public EVALUATION_MATRIX(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); AND_LINE = new AND_LINE("AND_LINE"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(AND_LINE._keyword); }
internal ModelCompWQ(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "SimTitleWQ": _simTitleWQ = new SimTitle(sub); break; case "SimulationPeriodWQ": _simulationPeriodWQ = new SimulationPeriodWQ(sub); break; case "WQTSC": _wQTSC = new WQTSC(sub); break; case "ColloidControlPara": _colloidControlPara = new ColloidControlPara(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
public FORMAT_VERSION(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("verno", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); }
public MOUSE_RUNOFF_parameters(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("TRAP_Computation", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Simulation_start", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Simulation_end", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Dt_FixedSec", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Dt_WetPeriodSec", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Dt_DryPeriodSec", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("RDII_dtSRC_hour", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("RDII_dtFRC_sec", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Allow_OverWrite", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); Model_type = new Model_type("Model_type"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(Model_type._keyword); }
internal Result(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "ResultDetailedTS": _resultDetailedTS = new STRESSPERIOD_PROPPAGE(sub); break; case "ResultViewer": _resultViewer = new ResultViewer(sub); break; case "ResultM11DetailedTS": _resultM11DetailedTS = new STRESSPERIOD_PROPPAGE(sub); break; case "RunStatistics": _runStatistics = new RunStatistics(sub); break; case "GeoScene3D": _geoScene3D = new GeoScene3D(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal CALIBRATION_SPECIFICATION(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; MODEL_As = new List<MOUSE_Catchments>(); for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "GLOBAL_PARAMETERS": GLOBAL_PARAMETERS = new GLOBAL_PARAMETERS(sub); break; case "MEASUREMENTS": MEASUREMENTS = new Model_B(sub); break; default: if (sub.Name.Substring(0,6).Equals("MODEL_")) { MODEL_As.Add(new MOUSE_Catchments(sub)); break; } _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal VegNo_1(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "UserDefVegDevelopment": _userDefVegDevelopment = new UserDefVegDevelopment(sub); break; case "GrowthModVegDevelopment": _growthModVegDevelopment = new GrowthModVegDevelopment(sub); break; case "Irrigation": _irrigation = new Irrigation(sub); break; default: if (sub.Name.Substring(0,6).Equals("Stage_")) { _stage_1s.Add(new Stage_13(sub)); break; } _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal Initial_Conditions(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "Initial_Matrix_Potential": _initial_Matrix_Potential = new Initial_Matrix_Potential(sub); break; case "Initial_Water_Content": _initial_Water_Content = new Initial_Matrix_Potential(sub); break; case "Initial_Soil_Temperature": _initial_Soil_Temperature = new Initial_Matrix_Potential(sub); break; case "Initial_Concentration": _initial_Concentration = new InitialMass(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal MOUSE_T_Results(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "Nodes": Nodes = new Nodes(sub); break; case "Links": Links = new Links(sub); break; case "Emissions": Emissions = new Links(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal VEG_PROP_FILES1(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "VegNo_1": _vegNo_1 = new VegNo_11(sub); break; case "VegNo_2": _vegNo_2 = new VegNo_2(sub); break; case "VegNo_3": _vegNo_3 = new VegNo_3(sub); break; case "VegNo_4": _vegNo_4 = new VegNo_4(sub); break; case "VegNo_5": _vegNo_5 = new VegNo_5(sub); break; case "VegNo_6": _vegNo_6 = new VegNo_6(sub); break; case "VegNo_7": _vegNo_7 = new VegNo_7(sub); break; case "VegNo_8": _vegNo_8 = new VegNo_8(sub); break; case "VegNo_9": _vegNo_9 = new VegNo_9(sub); break; case "VegNo_10": _vegNo_10 = new VegNo_10(sub); break; case "VegNo_11": _vegNo_11 = new VegNo_111(sub); break; case "VegNo_12": _vegNo_12 = new VegNo_12(sub); break; case "VegNo_13": _vegNo_13 = new VegNo_13(sub); break; case "VegNo_14": _vegNo_14 = new VegNo_14(sub); break; case "VegNo_15": _vegNo_15 = new VegNo_15(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
public Links(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); Event_definition = new Event_definition("Event_definition"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(Event_definition._keyword); }
public Discharge_Parameters(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); Muskingum = new Muskingum("Muskingum"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(Muskingum._keyword); }
internal OverlayItem_1(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "OverlayBMP": _overlayBMP = new OverlayBMP(sub); break; case "OverlayGrid": _overlayGrid = new OverlayGrid(sub); break; case "OverlayShape": _overlayShape = new OverlayShape(sub); break; case "OverlayRiver": _overlayRiver = new OverlayRiver(sub); break; case "OverlayWell": _overlayWell = new OverlayWell(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal WEL_CFG(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "WELLDATA": WELLDATA = new WELLDATA(sub); break; case "WELLFIELD": WELLFIELD = new WELLFIELD(sub); break; case "Foreground": Foreground = new Foreground(sub); break; case "Background": Background = new Foreground(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal CompControlParaSZ(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "CompControlParaSZPCGTrans": _compControlParaSZPCGTrans = new CompControlParaSZPCGTrans(sub); break; case "CompControlParaSZPCGSteady": _compControlParaSZPCGSteady = new CompControlParaSZPCGTrans(sub); break; case "CompControlParaSZSOR": _compControlParaSZSOR = new CompControlParaSZSOR(sub); break; case "CompControlParaRivEx": _compControlParaRivEx = new CompControlParaRivEx(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal InternalBoundaryProp(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "TIME_SERIES_FILE": _tIME_SERIES_FILE = new DFS_2D_DATA_FILE(sub); break; case "DFS_2D_DATA_FILE": _dFS_2D_DATA_FILE = new DFS_2D_DATA_FILE(sub); break; case "LeakCoef": _leakCoef = new Topography(sub); break; case "Conductance": _conductance = new Topography(sub); break; case "RiverBottomElevation": _riverBottomElevation = new Bathymetry(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal CommandAreas(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "DFS_2D_DATA_FILE": _dFS_2D_DATA_FILE = new DFS_2D_DATA_FILE(sub); break; case "SHAPE_FILE": _sHAPE_FILE = new SHAPE_FILE(sub); break; default: if (sub.Name.Substring(0,6).Equals("Comman")) { _commandAreas.Add(new CommandArea(sub)); break; } _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal LandUse(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "VEGETATION": _vEGETATION = new VEGETATION(sub); break; case "CommandAreas": _commandAreas = new CommandAreas(sub); break; case "Demands": _demands = new Demands(sub); break; case "Priorities": _priorities = new Priorities(sub); break; case "PavedRunoffCoefficient": _pavedRunoffCoefficient = new Topography(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal MOUSE_Computation(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "MOUSE_Files": MOUSE_Files = new MOUSE_Files(sub); break; case "MOUSE_HD_parameters": MOUSE_HD_parameters = new MOUSE_HD_parameters(sub); break; case "MOUSE_RUNOFF_parameters": MOUSE_RUNOFF_parameters = new MOUSE_RUNOFF_parameters(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal COMPUTATIONAL_ENGINE_CONTROL(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "RO_POSTPROCESS_LEVEL": RO_POSTPROCESS_LEVEL = new RO_POSTPROCESS_LEVEL(sub); break; case "HD_RUNTIME_LEVEL": HD_RUNTIME_LEVEL = new HD_RUNTIME_LEVEL(sub); break; case "EVALUATION_MATRIX": EVALUATION_MATRIX = new EVALUATION_MATRIX(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
public MIKEZero_Shape_Polygon_Object(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Base_Title", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Base_Reg_Key", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Base_Col_Red", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Base_Col_Green", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Base_Col_Blue", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Base_Display_On", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Line_Thickness", PFSParameterType.Double, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Line_Style", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Line_Polygon_Style", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Draw_Text", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Text_Color_Style", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Text_Bk_Mode", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); Text_Color = new Text_Color("Text_Color"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(Text_Color._keyword); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new command area that only contains the necessary sections and keywords for a single well. /// </summary> public void AddNewSingleWellCommandArea() { PFSSection Nc = new PFSSection("CommandArea"); Nc.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("AreaName", PFSParameterType.String,"")); Nc.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("AreaCodeID", PFSParameterType.String, "")); Nc.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("AreaCode", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); PFSSection Sources = new PFSSection("Sources"); Sources.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("NumberOfSources", PFSParameterType.Integer, 1)); PFSSection Source1 = new PFSSection("Source1"); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("SourceTypeCode", PFSParameterType.Integer, 2)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("WaterApplication", PFSParameterType.Integer, 1)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("DirectApplication", PFSParameterType.Integer, 1)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("WellXposSIWS", PFSParameterType.Double, 1)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("WellYposSIWS", PFSParameterType.Double, 1)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("ScreenTopDepthSIWS", PFSParameterType.Double, 1)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("CapacitySIWS", PFSParameterType.Double, 100)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("ThresholdDepthSIWS", PFSParameterType.Double, 1)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("ScreenBottomDepthSIWS", PFSParameterType.Double, 1)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("IrrigationLicenseIncluded", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); Source1.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("TYPE", PFSParameterType.Integer, 2)); Sources.AddSection(Source1); Nc.AddSection(Sources); CommandArea CA = new CommandArea(Nc); _commandAreas.Add(CA); _pfsHandle.AddSection(Nc); NO_AREAS++; }
internal CompControlParaModSZ(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "CompControlParaModLMG": _compControlParaModLMG = new CompControlParaModLMG(sub); break; case "CompControlParaModPCG2": _compControlParaModPCG2 = new CompControlParaModPCG2(sub); break; case "CompControlParaModPCG4": _compControlParaModPCG4 = new CompControlParaModPCG4(sub); break; case "CompControlParaModSIP": _compControlParaModSIP = new CompControlParaModSIP(sub); break; case "CompControlParaModSOR": _compControlParaModSOR = new CompControlParaModSOR(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal TwoLayerUZSoilProperties(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "DFS_2D_DATA_FILE": _dFS_2D_DATA_FILE = new DFS_2D_DATA_FILE(sub); break; case "SHAPE_FILE": _sHAPE_FILE = new SHAPE_FILE(sub); break; default: if (sub.Name.Substring(0,6).Equals("UZSoil")) { _uZSoilProps.Add(new UZSoilProp(sub)); break; } _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal Drainage(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "Level": _level = new Bathymetry(sub); break; case "TimeConstant": _timeConstant = new Topography(sub); break; case "DrainCode": _drainCode = new Topography(sub); break; case "DistributedOptionCode": _distributedOptionCode = new Topography(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
public SRC_SELECTION_CRITERION(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); SRC_FLOW = new SRC_FLOW("SRC_FLOW"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(SRC_FLOW._keyword); }
public MODFLOW(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("CalculateLevels", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); }
public Elevation_Parameters(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); QH_Relations = new WEIR("QH_Relations" ); _pfsHandle.AddSection(QH_Relations._pfsHandle); }
public Rows1(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); rs = new List<r>(); rHeader = new rHeader("rHeader"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(rHeader._keyword); }
public SOIL(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); DEFAULT_DATA = new DEFAULT_DATA("DEFAULT_DATA" ); _pfsHandle.AddSection(DEFAULT_DATA._pfsHandle); }
public Routing_Data1(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); Location = new Location("Location"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(Location._keyword); Attributes = new Attributes("Attributes"); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(Attributes._keyword); Elevation_Parameters = new Elevation_Parameters1("Elevation_Parameters"); _pfsHandle.AddSection(Elevation_Parameters._pfsHandle); Discharge_Parameters = new Discharge_Parameters("Discharge_Parameters"); _pfsHandle.AddSection(Discharge_Parameters._pfsHandle); }
internal AirFlowSimulationParametersMod(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal ExecuteEngineFlagsPfs(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal UZGroundWaterDepth1(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal STRESSPERIOD_PROPPAGE(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal Branch(PFSSection Keyword) { _pfsHandle = Keyword; _definitions = _pfsHandle.GetKeyword("definitions", 1); _connections = _pfsHandle.GetKeyword("connections", 1); PFSKeyword _points = _pfsHandle.GetKeyword("points", 1); PointNumbers = new List <int>(); for (int i = 1; i <= _points.GetParametersNo(); i++) { PointNumbers.Add(_points.GetParameter(i).ToInt()); } }
internal VEGETATION_PROPERTY_FILE(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
public COMPUTATIONAL_ENGINE_CONTROL(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("SEC_ID", PFSParameterType.String, "")); RO_POSTPROCESS_LEVEL = new RO_POSTPROCESS_LEVEL("RO_POSTPROCESS_LEVEL"); _pfsHandle.AddSection(RO_POSTPROCESS_LEVEL._pfsHandle); HD_RUNTIME_LEVEL = new HD_RUNTIME_LEVEL("HD_RUNTIME_LEVEL"); _pfsHandle.AddSection(HD_RUNTIME_LEVEL._pfsHandle); EVALUATION_MATRIX = new EVALUATION_MATRIX("EVALUATION_MATRIX"); _pfsHandle.AddSection(EVALUATION_MATRIX._pfsHandle); }
internal GeoScene3D(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal UZSoilProfilePropDiscr1(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal CompControlParaModSIP(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal Overland(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "Manning": _manning = new Topography(sub); break; case "DetentionStorage": _detentionStorage = new Topography(sub); break; case "InitialWaterDepth": _initialWaterDepth = new Topography(sub); break; case "LeakageCoeff": _leakageCoeff = new Topography(sub); break; case "SeparatedFlowAreas": _separatedFlowAreas = new Topography(sub); break; case "InitialMass": _initialMass = new InitialMass(sub); break; case "Decay_Processes": _decay_Processes = new InitialMass(sub); break; default: if (sub.Name.Substring(0, 6).Equals("Disper")) { _dispersionCoeff_Xs.Add(new Topography(sub)); break; } _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
public GLOBAL_PARAMETERS(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("SYNTAX_VERSION", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("UNIT_TYPE", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Calibration_Method", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("WriteConvergenceFile", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("MaxNoModelEvaluations", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("NoComplexes", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("NoPointsComplex", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("NoPointsSubComplex", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("NoEvolutionSteps", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("StopNoLoops", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("MinChange", PFSParameterType.Double, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Delta", PFSParameterType.Double, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("PEPS", PFSParameterType.Double, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("NormalizeObj", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalWaterBalance", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalRMSE", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalPeak", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalPeak_Value", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalLow", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalLow_Value", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalPeak_WB", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("EvalPeak_WB_Value", PFSParameterType.Integer, 0)); }
private bool TryToGetKeyword(PFSSection pfsSection, out PFSKeyword pfsKeyword, string Keyword, string Path) { try { pfsKeyword = pfsSection.GetKeyword(Keyword); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessage = string.Format(CSSPDHIRes.Keyword_DoesNotExistForSectionPath_Error_, Keyword, Path, ex.Message + (ex.InnerException != null ? " Inner: " + ex.InnerException.Message : "")); OnCSSPDHIChanged(new CSSPDHIEventArgs(new CSSPDHIMessage("Error", -1, false, ErrorMessage))); pfsKeyword = null; return(false); } return(true); }
internal MIKE_11_Network_editor(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "POINTS": int np = sub.GetKeywordsNo("point"); Points = new SortedDictionary <int, Point>(); for (int j = 1; j <= np; j++) { Point p = new Point(sub.GetKeyword(j)); Points.Add(p.Number, p); } break; case "BRANCHES": int nb = sub.GetSectionsNo("branch"); Branches = new List <Branch>(); for (int j = 1; j <= nb; j++) { Branches.Add(new Branch(sub.GetSection(j))); } break; case "COMPUTATIONAL_SETUP": COMPUTATIONAL_SETUP = new COMPUTATIONAL_SETUP(sub); break; case "MIKESHECOUPLING": MikeSheCouplings = new List <MIKESHECOUPLING>(); for (int j = 1; j <= sub.GetKeywordsNo("MikeSheCoupling"); j++) { MIKESHECOUPLING p = new MIKESHECOUPLING(sub.GetKeyword(j)); MikeSheCouplings.Add(p); } break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal VEGETATION(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "GLOBAL": _gLOBAL = new GLOBAL1(sub); break; case "STATION_BASED": _sTATION_BASED = new STATION_BASED(sub); break; case "FULLY_DISTRIBUTED": _fULLY_DISTRIBUTED = new FULLY_DISTRIBUTED1(sub); break; case "TIME_SERIES_1": _tIME_SERIES_1 = new TIME_SERIES_1(sub); break; case "TIME_SERIES_2": _tIME_SERIES_2 = new TIME_SERIES_2(sub); break; case "TIME_SERIES_3": _tIME_SERIES_3 = new TIME_SERIES_3(sub); break; case "TIME_SERIES_4": _tIME_SERIES_4 = new TIME_SERIES_4(sub); break; case "TIME_SERIES_5": _tIME_SERIES_5 = new TIME_SERIES_5(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal Layer_12(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "InitPotHead": _initPotHead = new Bathymetry(sub); break; case "InitialSoilTemperature": _initialSoilTemperature = new Topography(sub); break; case "OuterBoundary": _outerBoundary = new OuterBoundary(sub); break; case "HydrHeadUsedForAirFlow": _hydrHeadUsedForAirFlow = new Topography(sub); break; case "WettingThreshold": _wettingThreshold = new Topography(sub); break; case "InternalBoundary": _internalBoundary = new InternalBoundary1(sub); break; case "Initial_Concentration": _initial_Concentration = new InitialMass(sub); break; case "Initial_Immobile_Concentration": _initial_Immobile_Concentration = new InitialMass(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
public WEL_CFG(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); WELLDATA = new WELLDATA("WELLDATA" ); _pfsHandle.AddSection(WELLDATA._pfsHandle); WELLFIELD = new WELLFIELD("WELLFIELD" ); _pfsHandle.AddSection(WELLFIELD._pfsHandle); Foreground = new Foreground("Foreground" ); _pfsHandle.AddSection(Foreground._pfsHandle); Background = new Foreground("Background" ); _pfsHandle.AddSection(Background._pfsHandle); }
internal Discharge_Parameters(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } Muskingum = new Muskingum(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("Muskingum", 1)); }
internal Links(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } Event_definition = new Event_definition(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("Event_definition", 1)); }
internal EVALUATION_MATRIX(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } AND_LINE = new AND_LINE(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("AND_LINE", 1)); }
internal SRC_SELECTION_CRITERION(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } SRC_FLOW = new SRC_FLOW(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("SRC_FLOW", 1)); }
internal MOUSE_RUNOFF_parameters(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } Model_type = new Model_type(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("Model_type", 1)); }
internal MIKEZero_Shape_Polygon_Object(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } Text_Color = new Text_Color(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("Text_Color", 1)); }
internal POINTS(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; points = new List <point>(); int knumber = Section.GetKeywordsNo("point"); var sectionstring = Section.ToString().Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 1; i < sectionstring.Count() - 1; i++) { var pdata = sectionstring[i].Split(new string[] { "=", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var pp = new point("point"); pp.Par1 = (int)double.Parse(pdata[1]); pp.Par2 = double.Parse(pdata[2]); pp.Par3 = double.Parse(pdata[3]); pp.Par4 = (int)double.Parse(pdata[4]); if (pdata.Count() > 5) { pp.Par5 = double.Parse(pdata[5]); pp.Par6 = (int)double.Parse(pdata[6]); } points.Add(pp); } //for (int i = 1; i <= knumber; i++) //{ // points.Add(new point(Section.GetKeyword("point", i))); //} for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal VEG_PROP_FILES2(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "VegNo_1": _vegNo_1 = new VegNo_16(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }
internal MOUSE_RDII(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } LineHeader = new LineHeader(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("LineHeader", 1)); Line = new Line(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("Line", 1)); }
internal Rows(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } rHeader = new rHeader(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("rHeader", 1)); r = new r(_pfsHandle.GetKeyword("r", 1)); }
public MOUSE_Files(string pfsname) { _pfsHandle = new PFSSection(pfsname); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("ADP_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("PWF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("MTF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("MJL_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("ERS_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("ERF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("UND_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("HGF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("TRP_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("DWF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("RPF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("RRF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("CRF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("ROF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("RSF_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("PRFreduced_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("Generate_joblist", PFSParameterType.Boolean, true)); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("PRFcomplete_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("CRFcomplete_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); _pfsHandle.AddKeyword(new PFSKeyword("NOFhotStart_file", PFSParameterType.String, "")); }
internal VegNo_12(PFSSection Section) { _pfsHandle = Section; for (int i = 1; i <= Section.GetSectionsNo(); i++) { PFSSection sub = Section.GetSection(i); switch (sub.Name) { case "VEGETATION_PROPERTY_FILE": _vEGETATION_PROPERTY_FILE = new VEGETATION_PROPERTY_FILE(sub); break; default: _unMappedSections.Add(sub.Name); break; } } }