コード例 #1
        // GET: PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES/DrillInController
        public ActionResult Index(string BatchKey, string ConfigKey)
            // Berechtigungen ermitteln
            PPrincipal principal = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetPrincipal();

            if ((null != principal) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(principal.AuthenticationType))
                ViewBag.AuthenticationToken = principal.AuthenticationToken;
                ViewBag.AuthenticationType  = principal.AuthenticationType;

            // Gateway Verbindung
            PGatewayConnection gatewayConnection = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(PGatewayConnection)) as PGatewayConnection;

            if (gatewayConnection == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "Gateway information not found"));

            ViewBag.GatewayPath = gatewayConnection.BaseUri;

                ViewBag.BatchKey  = Int64.Parse(BatchKey);
                ViewBag.ConfigKey = Int64.Parse(ConfigKey);
            catch (Exception)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "Parameter type not correct"));

コード例 #2
        public virtual async Task <ActionResult> IndexEH(long ml)
            // Berechtigungen ermitteln
            PPrincipal principal = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetPrincipal();

            if ((null != principal) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(principal.AuthenticationType))
                ViewBag.AuthenticationToken = principal.AuthenticationToken;
                ViewBag.AuthenticationType  = principal.AuthenticationType;

            // Gateway Verbindung
            PGatewayConnection gatewayConnection = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(PGatewayConnection)) as PGatewayConnection;

            if (gatewayConnection == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "Gateway information not found"));

            Models.Database.MenuItem menuItem = this.configurationProvider.GetCurrentMenuItem(ml);
            System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary routeValues = menuItem.GetRouteValues(true);
            String select_usage = "*[Template Type].2*";

            ViewBag.GatewayPath  = gatewayConnection.BaseUri;
            ViewBag.select_usage = select_usage;
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult DownloadBrewReport(String _BatchKey, bool CreateLogFile = false)
            // Parameterhandling
            const string FILENAME_TYPE       = "xlsx";
            const string EXCEL_TEMPLATE_NAME = "ExcelReport_BatchBrew_Template" + "." + FILENAME_TYPE;
            const string SSIS_PACKAGE        = "ExcelReport_BatchBrew.dtsx";
            const string FOLDER_BASE_SOURCE  = "Areas\\PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES\\Excel";
            const string FOLDER_BIN          = "bin";
            const string FOLDER_TEMPLATE     = "template";
            const string FOLDER_BASE_OUTPUT  = "Areas\\PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES\\Excel\\output";
            const string LOG_FILE_NAME       = "DownloadBrewBatch_Log.txt";

            const int WAITTIME_IN_MS    = 1000;
            const int MAXWAITTIME_IN_MS = 30000;

            String sLocation = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; // Get current directory

            Logger logger = null;

            long   nBatchKey      = 0;
            string sBatchName     = String.Empty;
            string sBatchNumber   = String.Empty;
            string sSAPMaterial   = String.Empty;
            string sSAP_Batch     = String.Empty;
            string sBrewLine      = String.Empty;
            string sShortMaterial = String.Empty;

            string sSourcePath          = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, FOLDER_BASE_SOURCE);
            string sDestinationPath     = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, FOLDER_BASE_OUTPUT);
            string sDestinationFilePath = String.Empty;
            string sFileName            = String.Empty;

            DateTime dtCheckTime = DateTime.Now;

            List <CBatch> listBatch = null;

            // Log generieren
            if (CreateLogFile)
                logger = new Logger(Path.Combine(sDestinationPath, LOG_FILE_NAME), true);

            // Batch Key ermitteln
                nBatchKey = Convert.ToInt64(_BatchKey);
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult(String.Format("Invalid BatchKey: {0}", _BatchKey)));

            // Batchdaten ermitteln
            String odataURI = String.Format("odata/ods/ZWebSAPInterfaceStatuses?$select=_BatchKey,BatchName,SAPMaterial,SAP_Batch,BatchProcessStartTime&$filter=_BatchKey eq {0}", _BatchKey);

            PGatewayConnection gatewayConnection = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(PGatewayConnection)) as PGatewayConnection;

                listBatch = gatewayConnection.ReadItem <CODataResponse <CBatch> >(odataURI).Value;
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult(String.Format("OData query invalid for BatchKey: {0}", _BatchKey)));

            // Daten prüfen
            if (listBatch == null || listBatch.Where(x => x._BatchKey == nBatchKey).Count() == 0)
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult(String.Format("Data not found for BatchKey: {0}", _BatchKey)));

            // Namen von Auftrag ermitteln
            sBatchName     = listBatch.Where(x => x._BatchKey == nBatchKey).FirstOrDefault().BatchName;
            sBatchNumber   = sBatchName.Substring(0, 12).Substring(sBatchName.Substring(0, 12).Length - 4, 4);
            sSAPMaterial   = listBatch.Where(x => x._BatchKey == nBatchKey).FirstOrDefault().SAPMaterial;
            sSAP_Batch     = listBatch.Where(x => x._BatchKey == nBatchKey).FirstOrDefault().SAP_Batch;
            sBrewLine      = sSAP_Batch.Substring(5, 1);
            sShortMaterial = sSAPMaterial.Substring(sSAPMaterial.Length - 5);

            string FILENAME_PREFIX = (listBatch.Where(x => x._BatchKey == nBatchKey).FirstOrDefault().BatchProcessStartTime).ToString("yy");

            // BatchName prüfen
            if (sBatchName.Equals(String.Empty))
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult(String.Format("No Batchname found for BatchKey: {0}", _BatchKey)));

            // Nach Datei suchen
            sFileName = FILENAME_PREFIX + "_" + sBatchNumber + "_" + sBrewLine + "_1_" + sShortMaterial;

            Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app     = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();
            Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package     package = null;
            MyEventListener eventListener = new MyEventListener();

            //Load the SSIS Package which will be executed
            app.PackagePassword = "******";

            String sPackageFilePath = Path.Combine(sSourcePath, FOLDER_BIN, SSIS_PACKAGE);

            // Execute
                // Load package
                package = app.LoadPackage(sPackageFilePath, eventListener);

                // Set values
                Variables vars = package.Variables;

                vars["User::InputBatchKey"].Value         = nBatchKey;
                vars["User::InputDestinationFile"].Value  = sFileName + "." + FILENAME_TYPE;
                vars["User::InputDestinationPath"].Value  = sDestinationPath;
                vars["User::InputTemplateFilePath"].Value = Path.Combine(sSourcePath, FOLDER_TEMPLATE, EXCEL_TEMPLATE_NAME);
                vars["User::InputCreateLogFile"].Value    = CreateLogFile;
                vars["User::InputLogFilePath"].Value      = (logger != null) ? logger.FilePath : String.Empty;

                // Log erzeugen
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log("InputBatchKey", vars["User::InputBatchKey"].Value.ToString());
                    logger.Log("InputDestinationFile", vars["User::InputDestinationFile"].Value.ToString());
                    logger.Log("InputDestinationPath", vars["User::InputDestinationPath"].Value.ToString());
                    logger.Log("InputTemplateFilePath", vars["User::InputTemplateFilePath"].Value.ToString());

                vars["InputToOverwrite"].Value = true;

                DTSExecResult results = package.Execute(null, null, eventListener, null, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (logger != null)
                    logger.Log("Error", String.Format("Error: {0} // Innermessage: {1}", ex.Message, (ex.InnerException != null) ? ex.InnerException.Message : String.Empty));

                return(new HttpNotFoundResult(String.Format("Error: {0} // Innermessage: {1}", ex.Message, (ex.InnerException != null) ? ex.InnerException.Message : String.Empty)));

            // zyklisch prüfen ob Datei vorhanden ist, maximal  MAXWAITTIME_IN_MS
            for (int i = 0; i < MAXWAITTIME_IN_MS; i += WAITTIME_IN_MS)
                // erstmal eine Sekunde zeit geben, zyklisch prüfen

                // alle Dateien des Pfades holen die dem Suchmuster entsprechen
                DirectoryInfo dirInfo     = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(sDestinationPath));
                var           filesInPath = dirInfo.EnumerateFiles(String.Format("{0}*.{1}", sFileName, FILENAME_TYPE));

                var file = filesInPath.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(sFileName)).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime).FirstOrDefault();

                // nur welche die eben erstellt wurde
                if (file == null)

                // Falls eben erstellt...
                if (file.LastWriteTime >= dtCheckTime)
                    // gefunden, Abbruch
                    sFileName = file.Name;

            // Pfad mit Datei erzeugen
            sDestinationFilePath = Path.Combine(sDestinationPath, sFileName);

            // Datei vorhanden?
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(sDestinationFilePath))
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult(String.Format("Excel file could not created for BatchKey: {0}", _BatchKey)));

            // Create data return stream
            byte[] fileData    = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(sDestinationFilePath);
            string contentType = System.Web.MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(sDestinationFilePath);

            // Datei entfernen

            var cd = new System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition()
                // for example foo.bak
                FileName = sFileName,

                // always prompt the user for downloading, set to true if you want
                // the browser to try to show the file inline
                Inline = false,

            Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", cd.ToString());
            return(File(fileData, contentType));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Return menugroups
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Menu groups</returns>
        public IEnumerable <MenuGroup> GetMenu()
            PGatewayConnection   gatewayConnection    = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(PGatewayConnection)) as PGatewayConnection;
            IClientAuthorization authorizationService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <IClientAuthorization>();

            // Header über ID ermitteln
            int nLanguageId = ((IPWebPortalInfo)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <IPWebPortalInfo>()).GetCurrentLanguage().LanguageId();

            lock (lockObject)
                MenuGroup menuGroup = null;


                #region MenuGroup: Reports - not used (BasicInstall)
                //menuGroup = new MenuGroup
                //    Id = 1,
                //    LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_REPORTS,
                //    GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_REPORTS,
                //    Sequence = 1000000,
                //    ProviderLink = ProviderInfo.Id
                //    menuGroup.Items.Add(
                //      new MenuItem
                //      {
                //          Id = 1000001,
                //          MenuGroupId = menuGroup.Id,
                //          Area = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                //          Controller = "Reports",
                //          Action = "Index",
                //          PlantitRight = "",
                //          GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_REPORTOVERVIEW,
                //          LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_REPORTOVERVIEW,
                //          AddInType = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                //      }
                //    );
                //// ToDo: change errors handling
                //catch (Exception)
                //    m_menu.Clear();
                //    return m_menu;
                #region MenuGroup: Dashboards - not used (BasicInstall)
                //menuGroup = new MenuGroup
                //    Id = 2,
                //    LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_DASHBOARDS,
                //    GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_DASHBOARDS,
                //    Sequence = 2000000,
                //    ProviderLink = ProviderInfo.Id
                //    menuGroup.Items.Add(
                //      new MenuItem
                //      {
                //          Id = 2000001,
                //          MenuGroupId = menuGroup.Id,
                //          Area = "Dashboard",
                //          Controller = "Dashboards",
                //          Action = "Dashboard",
                //          RouteValues = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                //                { "doc", "Plant iT Batch Analytics.qvw"},
                //                { "width", "1609"}
                //          },
                //          PlantitRight = "",
                //          GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_PLANTITBATCHANALYTICS,
                //          LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_PLANTITBATCHANALYTICS,
                //          AddInType = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                //      }
                //    );
                //// ToDo: change errors handling
                //catch (Exception)
                //    m_menu.Clear();
                //    return m_menu;
                #region MenuGroup: Batch Tracking - not used (BasicInstall)
                //menuGroup = new MenuGroup
                //    Id = 3,
                //    LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_BATCHTRACKING,
                //    GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_BATCHTRACKING,
                //    Sequence = 3000000,
                //    ProviderLink = ProviderInfo.Id
                //    menuGroup.Items.Add(
                //      new MenuItem
                //      {
                //          Id = 3000001,
                //          MenuGroupId = menuGroup.Id,
                //          Area = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                //          Controller = "BatchTracker",
                //          Action = "Batch",
                //          PlantitRight = "",
                //          GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_BATCHTRACKER,
                //          LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_BATCHTRACKER,
                //          AddInType = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                //      }
                //    );
                //// ToDo: change errors handling
                //catch (Exception)
                //    m_menu.Clear();
                //    return m_menu;
                #region MenuGroup: Analysis
                menuGroup = new MenuGroup
                    Id           = 4,
                    LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_ANALYSIS,
                    GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_ANALYSIS,
                    Sequence     = 4000000,
                    ProviderLink = ProviderInfo.Id
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000001,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "Batchoverview",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_BATCHOVERVIEW,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_BATCHOVERVIEW,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000002,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "SAPInterface",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_SAPINTERFACE,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_SAPINTERFACE,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000003,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "FTR",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_FTRREPORT,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_FTRREPORT,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000004,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "DataExport",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_DATAEXPORT,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_DATAEXPORT,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000005,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "DosingBatchManagement",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_DOSINGBATCHES,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_DOSINGBATCHES,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000006,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "EventHistory",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EVENTHISTORY,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EVENTHISTORY,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000007,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "ExceptionReport",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EXCEPTIONREPORT,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EXCEPTIONREPORT,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000008,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "TestConformance",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_TESTCONFORMANCE,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_TESTCONFORMANCE,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000009,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "VariableConformance",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_VARIABLECOMFORMANCE,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_VARIABLECOMFORMANCE,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 4000010,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "OPICalculation",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_OPICALCULATION,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_OPICALCULATION,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                // ToDo: change errors handling
                catch (Exception)
                #region MenuGroup: Templates
                menuGroup = new MenuGroup
                    Id           = 5,
                    LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_TEMPLATES,
                    GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_TEMPLATES,
                    Sequence     = 5000000,
                    ProviderLink = ProviderInfo.Id
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 5000001,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "MaintainFTRTemplate",
                        Action       = "Index",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_FTRTEMPLATE,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_FTRTEMPLATE,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,

                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 5000002,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "MaintainTemplate",
                        Action       = "IndexDE",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EXCELREPORTTEMPLATE,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EXCELREPORTTEMPLATE,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                        new MenuItem
                        Id           = 5000003,
                        MenuGroupId  = menuGroup.Id,
                        Area         = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                        Controller   = "MaintainTemplate",
                        Action       = "IndexEH",
                        PlantitRight = "",
                        GlobalName   = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EVENTHISTORYTEMPLATE,
                        LocalName    = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_EVENTHISTORYTEMPLATE,
                        AddInType    = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                // ToDo: change errors handling
                catch (Exception)
                #region MenuGroup: Administration  - not used (BasicInstall)
                //menuGroup = new MenuGroup
                //    Id = 6,
                //    LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_ADMINISTRATION,
                //    GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUP_ADMINISTRATION,
                //    Sequence = 6000000,
                //    ProviderLink = ProviderInfo.Id
                //    menuGroup.Items.Add(
                //      new MenuItem
                //      {
                //          Id = 6000001,
                //          MenuGroupId = menuGroup.Id,
                //          Area = "PlantiT.Web.HeinekenMassafra.MES",
                //          Controller = "Administration",
                //          Action = "Index",
                //          PlantitRight = "",
                //          GlobalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_WEBPORTAL,
                //          LocalName = PLanguageTexts.TXT_MENUGROUPITEM_WEBPORTAL,
                //          AddInType = AddInType.EmbeddedView,
                //      }
                //    );
                //// ToDo: change errors handling
                //catch (Exception)
                //    m_menu.Clear();
                //    return m_menu;