コード例 #1
 public static void ValidateGender(PBEAlphabeticalList <PBEGender> valid, PBEGender value)
     if (!valid.Contains(value))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value));
コード例 #2
        public static Bitmap GetMinispriteBitmap(PBESpecies species, PBEForm form, PBEGender gender, bool shiny)
            string speciesStr = PBEDataUtils.GetNameOfForm(species, form) ?? species.ToString();
            string genderStr  = gender == PBEGender.Female && HasFemaleSprite(species, true) ? "_F" : string.Empty;

            return(new Bitmap(GetResourceStream("PKMN.PKMN_" + speciesStr + (shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty) + genderStr + ".png")));
コード例 #3
 public Pokedex()
     _data = new Dictionary <PBESpecies, Dictionary <PBEForm, Dictionary <PBEGender, Entry> > >((int)PBESpecies.MAX);
     for (var species = (PBESpecies)1; species < PBESpecies.MAX; species++)
         PBEGender[]             genders = GetGenderKeys(species);
         IReadOnlyList <PBEForm> forms   = PBEDataUtils.GetForms(species, false);
         if (forms.Count == 0)
             forms = new PBEForm[] { 0 };
         var formDict = new Dictionary <PBEForm, Dictionary <PBEGender, Entry> >(forms.Count);
         for (int f = 0; f < forms.Count; f++)
             PBEForm form       = forms[f];
             var     genderDict = new Dictionary <PBEGender, Entry>(genders.Length);
             for (int g = 0; g < genders.Length; g++)
                 PBEGender gender = genders[g];
                 genderDict.Add(gender, new Entry(species, form, gender));
             formDict.Add(form, genderDict);
         _data.Add(species, formDict);
コード例 #4
        public static Sprite GetMinisprite(PBESpecies species, PBEForm form, PBEGender gender, bool shiny)
            string speciesStr = PBEDataUtils.GetNameOfForm(species, form) ?? species.ToString();
            string genderStr  = gender == PBEGender.Female && HasFemaleSprite(species, true) ? "_F" : string.Empty;

            return(Sprite.LoadOrGet("Pkmn.PKMN_" + speciesStr + (shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty) + genderStr + ".png"));
コード例 #5
 public static PBELocalizedString GetGenderName(PBEGender gender)
     if (gender >= PBEGender.MAX)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(gender));
     return(new PBELocalizedString(PBEUtils.QueryDatabase <SearchResult>(string.Format(QueryId, "GenderNames", (byte)gender))[0]));
コード例 #6
        public static Bitmap GetMinisprite(PBESpecies species, PBEGender gender, bool shiny)
            ushort speciesID = (ushort)species;
            uint   formID    = (uint)species >> 0x10;
            string sss       = speciesID + (formID > 0 ? ("_" + formID) : string.Empty) + (shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty);
            string genderStr = gender == PBEGender.Female && DoesResourceExist("PKMN.PKMN_" + sss + "_F.png") ? "_F" : string.Empty;

            return(new Bitmap(GetResourceStream("PKMN.PKMN_" + sss + genderStr + ".png")));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: W3SS/PokemonBattleEngine
        public static Bitmap GetMinisprite(PBESpecies species, PBEGender gender, bool shiny)
            uint   speciesID             = (uint)species & 0xFFFF;
            uint   formeID               = (uint)species >> 0x10;
            string sss                   = $"{speciesID}{(formeID > 0 ? $"_{formeID}" : string.Empty)}{(shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty)}";
            bool   spriteIsGenderNeutral = DoesResourceExist($"Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineClient.PKMN.PKMN_{sss}.png");
            string genderStr             = spriteIsGenderNeutral ? string.Empty : gender == PBEGender.Female ? "_F" : "_M";

            return(UriToBitmap(new Uri($"resm:Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineClient.PKMN.PKMN_{sss}{genderStr}.png?assembly=PokemonBattleEngineClient")));
コード例 #8
        public void SetSeen(PBESpecies species, PBEForm form, PBEGender gender, bool shiny, uint pid)
            gender = GetGenderKey(species, gender);
            Entry en = _data[species][form][gender];

            SetSpindaPIDIfFirstSpinda(en, pid);
            if (!en.Seen)
                en.IsShiny = shiny;
            en.Seen = true;
コード例 #9
        public unsafe void UpdateInfoBar()
            fixed(uint *bmpAddress = InfoBarImg.Bitmap)
                RenderUtils.OverwriteRectangle(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, RenderUtils.Color(48, 48, 48, 128));
                // Nickname
                Font.DefaultSmall.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, 2, 3, Pkmn.KnownNickname, Font.DefaultWhite_I);
                // Gender
                PBEGender gender = _useKnownInfo && !Pkmn.KnownStatus2.HasFlag(PBEStatus2.Transformed) ? Pkmn.KnownGender : Pkmn.Gender;

                if (gender != PBEGender.Genderless)
                    Font.Default.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, 51, -2, gender.ToSymbol(), gender == PBEGender.Male ? Font.DefaultBlue_O : Font.DefaultRed_O);
                // Level
                const int lvX = 62;

                Font.PartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, lvX, 3, "[LV]", Font.DefaultWhite_I);
                Font.PartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, lvX + 12, 3, Pkmn.Level.ToString(), Font.DefaultWhite_I);
                // Caught
                if (_useKnownInfo && Pkmn.IsWild && Game.Instance.Save.Pokedex.IsCaught(Pkmn.KnownSpecies))
                    Font.Default.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, 2, 12, "*", Font.DefaultRed_O);
                // Status
                PBEStatus1 status = Pkmn.Status1;

                if (status != PBEStatus1.None)
                    Font.DefaultSmall.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, 30, 13, status.ToString(), Font.DefaultWhite_I);
                // HP
                if (!_useKnownInfo)
                    string str = Pkmn.HP.ToString();
                    Font.PartyNumbers.MeasureString(str, out int strW, out int _);
                    Font.PartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, 45 - strW, 28, str, Font.DefaultWhite_I);
                    Font.PartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, 46, 28, "/" + Pkmn.MaxHP, Font.DefaultWhite_I);

                const int lineStartX = 9;
                const int lineW      = 82;

                RenderUtils.HP_TripleLine(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, lineStartX, 23, lineW, Pkmn.HPPercentage);

                // EXP
                if (!_useKnownInfo)
                    RenderUtils.EXP_SingleLine(bmpAddress, InfoBarImg.Width, InfoBarImg.Height, lineStartX, 37, lineW, Pkmn.EXP, Pkmn.Level, Pkmn.Species, Pkmn.RevertForm);
コード例 #10
            private unsafe void Draw(uint *bmpAddress, int bmpWidth, int bmpHeight)
                _slot.DrawOn(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 0, 0);
                if (SPkmn is null)                                                      // Effectively the same as IsDisabled
                    RenderUtils.FillColor(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 0x80313131); // Looks bad because it also affects the transparent bits

                PBEBattlePokemon pkmn             = SPkmn.Pkmn;
                Font             fontDefault      = Font.Default;
                Font             fontPartyNumbers = Font.PartyNumbers;

                uint[] defaultWhite = Font.DefaultWhite;

                fontDefault.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 31, 6, pkmn.Nickname, defaultWhite);
                fontPartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 7, 31, "[LV]", defaultWhite);
                fontPartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 19, 31, pkmn.Level.ToString(), defaultWhite);
                string str = pkmn.HP.ToString();

                fontPartyNumbers.MeasureString(str, out int strW, out int _);
                fontPartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 87 - strW, 31, str, defaultWhite);
                fontPartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 88, 31, "/" + pkmn.MaxHP, defaultWhite);
                PBEGender gender = pkmn.Gender;

                if (gender != PBEGender.Genderless)
                    fontDefault.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 113, 6, gender.ToSymbol(), gender == PBEGender.Male ? Font.DefaultMale : Font.DefaultFemale);

                SPkmn.Minisprite.DrawOn(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 0 - 1, 0 - 1);

                // Draw HP
                const int lineStartX = 64;
                const int lineStartY = 27;
                const int lineW      = 48;

                RenderUtils.FillColor(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, lineStartX - 1, lineStartY - 1, lineW + 2, 4, 0xFF313131);
                RenderUtils.FillColor(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, lineStartX, lineStartY, lineW, 2, 0xFF212121);
                double hpp  = pkmn.HPPercentage;
                int    theW = (int)(lineW * hpp);

                if (theW == 0 && hpp > 0)
                    theW = 1;
                RenderUtils.DrawHorizontalLine(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, lineStartX, lineStartY, theW, 0xFF63FF63);
                RenderUtils.DrawHorizontalLine(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, lineStartX, lineStartY + 1, theW, 0xFF18C621);
                _hpText.DrawOn(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 47, 23);
コード例 #11
        public static PBEReadOnlyLocalizedString GetGenderName(PBEGender gender)
            if (gender >= PBEGender.MAX)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(gender));
            List <SearchResult> results = PBEDefaultDataProvider.Instance.QueryDatabase <SearchResult>(string.Format(QueryId, "GenderNames", gender));

            if (results.Count == 1)
                return(new PBEReadOnlyLocalizedString(results[0]));
            throw new InvalidDataException();
コード例 #12
 public static Sprite GetPokemonSprite(PBESpecies species, PBEForm form, PBEGender gender, bool shiny, bool backSprite, bool behindSubstitute)
     if (behindSubstitute)
         return(backSprite ? _substituteBackSprite : _substituteFrontSprite);
         string speciesStr  = PBEDataUtils.GetNameOfForm(species, form) ?? species.ToString();
         string orientation = backSprite ? "_B" : "_F";
         string genderStr   = gender == PBEGender.Female && HasFemaleSprite(species, false) ? "_F" : string.Empty;
         return(Sprite.LoadOrGet("Pkmn.PKMN_" + speciesStr + orientation + (shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty) + genderStr + ".gif"));
コード例 #13
 internal PBESwitchInInfo(byte pkmnId, byte disguisedAsId, PBESpecies species, string nickname, byte level, bool shiny, PBEGender gender, ushort hp, ushort maxHP, double hpPercentage, PBEStatus1 status1, PBEFieldPosition fieldPosition)
     PokemonId     = pkmnId;
     DisguisedAsId = disguisedAsId;
     Species       = species;
     Nickname      = nickname;
     Level         = level;
     Shiny         = shiny;
     Gender        = gender;
     HP            = hp;
     MaxHP         = maxHP;
     HPPercentage  = hpPercentage;
     Status1       = status1;
     FieldPosition = fieldPosition;
コード例 #14
        public static Stream GetPokemonSpriteStream(PBESpecies species, bool shiny, PBEGender gender, bool behindSubstitute, bool backSprite)
            string orientation = backSprite ? "_B" : "_F";

            if (behindSubstitute)
                return(GetResourceStream("PKMN.STATUS2_Substitute" + orientation + ".gif"));
                ushort speciesID = (ushort)species;
                uint   formID    = (uint)species >> 0x10;
                string sss       = speciesID + (formID > 0 ? ("_" + formID) : string.Empty) + orientation + (shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty);
                string genderStr = gender == PBEGender.Female && DoesResourceExist("PKMN.PKMN_" + sss + "_F.gif") ? "_F" : string.Empty;
                return(GetResourceStream("PKMN.PKMN_" + sss + genderStr + ".gif"));
コード例 #15
        public static string GetPokemonSprite(PBESpecies species, bool shiny, PBEGender gender, bool behindSubstitute, bool backSprite)
            const string path        = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kermalis/PokemonBattleEngine/master/Shared%20Assets/PKMN/";
            string       orientation = backSprite ? "_B" : "_F";

            if (behindSubstitute)
                return(path + "STATUS2_Substitute" + orientation + ".gif");
                ushort speciesID = (ushort)species;
                uint   formID    = (uint)species >> 0x10;
                string sss       = speciesID + (formID > 0 ? ("_" + formID) : string.Empty) + orientation + (shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty);
                string genderStr = gender == PBEGender.Female && URLExists(path + "PKMN_" + sss + "_F.gif") ? "_F" : string.Empty;
                return(path + "PKMN_" + sss + genderStr + ".gif");
コード例 #16
        public static string GetPokemonSprite(PBESpecies species, bool shiny, PBEGender gender, bool behindSubstitute, bool backSprite)
            string orientation = backSprite ? "_B" : "_F";

            if (behindSubstitute)
                uint   speciesID             = (uint)species & 0xFFFF;
                uint   formeID               = (uint)species >> 0x10;
                string sss                   = $"{speciesID}{(formeID > 0 ? $"_{formeID}" : string.Empty)}{orientation}{(shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty)}";
                bool   spriteIsGenderNeutral = URLExists($"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kermalis/PokemonBattleEngine/master/Shared%20Assets/PKMN/PKMN_{sss}.gif");
                string genderStr             = spriteIsGenderNeutral ? string.Empty : gender == PBEGender.Female ? "_F" : "_M";
コード例 #17
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: W3SS/PokemonBattleEngine
        public static Uri GetPokemonSpriteUri(PBESpecies species, bool shiny, PBEGender gender, bool behindSubstitute, bool backSprite)
            string orientation = backSprite ? "_B" : "_F";

            if (behindSubstitute)
                return(new Uri($"resm:Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineClient.PKMN.STATUS2_Substitute{orientation}.gif?assembly=PokemonBattleEngineClient"));
                uint   speciesID             = (uint)species & 0xFFFF;
                uint   formeID               = (uint)species >> 0x10;
                string sss                   = $"{speciesID}{(formeID > 0 ? $"_{formeID}" : string.Empty)}{orientation}{(shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty)}";
                bool   spriteIsGenderNeutral = DoesResourceExist($"Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineClient.PKMN.PKMN_{sss}.gif");
                string genderStr             = spriteIsGenderNeutral ? string.Empty : gender == PBEGender.Female ? "_F" : "_M";
                return(new Uri($"resm:Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineClient.PKMN.PKMN_{sss}{genderStr}.gif?assembly=PokemonBattleEngineClient"));
コード例 #18
        private unsafe void RenderPkmnInfo(uint *bmpAddress, int bmpWidth, int bmpHeight, float x, float y, bool ally, SpritedBattlePokemon sPkmn)
            Font fontDefault = Font.Default;

            PBEBattlePokemon pkmn = sPkmn.Pkmn;

            fontDefault.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, (int)(bmpWidth * x), (int)(bmpHeight * (y + 0.00f)), pkmn.KnownNickname, Font.DefaultWhite);
            string prefix = ally ? pkmn.HP.ToString() + "/" + pkmn.MaxHP.ToString() + " - " : string.Empty;

            fontDefault.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, (int)(bmpWidth * x), (int)(bmpHeight * (y + 0.06f)), prefix + pkmn.HPPercentage.ToString("P2"), Font.DefaultWhite);
            fontDefault.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, (int)(bmpWidth * x), (int)(bmpHeight * (y + 0.12f)), "Level " + pkmn.Level.ToString(), Font.DefaultWhite);
            fontDefault.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, (int)(bmpWidth * x), (int)(bmpHeight * (y + 0.18f)), "Status: " + pkmn.Status1.ToString(), Font.DefaultWhite);
            PBEGender gender = pkmn.KnownGender;

            if (gender != PBEGender.Genderless)
                fontDefault.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, (int)(bmpWidth * x), (int)(bmpHeight * (y + 0.24f)), gender.ToSymbol(), gender == PBEGender.Male ? Font.DefaultMale : Font.DefaultFemale);
コード例 #19
        private unsafe void DrawBackground(uint *bmpAddress, int bmpWidth, int bmpHeight)
            RenderUtils.OverwriteRectangle(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, _color);
            // Shadow
            RenderUtils.FillEllipse_Points(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 3, 34, 29, 39, RenderUtils.Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
            // Nickname
            PartyPokemon p = _usePartyPkmn ? _partyPkmn : _battlePkmn.PartyPkmn;

            Font.DefaultSmall.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 2, 3, p.Nickname, Font.DefaultWhite_I);
            if (p.IsEgg)
            PBEBattlePokemon bPkmn = _usePartyPkmn ? null : _battlePkmn.Pkmn;
            // Gender
            PBEGender gender = p.Gender;

            if (gender != PBEGender.Genderless)
                Font.Default.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 61, -2, gender.ToSymbol(), gender == PBEGender.Male ? Font.DefaultBlue_O : Font.DefaultRed_O);
            // Level
            const int lvX = 72;

            Font.PartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, lvX, 3, "[LV]", Font.DefaultWhite_I);
            Font.PartyNumbers.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, lvX + 12, 3, (_usePartyPkmn ? p.Level : bPkmn.Level).ToString(), Font.DefaultWhite_I);
            // Status
            PBEStatus1 status = _usePartyPkmn ? p.Status1 : bPkmn.Status1;

            if (status != PBEStatus1.None)
                Font.DefaultSmall.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 61, 13, status.ToString(), Font.DefaultWhite_I);
            // Item
            ItemType item = _usePartyPkmn ? p.Item : (ItemType)bPkmn.Item;

            if (item != ItemType.None)
                Font.DefaultSmall.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, 61, 23, ItemData.GetItemName(item), Font.DefaultWhite_I);
コード例 #20
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: W3SS/PokemonBattleEngine
        public static ImageSource GetPokemonSprite(PBESpecies species, bool shiny, PBEGender gender, bool behindSubstitute, bool backSprite, out short width, out short height)
            string resource;
            string orientation = backSprite ? "_B" : "_F";

            if (behindSubstitute)
                resource = $"Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineMobile.PKMN.STATUS2_Substitute{orientation}.gif";
                uint   speciesID             = (uint)species & 0xFFFF;
                uint   formeID               = (uint)species >> 0x10;
                string sss                   = $"{speciesID}{(formeID > 0 ? $"_{formeID}" : string.Empty)}{orientation}{(shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty)}";
                bool   spriteIsGenderNeutral = DoesResourceExist($"Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineMobile.PKMN.PKMN_{sss}.gif");
                string genderStr             = spriteIsGenderNeutral ? string.Empty : gender == PBEGender.Female ? "_F" : "_M";
                resource = $"Kermalis.PokemonBattleEngineMobile.PKMN.PKMN_{sss}{genderStr}.gif";
            GetGifResourceWidthAndHeight(resource, out width, out height);
コード例 #21
 public abstract IPBEReadOnlyLocalizedString GetGenderName(PBEGender gender);
コード例 #22
 public Entry(PBESpecies species, PBEForm form, PBEGender gender)
     Species = species;
     Form    = form;
     Gender  = gender;
コード例 #23
 private static PBEGender GetGenderKey(PBESpecies species, PBEGender gender)
     return(PokemonImageUtils.HasFemaleVersion(species, false) ? gender : PBEGender.MAX);
コード例 #24
 public virtual IPBELocalizedString GetGenderName(PBEGender gender)
コード例 #25
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: yukideee/PokemonBattleEngine
 public static bool IsOppositeGender(this PBEGender gender, PBEGender otherGender)
     return(gender != PBEGender.Genderless && otherGender != PBEGender.Genderless && gender != otherGender);
コード例 #26
 public static BoxPokemon CreateDaycareEgg(PBESpecies species, PBEForm form, PBEGender gender, byte cycles, byte level, uint exp, bool shiny,
                                           PBENature nature, (AbilityType Type, PBEAbility Abil) ability, IVs ivs, BoxMoveset moves)
コード例 #27
        public static string GetPokemonSprite(PBESpecies species, PBEForm form, bool shiny, PBEGender gender, bool behindSubstitute, bool backSprite)
            string orientation = backSprite ? "_B" : "_F";

            if (behindSubstitute)
                return(ImageURL + "STATUS2_Substitute" + orientation + ".gif");
                string speciesStr = PBEDataUtils.GetNameOfForm(species, form) ?? species.ToString();
                string genderStr  = gender == PBEGender.Female && HasFemaleSprite(species) ? "_F" : string.Empty;
                return(ImageURL + "PKMN_" + speciesStr + orientation + (shiny ? "_S" : string.Empty) + genderStr + ".gif");
コード例 #28
 public static string ToSymbol(this PBEGender gender)
     return(gender == PBEGender.Female ? "♀" : gender == PBEGender.Male ? "♂" : string.Empty);