public static IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, TraceWriter log) { ActionResult response = new OkResult(); IrisModelValidator validator = new IrisModelValidator(); try { log.Info("IrisExMachina started"); string requestBody = new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd(); IrisModel requestData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IrisModel>(requestBody); FluentValidation.Results.ValidationResult result = validator.Validate(requestData); result.IsValid.Should().BeTrue(); PEngine engine = new PEngine("iris-data.txt"); var trainedModel = engine.Train(); IrisPredictedModel predicted = trainedModel.Predict(requestData); response = new OkObjectResult($"Predicted flower type { predicted.PredictedLabel}"); } catch (Exception ex) { response = new BadRequestObjectResult(ex.Message); log.Error(ex.Message); } return(response); }
public Page1() { InitializeComponent(); pathresulttohow = ""; whn = false; numberofQ = 0; slist = MainWindow.t.ConvertSymptomsToPredicate(MainWindow.t.ConvertToPredicate()); pe = new PEngine(); synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(); synthesizer.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Female); synthesizer.Volume = 100; synthesizer.Rate = 0; cs[0] = new colors(true, "#252839", "#677077", "#f2b632", "#b5b5b7"); cs[1] = new colors(false, "#30231d", "#6a5750", "#b5a379", "#f6f1ed"); cs[2] = new colors(true, "#262216", "#49412c", "#97743a", "#b0a18e"); cs[3] = new colors(false, "#16174f", "#963019", "#667467", "#f6f1ed"); cs[4] = new colors(true, "#1d2120", "#5a5c51", "#ba9077", "#bcd5d1"); cs[5] = new colors(false, "#173e43", "#3fb0ac", "#fae596", "#dddfd4"); cs[6] = new colors(false, "#6ed3cf", "#9068be", "#e62739", "#e1e8f0"); colors = 0; envrnomnet = 0; scale = 1; x = 0; y = 0; //tb1.Text = ""+MainWindow.t.passvalue; repaint(); //synthesizer.SpeakAsync("hellow"); }
/// <summary> /// initializes the platformer game /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { //IsMouseVisible = true; Window.Title = "Geimu 2"; ChangeResolution(1024, 768); Engine = new PEngine(this); PEngine.NameToType["obj_block"] = typeof(BlockObject); //if there is a better way to go about doing this please tell PEngine.NameToType["obj_player"] = typeof(PlayerObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_item"] = typeof(ItemObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_upgrade"] = typeof(UpgradeObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_enemy"] = typeof(EnemyObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_boss"] = typeof(BossObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_win"] = typeof(GameWinObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_lose"] = typeof(GameOverObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_camera"] = typeof(CameraObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_crosshair"] = typeof(CrosshairObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_jumpparticle"] = typeof(JumpParticleObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_jumpreset"] = typeof(JumpResetObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_goalblock"] = typeof(GoalBlockObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_fairy"] = typeof(FairyObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_damageblock"] = typeof(DamageBlockObject); PEngine.NameToType["tle_stonebrick"] = typeof(StoneBrickTile); PEngine.NameToType["tle_dirt"] = typeof(DirtTile); PEngine.NameToType["tle_stone"] = typeof(StoneTile); Engine.ChangeRoom((new Room(Engine)).Load("Levels/level2.json")); base.Initialize(); }
public SimpleView(BaseModel baseModel, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, ContentManager content) { this.baseModel = baseModel; = graphics; = (App)App.Instance; this.content = content; //initializes the sprite batch spritebatch = new SpriteBatch(graphics.GraphicsDevice); //Loads the sprites enemy = content.Load <Texture2D>("Drone"); bulletNorm = content.Load <Texture2D>("bullet"); bulletDisc = content.Load <Texture2D>("discbullet"); bulletWide = content.Load <Texture2D>("widebullet"); middle = content.Load <Texture2D>("centre"); try { middle0 = content.Load <Texture2D>("tower-0"); middle1 = content.Load <Texture2D>("tower-1"); middle2 = content.Load <Texture2D>("tower-2"); } catch (Exception) { simpleMid = true; } gun1 = content.Load <Texture2D>("turret"); gun2 = content.Load <Texture2D>("2turret"); gun3 = content.Load <Texture2D>("3turret"); boss = content.Load <Texture2D>("spaceinvader"); background = content.Load <Texture2D>("bg1"); graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); //Initializes the bloom postprocessing with the device to display on bloom = new BloomPostprocess.BloomComponent(gm, graphics.GraphicsDevice); //Registers the bloom compenent to the list of compenents, it will be drawn AFTER the rest of the game. gm.Components.Add(bloom); particleEngine = new PEngine(this); menuManager = new MenuDrawers.MenuManager(); baseModel.Tower.ZeroHealth += new EventHandler(OnDeath); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); #region Window Settings this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; this.Bounds = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; this.BackColor = Color.Aquamarine; #endregion GameEngine_ = new PEngine(); Start(); // Gets a reference to the current BufferedGraphicsContext CurrentContext_ = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current; // Creates a BufferedGraphics instance associated with Form1, and with // dimensions the same size as the drawing surface of Form1. Buffer_ = CurrentContext_.Allocate(this.CreateGraphics(), this.DisplayRectangle); }
/// <summary> /// initializes the platformer game /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { IsMouseVisible = true; Window.Title = "The Dark Halls"; ChangeResolution(1024, 768); Engine = new PEngine(this); PEngine.NameToType["obj_block"] = typeof(BlockObject); //if there is a better way to go about doing this please tell PEngine.NameToType["obj_player"] = typeof(PlayerObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_item"] = typeof(ItemObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_upgrade"] = typeof(UpgradeObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_enemy"] = typeof(EnemyObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_boss"] = typeof(BossObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_win"] = typeof(GameWinObject); PEngine.NameToType["obj_lose"] = typeof(GameOverObject); PEngine.NameToType["tle_stonebrick"] = typeof(StoneBrickTile); CurrentRoomX = -1; CurrentRoomY = -1; RoomMapWidth = 12; RoomMapHeight = 12; RoomMap = new Room[RoomMapWidth, RoomMapHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < RoomMapWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < RoomMapHeight; j++) { RoomMap[i, j] = GetRandomDungeonRoom(); } } Engine.LoadRoom("Levels\\startingroom.json"); MaxTimerLength = 60 * 40; Timer = MaxTimerLength; BossAlreadySpawned = false; base.Initialize(); }