static void test_simulation() { test_name("physical simulation"); PHSceneDesc descScene = new PHSceneDesc(); PHSolidDesc descSolid = new PHSolidDesc(); CDBoxDesc descBox = new CDBoxDesc(); PHSdkIf phSdk = PHSdkIf.CreateSdk(); PHSceneIf phScene = phSdk.CreateScene(descScene); PHSolidIf phSolid = phScene.CreateSolid(descSolid); phSolid.AddShape(phSdk.CreateShape(CDBoxIf.GetIfInfoStatic(), descBox)); phSolid.SetPose(new Posed(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0)); PHSolidIf phFloor = phScene.CreateSolid(descSolid); phFloor.SetDynamical(false); descBox.boxsize = new Vec3f(10, 10, 10); phFloor.AddShape(phSdk.CreateShape(CDBoxIf.GetIfInfoStatic(), descBox)); phFloor.SetPose(new Posed(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5, 0)); PHBallJointDesc descJoint = new PHBallJointDesc(); PHBallJointIf j = phScene.CreateJoint(phFloor, phSolid, PHBallJointIf.GetIfInfoStatic(), descJoint).Cast(); System.Console.WriteLine(j.GetName()); PHIKBallActuatorDescStruct s = new PHIKBallActuatorDesc(); put("bias", "something", s.bias); /**/ for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { phScene.Step(); //System.Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + " : " + phSolid.GetPose()); System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0, 3}", i) + " : " + phSolid.GetPose()); } /**/ }
static void test_func_return() { test_name("function return"); int memoryLeakTest = 0; PHSceneDesc descScene = new PHSceneDesc(); PHSolidDesc descSolid = new PHSolidDesc(); if (memoryLeakTest == 1) { return; } PHSdkIf phSdk = PHSdkIf.CreateSdk(); // ここでメモリリークする if (memoryLeakTest == 2) { return; } PHSceneIf phScene = phSdk.CreateScene(descScene); descSolid.mass = 2.0; descSolid.inertia = new Matrix3d(2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0); PHSolidIf phSolid = phScene.CreateSolid(descSolid); descSolid.mass = 1e20f; descSolid.inertia = new Matrix3d(1e20f, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1e20f, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1e20f); PHSolidIf solid1 = phScene.CreateSolid(descSolid); PHHapticPointerDesc descHaptic = new PHHapticPointerDesc(); PHHapticPointerIf phHaptic = phScene.CreateHapticPointer(); //HISdkDesc descHi = new HISdkDesc(); //HISdkIf hiSdk = HISdkIf.CreateSdk(); put("ret int ", "3 ", phScene.NSolids()); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { phScene.Step(); } put("ret Uint ", "20 ", phScene.GetCount()); phHaptic.SetLocalRange(2.345f); put("ret float ", "2.345", phHaptic.GetLocalRange()); put("ret double", "0.005", phScene.GetTimeStep()); phScene.SetMaxVelocity(1.23); put("ret double", "0.123", phScene.GetMaxVelocity()); phScene.EnableContactDetection(false); put("ret bool ", "False", phScene.IsContactDetectionEnabled()); phScene.EnableContactDetection(true); put("ret bool ", "True ", phScene.IsContactDetectionEnabled()); put("ret size_t", "152? ", phScene.GetDescSize()); put("ret Vec3d ", "(0.0, -9.8, 0.0)", phScene.GetGravity()); phScene.SetGravity(new Vec3d(0.1, -9.9, 0.2)); put("ret Vec3d ", "(0.1, -9.9, 0.2)", phScene.GetGravity()); // function returns array by using pointer CDConvexMeshDesc descMesh = new CDConvexMeshDesc(); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) { Vec3f v3f = new Vec3f(x, y, z); descMesh.vertices.push_back(new Vec3f(x, y, z)); } } } //PHSdkIf phSdk = PHSdkIf.CreateSdk(); CDConvexMeshIf mesh = phSdk.CreateShape(CDConvexMeshIf.GetIfInfoStatic(), descMesh) as CDConvexMeshIf; mesh.GetVertices(); arraywrapper_Vec3f vertices = mesh.GetVertices(); Vec3f[] v3fr = new Vec3f[8]; v3fr[0] = new Vec3f(0, 0, 0); v3fr[1] = new Vec3f(0, 0, 9); v3fr[2] = new Vec3f(0, 9, 0); v3fr[3] = new Vec3f(0, 9, 9); v3fr[4] = new Vec3f(9, 0, 0); v3fr[5] = new Vec3f(9, 0, 9); v3fr[6] = new Vec3f(9, 9, 0); v3fr[7] = new Vec3f(9, 9, 9); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { put("ret_array", edit_vector(v3fr[i]), vertices[i]); } }
static void test_type_conv() { test_name("type conversion"); string msg_f3 = "f2d: (1, 2, 3)"; string msg_d3 = "d2f: (4, 5, 6)"; Vec3f f3 = new Vec3f(1, 2, 3); Vec3d d3 = new Vec3d(4, 5, 6); put("type_conv", msg_f3, f3); // print_vec3f(d3, msg_f3); // This cause CS1502 and CS1503 compile error. <- OK put("type_conv", msg_d3, (Vec3f)d3); Vec3fStruct f3s = f3; Vec3dStruct d3s = d3; put("type_conv", msg_f3, "(" + f3s.x + ", " + f3s.y + ", " + f3s.z + ")"); // print_vec3fs(d3s, msg_d3); // This cause CS1502 and CS1503 compile error. <- OK put("type_conv", msg_d3, "(" + ((Vec3fStruct)d3s).x + ", " + ((Vec3fStruct)d3s).y + ", " + ((Vec3fStruct)d3s).z + ")"); // ----- // 戻り値の自動型変換のテスト PHSdkIf phSdk = PHSdkIf.CreateSdk(); CDBoxDesc descBox = new CDBoxDesc(); descBox.boxsize = new Vec3f(1, 4, 9); CDShapeIf shape = phSdk.CreateShape(CDBoxIf.GetIfInfoStatic(), descBox); // ↑ CreateShapeはCDBoxIfオブジェクトを返す。それをCDShapeIfで受ける。 // CDShapeIf型の変数に格納されているが中身はCDBoxIfなので型変換可能。 CDBoxIf box = shape as CDBoxIf; put("type_conv", "(1, 4, 9)", box.GetBoxSize().ToString()); // CDBoxIf is not a CDSphereIf なので nullになることが期待される。 CDSphereIf sphere = shape as CDSphereIf; if (sphere == null) { put("type_conv", "null", "null"); } else { put("type_conv", "null", sphere.ToString()); } // CDBoxIf is a CDConvexIf なのでnullにはならず型変換される。 CDConvexIf convex = shape as CDConvexIf; if (convex == null) { put("type_conv", "not null", "null"); } else { put("type_conv", "not null", convex.ToString()); } // ----- PHSceneDesc descScn = new PHSceneDesc(); PHSceneIf scene = phSdk.CreateObject(PHSceneIf.GetIfInfoStatic(), descScn) as PHSceneIf; System.Console.WriteLine((scene == null) ? "null" : scene.ToString()); // constructor による初期値設定のテスト // ---- State を継承 ---- // 暗黙の型変換による PHSceneDescStruct structScene1 = new PHSceneDesc(); Vec3d v3d1 = new Vec3d(0.0, -9.8, 0.0); Vec3d v3d2 = new Vec3d(1.0, -8.8, 1.0); put("by typeconv: gravity ", edit_vector(v3d1), edit_vector(structScene1.gravity)); put("by typeconv: timeStep", "0.005", structScene1.timeStep); // constructor による PHSceneDescStruct structScene2 = new PHSceneDescStruct(); put("by constructor: gravity ", edit_vector(v3d1), edit_vector(structScene2.gravity)); put("by constructor: timeStep", "0.005", structScene2.timeStep); // ApplyFrom による PHSceneDescStruct structScene3 = new PHSceneDescStruct(); structScene3.gravity = v3d2; structScene3.timeStep = 1.001; put("by Apply(): fm: gravity ", edit_vector(v3d2), edit_vector(structScene3.gravity)); put("by Apply(): fm: timeStep", "1.001", structScene3.timeStep); structScene2.ApplyFrom((PHSceneDesc)structScene3); put("by Apply(): to: gravity ", edit_vector(v3d2), edit_vector(structScene2.gravity)); put("by Apply(): to: timeStep", "0.005", structScene2.timeStep); // // ---- Desc を継承 ---- CDSphereDescStruct structSphere1 = new CDSphereDescStruct(); CDSphereDesc descSphere1 = structSphere1; CDSphereDescStruct structSphere2 = new CDSphereDescStruct(); CDSphereDesc descSphere2 = structSphere2; descSphere2.radius = 2; descSphere2.material.density = 2; // put("DescStruct: radius ", "1", structSphere1.radius); put("DescStruct: base.density", "1", structSphere1.material.density); structSphere1.ApplyFrom(descSphere2); put("ApplyFrom:"); put("DescStruct: radius ", "2", structSphere1.radius); put("DescStruct: base.density", "1", structSphere1.material.density); structSphere1 = descSphere2; put("assignment:"); put("DescStruct: radius ", "2", structSphere1.radius); put("DescStruct: base.density", "2", structSphere1.material.density); // descSphere2.radius = 3; descSphere2.material.density = 3; structSphere1.ApplyFrom(descSphere2); put("ApplyTo:"); put("DescStruct: radius ", "3", structSphere1.radius); put("DescStruct: base.density", "2", structSphere1.material.density); structSphere1.material.density = 3; descSphere1 = structSphere2; put("assignment:"); put("DescStruct: radius ", "3", structSphere1.radius); put("DescStruct: base.density", "3", structSphere1.material.density); // // ---- 比較 ---- Vec3d v3d_c11 = new Vec3d(1, 2, 3); Vec3d v3d_c12 = new Vec3d(1, 2, 3); Vec3d v3d_c21 = new Vec3d(4, 5, 6); put("compare: ==, same", "True ", v3d_c11 == v3d_c12); put("compare: ==, diff", "False", v3d_c11 == v3d_c21); put("compare: ==, null", "False", v3d_c11 == null); put("compare: ==, null", "False", null == v3d_c11); put("compare: !=, same", "False", v3d_c11 != v3d_c12); put("compare: !=, diff", "True ", v3d_c11 != v3d_c21); put("compare: !=, null", "True ", v3d_c11 != null); put("compare: !=, null", "True ", null != v3d_c11); vectorwrapper_int vw11 = new vectorwrapper_int((IntPtr)0); vectorwrapper_int vw12 = new vectorwrapper_int((IntPtr)0); vectorwrapper_int vw21 = new vectorwrapper_int((IntPtr)1); put("compare: ==, wrap", "True ", vw11 == vw12); put("compare: ==, wrap", "False", vw11 == vw21); put("compare: ==, null", "False", vw11 == null); put("compare: ==, null", "False", null == vw21); put("compare: !=, wrap", "False", vw11 != vw12); put("compare: !=, wrap", "True ", vw11 != vw21); put("compare: !=, null", "True ", vw11 != null); put("compare: !=, null", "True ", null != vw21); }
static void test_array() { test_name("array"); PHOpObjDesc descOpObj = new PHOpObjDesc(); GRMeshFace meshFace = new GRMeshFace(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { meshFace.indices[i] = 100 + i; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { System.Console.WriteLine("array<int>: expected: " + (100 + i) + " result: " + meshFace.indices[i]); } arraywrapper_int iarray = new arraywrapper_int(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { meshFace.indices[i] = 200 + i; } string[] strsrc = { "abc", "def", "gh", "jklm" }; arraywrapper_char_p icharp = new arraywrapper_char_p(4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { icharp[i] = strsrc[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { put("array<char*>", strsrc[i], icharp[i]); } meshFace.indices = iarray; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { System.Console.WriteLine("array<int>: expected: " + (200 + i) + " result: " + meshFace.indices[i]); } //Vec3i v3i = new Vec3i(1, 2, 3); //System.Console.WriteLine("array<int> alloc(3): result: " + v3i); //v3i.alloc(2); //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // v3i[i].x = 10 * (i + 1); // v3i[i].y = 10 * (i + 1); // v3i[i].z = 10 * (i + 1); //} //System.Console.WriteLine(" expected: " + "((10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 20))"); //System.Console.WriteLine(" result: " + v3i); CDConvexMeshDesc descMesh = new CDConvexMeshDesc(); for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) { descMesh.vertices.push_back(new Vec3f(x, y, z)); } } } PHSdkIf phSdk = PHSdkIf.CreateSdk(); CDConvexMeshIf mesh = phSdk.CreateShape(CDConvexMeshIf.GetIfInfoStatic(), (CDConvexMeshDesc)descMesh) as CDConvexMeshIf; var vertices = mesh.GetVertices(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.NVertex(); i++) { put_indent(2, vertices[i]); } }