コード例 #1
        public GeneralUtilities()
            string                                                     applicationDirectory = null;
              string                                                     xmlSettingsFile      = null;
              PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.XMLSetttingsFileManager xmlFileManager       = null;

            //  Set the Name of the XML Settings File for this Application.
            applicationDirectory = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.ToString();
            while (applicationDirectory.EndsWith(@"\") == false)
              //  Drop the right-most character from the string.
              applicationDirectory = applicationDirectory.Substring(0, (applicationDirectory.Length - 1));
            xmlSettingsFile = applicationDirectory + @"DataMaintenanceUtilitiesSettings.xml";

            //  Initialize the XML File Manager.
            xmlFileManager = new PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.XMLSetttingsFileManager();

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(xmlSettingsFile))
              //  Let the user know that the Parameter Table could not be initialized.
              if (ErrorMessage != null)
            ErrorMessage("     Could not find the XML Settings File!  Initialization Failed!");

              //  Exit this process.


            //  Get the connection parameters for the Monitor Database from the XML Settings File.
            _monitorDatabaseServerName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorDatabaseServer");
            _monitorDatabaseName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorDatabase");

            //  Get the Name of the Load Monitor Table in the Monitor Database.
            _monitorTableName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorTableName");

            //  Set the Connection String that will be used to Connect to the Import Monitor Database.
            _importMonitorDatabaseConnectionString = "Data Source=" + _monitorDatabaseServerName + ";"
                                               + "Initial Catalog=" + _monitorDatabaseName + ";"
                                               + "Integrated Security=SSPI";

            //  Exit this process.

            //  Exit this method.

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Class Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public FeatureClassUtilities()
            PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.XMLSetttingsFileManager xmlFileManager    = null;
              PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.EncryptionManager       encryptionManager = null;

            //  Set the Name of the XML Settings File for this Application.
            string applicationDirectory = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.ToString();
            while (applicationDirectory.EndsWith(@"\") == false)
              //  Drop the right-most character from the string.
              applicationDirectory = applicationDirectory.Substring(0, (applicationDirectory.Length - 1));
            string xmlSettingsFile = applicationDirectory + @"DataMaintenanceUtilitiesSettings.xml";

            //  Initialize the XML File Manager.
            xmlFileManager = new PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.XMLSetttingsFileManager();

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(xmlSettingsFile))
              //  Let the user know that the Parameter Table could not be initialized.
              if (ErrorMessage != null)
            ErrorMessage("     Could not find the XML Settings File!  Initialization Failed!");

              //  Exit this process.


            //  Get the connection parameters for the Monitor Database from the XML Settings File.
            _monitorDatabaseServerName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorDatabaseServer");
            _monitorDatabaseName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorDatabase");

            //  Get the Name of the Load Monitor Table in the Monitor Database.
            _parameterTableName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "LoadParemetersTableName");

            //  Set the Connection String that will be used to Connect to the Parameter Database.
            _parameterDatabaseConnectionString = "Data Source=" + _monitorDatabaseServerName +";"
                                           + "Initial Catalog=" + _monitorDatabaseName + ";"
                                           + "Integrated Security=SSPI";

            //  Instantiate the Component that will hold the Managed Resources used by this method.
            _component = new System.ComponentModel.Component();

            // Populate the Shapefile Extension Array.
            _shapefileExtensions = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            //  Populate the Array of Shapefile Extensions that are necessary to have a valid Shapefile.
            _shapefileNecessaryExtensions = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            //  Exit this method.

            //  If the CGIS Data Maintenance Encryption Manager Object was instantiated, close it.
            if (encryptionManager != null)
              encryptionManager = null;
            //  If the CGIS Data Maintenance XML File Manager Object was instantiated, close it.
            if (xmlFileManager != null)
              xmlFileManager = null;

コード例 #3
        //  Constructor Method.
        public LoadInformation()
            string applicationDirectory = null;
            string xmlSettingsFile      = null;

            PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.XMLSetttingsFileManager xmlFileManager = null;

            //  Set the Name of the XML Settings File for this Application.
            applicationDirectory = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.ToString();
            while (applicationDirectory.EndsWith(@"\") == false)
                //  Drop the right-most character from the string.
                applicationDirectory = applicationDirectory.Substring(0, (applicationDirectory.Length - 1));
            xmlSettingsFile = applicationDirectory + @"DataMaintenanceUtilitiesSettings.xml";

            //  Initialize the XML File Manager.
            xmlFileManager = new PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.XMLSetttingsFileManager();

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(xmlSettingsFile))
                //  Let the user know that the Parameter Table could not be initialized.
                if (ErrorMessage != null)
                    ErrorMessage("     Could not find the XML Settings File!  Initialization Failed!");

                //  Exit this process.

            //  Get the connection parameters for the Monitor Database from the XML Settings File.
            _monitorDatabaseServerName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorDatabaseServer");
            _monitorDatabaseName       = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorDatabase");

            //  Get the Name of the Load Monitor Table in the Monitor Database.
            _monitorTableName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "MonitorTableName");

            //  Set the Connection String that will be used to Connect to the Import Monitor Database.
            _importMonitorDatabaseConnectionString = "Data Source=" + _monitorDatabaseServerName + ";"
                                                     + "Initial Catalog=" + _monitorDatabaseName + ";"
                                                     + "Integrated Security=SSPI";

            //  Get the Name of the Load Monitor Table in the Monitor Database.
            _parameterTableName = xmlFileManager.ReadUserSetting("DatabaseDefinitions", "LoadParemetersTableName");

            //  Set the Connection String that will be used to Connect to the Parameter Database.
            _parameterDatabaseConnectionString = "Data Source=" + _monitorDatabaseServerName + ";"
                                                 + "Initial Catalog=" + _monitorDatabaseName + ";"
                                                 + "Integrated Security=SSPI";

            //  Exit this process.
        } //  LoadInformation