コード例 #1
        unsafe override public void FromRawData(byte[] rawData)
            strings = new SortedList();
            strings.Add(0, String.Empty);
            if (rawData == null)

            int len = rawData.Length;

            dataLen = len;
            // the first entry in the string heap is always EmptyString
            if (len < 1 || rawData [0] != 0)
                throw new BadMetaDataException("Invalid #Strings heap.");

            int idx = 1;

            for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)
                if (rawData [i] == 0)
                    fixed(void *p = &rawData[idx])
                        string s = PEUtils.GetString((sbyte *)p, 0, i - idx, Encoding.UTF8);

                        strings.Add(idx, s);

                    idx = i + 1;
コード例 #2
        unsafe public void Read(BinaryReader reader)
            filePos = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            sig = reader.ReadUInt32();
            if (sig != Sig)
                throw new BadImageException("Invalid MetaData Signature.");

            majVer   = reader.ReadInt16();
            minVer   = reader.ReadInt16();
            reserved = reader.ReadUInt32();

            // Length of version string.
            len = reader.ReadInt32();

            // Read version string.
            if (len != 0)
                sbyte *pVer = stackalloc sbyte [len];
                sbyte *p    = pVer;

                long pos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                int  i;
                for (i = len; --i >= 0;)
                    sbyte c = reader.ReadSByte();
                    if (c == 0)
                    *p++ = c;

                verStr = PEUtils.GetString(pVer, 0, len - i - 1, Encoding.UTF8);

                // Round up to dword boundary, relative to header start.
                pos += len;
                pos -= filePos;
                pos += 3;
                pos &= ~3;
                pos += filePos;

                // Advance file pointer.
                reader.BaseStream.Position = pos;
                VersionString = String.Empty;

            flags    = reader.ReadInt16();
            nStreams = reader.ReadInt16();
            streams  = new Hashtable(nStreams);

            // load all streams into memory
            for (int i = nStreams; --i >= 0;)
                MDStream s = new MDStream(this);
                // TODO: check for duplicated streams,
                // use Add instead of indexer.
                streams[s.Name] = s;

            MDStream tabs = Streams["#~"] as MDStream;

            // Try uncompressed stream.
            if (tabs == null)
                tabs = Streams["#-"] as MDStream;
            if (tabs == null)
                throw new BadMetaDataException("Missing #~ stream.");

            TablesHeap tabsHeap = tabs.Heap as TablesHeap;

            // cache index sizes
            strIdx  = tabsHeap.StringsIndexSize;
            guidIdx = tabsHeap.GUIDIndexSize;
            blobIdx = tabsHeap.BlobIndexSize;