コード例 #1
        private PInfo[,] renderLine(Line look)
            PInfo[,] strip = new PInfo[1, height];

            // Renderable, dist from origin, dist from player
            Stack <Tuple <IRenderable, double, double> > renderstack = new Stack <Tuple <IRenderable, double, double> >();

            // create a list of all things
            List <Tuple <Line, IRenderable> > visibles = new List <Tuple <Line, IRenderable> >();

            foreach (var item in SpriteObjects)
                Line l = new Line();
                // angle to player
                double changeX = Player.x_2 - Player.x_1;
                double changeY = Player.y_2 - Player.y_1;
                // get angle to player
                double angle = Math.Atan2(changeY, changeX);
                // now rotate and get cords of start and end
                // origin, left of player
                l.x_1 = item.Value.Item1 + (Math.Cos(angle - (90 / Math.PI * 2)) * item.Key.Width / 2);
                l.y_1 = item.Value.Item2 + (Math.Sin(angle - (90 / Math.PI * 2)) * item.Key.Width / 2);
                // other side right of player
                l.x_2 = item.Value.Item1 + (Math.Cos(angle + (90 / Math.PI * 2)) * item.Key.Width / 2);
                l.y_2 = item.Value.Item2 + (Math.Sin(angle + (90 / Math.PI * 2)) * item.Key.Width / 2);
                visibles.Add(new Tuple <Line, IRenderable>(l, item.Key));

            foreach (var item in DObjectects)
                visibles.Add(new Tuple <Line, IRenderable>(item.Key, item.Value));

            // create shorter representation of line
            double dirX = look.x_2 - look.x_1;
            double dirY = look.y_2 - look.y_1;

            double dist = Math.Sqrt(dirX * dirX + dirY * dirY);

            // normalize vector
            dirX /= dist;
            dirY /= dist;

            // now calculate the number of pixels until first contact with a wall

            //PInfo wallLook = new PInfo() { hasBackground = true, background = ConsoleColor.Black };
            bool reachedWall = false;

            look.x_2 = look.x_1 + dirX * MAXDRAWDIST;
            look.y_2 = look.y_1 + dirY * MAXDRAWDIST;

            double xInt;
            double yInt;

            if (look.y_2 == 15.3)

            var found = visibles
                        .Where(v => doLinesIntersect(look, v.Item1, out xInt, out yInt))
                        .Select(i =>
                double atX;
                double atY;
                doLinesIntersect(look, i.Item1, out atX, out atY);
                return(new { Object = i, Distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(look.x_1 - atX, 2) + Math.Pow(look.y_1 - atY, 2)), XInt = atX, YInt = atY });

            if (found.Count == 0)
            var ToRender = found
                           .Where(f => f.Distance <= found.Where(wall => !wall.Object.Item2.isTransparent).Min(closest => closest.Distance))
                           .OrderBy(all => - all.Distance)

            foreach (var some in ToRender)
                double distFromOrigin = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(some.XInt - some.Object.Item1.x_1, 2) + Math.Pow(some.YInt - some.Object.Item1.y_1, 2));
                renderstack.Push(new Tuple <IRenderable, double, double>(some.Object.Item2, distFromOrigin, some.Distance));

             * foreach (var item in visibles)
             * {
             *  double xIntersect;
             *  double yIntersect;
             *  if (doLinesIntersect(look, item.Item1, out xIntersect, out yIntersect))
             *  {
             *      if (!renderstack.Select((x) => { return x.Item1; }).Contains(item.Item2))
             *      {
             *          if (!item.Item2.isTransparent)
             *          {
             *              reachedWall = true;
             *          }
             *          // distance from object origin
             *          double distFromOrigin = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xIntersect - item.Item1.x_1, 2) + Math.Pow(yIntersect - item.Item1.y_1, 2));
             *          // Object, distance from object origin, distance from camera
             *          renderstack.Push(new Tuple<IRenderable, double, double>(item.Item2, distFromOrigin, inst * 0.01));
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/

            renderstack.Push(new Tuple <IRenderable, double, double>(
                                 new Object3D()
                isTransparent = false,
                pattern       = new PInfo[, ]
                        new PInfo()
                            HasBackground = true, Background = ConsoleColor.Black
                                 , 1
                                 , MAXDRAWDIST

            while (renderstack.Count > 0)
                Tuple <IRenderable, double, double> data = renderstack.Pop();

                strip.Merge(data.Item1.Render(data.Item3, height, PlayerHeight, RoomHeight, data.Item2));
