public GameObject CreateSticker(PPPrefabInfo info, Action loadFinish = null) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("PPPrefabInfo can't be null!"); } string matPath = Path.Combine(AppBlockPath(BlockPath.Sticker_Material_Dir), info.Name); var modelPath = Path.Combine(PrefixPath, info.Model + "/" + info.Model + ".gltf"); GameObject sticker = null; sticker = PTGLTFLoader.loadGltf(modelPath, () => { var stickerRoot = sticker.transform.Find("Root Scene"); var render = stickerRoot == null ? null : stickerRoot.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>(true); if (render != null) { Material mat = PBMatLoader.LoadTextureMatAsset(matPath, info.Texture, true); render.receiveShadows = false; render.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; render.sharedMaterial = mat; } else { PTDebug.LogError("Sticker:<color=#FF00FF>{0}</color> load failed! Model:<color=#FF00FF>{1}</color>", info.Name, info.Model); } loadFinish.InvokeGracefully(); }, OnInitializeGltfObject); blockObj.Add(sticker); return(sticker); }
public GameObject CreateTexture(PPPrefabTexInfo info, Action loadFinish = null) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("PPPrefabInfo can't be null!"); } var prefabName = info.Name; string matPath = Path.Combine(AppBlockPath(BlockPath.Texture_Material_Dir), prefabName); var model = info.Model; var modelPath = Path.Combine(AppBlockPath(BlockPath.Texture_Fbx_Dir), model); modelPath = modelPath + "/" + model + ".gltf"; GameObject texObj = null; texObj = PTGLTFLoader.loadGltf(modelPath, () => { var texRoot = texObj.transform.Find("Root Scene"); var render = texRoot == null ? null : texRoot.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>(true); if (render != null) { Material mat = PBMatLoader.LoadTextureMatAsset(matPath, info.Texture, false); render.receiveShadows = false; render.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off; render.material = mat; } else { PTDebug.LogError("Texture:<color=#FF00FF>{0}</color> load failed! Model:<color=#FF00FF>{1}</color>", prefabName, model); } loadFinish.InvokeGracefully(); }, OnInitializeGltfObject); = prefabName; blockObj.Add(texObj); return(texObj); }