コード例 #1
ファイル: Voxel.cs プロジェクト: ADRC4-2019-2020/PublicParts
 /// <summary>
 /// Clears all the relevant status for this voxel
 /// </summary>
 public void ClearStatus()
     IsOccupied  = false;
     InSpace     = false;
     ParentSpace = null;
     Part        = null;
コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the space that the Arrow object represents
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The PPSpace object</returns>
    PPSpace GetSpaceFromArrow()
        //This method allows clicking on the InfoArrow
        //and returns its respective space
        PPSpace    clicked  = null;
        Ray        ClickRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ClickRay, out hit))
            if (hit.collider.gameObject.transform != null && hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "InfoArrow")
                clicked = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <InfoArrow>().GetSpace();
                //print($"Clicked on {clicked.Name}'s arrow");
                _showSpaceData        = true;
                _spaceData            = clicked.GetSpaceDebugInfo();
                _cameraPivot.position = hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position;
                _selectedSpace        = clicked;
            _spaceData            = null;
            _selectedSpace        = null;
            _showSpaceData        = false;
            _cameraPivot.position = new Vector3(_gridSize.x / 2, 0, _gridSize.z / 2) * _voxelSize;
コード例 #3
 public void ReleaseIcon()
     OnSpace = null;
     _userIcon.GetComponent <UserIcon>().ReleaseSpace();
     _userIcon.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets one of the existing spaces to be reconfigured
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void SetRandomSpaceToReconfigure(int areaDirection, int connectivityDirection)
        PPSpace space        = new PPSpace();
        bool    validRequest = false;

        while (!validRequest)
            int i = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, _spaces.Count);
            space = _spaces[i];

            if (space.BoundaryParts.Count > 0 && !space.IsSpare)
                validRequest = true;

        //Set area to be increased
        ReconfigurationRequest rr = new ReconfigurationRequest(space, areaDirection, connectivityDirection);

        _reconfigurationRequests = new List <ReconfigurationRequest>();

        //Start requesting the first action
コード例 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the space that the Arrow object represents by clicking on the InfoArrow
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The <see cref="PPSpace"/> object</returns>
    protected virtual PPSpace GetSpaceFromArrow()
        PPSpace    clicked  = null;
        Ray        ClickRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ClickRay, out hit))
            if (hit.collider.gameObject.transform != null && hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "InfoArrow")
                clicked               = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <InfoArrow>().GetSpace();
                _showSpaceData        = true;
                _spaceData            = clicked.GetSpaceDebugInfo();
                _cameraPivot.position = hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position;
                _selectedSpace        = clicked;
            _spaceData            = null;
            _selectedSpace        = null;
            _showSpaceData        = false;
            _cameraPivot.position = new Vector3(_gridSize.x / 2, 0, _gridSize.z / 2) * _voxelSize;
コード例 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Manages the probabilistic simulation of Tenants requesting spaces
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="request"></param>
    protected override void RequestSpace(PPSpaceRequest request)
        var requestArea     = request.Population * request.Tenant.AreaPerIndInferred; //Request area assuming the area the tenant prefers per individual
        var availableSpaces = _spaces.Where(s => !s.Occupied && !s.IsSpare);

        if (availableSpaces.Count() > 0)
            PPSpace bestSuited = availableSpaces.MaxBy(s => s.Area);
            foreach (var space in availableSpaces)
                var spaceArea = space.Area;

                if (spaceArea >= requestArea && spaceArea < bestSuited.Area)
                    bestSuited = space;
            //string newMessage = $"Assinged {bestSuited.Name} to {request.Tenant.Name} at {_hour.ToString("D2")}:00 for {request.ActivityName}";
            string newMessage = $"Assinged to {request.Tenant.Name}";
            _spacesMessages[bestSuited] = newMessage;

            //AddDisplayMessage("No available space found");
コード例 #7
ファイル: Voxel.cs プロジェクト: ADRC4-2019-2020/PublicParts
    public PPSpace MoveToSpace(PPSpace target)
        this.ParentSpace = target;

コード例 #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs the Pix2pix analysis on the current state of the grid, while
    /// updating the spaces that can be understood as the same
    /// </summary>
    public void RunAnalysisUpdateSpaces()
        //Stopwatch aiStopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        //Copy the existing spaces
        List <PPSpace> existingSpaces = new List <PPSpace>(Spaces);
        //Copy the existing indices
        List <HashSet <Vector3Int> > existingIndices = new List <HashSet <Vector3Int> >();

        foreach (var space in Spaces)
            HashSet <Vector3Int> temp = new HashSet <Vector3Int>();
            foreach (var index in space.Indices)
                temp.Add(new Vector3Int(index.x, index.y, index.z));

        //Generate new spaces
        Boundaries = new List <Voxel>();
        var gridImage      = GetStateImage256();
        var analysisResult = _pix2pix.GeneratePrediction(gridImage);
        var resultTexture  = ProcessAnalysisResult(analysisResult);

        List <PPSpace> newSpaces    = GenerateSpaces();
        List <PPSpace> resultSpaces = new List <PPSpace>();

        //Compare new spaces with existing spaces
        foreach (var nSpace in newSpaces)
            PPSpace outSpace = nSpace;
            for (int i = 0; i < existingSpaces.Count; i++)
                var eSpace   = existingSpaces[i];
                var eIndices = existingIndices[i];

                if (nSpace.CompareSpaces(eSpace, eIndices))
                    //The existing space parameters should be evaluated here
                    //nSpace.Name = "Existing";
        Spaces = newSpaces;
        //var t = aiStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        //print($"Took {t} ms to update");
コード例 #9
    public static void DrawSpaceSurface(PPSpace space, VoxelGrid grid, Color color, Vector3 origin)
        var voxelSize = grid.VoxelSize;
        _properties.SetColor("_BaseColor", color);
        var indices = space.Indices;
        foreach (var index in indices)
            Vector3 position = ((index + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.1f, 0.5f)) * voxelSize) + origin;

            DrawFace(position, Axis.Y, voxelSize, color);
コード例 #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor for a ReconfigurationRequest for a given space, with instructions for
    /// Area and Connectivity reconfiguration.
    /// [+1] = Increase
    /// [-1] = Decrese
    /// [0]  = Don't change
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="space">The space that should be reconfigured</param>
    /// <param name="areaDirection">The direction for the area reconfiguration</param>
    /// <param name="connectivityDirection"></param>
    public ReconfigurationRequest(PPSpace space, int areaDirection, int connectivityDirection)
        SpaceId        = space.SpaceId;
        SpaceName      = space.Name;
        _spaceCenter   = new Vector3Int((int)space.GetCenter().x, 0, (int)space.GetCenter().z);
        CurrentIndices = space.Indices.ToArray();
        //Area defined by the Voxel count
        int currentArea = space.VoxelCount;
        //Conectivity defined by the number of connections [voxels]
        int currentConnectivity = space.NumberOfConnections;

        space.ArtificialReconfigureRequest(areaDirection, connectivityDirection);

        //Set the target area
        if (areaDirection == 1)
            TargetArea = currentArea + _areaModifier;
        else if (areaDirection == -1)
            TargetArea = currentArea - _areaModifier;
        else if (areaDirection == 0)
            TargetArea = 0;

        //Set the target connections
        if (connectivityDirection == 1)
            TargetConnections = currentConnectivity + _connectivityModifier;
        else if (connectivityDirection == -1)
            TargetConnections = currentConnectivity - _connectivityModifier;
        else if (connectivityDirection == 0)
            TargetConnections = 0;

        _agents2Reconfigure = space.BoundaryParts.Select(p => p.CPAgent).ToArray();
        foreach (var part in _agents2Reconfigure)
コード例 #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if the reconfiguration subject of a request is still valid or has been destroyed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="request">The request to be assessed</param>
    /// <returns>An integer representing the result of the action
    /// 0 = valid;
    /// 1 = successful;
    /// 2 = destroyed the space</returns>
    public int CheckResultFromRequest(ReconfigurationRequest request)
        int  result     = 1;
        Guid spaceId    = request.SpaceId;
        int  checkCount = _spaces.Count(s => s.SpaceId == spaceId);

        if (checkCount == 1)
            PPSpace space = MainGrid.GetSpaceById(spaceId);
            if (space != null)
                //Space still exists, evaluate if reconfiguration was successful
                bool success = request.ReconfigurationSuccessful(space);
                request.CurrentIndices = space.Indices.ToArray();
                if (success)
                    result = 0;
                space.Reconfigure_Area         = false;
                space.Reconfigure_Connectivity = false;
        else if (checkCount > 1)
            //Space was destroyed and split into 2 or more. Differentiate new spaces
            foreach (var space in _spaces.Where(s => s.SpaceId == spaceId))
                space.SpaceId                  = Guid.NewGuid();
                space.Reconfigure_Area         = false;
                space.Reconfigure_Connectivity = false;
            result = 2;
            //Space was destroyed, return false
            result = 2;

コード例 #12
ファイル: JSONReader.cs プロジェクト: daversd/PP_AI_Main
    public static List <PPSpace> ReadSpacesAsList(VoxelGrid grid, string file)
        List <PPSpace>    outList    = new List <PPSpace>();
        string            jsonString = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(file).text;
        PPSpaceCollection spaceList  = JsonUtility.FromJson <PPSpaceCollection>(jsonString);
        int count = 0;

        foreach (var space in spaceList.Spaces)
            PPSpace s = new PPSpace();
            s.OCIndexes = space.OCIndexes;
            outList.Add(s.NewSpace(grid, $"Space_{count++}"));

コード例 #13
    public static void DrawSpaceBoundary(PPSpace space, VoxelGrid grid, Color color, Vector3 origin)
        var voxelSize = grid.VoxelSize;
        _properties.SetColor("_BaseColor", color);
        var boundary = space.SortedBoundaryIndexes;
        for (int i = 0; i < boundary.Length; i++)
            Vector3 start = boundary[i];
            Vector3 end;
            if (i + 1 >= boundary.Length) end = boundary[0];
            else end = boundary[i + 1];
            start = ((start + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f)) * voxelSize) + origin;
            end = ((end + new Vector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f)) * voxelSize) + origin;

            DrawBar(start, end, 0.05f, color);
コード例 #14
    void RequestSpace(PPSpaceRequest request)
        var     requestArea     = request.Population * 8; //This considers that 1 person requires 8 voxels (~1m²)
        var     availableSpaces = _spaces.Where(s => !s.Occupied && !s.IsSpare);
        PPSpace bestSuited      = availableSpaces.MaxBy(s => s.Area);

        foreach (var space in availableSpaces)
            var spaceArea = space.Area;

            if (spaceArea >= requestArea && spaceArea < bestSuited.Area)
                bestSuited = space;
        print($"Assinged {bestSuited.Name} to {request.Tenant.Name} at {_dateTimeNow}");
コード例 #15
    //public static void DrawSpacesColour(List<PPSpace> spaces, VoxelGrid grid)
    //    var voxelSize = grid.VoxelSize;
    //    for (int i = 0; i < spaces.Count; i++)
    //    {
    //        UnityEngine.Random.InitState(i);
    //        float r = UnityEngine.Random.value;

    //        UnityEngine.Random.InitState(2*i);
    //        float g = UnityEngine.Random.value;

    //        UnityEngine.Random.InitState(3*i);
    //        float b = UnityEngine.Random.value;

    //        var color = new Color(r, g, b, 0.70f);
    //        _properties.SetColor("_Color", color);
    //        var space = spaces[i];

    //        foreach (var voxel in space.Voxels)
    //        {
    //            var center = voxel.Center + (Vector3.up*voxelSize);
    //            var matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
    //            center,
    //            Quaternion.identity,
    //            Vector3.one * (voxelSize * 0.99f)
    //            );

    //            Graphics.DrawMesh(_unitBox, matrix, _instance._transparent, 0, null, 0, _properties);
    //        }
    //    }

    public static void DrawSpace(PPSpace space, VoxelGrid grid, Color color, Vector3 origin)
        var voxelSize = grid.VoxelSize;

        _properties.SetColor("_BaseColor", color);

        foreach (var voxel in space.Voxels)
            Vector3 index = origin + (new Vector3(voxel.Index.x + 0.5f, voxel.Index.y + 0.5f, voxel.Index.z + 0.5f) * voxelSize);
            var center = index + (Vector3.up * voxelSize);
            var matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
            Vector3.one * (voxelSize * 0.3f)

            Graphics.DrawMesh(_unitBox, matrix, _instance._transparent, 0, null, 0, _properties);
コード例 #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to assign a space to a request made by a Tenant
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="request">The Request object</param>
    void RequestSpace(PPSpaceRequest request)
        var requestArea     = request.Population * request.Tenant.AreaPerIndInferred; //Request area assuming the area the tenant prefers per individual
        var availableSpaces = _spaces.Where(s => !s.Occupied && !s.IsSpare);

        PPSpace bestSuited = availableSpaces.MaxBy(s => s.VoxelCount);

        foreach (var space in availableSpaces)
            var spaceArea = space.Area;

            if (spaceArea >= requestArea && spaceArea < bestSuited.VoxelCount)
                bestSuited = space;
        _activityLog = $"Assinged {bestSuited.Name} to {request.Tenant.Name} at {_dateTimeNow}";
コード例 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if the reconfiguration has been successful
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="space">The space to be checked</param>
    /// <returns>The result if the reconfiguration was successful</returns>
    public bool ReconfigurationSuccessful(PPSpace space)
        //Get the current parameters [area = Voxel count; connectivity = number of connections]
        int currentArea         = space.VoxelCount;
        int currentConnectivity = space.NumberOfConnections;

        //Create the result validators, starting with true
        bool areaSuccessful         = true;
        bool connectivitySuccessful = true;

        //Check if reconfiguration was successful, within a margin of +- 50% of the target parameter
        //Check if area objective has been reached [0 = no area reconfiguration requested]
        if (TargetArea != 0)
            if (currentArea < TargetArea - (_areaModifier / 2) || currentArea > TargetArea + (_areaModifier / 2))
                areaSuccessful = false;

        //Check if connectivity objective has been reached [0 = no connectivity reconfiguration requested]
        if (TargetConnections != 0)
            if (currentConnectivity < TargetConnections - (_connectivityModifier / 2) || currentConnectivity > TargetConnections + (_connectivityModifier / 2))
                connectivitySuccessful = false;

        //Check if the request has been fullfiled
        if (areaSuccessful && connectivitySuccessful)
コード例 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Manages the probabilistic simulation of Tenants requesting spaces
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="request"></param>
    protected override void RequestSpace(PPSpaceRequest request)
        var requestArea     = request.Population * request.Tenant.AreaPerIndInferred; //Request area assuming the area the tenant prefers per individual
        var availableSpaces = _spaces.Where(s => !s.Occupied && !s.IsSpare);

        if (availableSpaces.Count() > 0)
            PPSpace bestSuited = availableSpaces.MaxBy(s => s.Area);
            foreach (var space in availableSpaces)
                var spaceArea = space.Area;

                if (spaceArea >= requestArea && spaceArea < bestSuited.Area)
                    bestSuited = space;
            string newMessage = $"Assinged to {request.Tenant.Name}";
            _spacesMessages[bestSuited] = newMessage;
コード例 #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets one of the existing spaces to be reconfigured.
    /// This overriden method replaces the behaviour brain according to the type of request
    /// </summary>
    protected override void SetRandomSpaceToReconfigure(int areaDirection, int connectivityDirection)
        PPSpace space        = new PPSpace();
        bool    validRequest = false;

        while (!validRequest)
            int i = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, _spaces.Count);
            space = _spaces[i];

            if (space.BoundaryParts.Count > 0 && !space.IsSpare)
                validRequest = true;

        //Create the reconfiguration request
        ReconfigurationRequest rr = new ReconfigurationRequest(space, areaDirection, connectivityDirection);

        _reconfigurationRequests = new List <ReconfigurationRequest>();
コード例 #20
ファイル: Drawing.cs プロジェクト: daversd/PP_AI_Main
    public static void DrawSpace(PPSpace space, VoxelGrid grid, Color color)
        var voxelSize = grid.VoxelSize;

        //var color = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.70f);
        //if (selected)
        //    color = new Color(0.85f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.70f);

        _properties.SetColor("_Color", color);

        foreach (var voxel in space.Voxels)
            var center = voxel.Center + (Vector3.up * voxelSize);
            var matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
                Vector3.one * (voxelSize * 0.85f)

            Graphics.DrawMesh(_unitBox, matrix, _instance._transparent, 0, null, 0, _properties);
コード例 #21
 public void ReleaseSpace()
     _space = null;
コード例 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate spaces on the voxels that are not inside the parts boudaries, or space or part
    /// The method is inspired by a BFS algorithm, continuously checking the neighbours of the
    /// processed voxels until the minimum area is reached. It is designed to be called in a loop
    /// that feeds the numbering / naming of the spaces
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="number">Current number of the space</param>
    void GenerateSingleSpace(int number)
        int maximumArea     = 1000; //in voxel ammount
        var availableVoxels = _grid.ActiveVoxelsAsList().Where(v => !_boundaries.Contains(v) && !v.IsOccupied && !v.InSpace).ToList();

        if (availableVoxels.Count == 0)
        Voxel originVoxel = availableVoxels[0];

        //Initiate a new space
        PPSpace space = new PPSpace(_grid);

        originVoxel.InSpace     = true;
        originVoxel.ParentSpace = space;
        //Keep running until the space area is under the minimum
        while (space.Voxels.Count < maximumArea)
            List <Voxel> temp = new List <Voxel>();
            foreach (var voxel in space.Voxels)
                //Get the face neighbours which are available
                var newNeighbours = voxel.GetFaceNeighbours().Where(n => availableVoxels.Contains(n));
                foreach (var neighbour in newNeighbours)
                    var nIndex    = neighbour.Index;
                    var gridVoxel = _grid.Voxels[nIndex.x, nIndex.y, nIndex.z];
                    //Only add the nighbour it its not already in the space
                    //or temp list, is active, not occupied(in a part), or another space
                    if (!space.Voxels.Contains(neighbour) && !temp.Contains(neighbour))
                        if (gridVoxel.IsActive && !gridVoxel.IsOccupied && !gridVoxel.InSpace)
            //Break if the temp list returned empty
            if (temp.Count == 0)
            //Add found neighbours to the space until it reaches maximum capacity
            foreach (var v in temp)
                if (space.Voxels.Count <= maximumArea)
                    v.InSpace     = true;
                    v.ParentSpace = space;
        space.Name = $"Space_{number.ToString()}";
コード例 #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if there are enough requests to initialize reconfiguration. If so, pauses simulation
    /// and tells the agents to store their current positions
    /// </summary>
    protected override void CheckForReconfiguration()
        //If the space count (of non-spare spaces) is 0, restart the position of every other part
        if (_spaces.Where(s => !s.IsSpare).Count() == 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < _agents.Count; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    ConfigurablePart part = _agents[i].GetPart();
                    int  attempt          = 0;
                    bool success          = false;
                    foreach (var index in part.OccupiedIndexes)
                        var voxel = MainGrid.Voxels[index.x, index.y, index.z];
                        voxel.IsOccupied = false;
                        voxel.Part       = null;
                    while (!success)
                        part.JumpToNewPosition(PopSeed + attempt, out success);

            _activeRequest = null;
            foreach (var agent in _agents)

        //If all ok, continue checking for reconfiguration
        else if (_spaces.Count(s => s.Reconfigure) > 0)
            _timePause = true;
            //Get only the first one and only create one type of request.
            var toReconfigure = _spaces.Where(s => s.Reconfigure).ToList();
            var target        = toReconfigure[0];
            if (target.Reconfigure_Area)
                int targetArea = 1;
                if (target._areaDecrease > target._areaIncrease)
                    targetArea = -1;

                ReconfigurationRequest rr = new ReconfigurationRequest(target, targetArea, 0);
                _activeRequest = rr;
            else if (target.Reconfigure_Connectivity)
                int targetConnec = 1;
                if (target._connectivityDecrease > target._connectivityIncrease)
                    targetConnec = -1;

                ReconfigurationRequest rr = new ReconfigurationRequest(target, 0, targetConnec);
                _activeRequest = rr;

            var spaces = _spaces.Where(s => s.Reconfigure).ToList();
            for (int i = 1; i < _spaces.Count(s => s.Reconfigure); i++)
                PPSpace space = spaces[i];
                space.TimesSurvived = 0;
                space.TimesUsed     = 0;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Tenant.cs プロジェクト: daversd/PP_AI_Main
 public void SetSpaceToIcon(PPSpace space, VoxelGrid grid)
     _userIcon.GetComponent <UserIcon>().SetSpace(space, grid);
コード例 #25
 public void SetSpace(PPSpace space)
     _space = space;
コード例 #26
 public void SetSpaceToIcon(PPSpace space, VoxelGrid grid)
     _userIcon.GetComponent <UserIcon>().SetSpace(space, grid);
     OnSpace = space;
コード例 #27
    void GenerateSS_NAI(int number)
        //Generate spaces on the voxels that are not inside the parts boudaries, or space or part
        //The method is inspired by a BFS algorithm, continuously checking the neighbours of the
        //processed voxels until the minimum area is reached

        Stopwatch singleSpace = new Stopwatch();

        int maximumArea     = 1000; //in voxel ammount
        var availableVoxels = _grid.ActiveVoxelsAsList().Where(v => !_boundaries.Contains(v) && !v.IsOccupied && !v.InSpace).ToList();

        if (availableVoxels.Count == 0)
        Voxel originVoxel = availableVoxels[0];

        //Initiate a new space
        PPSpace space = new PPSpace(_grid);

        originVoxel.InSpace     = true;
        originVoxel.ParentSpace = space;
        //Keep running until the space area is under the minimum
        while (space.Voxels.Count < maximumArea)
            List <Voxel> temp = new List <Voxel>();
            foreach (var voxel in space.Voxels)
                //Get the face neighbours which are available
                var newNeighbours = voxel.GetFaceNeighbours().Where(n => availableVoxels.Contains(n));
                foreach (var neighbour in newNeighbours)
                    var nIndex    = neighbour.Index;
                    var gridVoxel = _grid.Voxels[nIndex.x, nIndex.y, nIndex.z];
                    //Only add the nighbour it its not already in the space
                    //or temp list, is active, not occupied(in a part), or another space
                    if (!space.Voxels.Contains(neighbour) && !temp.Contains(neighbour))
                        if (gridVoxel.IsActive && !gridVoxel.IsOccupied && !gridVoxel.InSpace)
            //Break if the temp list returned empty
            if (temp.Count == 0)
            //Add found neighbours to the space until it reaches maximum capacity
            foreach (var v in temp)
                if (space.Voxels.Count <= maximumArea)
                    v.InSpace     = true;
                    v.ParentSpace = space;
        space.Name = $"Space_{number.ToString()}";
        //_singleSpaceTime = (int)singleSpace.ElapsedMilliseconds;
コード例 #28
 public void SetSpace(PPSpace space, VoxelGrid grid)
     _space             = space;
     transform.position = _space.GetCenter() + (new Vector3(0, 1.5f, 0) * grid.VoxelSize);