コード例 #1
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // g e n e r a t e O v e r l a y                                      //
        //                                                                    //
        // Write background data sequences to output file.                    //
        // Optionally top and tail these with macro (user-defined stream)     //
        // definition sequences.                                              //
        //                                                                    //

        private static void generateOverlay(BinaryWriter prnWriter,
                                            Boolean formAsMacro,
                                            UInt16 paperWidth,
                                            UInt16 paperLength,
                                            UInt16 logXOffset)
            Int16 rulerWidth;
            Int16 rulerHeight;

            Int16 rulerCellsX;
            Int16 rulerCellsY;

            Int16 posX,

            Int16 lineInc,

            Int16 stroke = 1;


            rulerCellsX = (Int16)((paperWidth / _unitsPerInch) + 1);
            rulerCellsY = (Int16)((paperLength / _unitsPerInch) + 1);
            rulerWidth  = (Int16)(rulerCellsX * _unitsPerInch);
            rulerHeight = (Int16)(rulerCellsY * _unitsPerInch);

            //                                                                //
            // Header                                                         //
            //                                                                //

            if (formAsMacro)
                PCLWriter.macroControl(prnWriter, _macroId,

            //                                                                //
            // Horizontal ruler.                                              //
            //                                                                //

            posX = 0;
            posY = _rulerHOriginY;

            PCLWriter.lineHorizontal(prnWriter, posX, posY, rulerWidth, stroke);

            posY -= (_rulerDiv / 2);

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < rulerCellsX; i++)
                PCLWriter.lineVertical(prnWriter, posX, posY,
                                       _rulerDiv * 2, stroke);

                posX += _rulerDiv;

                for (Int32 j = 1; j < _rulerDivPerCell; j++)
                    PCLWriter.lineVertical(prnWriter, posX, posY,
                                           _rulerDiv, stroke);

                    posX += _rulerDiv;

            //                                                                //
            // Vertical ruler.                                                //
            //                                                                //

            posX = _rulerVOriginX;
            posY = 0;

            PCLWriter.lineVertical(prnWriter, posX, posY, rulerHeight, stroke);

            posX -= (_rulerDiv / 2);

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < rulerCellsY; i++)
                PCLWriter.lineHorizontal(prnWriter, posX, posY,
                                         _rulerDiv * 2, stroke);

                posY += _rulerDiv;

                for (Int32 j = 1; j < _rulerDivPerCell; j++)
                    PCLWriter.lineHorizontal(prnWriter, posX, posY,
                                             _rulerDiv, stroke);

                    posY += _rulerDiv;

            //                                                                //
            // Left logical page margin - vertical line.                      //
            //                                                                //

            PCLWriter.lineVertical(prnWriter, 0, 0,
                                   rulerHeight, stroke);

            //                                                                //
            // Text.                                                          //
            //                                                                //

            ptSize  = 10;
            lineInc = (_rulerDiv * 2);

            PCLWriter.font(prnWriter, true, "19U",
                           "s1p" + ptSize + "v0s0b16602T");

            posX = (Int16)(_posXDesc - logXOffset);
            posY = _posYDesc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Paper size:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Paper width:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Paper length:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Logical page left offset:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Logical page top offset:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Logical page width:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Logical page height:");

            //                                                                //
            // Overlay end.                                                   //
            //                                                                //

            if (formAsMacro)
                PCLWriter.macroControl(prnWriter, 0, PCLWriter.eMacroControl.StopDef);
コード例 #2
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // g e n e r a t e O v e r l a y                                      //
        //                                                                    //
        // Write background data sequences to output file.                    //
        // Optionally top and tail these with macro (user-defined stream)     //
        // definition sequences.                                              //
        //                                                                    //

        private static void generateOverlay(BinaryWriter prnWriter,
                                            Boolean formAsMacro,
                                            UInt16 paperWidth,
                                            UInt16 paperLength,
                                            UInt16 logXOffset,
                                            Single scaleText)
            Int16 rulerWidth;
            Int16 rulerHeight;

            Int16 rulerCellsX;
            Int16 rulerCellsY;

            Int16 posX,

            Int16 lineInc,

            Int16 stroke = 1;


            rulerCellsX = (Int16)((paperWidth / _sessionUPI) - 1);
            rulerCellsY = (Int16)((paperLength / _sessionUPI) - 1);
            rulerWidth  = (Int16)(rulerCellsX * _sessionUPI);
            rulerHeight = (Int16)(rulerCellsY * _sessionUPI);

            //                                                                //
            // Header                                                         //
            //                                                                //

            if (formAsMacro)
                PCLWriter.macroControl(prnWriter, _macroId,

            //                                                                //
            // Horizontal ruler.                                              //
            //                                                                //

            posX = (Int16)(_rulerOriginX - logXOffset);
            posY = _rulerOriginY;

            PCLWriter.lineHorizontal(prnWriter, posX, posY, rulerWidth, stroke);

            posX += _rulerCell;

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < rulerCellsX; i++)
                PCLWriter.lineVertical(prnWriter, posX, posY, _rulerDiv, stroke);

                posX += _rulerCell;

            //                                                                //
            // Vertical ruler.                                                //
            //                                                                //

            posX = (Int16)(_rulerOriginX - logXOffset);
            posY = _rulerOriginY;

            PCLWriter.lineVertical(prnWriter, posX, posY, rulerHeight, stroke);

            posY += _rulerCell;

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < rulerCellsY; i++)
                PCLWriter.lineHorizontal(prnWriter, posX, posY,
                                         _rulerDiv, stroke);

                posY += _rulerCell;

            //                                                                //
            // Left logical page margin - vertical line.                      //
            //                                                                //

            PCLWriter.lineVertical(prnWriter, 0, _rulerOriginY,
                                   rulerHeight, stroke);

            //                                                                //
            // Sample marker box.                                             //
            //                                                                //

            lineInc = (Int16)((_sessionUPI * scaleText) / 8);

            posX = (Int16)((_rulerCell * 5.5 * scaleText) - logXOffset);
            posY = (Int16)(_posYDesc - lineInc);

            generateSquare(prnWriter, posX, posY, true);

            //                                                                //
            // Text.                                                          //
            //                                                                //

            ptSize = (Int16)(15 * scaleText);

            PCLWriter.font(prnWriter, true, "19U",
                           "s1p" + ptSize + "v0s0b16602T");

            posX = (Int16)(_posXHddr - logXOffset);
            posY = _posYHddr;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "PCL print area sample");

            ptSize = (Int16)(10 * scaleText);

            PCLWriter.font(prnWriter, true, "19U",
                           "s1p" + ptSize + "v0s0b16602T");

            posX = (Int16)(_posXDesc - logXOffset);
            posY = _posYDesc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Paper size:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Paper type:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Plex mode:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Paper width:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Paper length:");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "PJL option:");


            posY = (Int16)(_posYDesc + (_rulerCell * scaleText));

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Black squares of side 3 units, each containing a" +
                           " central white square of side one");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "unit, and some directional markers, as per the" +
                           " half-size sample above,");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "demonstrate how objects are clipped by the" +
                           " boundaries of the printable area.");

            posY += lineInc;
            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "The four corner squares are (theoretically) positioned" +
                           " in the corners of the");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "physical sheet, except that the left edges of the top" +
                           " and bottom left-hand squares");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "are constrained to be positioned at the left margin" +
                           " of the PCL logical page,");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "which is inset from the sheet edge, and marked here" +
                           " with a vertical line.");

            posY += lineInc;
            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "The middle left-hand square is positioned relative" +
                           " to the bottom and right logical");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "page margins, and rotated 180 degrees.");

            posY += lineInc;
            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "Fixed pitch (10 cpi) text characters are also clipped" +
                           " by the boundaries of the");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "printable area; one set is shown relative to the" +
                           " left logical page margin, and");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "another set (rotated 180 degrees) is shown" +
                           " relative to the right margin.");

            posY += lineInc;
            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "PJL options may move the logical page and/or" +
                           " unprintable area margins relative");

            posY += lineInc;

            PCLWriter.text(prnWriter, posX, posY, 0,
                           "to the physical sheet.");

            //                                                                //
            // Overlay end.                                                   //
            //                                                                //

            if (formAsMacro)
                PCLWriter.macroControl(prnWriter, 0, PCLWriter.eMacroControl.StopDef);