public void SaveChanges() { if (isEdited) { Matrix m = MyMatrix; Vector3 loc = new Vector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43); byte[] buff = Vector3ToBuff(loc); int f = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Props.Count; i++) { if (pcc.getNameEntry(Props[i].Name) == "location") { f = i; break; } } ; if (f != -1)//has prop { int off = Props[f].offend - 12; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { data[off + i] = buff[i]; } } else//have to add prop { DebugOutput.PrintLn(MyIndex + " : cant find location property"); } pcc.Exports[MyIndex].Data = data; } }
public TreeNode ToTree(int MyIndex, ITalkFile talk, PCCObject pcc) { string s = ""; if (Text.Length != 0) { s = Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1); } TreeNode res = new TreeNode(MyIndex + " : " + s + " " + talk.findDataById(refText)); TreeNode t = new TreeNode("Entry List"); for (int i = 0; i < EntryList.Count; i++) { t.Nodes.Add(i + " : " + EntryList[i]); } res.Nodes.Add(t); res.Nodes.Add("Listener Index : " + ListenerIndex); res.Nodes.Add("Unskippable : " + Unskippable); res.Nodes.Add("ReplyType : " + pcc.getNameEntry(ReplyTypeValue)); res.Nodes.Add("Text : " + Text); res.Nodes.Add("refText : " + refText + " " + talk.findDataById(refText, true)); res.Nodes.Add("ConditionalFunc : " + ConditionalFunc); res.Nodes.Add("ConditionalParam : " + ConditionalParam); res.Nodes.Add("StateTransition : " + StateTransition); res.Nodes.Add("StateTransitionParam : " + StateTransitionParam); res.Nodes.Add("ExportID : " + ExportID); res.Nodes.Add("ScriptIndex : " + ScriptIndex); res.Nodes.Add("CameraIntimacy : " + CameraIntimacy); res.Nodes.Add("FireConditional : " + FireConditional); res.Nodes.Add("Ambient : " + Ambient); res.Nodes.Add("NonTextline : " + NonTextLine); res.Nodes.Add("IgnoreBodyGestures : " + IgnoreBodyGestures); res.Nodes.Add("GUIStyle : " + pcc.getNameEntry(GUIStyleValue)); return(res); }
public TreeNode ToTree(int MyIndex, PCCObject pcc) { string s = ""; if (Text.Length != 0) { s = Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1); } TreeNode res = new TreeNode(MyIndex + " : " + s + " " + TalkFiles.findDataById(refText)); TreeNode t = new TreeNode("Reply List"); for (int i = 0; i < ReplyList.Count; i++) { EntryListReplyListStruct e = ReplyList[i]; string par = e.Paraphrase; if (par.Length != 0 && par[par.Length - 1] == '\0') { par = par.Substring(0, par.Length - 1); } t.Nodes.Add(i + " : " + par + " " + e.refParaphrase + " " + TalkFiles.findDataById(e.refParaphrase) + " " + e.Index + " " + pcc.getNameEntry(e.CategoryType) + " " + pcc.getNameEntry(e.CategoryValue)); } res.Nodes.Add(t); TreeNode t2 = new TreeNode("Speaker List"); for (int i = 0; i < SpeakerList.Count; i++) { t2.Nodes.Add(i + " : " + SpeakerList[i]); } res.Nodes.Add(t2); res.Nodes.Add("SpeakerIndex : " + SpeakerIndex); res.Nodes.Add("ListenerIndex : " + ListenerIndex); res.Nodes.Add("ConditionalFunc : " + ConditionalFunc); res.Nodes.Add("ConditionalParam : " + ConditionalParam); res.Nodes.Add("StateTransition : " + StateTransition); res.Nodes.Add("StateTransitionParam : " + StateTransitionParam); res.Nodes.Add("ExportID : " + ExportID); res.Nodes.Add("ScriptIndex : " + ScriptIndex); res.Nodes.Add("CameraIntimacy : " + CameraIntimacy); res.Nodes.Add("Skippable : " + Skippable); res.Nodes.Add("FireConditional : " + FireConditional); res.Nodes.Add("Ambient : " + Ambient); res.Nodes.Add("NonTextline : " + NonTextline); res.Nodes.Add("IgnoreBodyGestures : " + IgnoreBodyGestures); res.Nodes.Add("AlwaysHideSubtitle : " + AlwaysHideSubtitle); res.Nodes.Add("Text : " + Text); res.Nodes.Add("refText : " + refText + " " + TalkFiles.findDataById(refText, true)); res.Nodes.Add("GUIStyle : (" + pcc.getNameEntry(GUIStyleType) + ") " + pcc.getNameEntry(GUIStyleValue)); return(res); }
public static CustomProperty PropertyToGrid(Property p, PCCObject pcc) { string cat = p.TypeVal.ToString(); CustomProperty pg; switch (p.TypeVal) { case Type.BoolProperty: pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, (p.Value.IntValue == 1), typeof(bool), false, true); break; case Type.FloatProperty: byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue); float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0); pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, f, typeof(float), false, true); break; case Type.ByteProperty: case Type.NameProperty: NameProp pp = new NameProp(); = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); pp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, pp, typeof(NameProp), false, true); break; case Type.ObjectProperty: ObjectProp ppo = new ObjectProp(); = pcc.getObjectName(p.Value.IntValue); // = pcc.GetName(pcc.Exports[p.Value.IntValue].name); ppo.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, ppo, typeof(ObjectProp), false, true); break; case Type.StructProperty: StructProp ppp = new StructProp(); = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); ppp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; byte[] buf = new byte[p.Value.Array.Count()]; for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count(); i++) { buf[i] = (byte)p.Value.Array[i].IntValue; } List <int> buf2 = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count() / 4; i++) { buf2.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, i * 4)); } = buf2.ToArray(); pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, ppp, typeof(StructProp), false, true); break; default: pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, p.Value.IntValue, typeof(int), false, true); break; } return(pg); }
public void ReadTBN(byte[] raw) { int count = GetArrayCount(raw); byte[] buff = GetArrayContent(raw); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TrackBoneNames.Add(pcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(buff, i * 8))); } }
public int FindPropByName(string name) { int res = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Props.Count; i++) { if (pcc.getNameEntry(Props[i].Name) == name) { res = i; } } return(res); }
public TreeNode ToTree() { TreeNode res = new TreeNode("AnimSet : " + pcc.Exports[MyIndex].ObjectName + "(#" + MyIndex + ")"); res.Nodes.Add("PreviewSkelMeshName : " + pcc.getNameEntry(PreviewSkelMeshName)); res.Nodes.Add("m_pBioAnimSetData : " + m_pBioAnimSetData); if (SetData != null) { res.Nodes.Add(SetData.ToTree()); } res.Nodes.Add(SequencesToTree()); return(res); }
public void ReadProperties() { props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, memory); Textures = new List <TextureParam>(); for (int i = 0; i < props.Count(); i++) { string name = pcc.getNameEntry(props[i].Name); switch (name) { case "TextureParameterValues": ReadTextureParams(props[i].raw); break; } } }
public TreeNode ToTree() { TreeNode res = new TreeNode(pcc.Exports[MyIndex].ObjectName + "(#" + MyIndex + ")"); res.Nodes.Add("bCanStepUpOn : " + bCanStepUpOn); res.Nodes.Add("Tag : " + pcc.getNameEntry(Tag)); res.Nodes.Add("Group : " + pcc.getNameEntry(Group)); res.Nodes.Add("Decal : " + Decal); res.Nodes.Add("DrawScale : " + DrawScale); if (DC != null) { res.Nodes.Add(DC.ToTree()); } return(res); }
public static string PropertyToText(Property p, PCCObject pcc) { string s = ""; s = "Name: " + pcc.Names[p.Name]; s += " Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal); s += " Size: " + p.Value.len.ToString(); switch (p.TypeVal) { case Type.StructProperty: s += " \"" + pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " bytes"; break; case Type.IntProperty: case Type.ObjectProperty: case Type.BoolProperty: case Type.StringRefProperty: s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString(); break; case Type.FloatProperty: byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue); float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0); s += " Value: " + f.ToString(); break; case Type.NameProperty: s += " " + pcc.Names[p.Value.IntValue]; break; case Type.ByteProperty: s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\" with \"" + pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue) + "\""; break; case Type.ArrayProperty: s += " bytes"; //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements"; break; case Type.StrProperty: if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0) { break; } s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue.Substring(0, p.Value.StringValue.Length - 1); break; } return(s); }
public TreeNode FindSequences(PCCObject pcc, int index, bool wantFullName = false) { TreeNode ret = new TreeNode("#" + index.ToString() + ": " + (wantFullName ? pcc.Exports[index].GetFullPath : pcc.Exports[index].ObjectName)); ret.Name = index.ToString(); Sequence seq = new Sequence(pcc, index); if (seq.SequenceObjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < seq.SequenceObjects.Count(); i++) { if (pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1].ClassName == "Sequence" || pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1].ClassName.StartsWith("PrefabSequence")) { TreeNode t = FindSequences(pcc, seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1, wantFullName); ret.Nodes.Add(t); } else if (pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1].ClassName == "SequenceReference") { var props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1]); var propSequenceReference = props.FirstOrDefault(p => pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name).Equals("oSequenceReference")); if (propSequenceReference != null) { TreeNode t = FindSequences(pcc, propSequenceReference.Value.IntValue - 1, wantFullName); ret.Nodes.Add(t); } } } } return(ret); }
public AnimSet(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) { data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; } Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[Index]); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; Sequences = new List <int>(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "PreviewSkelMeshName": PreviewSkelMeshName = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "m_pBioAnimSetData": m_pBioAnimSetData = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(m_pBioAnimSetData - 1) && pcc.Exports[m_pBioAnimSetData - 1].ClassName == "BioAnimSetData") { SetData = new BioAnimSetData(pcc, m_pBioAnimSetData - 1); } break; case "Sequences": ReadSequences(p.raw); break; } } }
public BioAnimSetData(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) { data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; } Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[Index]); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; TrackBoneNames = new List <string>(); UseTranslationBoneNames = new List <string>(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bAnimRotationOnly": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) { bAnimRotationOnly = true; } break; case "TrackBoneNames": ReadTBN(p.raw); break; case "UseTranslationBoneNames": ReadUTBN(p.raw); break; } } }
public StaticMeshCollectionActor(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) { data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; } Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[Index]); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bCanStepUpOn": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) { bCanStepUpOn = true; } break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CreationTime": CreationTime = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; } } ReadObjects(); ReadMatrices(); }
private static Type getType(PCCObject pcc, int type) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(type)) { case "None": return(Type.None); case "StructProperty": return(Type.StructProperty); case "IntProperty": return(Type.IntProperty); case "FloatProperty": return(Type.FloatProperty); case "ObjectProperty": return(Type.ObjectProperty); case "NameProperty": return(Type.NameProperty); case "BoolProperty": return(Type.BoolProperty); case "ByteProperty": return(Type.ByteProperty); case "ArrayProperty": return(Type.ArrayProperty); case "DelegateProperty": return(Type.DelegateProperty); case "StrProperty": return(Type.StrProperty); case "StringRefProperty": return(Type.StringRefProperty); default: return(Type.Unknown); } }
private static PropertyValue ReadValue(PCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start, int type) { PropertyValue v = new PropertyValue(); switch (pcc.getNameEntry(type)) { case "IntProperty": case "FloatProperty": case "ObjectProperty": case "StringRefProperty": v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start); v.len = 4; break; case "NameProperty": v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start); v.len = 8; break; case "BoolProperty": if (start < raw.Length) { v.IntValue = raw[start]; } v.len = 1; break; } return(v); }
public void ReadAnimGroups(byte[] raw) { int count = GetArrayCount(raw); byte[] buff = GetArrayContent(raw); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { List <PropertyReader.Property> pp = PropertyReader.ReadProp(pcc, buff, pos); pos = pp[pp.Count - 1].offend; AnimGroupEntry e = new AnimGroupEntry(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in pp) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "GroupName": e.GroupName = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); break; case "RateScale": e.RateScale = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "SynchPctPosition": e.SynchPctPosition = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; } } AnimGroups.Add(e); } }
public LightVolume(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) { data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; } Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[Index]); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { #region case "bColored": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) { bColored = true; } break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Brush": Brush = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BrushComponent": BrushComponent = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(BrushComponent - 1) && pcc.Exports[BrushComponent - 1].ClassName == "BrushComponent") { brush = new BrushComponent(pcc, BrushComponent - 1); } break; case "CollisionComponent": CollisionComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CreationTime": CreationTime = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; #endregion } } MyMatrix = Matrix.Translation(location); }
private void textBox3_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i=0; if (Int32.TryParse(textBox3.Text, out i)) { label5.Text = "Preview: " + pcc.getNameEntry(i); } else { label5.Text = "Preview: fail"; } }
public void RefreshSummary() { string res = ""; if (Index == -1) { return; } if (isExport) { res += "1.Make a clone of export #" + Index + "\n"; } else { res += "1.Make a clone of import #" + Index + "\n"; } res += "2.Use name : " + pcc.getNameEntry(listBox9.SelectedIndex) + "\n"; if (isExport) { res += "3.Use class : "; if (listBox3.SelectedIndex != -1) { res += pcc.Exports[listBox3.SelectedIndex].ObjectName; } if (listBox4.SelectedIndex != -1) { res += pcc.Imports[listBox4.SelectedIndex].ObjectName; } if (listBox7.SelectedIndex != -1) { res += "Class"; } res += "\n"; } else { res += "3.Use class : " + pcc.Imports[Index].ClassName + "\n"; } res += "4.Use data len = " + hb1.ByteProvider.Length + " bytes\n5.Use link : "; if (listBox5.SelectedIndex != -1) { res += getExportPath(listBox5.SelectedIndex); } if (listBox6.SelectedIndex != -1) { res += getImportPath(listBox6.SelectedIndex); } if (listBox8.SelectedIndex != -1) { res += "Root"; } rtb1.Text = res; }
public void ReadChildren(byte[] raw) { int count = GetArrayCount(raw); byte[] buff = GetArrayContent(raw); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { List <PropertyReader.Property> pp = PropertyReader.ReadProp(pcc, buff, pos); pos = pp[pp.Count - 1].offend; ChildrenEntry e = new ChildrenEntry(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in pp) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "Name": e.Name = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); break; case "Weight": e.Weight = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "Anim": e.Anim = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "bMirrorSkeleton": e.bMirrorSkeleton = (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1); break; case "bIsAdditive": e.bIsAdditive = (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1); break; } } Children.Add(e); } }
public void ReadMesh(byte[] raw) { byte[] t1 = new byte[raw.Length - 32]; for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length - 32; i++) { t1[i] = raw[i + 32]; } int size1 = GetArraySize(t1); byte[] t2 = new byte[size1]; for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) { t2[i] = t1[i + 28]; } List <PropertyReader.Property> pp = PropertyReader.ReadProp(pcc, t2, 0); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in pp) { string name = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name); switch (name) { case "VertexData": ReadVertices(p.raw); break; case "FaceTriData": ReadFaces(p.raw); break; } } if (Vertices != null && Faces != null) { BrushMesh = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[Faces.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Faces.Length; i++) { BrushMesh[i] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(Vertices[Faces[i]], Color.Orange.ToArgb()); } } }
public void ReadGUIDs(byte[] buff) { props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, buff); int pos = props[props.Count - 1].offend; int count = BitConverter.ToInt32(buff, pos); pos += 4; GUIDs = new List <GuidEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { GuidEntry g = new GuidEntry(); g.NameIdx = BitConverter.ToInt32(buff, pos); g.Name = pcc.getNameEntry(g.NameIdx); g.GUID = new byte[16]; for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { g.GUID[j] = buff[pos + j + 8]; } GUIDs.Add(g); pos += 24; } }
public void ReadObjects() { int entry = -1; for (int i = 0; i < Props.Count; i++) { if (pcc.getNameEntry(Props[i].Name) == "StaticMeshComponents") { entry = i; } } if (entry == -1) { return; } int count = BitConverter.ToInt32(Props[entry].raw, 24); DebugOutput.PrintLn("#" + MyIndex + " StaticMeshCollectionActor : reading " + count + " objects..."); Entries = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Entries.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(Props[entry].raw, i * 4 + 28) - 1); } STMC = new List <StaticMeshComponent>(); foreach (int idx in Entries) { if (pcc.isExport(idx) && pcc.Exports[idx].ClassName == "StaticMeshComponent") { STMC.Add(new StaticMeshComponent(pcc, idx)); } else { STMC.Add(null); } DebugOutput.Print(".", false); } DebugOutput.PrintLn(""); }
public static string PropertyToText(Property p, PCCObject pcc) { string s = ""; s = "Name: " + p.Name; s += ", Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal); s += ", Size: " + p.Size + ","; switch (p.TypeVal) { case Type.StructProperty: s += " \"" + pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Size + " bytes"; break; case Type.IntProperty: case Type.ObjectProperty: case Type.StringRefProperty: s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString(); break; case Type.BoolProperty: s += " Value: " + (p.raw[24] == 1); break; case Type.FloatProperty: s += " Value: " + p.Value.FloatValue; break; case Type.NameProperty: s += " " + p.Value.StringValue; break; case Type.ByteProperty: s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\", with int: " + p.Value.IntValue; break; case Type.ArrayProperty: s += " bytes"; //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements"; break; case Type.StrProperty: if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0) { break; } s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue; break; } return(s); }
public BioPlaypenVolumeAdditive(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) { data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; } Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[Index]); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Brush": Brush = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BrushComponent": BrushComponent = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(BrushComponent - 1) && pcc.Exports[BrushComponent - 1].ClassName == "BrushComponent") { brush = new BrushComponent(pcc, BrushComponent - 1); } break; case "CollisionComponent": CollisionComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "location": location.X = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12); location.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8); location.Z = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; } } MyMatrix = Matrix.Translation(location); }
public AnimTree(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) { data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; } Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[Index]); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; AnimGroups = new List <AnimGroupEntry>(); ComposePrePassBoneNames = new List <string>(); SkelControlLists = new List <SkelControlListEntry>(); Children = new List <ChildrenEntry>(); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "NodeTotalWeight": NodeTotalWeight = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "AnimGroups": ReadAnimGroups(p.raw); break; case "ComposePrePassBoneNames": ReadPrePassBoneNames(p.raw); break; case "SkelControlLists": ReadSkelControlLists(p.raw); break; case "Children": ReadChildren(p.raw); break; } } }
public TreeNode ToTree() { TreeNode res = new TreeNode(pcc.Exports[MyIndex].ObjectName + "(#" + MyIndex + ")"); res.Nodes.Add("RotationCompressionFormat : " + pcc.getNameEntry(RotationCompressionFormat)); res.Nodes.Add("KeyEncodingFormat : " + pcc.getNameEntry(KeyEncodingFormat)); res.Nodes.Add("bIsAdditive : " + bIsAdditive); res.Nodes.Add("bNoLoopingInterpolation : " + bNoLoopingInterpolation); res.Nodes.Add("SequenceName : " + pcc.getNameEntry(SequenceName)); res.Nodes.Add("m_pBioAnimSetData : " + m_pBioAnimSetData); res.Nodes.Add("SequenceLength : " + SequenceLength); res.Nodes.Add("RateScale : " + RateScale); res.Nodes.Add("NumFrames : " + NumFrames); res.Nodes.Add(TracksToTree()); return(res); }
public WwiseAmbientSound(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) { data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; } Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bAutoPlay": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) { bAutoPlay = true; } break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "UniqueTag": UniqueTag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; } } MyMatrix = Matrix.Translation(location); GenerateMesh(); }
public TreeNode ToTree() { TreeNode res = new TreeNode(pcc.Exports[MyIndex].ObjectName + "(#" + MyIndex + ")"); res.Nodes.Add("FilterMode : " + pcc.getNameEntry(FilterMode)); res.Nodes.Add("bAcceptsDynamicDecals : " + bAcceptsDynamicDecals); res.Nodes.Add("bFlipBackfaceDirection : " + bFlipBackfaceDirection); res.Nodes.Add("bProjectOnBackfaces : " + bProjectOnBackfaces); res.Nodes.Add("bNoClip : " + bNoClip); res.Nodes.Add("bAcceptsLights : " + bAcceptsLights); res.Nodes.Add("bAllowCullDistanceVolume : " + bAllowCullDistanceVolume); res.Nodes.Add("bProjectOnBSP : " + bProjectOnBSP); res.Nodes.Add("bProjectOnSkeletalMeshes : " + bProjectOnSkeletalMeshes); res.Nodes.Add("bProjectOnTerrain : " + bProjectOnTerrain); res.Nodes.Add("DecalMaterial : " + DecalMaterial); res.Nodes.Add("ReplacementPrimitive : " + ReplacementPrimitive); res.Nodes.Add("Width : " + Width); res.Nodes.Add("Height : " + Height); res.Nodes.Add("FarPlane : " + FarPlane); res.Nodes.Add("TileX : " + TileX); res.Nodes.Add("TileY : " + TileY); res.Nodes.Add("NearPlane : " + NearPlane); res.Nodes.Add("DecalRotation : " + DecalRotation); res.Nodes.Add("OffsetX : " + OffsetX); res.Nodes.Add("DepthBias : " + DepthBias); res.Nodes.Add("SlopeScaleDepthBias : " + SlopeScaleDepthBias); res.Nodes.Add("OffsetY : " + OffsetY); res.Nodes.Add("MaxDrawDistance : " + MaxDrawDistance); res.Nodes.Add("CachedMaxDrawDistance : " + CachedMaxDrawDistance); res.Nodes.Add("SortOrder : " + SortOrder); res.Nodes.Add("TranslucencySortPriority : " + TranslucencySortPriority); res.Nodes.Add("LocalTranslucencySortPriority : " + LocalTranslucencySortPriority); return(res); }