コード例 #1
ファイル: FormSendToAutorize.cs プロジェクト: Yellllllow/swb
 private void buttonAccept_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.textBoxMessage.Text))
         MessageBox.Show(this, "¡Debe indicar el mensaje!", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
     pflow             = (PFlow)this.comboBoxFlujo.SelectedItem;
     this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: FormUpdateContent.cs プロジェクト: Yellllllow/swb
        private void buttonUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int limit = OfficeApplication.OfficeApplicationProxy.getLimitOfVersions();

            if (limit > 0)
                int versions = OfficeApplication.OfficeDocumentProxy.getNumberOfVersions(this.document.reporitoryID, this.document.contentID);
                if (OfficeApplication.OfficeDocumentProxy.allVersionsArePublished(this.document.reporitoryID, this.document.contentID))
                    if (versions >= limit)
                        DialogResult resp = MessageBox.Show(this, "¡El limite máximo de versiones es de " + limit + "!\r\nPuede publicar este contenido, debido a que tiene todas las versiones publicadas, pero excederá del límite de versiones\r\n¿Desea continuar?", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                        if (resp == DialogResult.No)
                    if (versions >= limit)
                        MessageBox.Show(this, "¡El limite máximo de versiones es de " + limit + "!\r\nSi desea crear una nueva version, debe borrar alguna de las existentes, que no este publicada.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            Dictionary <ResourceInfo, Dictionary <PFlow, String> > flows = new Dictionary <ResourceInfo, Dictionary <PFlow, String> >();

            ResourceInfo[] resources = OfficeApplication.OfficeDocumentProxy.listResources(document.reporitoryID, document.contentID);
            if (resources != null && resources.Length > 0)
                bool showMessage = false;
                foreach (ResourceInfo resourceInfo in resources)
                    if (OfficeApplication.OfficeDocumentProxy.isInFlow(resourceInfo) && resourceInfo.version.EndsWith("*"))
                        DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show(this, "La publicación de este contenido en la página" + " " + resourceInfo.title + " " + "esta en trámite" + NL + "Si continua se perderá este proceso de autorización, ¿Desea continuar?", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                        if (res == DialogResult.No)
                        PFlow[] aflows     = OfficeApplication.OfficeDocumentProxy.getFlows(resourceInfo);
                        PFlow   flowtoSend = null;
                        String  msg        = null;

                        FormSendToAutorize dialogSelectFlow = new FormSendToAutorize(resourceInfo);
                        dialogSelectFlow.Text = dialogSelectFlow.Text + " " + "para página" + " " + resourceInfo.title;
                        if (dialogSelectFlow.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)

                        flowtoSend = dialogSelectFlow.pflow;
                        msg        = dialogSelectFlow.textBoxMessage.Text;
                        if (aflows.Length == 1)
                            flowtoSend = aflows[0];
                        if (flowtoSend != null && msg != null)
                            flows.Add(resourceInfo, new Dictionary <PFlow, String>());
                            flows[resourceInfo].Add(flowtoSend, msg);

                foreach (ResourceInfo resourceInfo in resources)
                    PFlow[] pflows = OfficeApplication.OfficeDocumentProxy.getFlows(resourceInfo);
                    if (pflows != null && pflows.Length >= 1)
                        if (resourceInfo.version.EndsWith("*") && !flows.ContainsKey(resourceInfo))
                            showMessage = true;
                if (showMessage)
                    DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show(this, "Se encontró que algunas páginas requieren autorización para publicar este contenido, ¿Desea continuar?", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (res == DialogResult.No)
                foreach (ResourceInfo resourceInfo in resources)
                    PFlow[] aflows = OfficeApplication.OfficeDocumentProxy.getFlows(resourceInfo);
                    if (aflows != null && aflows.Length >= 1)
                        // solo avisa de las que va a actualizar
                        if (resourceInfo.version.EndsWith("*") && !flows.ContainsKey(resourceInfo))
                            PFlow              flowtoSend       = null;
                            String             msg              = null;
                            FormSendToAutorize dialogSelectFlow = new FormSendToAutorize(resourceInfo);
                            dialogSelectFlow.Text = dialogSelectFlow.Text + " " + "para página" + " " + resourceInfo.title;
                            if (dialogSelectFlow.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)

                            flowtoSend = dialogSelectFlow.pflow;
                            msg        = dialogSelectFlow.textBoxMessage.Text;
                            if (aflows.Length == 1)
                                flowtoSend = aflows[0];
                            if (flowtoSend != null && msg != null)
                                flows.Add(resourceInfo, new Dictionary <PFlow, String>());
                                flows[resourceInfo].Add(flowtoSend, msg);
            ResourceInfo[] resourcestoSend = flows.Keys.ToArray <ResourceInfo>();
            String[]       messages        = new String[flows.Count];
            PFlow[]        flowsToSend     = new PFlow[flows.Count];
            int            i = 0;

            foreach (ResourceInfo res in resourcestoSend)
                flowsToSend[i] = flows[res].Keys.ElementAt(0);
                messages[i]    = flows[res][flowsToSend[i]];

            this.progressBarSave.Maximum = 1;
            FileInfo zipFile = document.CreateZipFile();

            this.progressBarSave.Value = 1;
            OfficeDocument.OfficeDocumentProxy.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(zipFile, zipFile.Name));
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                String name = document.FilePath.Name.Replace(document.DefaultExtension, document.PublicationExtension);
                OfficeDocument.OfficeDocumentProxy.updateContent(document.reporitoryID, document.contentID, name, resourcestoSend, flowsToSend, messages);
                MessageBox.Show(this, "¡Version actualizada!", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                this.buttonUpdate.Enabled = false;
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
コード例 #3
    public void LV_List_OnItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
        Orders boundOrder = (Orders)((ListViewDataItem)(e.Item)).DataItem;

        PFlow flow = new PFlow();

        flow.FlowCode = boundOrder.Flow.Code;
        flow.PartyFrom = boundOrder.Flow.PartyFrom;

        foreach (ItemFlow itemFlow in boundOrder.ItemFlows)
            IList<string> orderedPOList = new List<string>();
            PItem item = new PItem();
            item.Code = itemFlow.Item;
            Item i = TheItemMgr.LoadItem(item.Code);
            item.Desc = i.Desc1;
            item.Spec = i.Spec;

            var demand = itemFlow.OrderTracers.Where(o => o.TracerType == LeanEngine.Utility.Enumerators.TracerType.Demand).ToList();
            if (demand.Count != null && demand.Count > 0)
                item.SaveStock = demand[0].Qty;

            var onhandInv = itemFlow.OrderTracers.Where(o => o.TracerType == LeanEngine.Utility.Enumerators.TracerType.OnhandInv).ToList();
            if (onhandInv.Count != null && onhandInv.Count > 0)
                item.Inventory = onhandInv[0].Qty;

            var orderIss = itemFlow.OrderTracers.Where(o => o.TracerType == LeanEngine.Utility.Enumerators.TracerType.OrderIss).ToList();
            if (orderIss != null && orderIss.Count > 0)
                foreach (OrderTracer ot in orderIss)
                    string hql = @"select od from OrderDetail od inner join od.OrderHead oh where od.Item.Code = ? and oh.OrderNo = ? '";

                    IList<OrderDetail> orderDetailList = this.TheCriteriaMgr.FindAllWithHql<OrderDetail>(hql, new object[] { ot.Item, ot.Code });

                    if (orderDetailList != null && orderDetailList.Count > 0)
                        OrderDetail orderDetail = orderDetailList[0];
                        OrderHead orderHead = orderDetail.OrderHead;
                        POrder pOrder = new POrder();

                        pOrder.OrderNo = orderHead.OrderNo;
                        pOrder.CustomerCode = orderHead.PartyTo.Code;
                        pOrder.CustomerName = orderHead.PartyTo.Name;
                        pOrder.NeedPrepayment = orderHead.PartyTo.BoolField1.HasValue ? orderHead.PartyTo.BoolField1.Value : false;
                        pOrder.HasPrepayed = orderHead.BoolField1;
                        pOrder.RequiredQty = orderDetail.OrderedQty;
                        pOrder.ShippedQty = orderDetail.ShippedQty.HasValue ? orderDetail.ShippedQty.Value : 0;
                        pOrder.DeliverDate = orderHead.WindowTime;

                        hql = @"select oh.OrderNo, ot.Qty from OrderTracer as ot, OrderLocationTransaction as olt inner join olt.OrderDetail as od inner join od.OrderHead as oh where olt.Id = ot.RefOrderLocTransId and ot.OrderDetail.Id = ?";
                        IList<object[]> qtyList = this.TheCriteriaMgr.FindAllWithHql<object[]>(hql, new object[] { orderDetail.Id });
                        if (qtyList != null && qtyList.Count > 0)
                            foreach (object[] obj in qtyList)
                                pOrder.OrderedQty += (decimal)obj[1];
                            pOrder.OrderedQty = 0;

                        if (pOrder.RequiredQty > pOrder.ShippedQty && pOrder.RequiredQty > pOrder.OrderedQty)

            var orderRct = itemFlow.OrderTracers.Where(o => o.TracerType == LeanEngine.Utility.Enumerators.TracerType.OrderRct).ToList();
            if (orderRct != null && orderRct.Count > 0)
                foreach (OrderTracer ot in orderRct)
                    if (!orderedPOList.Contains(ot.Code))
                        item.OrderedQty += ot.Qty;

            if ((item.OrderList != null && item.OrderList.Count > 0) || (item.SaveStock > (item.Inventory + item.OrderedQty)))