コード例 #1
        public void DirectiveResponse()
            AlexaResponse resp = new AlexaResponse
                Version  = "1.0",
                Response = new AlexaResponseAttributes
                    OutputSpeech = OutputSpeechBuilder.GetPlainTextSpeech("You are hearing me talk."),
                    Card         = CardBuilder.GetSimpleCardResponse("Card Title", "This is some card text."),

            DisplayDirectiveResponse displayResp = new DisplayDirectiveResponse();

            displayResp.Template                              = new DisplayTemplate();
            displayResp.Template.Type                         = DisplayTemplateTypeEnum.BodyTemplate3;
            displayResp.Template.Token                        = "user_email";
            displayResp.Template.Title                        = "Display Title";
            displayResp.Template.TextContent                  = new DisplayTextContent();
            displayResp.Template.TextContent.PrimaryText      = new DisplayTextField();
            displayResp.Template.TextContent.PrimaryText.Type = DisplayTextTypeEnum.RichText;
            displayResp.Template.TextContent.PrimaryText.Text = "<b><font size=\"6\">Some bold text</font></b>";

            displayResp.Template.Image = new DisplayDirectiveImage("small image", "http://pathtosomeimage");

            displayResp.Template.BackgroundImage = new DisplayDirectiveImage("background image", "http://pathtosomebackgroundimage");

            resp.Response.Directives = new List <DirectiveResponse>();


            string textResp = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resp, Formatting.Indented);

            // The text should serialize to empty brackets.
コード例 #2
        private async Task <AlexaResponse> GetLaunchResponseAsync(AlexaRequest request)
            Adventure adv = await _adventureRep.GetAdventureAsync();

            AdventureNode curNode = await _curNodeRep.GetCurrentNodeAsync(request, adv.Nodes);

            // If there is a current node that has choices, then let the user resume.
            bool nodeHasChoices = (curNode?.NodeRoutes?.Any()).GetValueOrDefault(false);

            AlexaResponse resp;

            if (!nodeHasChoices)
                string welcomeText = "Welcome to the Adventure Sample. When you are ready to start the adventure, say begin";

                resp = new AlexaResponse
                    Version = "1.0",

                    Response = new AlexaResponseAttributes
                        OutputSpeech =
                        Card     = CardBuilder.GetSimpleCardResponse("Welcome to the Adventure", welcomeText),
                        Reprompt = new RepromptAttributes
                            OutputSpeech = OutputSpeechBuilder.GetPlainTextSpeech("Say begin when you're ready to begin")
                string resumeText = "Welcome back! You have an adventure in progress. Would you like to resume or restart?";

                resp = new AlexaResponse
                    Version = "1.0",

                    Response = new AlexaResponseAttributes
                        OutputSpeech =
                        Card     = CardBuilder.GetSimpleCardResponse("Welcome Back to the Adventure", resumeText),
                        Reprompt = new RepromptAttributes
                            OutputSpeech = OutputSpeechBuilder.GetPlainTextSpeech("You can resume or restart.")

コード例 #3
        public void SimpleResponse()
            string textResp = "You are following a path in forest and have come to a fork. Would you like to go left or right?";

            StringBuilder ssmlSample = new StringBuilder();

            ssmlSample.Append("<speak><audio src='https://dev-sbsstoryengine.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/animalfarmpi/audio/Act1-OpeningMusic-alexa.mp3'/> ");
            ssmlSample.Append("It was a dark and stormy night. <break time='500ms'/>");
            ssmlSample.Append("<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>no way!</say-as> ");
            ssmlSample.Append("I'm not doing this. That doesn’t make any sense!  That music didn’t sound dark and stormy at ");
            ssmlSample.Append("<prosody volume='x-loud' pitch='+10%'>all!</prosody>");
            ssmlSample.Append(" It sounds to me more like a bright and chipper morning! Should we go with dark and stormy, or bright and chipper?");

            StringBuilder librarySample = new StringBuilder();

            librarySample.Append("Your hotel is booked!");

            AlexaResponse resp = new AlexaResponse
                Version  = "1.0",
                Response = new AlexaResponseAttributes
                    // OutputSpeech = OutputSpeechBuilder.GetPlainTextSpeech(textResp),
                    OutputSpeech = OutputSpeechBuilder.GetSsmlSpeech(ssmlSample.ToString()),
                    Card         = CardBuilder.GetStandardCardResponse("Fork in the Road",

                    Reprompt = new RepromptAttributes
                        OutputSpeech = OutputSpeechBuilder.GetPlainTextSpeech("Left or right?"),
                    ShouldEndSession = false

            string textSer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resp, Formatting.Indented);

            // The text should serialize to empty brackets.