コード例 #1
 public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise)
     if (pos.Y == 61)                                                                            // rivers at sea level
         chunk.SetBlock(new Position(pos.X, 61, pos.Z), Registry.GetBlock(Material.FrostedIce)); // TODO: this is mega broken
コード例 #2
        public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise)
            int worldX = (chunk.X << 4) + (int)pos.X;
            int worldZ = (chunk.Z << 4) + (int)pos.Z;

            var sand      = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.SnowBlock);
            var sandstone = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.PackedIce);
            var deadbush  = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.Snow);
            var cactus    = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.FrostedIce);

            for (int y = 0; y > -4; y--)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), sand);
            for (int y = -4; y > -7; y--)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), sandstone);

            var bushNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 0, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (bushNoise > 0 && bushNoise < 0.05) // 5% chance for bush
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), deadbush);

            var cactusNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 1, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (cactusNoise > 0 && cactusNoise < 0.01) // 1% chance for cactus
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), cactus);
コード例 #3
        public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Vector pos, OverworldNoise noise)
            int worldX = (chunk.X << 4) + pos.X;
            int worldZ = (chunk.Z << 4) + pos.Z;

            var sand      = Registry.GetBlock(Material.Sand);
            var sandstone = Registry.GetBlock(Material.Sandstone);
            var deadbush  = Registry.GetBlock(Material.DeadBush);
            var cactus    = Registry.GetBlock(Material.Cactus);

            for (int y = 0; y > -4; y--)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), sand);
            for (int y = -4; y > -7; y--)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), sandstone);

            var bushNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 0, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (bushNoise > 0 && bushNoise < 0.05) // 5% chance for bush
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), deadbush);

            var cactusNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 1, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (cactusNoise > 0 && cactusNoise < 0.01) // 1% chance for cactus
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), cactus);
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 2, 0), cactus);
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 3, 0), cactus);
コード例 #4
ファイル: RiverDecorator.cs プロジェクト: TheBunnies/Obsidian
 public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise)
     if (pos.Y < 65)
         chunk.SetBlock(pos, Registry.GetBlock(Materials.Gravel));
コード例 #5
 public static void Decorate(Chunk chunk, double[,] terrainHeightMap, OverworldNoise noise)
     for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
         for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
             var        b         = ChunkBiome.GetBiome((chunk.X << 4) + x, (chunk.Z << 4) + z, noise);
             IDecorator decorator = DecoratorFactory.GetDecorator(b);
             var        blockPos  = new Vector(x, (int)terrainHeightMap[x, z], z);
             decorator.Decorate(chunk, blockPos, noise);
コード例 #6
        public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise)
            int worldX = (chunk.X << 4) + (int)pos.X;
            int worldZ = (chunk.Z << 4) + (int)pos.Z;

            var sand     = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.RedSand);
            var deadbush = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.DeadBush);
            var cactus   = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.Cactus);

            chunk.SetBlock(pos, sand);
            for (int y = -1; y > -15; y--)
                var a = (pos.Y + y) % 15;
                if (a == 15)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.BrownTerracotta));
                else if (a == 14)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.WhiteTerracotta));
                else if (a == 13)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.GrayTerracotta));
                else if (a >= 11)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.YellowTerracotta));
                else if (a == 8 || a == 9)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.RedTerracotta));
                else if (a == 6)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.OrangeTerracotta));
                else if (a == 3)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.YellowTerracotta));
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Materials.Terracotta));

            var bushNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 0, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (bushNoise > 0 && bushNoise < 0.01) // 1% chance for bush
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), deadbush);

            var cactusNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 1, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (cactusNoise > 0 && cactusNoise < 0.005) // 0.5% chance for cactus
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), cactus);
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 2, 0), cactus);
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 3, 0), cactus);
コード例 #7
        public OverworldGenerator(string seed) : base("overworld")
            var seedHash = BitConverter.ToInt32(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(seed)));

            noiseGen = new OverworldNoise(seedHash);
コード例 #8
ファイル: PlainsDecorator.cs プロジェクト: it19862/Obsidian
        public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise)
            int worldX = (chunk.X << 4) + pos.X;
            int worldZ = (chunk.Z << 4) + pos.Z;

            // Flowers
            var grassNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 8, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (grassNoise > 0 && grassNoise < 0.5) // 50% chance for grass
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Material.Grass));

            var poppyNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.03, 9, worldZ * 0.03); // 0.03 makes more groupings

            if (poppyNoise > 1)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Material.Poppy));

            var dandyNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.03, 10, worldZ * 0.03); // 0.03 makes more groupings

            if (dandyNoise > 1)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Material.Dandelion));

            var cornFlowerNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.03, 11, worldZ * 0.03); // 0.03 makes more groupings

            if (cornFlowerNoise > 1)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Material.Cornflower));

            var azureNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.03, 12, worldZ * 0.03); // 0.03 makes more groupings

            if (azureNoise > 1)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), Registry.GetBlock(Material.AzureBluet));

            #region Trees
            // Abandon hope all ye who enter here
            var oakLeaves  = Registry.GetBlock(Material.OakLeaves);
            var treeNoise  = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1);
            var treeHeight = TreeHeight(treeNoise);
            if (treeHeight > 0)
                for (int y = treeHeight + 1; y > treeHeight - 2; y--)
                    for (int x = pos.X - 2; x <= pos.X + 2; x++)
                        for (int z = pos.Z - 2; z <= pos.Z + 2; z++)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y + pos.Y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeHeight + 1)
                                if (x != pos.X - 2 && x != pos.X + 2 && z != pos.Z - 2 && z != pos.Z + 2)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                for (int y = 1; y <= treeHeight; y++)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), new Block(74));

            // If on the edge of the chunk, check if neighboring chunks need leaves.
            if (pos.X == 0)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX - 1) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX - 2) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX - 1, worldZ);

                for (int x = 0; x < rowsToDraw; x++)
                    for (int z = pos.Z - 2; z <= pos.Z + 2; z++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != rowsToDraw - 1 && z != pos.Z - 2 && z != pos.Z + 2)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
            else if (pos.X == 15)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX + 1) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX + 2) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX + 1, worldZ);

                for (int x = 15; x > 15 - rowsToDraw; x--)
                    for (int z = pos.Z - 2; z <= pos.Z + 2; z++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != 16 - rowsToDraw && z != pos.Z - 2 && z != pos.Z + 2)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
            if (pos.Z == 0)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ - 1) * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ - 2) * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX, worldZ - 1);

                for (int z = 0; z < rowsToDraw; z++)
                    for (int x = pos.X - 2; x <= pos.X + 2; x++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != pos.X - 2 && x != pos.X + 2 && z != rowsToDraw - 1)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
            else if (pos.Z == 15)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ + 1) * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ + 2) * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX, worldZ + 1);

                for (int z = 15; z > 15 - rowsToDraw; z--)
                    for (int x = pos.X - 2; x <= pos.X + 2; x++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != pos.X - 2 && x != pos.X + 2 && z != 16 - rowsToDraw)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
コード例 #9
        public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise)
            int worldX = (chunk.X << 4) + (int)pos.X;
            int worldZ = (chunk.Z << 4) + (int)pos.Z;

            var sand      = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.SnowBlock);
            var sandstone = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.PackedIce);
            var deadbush  = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.Snow);
            var cactus    = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.FrostedIce);

            for (int y = 0; y > -4; y--)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), sand);
            for (int y = -4; y > -7; y--)
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), sandstone);

            var bushNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 0, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (bushNoise > 0 && bushNoise < 0.05) // 5% chance for bush
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), deadbush);

            var cactusNoise = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 1, worldZ * 0.1);

            if (cactusNoise > 0 && cactusNoise < 0.01) // 1% chance for cactus
                chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, 1, 0), cactus);

            #region Trees
            // Abandon hope all ye who enter here
            var oakLeaves  = Registry.GetBlock(Materials.OakLeaves);
            var treeNoise  = noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1);
            var treeHeight = TreeHeight(treeNoise);
            if (treeHeight > 0)
                for (int y = treeHeight + 1; y > treeHeight - 2; y--)
                    for (double x = pos.X - 2; x <= pos.X + 2; x++)
                        for (double z = pos.Z - 2; z <= pos.Z + 2; z++)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y + pos.Y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeHeight + 1)
                                if (x != pos.X - 2 && x != pos.X + 2 && z != pos.Z - 2 && z != pos.Z + 2)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                for (int y = 1; y <= treeHeight; y++)
                    chunk.SetBlock(pos + (0, y, 0), new Block("oak_log", 74, Materials.OakLog));

            // If on the edge of the chunk, check if neighboring chunks need leaves.
            if (pos.X == 0)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX - 1) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX - 2) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX - 1, worldZ);

                for (int x = 0; x < rowsToDraw; x++)
                    for (double z = pos.Z - 2; z <= pos.Z + 2; z++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != rowsToDraw - 1 && z != pos.Z - 2 && z != pos.Z + 2)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
            else if (pos.X == 15)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX + 1) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration((worldX + 2) * 0.1, 13, worldZ * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX + 1, worldZ);

                for (int x = 15; x > 15 - rowsToDraw; x--)
                    for (double z = pos.Z - 2; z <= pos.Z + 2; z++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != 16 - rowsToDraw && z != pos.Z - 2 && z != pos.Z + 2)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
            if (pos.Z == 0)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ - 1) * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ - 2) * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX, worldZ - 1);

                for (int z = 0; z < rowsToDraw; z++)
                    for (double x = pos.X - 2; x <= pos.X + 2; x++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != pos.X - 2 && x != pos.X + 2 && z != rowsToDraw - 1)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
            else if (pos.Z == 15)
                // Check out to 2 blocks into the neighboring chunk's noisemap and see if there's a tree center (top log)
                var neighborTree1 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ + 1) * 0.1));
                var neighborTree2 = TreeHeight(noise.Decoration(worldX * 0.1, 13, (worldZ + 2) * 0.1));
                var rowsToDraw    = neighborTree1 > 0 ? 2 : neighborTree2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                var treeY         = Math.Max(neighborTree1, neighborTree2) + (int)noise.Terrain(worldX, worldZ + 1);

                for (int z = 15; z > 15 - rowsToDraw; z--)
                    for (double x = pos.X - 2; x <= pos.X + 2; x++)
                        for (int y = treeY + 1; y > treeY - 2; y--)
                            var loc = new Position(x, y, z).ChunkClamp();
                            // Skip the top edges.
                            if (y == treeY + 1)
                                if (x != pos.X - 2 && x != pos.X + 2 && z != 16 - rowsToDraw)
                                    chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
                                chunk.SetBlock(loc, oakLeaves);
コード例 #10
 public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise)
コード例 #11
ファイル: BaseDecorator.cs プロジェクト: roxxel/Obsidian
 public abstract void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Vector position, OverworldNoise noise);
コード例 #12
 public override void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Vector pos, OverworldNoise noise)
コード例 #13
ファイル: BaseDecorator.cs プロジェクト: oliver4888/Obsidian
 public abstract void Decorate(Chunk chunk, Position pos, OverworldNoise noise);