コード例 #1
        public void CubicTo_Test()
            PDFGraphicsPath target = new PDFGraphicsPath();

            Assert.IsTrue(target.Paths.Count == 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(target.Cursor, PDFPoint.Empty);

            PDFPoint end         = new PDFPoint(100, 100);
            PDFPoint handleStart = new PDFPoint(0, 50);
            PDFPoint handleEnd   = new PDFPoint(50, 100);

            target.CubicCurveTo(end, handleStart, handleEnd);

            Assert.AreEqual(target.Cursor, end);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Paths[0].Operations.Count, 1);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(target.Paths[0].Operations[0], typeof(PathBezierCurveData));

            PathBezierCurveData data = (PathBezierCurveData)target.Paths[0].Operations[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(data.Points.Length, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(data.EndPoint, end);
            Assert.AreEqual(data.StartHandle, handleStart);
            Assert.AreEqual(data.EndHandle, handleEnd);
コード例 #2
        private void ParseSVGCubicCommand(PDFGraphicsPath path, char cmd, bool absolute, string[] args)
            PDFUnit startHandleX, startHandleY, endHandleX, endHandleY, endPtX, endPtY;
            int     index = 0;

            while (index < args.Length)
                if (index == 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[index]))
                    if (!AssertParseUnit(args, ref index, cmd, out startHandleX))
                    if (!AssertParseUnit(args, ref index, cmd, out startHandleY))
                    if (!AssertParseUnit(args, ref index, cmd, out endHandleX))
                    if (!AssertParseUnit(args, ref index, cmd, out endHandleY))
                    if (!AssertParseUnit(args, ref index, cmd, out endPtX))
                    if (!AssertParseUnit(args, ref index, cmd, out endPtY))

                    if (absolute)
                        path.CubicCurveTo(new PDFPoint(endPtX, endPtY), new PDFPoint(startHandleX, startHandleY), new PDFPoint(endHandleX, endHandleY));
                        path.CubicCurveFor(new PDFPoint(endPtX, endPtY), new PDFPoint(startHandleX, startHandleY), new PDFPoint(endHandleX, endHandleY));
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[index]))
コード例 #3
        public static void BuildElipse(PDFGraphicsPath path, PDFRect rect, bool closed, double angle)
            double width  = rect.Width.PointsValue;
            double height = rect.Height.PointsValue;

            if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)

            // build the ellipse around the origin
            // rotate each by the required amount
            // then translate into position.

            double centerX = rect.Width.PointsValue / 2.0;
            double centerY = rect.Height.PointsValue / 2.0;

            double radX = width / 2.0;
            double radY = height / 2.0;

            double lengthX = (double)((width * CircularityFactor) / 2.0);
            double lengthY = (double)((height * CircularityFactor) / 2.0);

            double rotation = angle * InRadians;

            //start at left, middle
            PDFPoint start = Rotate(new PDFPoint(-radX, 0), rotation);

            //4 curve definitions with 3 points each.
            PDFPoint[,] curves = new PDFPoint[4, 3];

            //arc to center, top
            curves[0, 0] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(0, -radY), rotation);
            curves[0, 1] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(-radX, -lengthY), rotation);
            curves[0, 2] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(-lengthX, -radY), rotation);

            //arc to right, middle
            curves[1, 0] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(radX, 0), rotation);
            curves[1, 1] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(lengthX, -radY), rotation);
            curves[1, 2] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(radX, -lengthY), rotation);

            //arc to center, bottom
            curves[2, 0] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(0, radY), rotation);
            curves[2, 1] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(radX, lengthY), rotation);
            curves[2, 2] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(lengthX, radY), rotation);

            //arc to left middle
            curves[3, 0] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(-radX, 0), rotation);
            curves[3, 1] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(-lengthX, radY), rotation);
            curves[3, 2] = Rotate(new PDFPoint(-radX, lengthY), rotation);

            //get the minimun x and y values
            PDFUnit minx = start.X;
            PDFUnit miny = start.Y;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    PDFPoint pt = curves[i, j];
                    minx = PDFUnit.Min(minx, pt.X);
                    miny = PDFUnit.Min(miny, pt.Y);
            PDFUnit offsetx = 0 - minx;
            PDFUnit offsety = 0 - miny;

            //translate the point by the minimum values so the topleft is always 0,0 in the boundary rect.

            start = Translate(start, offsetx, offsety);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    PDFPoint pt = curves[i, j];
                    pt           = Translate(pt, offsetx, offsety);
                    curves[i, j] = pt;

            path.CubicCurveTo(curves[0, 0], curves[0, 1], curves[0, 2]);
            path.CubicCurveTo(curves[1, 0], curves[1, 1], curves[1, 2]);
            path.CubicCurveTo(curves[2, 0], curves[2, 1], curves[2, 2]);
            path.CubicCurveTo(curves[3, 0], curves[3, 1], curves[3, 2]);

            if (closed)