.Normal("fixed the Space Center camera.");
コード例 #13
        public static void AddKSC2()
            CelestialBody body    = ConfigUtil.GetCelestialBody("HomeWorld");
            var           mods    = body.pqsController.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true);
            PQSCity       ksc2PQS = null;

            foreach (var m in mods)
                if (m.name == "KSC2")
                    ksc2PQS = m;

            if (ksc2PQS == null)

            StaticInstance ksc2Instance = new StaticInstance();

            ksc2Instance.gameObject = ksc2PQS.gameObject;
            //ksc2Instance.gameObject = ksc2PQS.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true).Where(x => x.name.Equals("launchpad", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault().gameObject;
            ksc2Instance.hasLauchSites = true;
            //ksc2Instance.pqsCity = ksc2PQS;
            ksc2Instance.RadialPosition = ksc2PQS.repositionRadial;
            ksc2Instance.RefLatitude    = KKMath.GetLatitudeInDeg(ksc2PQS.repositionRadial);
            ksc2Instance.RefLongitude   = KKMath.GetLongitudeInDeg(ksc2PQS.repositionRadial);
            ksc2Instance.CelestialBody  = body;
            ksc2Instance.groupCenter    = StaticDatabase.GetGroupCenter(body.name + "_KSC2_Builtin");

            ksc2.staticInstance     = ksc2Instance;
            ksc2.LaunchSiteName     = "KSC2";
            ksc2.LaunchPadTransform = "launchpad/PlatformPlane";

            ksc2.LaunchSiteAuthor      = "KerbalKonstructs";
            ksc2.logo                  = UIMain.MakeSprite("KerbalKonstructs/Assets/DefaultSiteLogo");
            ksc2.LaunchSiteType        = SiteType.VAB;
            ksc2.sitecategory          = LaunchSiteCategory.RocketPad;
            ksc2.LaunchSiteDescription = "The hidden KSC2";
            ksc2.body                  = ConfigUtil.GetCelestialBody("HomeWorld");
            ksc2.refLat                = (float)ksc2Instance.RefLatitude;
            ksc2.refLon                = (float)ksc2Instance.RefLongitude;
            ksc2.refAlt                = (float)(body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(ksc2PQS.repositionRadial) - body.Radius);
            ksc2.LaunchSiteLength      = 15f;
            ksc2.LaunchSiteWidth       = 15f;
            ksc2.InitialCameraRotation = 135f;
            ksc2.staticInstance.mesh   = ksc2PQS.gameObject;
            ksc2.OpenCost              = 1f;
            ksc2.LaunchSiteIsHidden = true;
            ksc2.isSquad            = true;

            ksc2Instance.launchSite = ksc2;

コード例 #14
ファイル: HullCamera.cs プロジェクト: StoneBlue/L-Tech
        private void DetectAnomaly()
            if (usesFilm && !LtsUseResources("CameraFilm", 1))
                Util.DisplayScreenMsg("Need more Camera Film!");

            print("Detecting anomalies...");
            PQSCity[] planetAnomalies = vessel.mainBody.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true);

            double  nearest = double.PositiveInfinity;
            PQSCity anomaly = null;

            // Find the closest anomaly
            foreach (PQSCity anom in planetAnomalies)
                print("Anomaly: " + anom.name);
                double dist = (anom.transform.position - part.transform.position).magnitude;

                if (dist < nearest)
                    nearest = dist;
                    anomaly = anom;

            string expId    = "Space";
            string expName  = "";
            float  expValue = picScienceVal;
            float  expData  = picDataVal;

            if (anomaly != null)
                print("Closest anomaly is: " + anomaly.name + " and is " + nearest + " m away!");

                if (nearest < 2500)
                    double targetAngleTo = Vector3d.Dot(part.transform.up + cameraForward, (anomaly.transform.position - part.transform.position).normalized);
                    print("Angle: " + targetAngleTo + " degrees");

                    if (targetAngleTo > 1)
                        expId    = vessel.mainBody.name + "-" + anomaly.name;
                        expValue = (float)(Math.Abs(2500 - nearest) * (targetAngleTo - 1) / 100) * picScienceVal;
                        expName  = anomaly.name;
                        expData  = 20f * picDataVal;

            print(expName + " is worth: " + expValue);

            experiment.id = specialExperimentName + expId;
            experiment.experimentTitle = specialExperimentTitle.Replace("#Anon#", expName);
            experiment.baseValue       = expValue;
            experiment.dataScale       = expData;
コード例 #15
        private void FixFlags()
            PQSCity KSC = FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody()?.pqsController?.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true)?.FirstOrDefault(p => p?.name == "KSC");

            SkinnedMeshRenderer[] flags = KSC?.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(true)?.Where(smr => smr?.name == "Flag")?.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < flags?.Length; i++)
                flags[i].rootBone = flags[i]?.rootBone?.parent?.gameObject?.GetChild("bn_upper_flag_a01")?.transform;
        public override bool RequirementMet(ConfiguredContract contract)
            if (pqsCity != null)
                latitude  = targetBody.GetLatitude(pqsCity.transform.position);
                longitude = targetBody.GetLongitude(pqsCity.transform.position);
                pqsCity   = null;

            return(SCANsatUtil.IsCovered(latitude, longitude, SCANsatUtil.GetSCANtype(scanType), targetBody));
 public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode configNode)
     latitude = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(configNode, "latitude");
     longitude = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(configNode, "longitude");
     scanType = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(configNode, "scanType");
     string pqsCityName = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(configNode, "pqsCity", "");
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pqsCityName))
         pqsCity = targetBody.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSCity>(true).Where(pqs => pqs.name == pqsCityName).First();
        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode configNode)
            latitude  = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(configNode, "latitude");
            longitude = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(configNode, "longitude");
            scanType  = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "scanType");
            string pqsCityName = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "pqsCity", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pqsCityName))
                pqsCity = targetBody.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true).Where(pqs => pqs.name == pqsCityName).First();
コード例 #19
        public static PQSCity FindKSC(CelestialBody home)
            Transform t   = home?.pqsController?.transform?.Find("KSC");
            PQSCity   KSC = t?.GetComponent <PQSCity>();

            if (KSC != null)

            PQSCity[] cities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PQSCity>();
            return(cities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.name == "KSC"));
コード例 #20
 public KerbalData(KerbalData k)
     kerbal      = new Kerbal(k.kerbal);
     body        = k.body;
     orbit       = k.orbit;
     latitude    = k.latitude;
     longitude   = k.longitude;
     altitude    = k.altitude;
     landed      = k.landed;
     owned       = k.owned;
     addToRoster = k.addToRoster;
     pqsCity     = k.pqsCity;
     pqsOffset   = k.pqsOffset;
     heading     = k.heading;
コード例 #21
 public KerbalData(KerbalData k)
     name        = k.name;
     crewMember  = k.crewMember;
     body        = k.body;
     orbit       = k.orbit;
     latitude    = k.latitude;
     longitude   = k.longitude;
     altitude    = k.altitude;
     landed      = k.landed;
     owned       = k.owned;
     addToRoster = k.addToRoster;
     pqsCity     = k.pqsCity;
     pqsOffset   = k.pqsOffset;
コード例 #22
 public KerbalData(KerbalData k)
     kerbal = new Kerbal(k.kerbal);
     body = k.body;
     orbit = k.orbit;
     latitude = k.latitude;
     longitude = k.longitude;
     altitude = k.altitude;
     landed = k.landed;
     owned = k.owned;
     addToRoster = k.addToRoster;
     pqsCity = k.pqsCity;
     pqsOffset = k.pqsOffset;
     heading = k.heading;
コード例 #23
        internal void Spawn()
            if (StaticDatabase.allCenters.ContainsKey(dbKey))
                string oldName = Group;
                int    index   = 0;
                while (StaticDatabase.allCenters.ContainsKey(dbKey))
                    Group = oldName + "_" + index.ToString();

            gameObject      = new GameObject();
            gameObject.name = Group + "_PQS";

            pqsCity = gameObject.AddComponent <PQSCity>();

            PQSCity.LODRange range = new PQSCity.LODRange
                renderers    = new GameObject[0],
                objects      = new GameObject[0],
                visibleRange = 25000
            pqsCity.lod                    = new[] { range };
            pqsCity.frameDelta             = 10000;          //update interval for its own visiblility range checking. unused by KK, so set this to a high value
            pqsCity.repositionRadial       = RadialPosition; //position
            pqsCity.repositionRadiusOffset = RadiusOffset;   //height
            pqsCity.reorientInitialUp      = Orientation;    //orientation
            pqsCity.reorientFinalAngle     = RotationAngle;  //rotation x axis
            pqsCity.reorientToSphere       = true;           //adjust rotations to match the direction of gravity
            pqsCity.sphere                 = CelestialBody.pqsController;
            pqsCity.order                  = 100;
            pqsCity.modEnabled             = true;
            pqsCity.transform.parent       = CelestialBody.pqsController.transform;

            pqsCity.repositionToSphereSurface          = true; //Snap to surface?
            pqsCity.repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = true;
            pqsCity.repositionToSphere = false;


            RefLatitude  = KKMath.GetLatitudeInDeg(RadialPosition);
            RefLongitude = KKMath.GetLongitudeInDeg(RadialPosition);

            StaticDatabase.allCenters.Add(dbKey, this);
        public override bool RequirementMet(ConfiguredContract contract)
            // Perform another validation of the target body to catch late validation issues due to expressions
            if (!ValidateTargetBody())

            if (pqsCity != null)
                latitude  = targetBody.GetLatitude(pqsCity.transform.position);
                longitude = targetBody.GetLongitude(pqsCity.transform.position);
                pqsCity   = null;

            return(SCANsatUtil.IsCovered(latitude, longitude, SCANsatUtil.GetSCANtype(scanType), targetBody));
コード例 #25
ファイル: HyperEdit_Utilities.cs プロジェクト: vader111/RP-0
        public static void DoAirlaunch(AirlaunchParams launchParams)
            CelestialBody body   = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody;
            Vessel        vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;

            // SpaceCenter.Instance.transform doesn't work correctly with RSS + KSCSwitcher installed
            PQSCity  ksc         = Utilities.FindKSC(body);
            Vector3d kscPosition = ksc.transform.position - body.position;
            Vector3d kscUp       = kscPosition.normalized;
            Vector3d kscEast     = Vector3d.Cross(body.angularVelocity, kscPosition).normalized;
            Vector3d kscNorth    = Vector3d.Cross(kscEast, kscUp);
            double   kscAltitude = kscPosition.magnitude - body.Radius;

            // From https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-vectors.html#midpoint
            var δ = launchParams.KscDistance / body.Radius;
            var d = kscNorth * Math.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * launchParams.KscAzimuth) + kscEast * Math.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * launchParams.KscAzimuth);
            var teleportPosition = kscPosition * Math.Cos(δ) + body.Radius * d * Math.Sin(δ);

            teleportPosition += teleportPosition.normalized * (launchParams.Altitude - kscAltitude);

            Vector3d up               = teleportPosition.normalized;
            Vector3d east             = Vector3d.Cross(body.angularVelocity, teleportPosition).normalized;
            Vector3d north            = Vector3d.Cross(east, up);
            Vector3d teleportVelocity = Vector3d.Cross(body.angularVelocity, teleportPosition);

            teleportVelocity += (Math.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * launchParams.LaunchAzimuth) * east + Math.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * launchParams.LaunchAzimuth) * north) * launchParams.Velocity;

            // counter for the momentary fall when on rails
            teleportVelocity += up * (body.gravParameter / teleportPosition.sqrMagnitude / 2);

            teleportPosition = teleportPosition.xzy;
            teleportVelocity = teleportVelocity.xzy;

            Vector3d   to       = teleportPosition.xzy.normalized;
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-to);

            rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)launchParams.LaunchAzimuth, Vector3.back);

            Orbit orbit = vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.Clone();

            orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(teleportPosition, teleportVelocity, body, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime());

        public override bool RequirementMet(ConfiguredContract contract)
            // Perform another validation of the target body to catch late validation issues due to expressions
            if (!ValidateTargetBody())
                return false;

            if (pqsCity != null)
                latitude = targetBody.GetLatitude(pqsCity.transform.position);
                longitude = targetBody.GetLongitude(pqsCity.transform.position);
                pqsCity = null;

            return SCANsatUtil.IsCovered(latitude, longitude, SCANsatUtil.GetSCANtype(scanType), targetBody);
コード例 #27
        void CityFixer(PQSCity pqs)
            // Resize the Building

            pqs.transform.localScale *= (float)resizeBuildings;

            // Fix PQSCity Groups

            if (body.Has("PQSCityGroups"))
                Dictionary<object, Vector3> PQSList = body.Get<Dictionary<object, Vector3>>("PQSCityGroups");
                if (PQSList.ContainsKey(pqs))
                    GroupFixer(pqs, PQSList[pqs].normalized);

            // Fix Altitude

            double groundLevel = body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(pqs.repositionRadial) - body.Radius;

            if (!pqs.repositionToSphere && !pqs.repositionToSphereSurface)
                // Offset = Distance from the center of the planet

                double fromRadius = pqs.repositionRadiusOffset - (body.Radius / resize);
                double builtInOffset = fromRadius - groundLevel / (resize * landscape);

                pqs.repositionRadiusOffset = body.Radius + groundLevel + builtInOffset * resizeBuildings;
            else if (pqs.repositionToSphere && !pqs.repositionToSphereSurface)
                // Offset = Distance from the radius of the planet

                double builtInOffset = pqs.repositionRadiusOffset - groundLevel / (resize * landscape);

                pqs.repositionRadiusOffset = groundLevel + builtInOffset * resizeBuildings;
            else if (pqs.repositionToSphereSurface && pqs.repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight)
                // Offset = Distance from the surface of the planet

                pqs.repositionRadiusOffset *= resizeBuildings;
コード例 #28
        private bool isNearbyAnomaly(Vessel v, string anomalyName)
            // FIXME: Can we have objects with same names, but on different bodies?
            // FIXME: So far I think we can.
            GameObject[] obj = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <GameObject>();
            foreach (GameObject anomalyObj in obj)
                Component[] c = anomalyObj.GetComponents <PQSCity> ();
                if (c == null || c.Length == 0)
                KourageousTouristsAddOn.printDebug("has pqscity: " + anomalyObj.name);
                PQSCity pqscity = (PQSCity)c [0];
                if (pqscity == null)

                if (!pqscity.sphere.isAlive)

                Transform tr = anomalyObj.GetComponent <Transform> ();

                if (!anomalyObj.name.Equals(anomalyName))
                if (tr == null)
                float dist1 = Vector3.Distance(v.transform.position, tr.position);
                KourageousTouristsAddOn.printDebug("distance: " + dist1.ToString() +
                                                   "; min dist: " + minAnomalyDistance.ToString());
                if (dist1 < this.minAnomalyDistance)
コード例 #29
ファイル: KKtoSD.cs プロジェクト: stasikos/KKtoSD
        void Awake()
            // Version Check
            Debug.Log("[SigmaLog] Version Check:   KKtoSD v0.1.5");

            // Check if KK is installed
            if (AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies.FirstOrDefault(a => a.name == "KerbalKonstructs") == null)

            // Get the groups from KK
            StaticInstance[] KKStatics = StaticDatabase.GetAllStatics();

            // Send the groups to SD
            foreach (StaticInstance KKStatic in KKStatics)
                CelestialBody planet = KKStatic?.CelestialBody;
                string        group  = KKStatic?.Group;
                PQSCity       mod    = KKStatic?.pqsCity;

                if (planet == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(group) || mod == null)

                if (!PQSCityGroups.ExternalExceptions.ContainsKey(planet))
                    PQSCityGroups.ExternalExceptions.Add(planet, new Dictionary <string, List <object> >());

                if (!PQSCityGroups.ExternalExceptions[planet].ContainsKey(group))
                    PQSCityGroups.ExternalExceptions[planet].Add(group, new List <object>());

                if (!PQSCityGroups.ExternalExceptions[planet][group].Contains(mod))
コード例 #30
 public DMAnomalyObject(PQSCity City)
     city = City;
     name = city.name;
         body = FlightGlobals.Bodies.FirstOrDefault(b => b.name == city.transform.parent.name);
     catch (Exception e)
         DMUtils.Logging("Something Went Wrong Here: {0}", e);
     if (body != null)
         worldLocation = city.transform.position;
         lat           = clampLat(body.GetLatitude(worldLocation));
         lon           = clampLon(body.GetLongitude(worldLocation));
コード例 #31
 public DMAnomalyObject(PQSCity City)
     city = City;
     name = city.name;
         body = FlightGlobals.Bodies.FirstOrDefault(b => b.name == city.transform.parent.name);
     catch (Exception e)
         DMUtils.Logging("Something Went Wrong Here: {0}", e);
     if (body != null)
         worldLocation = city.transform.position;
         lat = clampLat(body.GetLatitude(worldLocation));
         lon = clampLon(body.GetLongitude(worldLocation));
コード例 #32
        void FixAltitude(object mod, double terrainShift, double fixAltitude)
            Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.FixAltitude", "        > Terrain Shift = " + terrainShift);

            string type = mod.GetType().ToString();

            if (type == "PQSCity")
                PQSCity pqs = (PQSCity)mod;
                if (!pqs.repositionToSphere && !pqs.repositionToSphereSurface)
                    pqs.repositionToSphereSurface = true;
                    pqs.repositionRadiusOffset    = 0;
                if (pqs.repositionToSphereSurface && !pqs.repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight)
                    pqs.repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = true;
                    pqs.repositionRadiusOffset             = 0;
                if (!pqs.repositionToSphereSurface)
                    pqs.repositionRadiusOffset += terrainShift;

                Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.FixAltitude", "        > Mod original repositionRadiusOffset = " + pqs.repositionRadiusOffset);
                pqs.repositionRadiusOffset += fixAltitude;
                Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.FixAltitude", "        > Fixed repositionRadiusOffset = " + pqs.repositionRadiusOffset);
            else if (type == "PQSCity2")
                PQSCity2 pqs = (PQSCity2)mod;
                if (pqs.snapToSurface)
                    pqs.snapHeightOffset += fixAltitude;
                    Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.FixAltitude", "        > Fixed snapHeightOffset = " + pqs.snapHeightOffset);
                    pqs.alt += terrainShift + fixAltitude;
                    Debug.Log("SigmaDimensions.FixAltitude", "        > Fixed PQSCity2.alt = " + pqs.alt);
コード例 #33
        internal static void AddPQSCenter(string tgtName)
            CelestialBody body   = ConfigUtil.GetCelestialBody("HomeWorld");
            var           mods   = body.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true);
            PQSCity       tgtPQS = null;

            foreach (var m in mods)
                //Log.Normal("PQSName: " + m.name);
                if (m.name == tgtName)
                    tgtPQS = m;
            if (tgtPQS == null)
                Log.Normal("No BasePQS found: " + tgtName);

            GroupCenter newGroup = new GroupCenter();

            newGroup.isBuiltIn     = true;
            newGroup.Group         = tgtName + "_Builtin";
            newGroup.CelestialBody = body;

            newGroup.RotationAngle  = tgtPQS.reorientFinalAngle;
            newGroup.RadialPosition = tgtPQS.repositionRadial;

            //newGroup.RadiusOffset = (float)0;
            newGroup.RadiusOffset = (float)tgtPQS.repositionRadiusOffset;
            //newGroup.repositionToSphere = false;
            newGroup.SeaLevelAsReference = tgtPQS.repositionToSphere;


            //Log.Normal("Added GroupCenter:" + newGroup.Group);
        public override bool Load(ConfigNode configNode)
            // Before loading, verify the SCANsat version
            if (!SCANsatUtil.VerifySCANsatVersion())

            // Load base class
            bool valid = base.Load(configNode);

            // Do not check the requirement on active contracts.  Otherwise when they scan the
            // contract is invalidated, which is usually not what's meant.
            checkOnActiveContract = false;

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "scanType", x => scanType = x, this, "Anomaly", SCANsatUtil.ValidateSCANname);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(configNode, "latitude", x => latitude = x, this, 0.0);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(configNode, "longitude", x => longitude = x, this, 0.0);

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.MutuallyExclusive(configNode, new string[] { "latitude", "longitude" }, new string[] { "pqsCity" }, this);
            valid &= ValidateTargetBody(configNode);

            string pqsName = null;

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(configNode, "pqsCity", x => pqsName = x, this, (string)null);
            if (pqsName != null)
                    CelestialBody body = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b == targetBody).First();
                    pqsCity = body.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true).Where(pqs => pqs.name == pqsName).First();
                catch (Exception e)
                    LoggingUtil.LogError(this, "Couldn't load PQSCity with name '" + pqsCity + "'");
                    valid = false;

        public override bool Load(ConfigNode configNode)
            // Before loading, verify the SCANsat version
            if (!SCANsatUtil.VerifySCANsatVersion())
                return false;

            // Load base class
            bool valid = base.Load(configNode);

            // Do not check the requirement on active contracts.  Otherwise when they scan the
            // contract is invalidated, which is usually not what's meant.
            checkOnActiveContract = false;

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(configNode, "scanType", x => scanType = x, this, "Anomaly", SCANsatUtil.ValidateSCANname);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(configNode, "latitude", x => latitude = x, this, 0.0);
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(configNode, "longitude", x => longitude = x, this, 0.0);

            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.MutuallyExclusive(configNode, new string[] { "latitude", "longitude" }, new string[] { "pqsCity" }, this);
            valid &= ValidateTargetBody(configNode);

            string pqsName = null;
            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(configNode, "pqsCity", x => pqsName = x, this, (string)null);
            if (pqsName != null)
                    CelestialBody body = FlightGlobals.Bodies.Where(b => b == targetBody).First();
                    pqsCity = body.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSCity>(true).Where(pqs => pqs.name == pqsName).First();
                catch (Exception e)
                    LoggingUtil.LogError(this, "Couldn't load PQSCity with name '" + pqsCity + "'");
                    valid = false;

            return valid;
コード例 #36
        private void PQSloaded(CelestialBody body, string name)
            if (body == null)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

            if (body.pqsController == null)

            PQSCity[] Cities = body.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Cities.Length; i++)
                PQSCity city = Cities[i];

                if (city == null)

                if (city.transform.parent.name != body.name)

                if (city.name != name)

                currentAnomaly = new DMAnomalyObject(city);
コード例 #37
 public VesselData(VesselData vd)
     name       = vd.name;
     id         = vd.id;
     craftURL   = vd.craftURL;
     craftPart  = vd.craftPart;
     flagURL    = vd.flagURL;
     vesselType = vd.vesselType;
     body       = vd.body;
     orbit      = vd.orbit;
     latitude   = vd.latitude;
     longitude  = vd.longitude;
     altitude   = vd.altitude;
     height     = vd.height;
     orbiting   = vd.orbiting;
     owned      = vd.owned;
     pqsCity    = vd.pqsCity;
     pqsOffset  = vd.pqsOffset;
     heading    = vd.heading;
     pitch      = vd.pitch;
     roll       = vd.roll;
コード例 #38
            // Post apply event
            void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node)
                // Should we remove the atmosphere
                if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere && removeAtmosphere.Value)
                    // Find atmosphere from ground and destroy the game object
                    AtmosphereFromGround atmosphere = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <AtmosphereFromGround>(true)[0];
                    atmosphere.transform.parent = null;

                    // Destroy the light controller
                    MaterialSetDirection light = body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <MaterialSetDirection>(true)[0];

                    // No more atmosphere :(
                    body.celestialBody.atmosphere = false;

                // If we have a PQS
                if (body.pqsVersion != null)
                    Logger.Active.Log("[Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template \"" + body.celestialBody.bodyName + "\"");

                    // Should we remove the ocean?
                    if (body.celestialBody.ocean && removeOcean.Value)
                        // Find atmosphere the ocean PQS
                        PQS ocean = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true).Where(pqs => pqs != body.pqsVersion).First();
                        PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform cbt = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).First();

                        // Destroy the ocean PQS (this could be bad - destroying the secondary fades...)
                        cbt.secondaryFades     = null;
                        ocean.transform.parent = null;

                        // No more ocean :(
                        body.celestialBody.ocean = false;
                        body.pqsVersion.mapOcean = false;

                    // Selectively remove PQS Mods
                    if (removePQSMods != null && removePQSMods.Value.LongCount() > 0)
                        // We need a List with Types to remove
                        List <Type> mods = new List <Type>();
                        Dictionary <String, Type> modsPerName = new Dictionary <String, Type>();
                        foreach (String mod in removePQSMods.Value)
                            // If the definition has a name specified, grab that
                            String mType = mod;
                            String name  = "";
                            if (mType.EndsWith("]"))
                                String[] split = mType.Split('[');
                                mType = split[0];
                                name  = split[1].Remove(split[1].Length - 1);

                            // Get the mods matching the String
                            String modName = mType;
                            if (!mod.Contains("PQS"))
                                modName = "PQSMod_" + mod;
                            if (name == "")
                                //mods.Add(Type.GetType(modName + ", Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"));
                                Type t = Parser.ModTypes.Find(m => m.Name == modName);
                                if (t != null)
                                //modsPerName.Add(name, Type.GetType(modName + ", Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"));
                                Type t = Parser.ModTypes.Find(m => m.Name == modName);
                                if (t != null)
                                    modsPerName.Add(name, t);
                        Utility.RemoveModsOfType(mods, body.pqsVersion);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Type> kvP in modsPerName)
                            Int32  index = 0;
                            String name  = kvP.Key;
                            if (name.Contains(';'))
                                String[] split = name.Split(';');
                                name = split[0];
                                Int32.TryParse(split[1], out index);
                            PQSMod[] allMods = body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren(kvP.Value, true).Select(m => m as PQSMod).Where(m => m.name == name).ToArray();
                            if (allMods.Length > 0)
                                if (allMods[index] is PQSCity)
                                    PQSCity city = allMods[index] as PQSCity;
                                    if (city.lod != null)
                                        foreach (PQSCity.LODRange range in city.lod)
                                            if (range.objects != null)
                                                foreach (GameObject o in range.objects)
                                            if (range.renderers != null)
                                                foreach (GameObject o in range.renderers)
                                if (allMods[index] is PQSCity2)
                                    PQSCity2 city = allMods[index] as PQSCity2;
                                    if (city.objects != null)
                                        foreach (PQSCity2.LodObject range in city.objects)
                                            if (range.objects != null)
                                                foreach (GameObject o in range.objects)

                                // If no mod is left, delete the game object too
                                GameObject gameObject = allMods[index].gameObject;
                                PQSMod[] allRemainingMods = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true);
                                if (allRemainingMods.Length == 0)

                    if (removeAllMods != null && removeAllMods.Value)
                        // Remove all mods
                        Utility.RemoveModsOfType(null, body.pqsVersion);

                // Should we remove the progress tree
                if (removeProgressTree.Value)
                    body.celestialBody.progressTree = null;

                // Figure out what kind of body we are
                if (body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <SunShaderController>(true).Length > 0)
                    type = BodyType.Star;
                else if (body.celestialBody.atmosphere)
                    type = BodyType.Atmospheric;
                    type = BodyType.Vacuum;

                // remove coronas
                if (type == BodyType.Star && removeCoronas)
                    foreach (SunCoronas corona in body.scaledVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <SunCoronas>(true))
                        corona.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; // RnD hard refs Coronas, so we need to disable them

                // Event
                Events.OnTemplateLoaderPostApply.Fire(this, node);
コード例 #39
        void GroupFixer(PQSCity pqs, Vector3 REFvector)
            if (body == FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody())

            Vector3 PQSvector = pqs.repositionRadial.normalized;
            Vector3 NEWvector = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(REFvector, PQSvector, (float)(resizeBuildings / resize));
            pqs.repositionRadial = NEWvector;
コード例 #40
        void LinkToKSC(PQSCity pqs)
            PQSCity KSC = body.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSCity>().First(m => m.name == "KSC");
            LatLon movedKSC = new LatLon(KSC.repositionRadial.normalized);
            Vector3 reference = body.Get<Dictionary<object, Vector3>>("PQSCityGroups")[pqs].normalized;

            if (reference == movedKSC.vector)
                // Fix Rotation
                float angle = KSC.reorientFinalAngle - (-15);
                pqs.reorientFinalAngle += angle;

                // Stock Vectors (KSC, North, East)
                LatLon stockKSC = new LatLon(new Vector3(157000, -1000, -570000).normalized);
                Vector3 north = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(Vector3.up, stockKSC.vector);
                Vector3 east = QuaternionD.AngleAxis(90, stockKSC.vector) * north;

                // PQS Vectors (PQS, North, East)
                Vector3 oldPQS = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(pqs.repositionRadial.normalized, stockKSC.vector);
                Vector3 pqsNorth = Vector3.Project(oldPQS, north);
                Vector3 pqsEast = Vector3.Project(oldPQS, east);

                // Distance from KSC (Northward, Eastward)
                float northward = pqsNorth.magnitude * (1 - (Vector3.Angle(north.normalized, pqsNorth.normalized) / 90));
                float eastward = pqsEast.magnitude * (1 - (Vector3.Angle(east.normalized, pqsEast.normalized) / 90));

                // New KSC Vectors (North, East)
                Vector3 newNorth = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(Vector3.up, movedKSC.vector).normalized;
                Vector3 newEast = (QuaternionD.AngleAxis(90, movedKSC.vector) * newNorth);

                // Account for PQSCity rotation:
                // PQSCity rotate when their Longitude changes
                angle -= (float)(stockKSC.lon - movedKSC.lon);
                QuaternionD rotation = QuaternionD.AngleAxis(angle, movedKSC.vector);

                // Calculate final position by adding the north and east distances to the movedKSC position
                // then rotate the new vector by as many degrees as it is necessary to account for the PQS model rotation
                pqs.repositionRadial = rotation * (movedKSC.vector + newNorth * northward + newEast * eastward);

                // Fix Altitude
                if (!pqs.repositionToSphereSurface)
                    pqs.repositionRadiusOffset += (body.pqsController.GetSurfaceHeight(movedKSC.vector) - body.Radius) / (resize * landscape) - 64.7846885412;
コード例 #41
ファイル: KSC.cs プロジェクト: CliftonMarien/Kopernicus
            // Apply the patches
            public void Start()
                // Get the KSC-object from Kerbins PQS
                if (FlightGlobals.Bodies != null)
                    body = FlightGlobals.Bodies.First(b => b.isHomeWorld);
                    ksc = body.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSCity>(true).First(m => m.name == "KSC");
                    mapDecal = body.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod_MapDecalTangent>(true).First(m => m.name == "KSC");
                    CelestialBody[] bodies = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<CelestialBody>();
                    foreach (CelestialBody b in bodies)
                        if (!b.isHomeWorld)

                        if (b.pqsController == null)

                        ksc = b.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSCity>(true).First(m => m.name == "KSC");
                        if (ksc != null)
                            body = b;
                            mapDecal = body.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod_MapDecalTangent>(true).First(m => m.name == "KSC");
                if (ksc == null)
                    Debug.LogError("[Kopernicus]: KSC: Unable to find homeworld body with PQSCity named KSC");
                if (mapDecal == null)
                    Debug.LogError("[Kopernicus]: KSC: Unable to find homeworld body with PQSMod_MapDecalTangent named KSC");

                // Load new data into the PQSCity
                if (latitude.HasValue && longitude.HasValue)
                    ksc.repositionRadial = LLAtoECEF(latitude.Value, longitude.Value, 0, body.Radius);
                else if (repositionRadial.HasValue)
                    ksc.repositionRadial = repositionRadial.Value;
                if (reorientInitialUp.HasValue)
                    ksc.reorientInitialUp = reorientInitialUp.Value;
                if (repositionToSphere.HasValue)
                    ksc.repositionToSphere = repositionToSphere.Value;
                if (repositionToSphereSurface.HasValue)
                    ksc.repositionToSphereSurface = repositionToSphereSurface.Value;
                if (repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight.HasValue)
                    ksc.repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight.Value;
                if (reorientToSphere.HasValue)
                    ksc.reorientToSphere = reorientToSphere.Value;
                if (repositionRadiusOffset.HasValue)
                    ksc.repositionRadiusOffset = repositionRadiusOffset.Value;
                if (lodvisibleRangeMult.HasValue)
                    foreach (PQSCity.LODRange lodRange in ksc.lod)
                        lodRange.visibleRange *= (float)lodvisibleRangeMult.Value;
                if (reorientFinalAngle.HasValue)
                    ksc.reorientFinalAngle = reorientFinalAngle.Value;

                // Load new data into the MapDecal
                if (radius.HasValue)
                    mapDecal.radius = radius.Value;
                if (heightMapDeformity.HasValue)
                    mapDecal.heightMapDeformity = heightMapDeformity.Value;
                if (absoluteOffset.HasValue)
                    mapDecal.absoluteOffset = absoluteOffset.Value;
                if (absolute.HasValue)
                    mapDecal.absolute = absolute.Value;
                if (decalLatitude.HasValue && decalLongitude.HasValue)
                    mapDecal.position = LLAtoECEF(decalLatitude.Value, decalLongitude.Value, 0, body.Radius);
                else if (position.HasValue)
                    mapDecal.position = position.Value;

                // Move the SpaceCenter
                if (SpaceCenter.Instance != null)
                    SpaceCenter.Instance.transform.localPosition = ksc.transform.localPosition;
                    SpaceCenter.Instance.transform.localRotation = ksc.transform.localRotation;

                    // Reset the SpaceCenter
                    Debug.Log("[Kopernicus]: KSC: No SpaceCenter instance!");

                // Add a material fixer
コード例 #42
 public KerbalData(KerbalData k)
     name = k.name;
     crewMember = k.crewMember;
     body = k.body;
     orbit = k.orbit;
     latitude = k.latitude;
     longitude = k.longitude;
     altitude = k.altitude;
     landed = k.landed;
     owned = k.owned;
     addToRoster = k.addToRoster;
     gender = k.gender;
     kerbalType = k.kerbalType;
     pqsCity = k.pqsCity;
     pqsOffset = k.pqsOffset;
     heading = k.heading;
コード例 #43
        public void spawnObject(Boolean editing, Boolean bPreview)
            // Objects spawned at runtime should be active, ones spawned at loading not
            SetActiveRecursively(gameObject, editing);

            Transform[] gameObjectList = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
            List<GameObject> rendererList = (from t in gameObjectList where t.gameObject.renderer != null select t.gameObject).ToList();

            setLayerRecursively(gameObject, 15);

            if (bPreview) this.ToggleAllColliders(false);

            this.preview = bPreview;

            if (editing) KerbalKonstructs.instance.selectObject(this, true, true, bPreview);

            float objvisibleRange = (float)getSetting("VisibilityRange");

            if (objvisibleRange < 1) objvisibleRange = 25000f;

            PQSCity.LODRange range = new PQSCity.LODRange
                renderers = rendererList.ToArray(),
                objects = new GameObject[0],
                visibleRange = objvisibleRange

            pqsCity = gameObject.AddComponent<PQSCity>();
            pqsCity.lod = new[] { range };
            pqsCity.frameDelta = 1; //Unknown
            pqsCity.repositionToSphere = true; //enable repositioning
            pqsCity.repositionToSphereSurface = false; //Snap to surface?
            pqsCity.repositionRadial = (Vector3)getSetting("RadialPosition"); //position
            pqsCity.repositionRadiusOffset = (float)getSetting("RadiusOffset"); //height
            pqsCity.reorientInitialUp = (Vector3)getSetting("Orientation"); //orientation
            pqsCity.reorientFinalAngle = (float)getSetting("RotationAngle"); //rotation x axis
            pqsCity.reorientToSphere = true; //adjust rotations to match the direction of gravity
            gameObject.transform.parent = ((CelestialBody)getSetting("CelestialBody")).pqsController.transform;
            pqsCity.sphere = ((CelestialBody)getSetting("CelestialBody")).pqsController;
            pqsCity.order = 100;
            pqsCity.modEnabled = true;

            foreach (StaticModule module in model.modules)
                Type moduleType = AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies.SelectMany(asm => asm.assembly.GetTypes()).FirstOrDefault(t => t.Namespace == module.moduleNamespace && t.Name == module.moduleClassname);
                MonoBehaviour mod = gameObject.AddComponent(moduleType) as MonoBehaviour;

                if (mod != null)
                    foreach (string fieldName in module.moduleFields.Keys)
                        FieldInfo field = mod.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
                        if (field != null)
                            field.SetValue(mod, Convert.ChangeType(module.moduleFields[fieldName], field.FieldType));
                            Debug.Log("KK: WARNING: Field " + fieldName + " does not exist in " + module.moduleClassname);
                    Debug.Log("KK: WARNING: Module " + module.moduleClassname + " could not be loaded in " + gameObject.name);

            foreach (GameObject gorenderer in rendererList)
                gorenderer.renderer.enabled = true;