コード例 #1
         * Static data for describing rooms
        public static string DescribeOverview(Overviews o)
            switch (o)
            case Overviews.Wide:
                return("The room is wide and open, the floor and walls are made of smooth grey rock. " +
                       "The roof towers far above you with rocky stalactites hanging down.");

            case Overviews.Armory:
                return("This room looks like an abandonded armoury, there are empty weapon racks along the walls, " +
                       "rusted scrap metal that was probably once swords is scattered around the floor. A thick collection of dust is settled on almost everything.");

            case Overviews.Torture:
                return("In the center of the room sits a menacing looking torture rack. The walls are lined with jail cells, " +
                       "some dusty skeletons still lying inside.");

            case Overviews.Marble:
                return("The floor of this room is made of well-polished marble. Beautiful paintings line the walls and a huge wooden dining table sits in the center. " +
                       "Everything looks surprisngly well kept, as if someone or something uses this room often.");

            case Overviews.Dark:
                return("Everything is dim and its hard to see, but you can just make out what seems to be a human corpse sitting in the corner. You hear small bones crunching underneath your feet.");

            case Overviews.White:
                return("The room is totally white, although dimly lit. The room has an unfinished feel to it, almost as if whoever designed it was not very creative.");

            case Overviews.Metal:
                return("The entire room is made of a patchwork of metal and other materials. The floor is rough and rusted.");

            case Overviews.Graveyard:
                return("Although the room is very dark, you can make out the shape of gravestones in rows throughout the room. You are in an indoor cemetary.");

            case Overviews.Garden:
                return("The room is filled with plantlife. You are in a garden, but you do not recognise the plants in the room.");

            case Overviews.Hall:
                return("You are in a hallway, It is long and you can barely make out the exit. This corridor has seen better days");

            case Overviews.Circle:
                return("The room is a grandacious circular auditorium. It looks like it would have been truly marvelous in its prime.");

            case Overviews.Library:
                return("The room's walls are lined with books and scrolls, stacked neatly into shelves. This must be some kind of library or repository.");

            case Overviews.Tomb:
                return("This room seems to resemble a tomb. There is a large stone sarcophagus in the middle, but it is sealed tight.");

            case Overviews.foyer:
                return("This room looks like a foyer to a large house, however there are no windows. Where the windows should be has been boarded up with old wooden panels.");

            case Overviews.qut:
                return("This room seems familiar. It is Z-block level 4.");

コード例 #2
 public Room(Overviews overview, MinorFeatures minorFeature1, MinorFeatures minorFeature2, Sensories sensory, int x, int y)
     Overview      = overview;
     MinorFeature1 = minorFeature1;
     MinorFeature2 = minorFeature2;
     Sensory       = sensory;
     RoomX         = x;
     RoomY         = y;
     FloorWeapon   = null;
コード例 #3
         * Static data for creating rooms
        public static Room GenerateRoom(Random rand, int x, int y)
            Array         ovs = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Overviews));
            Overviews     ov  = (Overviews)ovs.GetValue(rand.Next(ovs.Length));
            Array         mfs = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MinorFeatures));
            MinorFeatures mf1 = (MinorFeatures)ovs.GetValue(rand.Next(1, mfs.Length)); // Make sure it cant be None
            // 1/3 chance for a second minor feature
            MinorFeatures mf2 = MinorFeatures.None;

            if (rand.Next(2) == 0)
                mf2 = (MinorFeatures)ovs.GetValue(rand.Next(1, mfs.Length)); // Make sure it cant be None
            // 50% of a sensory
            Sensories sen = Sensories.None;

            if (rand.Next(1) == 0)
                Array sens = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Sensories));
                sen = (Sensories)sens.GetValue(rand.Next(sens.Length));

            return(new Room(ov, mf1, mf2, sen, x, y));