public SemPred(OutputModelFactory factory, [NotNull] ActionAST ast) : base(factory, ast) { Debug.Assert(ast.atnState != null && ast.atnState.NumberOfTransitions == 1 && ast.atnState.Transition(0) is AbstractPredicateTransition); GrammarAST failNode = ast.GetOptionAST("fail"); predicate = ast.Text; if (predicate.StartsWith("{") && predicate.EndsWith("}?")) { predicate = predicate.Substring(1, predicate.Length - 3); } predicate = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromString(predicate); if (failNode == null) return; if (failNode is ActionAST) { ActionAST failActionNode = (ActionAST)failNode; RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); failChunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateAction(factory, rf, failActionNode.Token, failActionNode); } else { msg = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromANTLRStringLiteral(factory.GetGenerator(), failNode.Text, true); } }
public virtual string GetTokenLabel(string x) { if (node.resolver.ResolvesToLabel(x, node)) { return(x); } return(factory.GetTarget().GetImplicitTokenLabel(x)); }
public AltLabelStructDecl(OutputModelFactory factory, Rule r, string label) : base(factory, r) { = // override name set in super to the label ctx factory.GetTarget().GetAltLabelContextStructName(label); derivedFromName = label; }
public MatchToken(OutputModelFactory factory, TerminalAST ast) : base(factory, ast) { Grammar g = factory.GetGrammar(); ttype = g.GetTokenType(ast.Text); name = factory.GetTarget().GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel(g, ttype); }
public StructDecl(OutputModelFactory factory, Rule r) : base(factory, factory.GetTarget().GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(r)) { AddDispatchMethods(r); derivedFromName =; provideCopyFrom = r.HasAltSpecificContexts(); }
private static Bitset[] CreateBitsets(OutputModelFactory factory, IntervalSet set, int wordSize, bool useZeroOffset) { IList <Bitset> bitsetList = new List <Bitset>(); foreach (int ttype in set.ToArray()) { Bitset current = bitsetList.Count > 0 ? bitsetList[bitsetList.Count - 1] : null; if (current == null || ttype > (current.shift + wordSize - 1)) { current = new Bitset(); if (useZeroOffset && ttype >= 0 && ttype < wordSize - 1) { current.shift = 0; } else { current.shift = ttype; } bitsetList.Add(current); } current.ttypes.Add(factory.GetTarget().GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel(factory.GetGrammar(), ttype)); } return(bitsetList.ToArray()); }
private static Bitset[] CreateBitsets(OutputModelFactory factory, IntervalSet set, int wordSize, bool useZeroOffset) { IList<Bitset> bitsetList = new List<Bitset>(); foreach (int ttype in set.ToArray()) { Bitset current = bitsetList.Count > 0 ? bitsetList[bitsetList.Count - 1] : null; if (current == null || ttype > (current.shift + wordSize - 1)) { current = new Bitset(); if (useZeroOffset && ttype >= 0 && ttype < wordSize - 1) { current.shift = 0; } else { current.shift = ttype; } bitsetList.Add(current); } current.ttypes.Add(factory.GetTarget().GetTokenTypeAsTargetLabel(factory.GetGrammar(), ttype)); } return bitsetList.ToArray(); }
protected static string TranslateTokenStringToTarget(string tokenName, OutputModelFactory factory) { if (tokenName == null) { return(null); } if (tokenName[0] == '\'') { bool addQuotes = false; string targetString = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromANTLRStringLiteral(factory.GetGenerator(), tokenName, addQuotes); return("\"'" + targetString + "'\""); } else { return(factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromString(tokenName, true)); } }
public StarBlock(OutputModelFactory factory, GrammarAST blkOrEbnfRootAST, IList<CodeBlockForAlt> alts) : base(factory, blkOrEbnfRootAST, alts) { loopLabel = factory.GetTarget().GetLoopLabel(blkOrEbnfRootAST); StarLoopEntryState star = (StarLoopEntryState)blkOrEbnfRootAST.atnState; loopBackStateNumber = star.loopBackState.stateNumber; decision = star.decision; }
public StarBlock(OutputModelFactory factory, GrammarAST blkOrEbnfRootAST, IList <CodeBlockForAlt> alts) : base(factory, blkOrEbnfRootAST, alts) { loopLabel = factory.GetTarget().GetLoopLabel(blkOrEbnfRootAST); StarLoopEntryState star = (StarLoopEntryState)blkOrEbnfRootAST.atnState; loopBackStateNumber = star.loopBackState.stateNumber; decision = star.decision; }
public SerializedATN(OutputModelFactory factory, ATN atn, IList<string> ruleNames) : base(factory) { List<int> data = ATNSerializer.GetSerialized(atn, ruleNames); serialized = new List<string>(data.Count); foreach (int c in data) { string encoded = factory.GetTarget().EncodeIntAsCharEscape(c == -1 ? char.MaxValue : c); serialized.Add(encoded); } //System.Console.WriteLine(ATNSerializer.GetDecoded(factory.GetGrammar(), atn)); }
public SerializedATN(OutputModelFactory factory, ATN atn, IList <string> ruleNames) : base(factory) { List <int> data = ATNSerializer.GetSerialized(atn, ruleNames); serialized = new List <string>(data.Count); foreach (int c in data) { string encoded = factory.GetTarget().EncodeIntAsCharEscape(c == -1 ? char.MaxValue : c); serialized.Add(encoded); } //System.Console.WriteLine(ATNSerializer.GetDecoded(factory.GetGrammar(), atn)); }
public SemPred(OutputModelFactory factory, [NotNull] ActionAST ast) : base(factory, ast) { Debug.Assert(ast.atnState != null && ast.atnState.NumberOfTransitions == 1 && ast.atnState.Transition(0) is AbstractPredicateTransition); GrammarAST failNode = ast.GetOptionAST("fail"); predicate = ast.Text; if (predicate.StartsWith("{") && predicate.EndsWith("}?")) { predicate = predicate.Substring(1, predicate.Length - 3); } predicate = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromString(predicate); if (failNode == null) { return; } if (failNode is ActionAST) { ActionAST failActionNode = (ActionAST)failNode; RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction(); failChunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateAction(factory, rf, failActionNode.Token, failActionNode); } else { msg = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromANTLRStringLiteral(factory.GetGenerator(), failNode.Text, true); } }
public LeftRecursiveRuleFunction(OutputModelFactory factory, LeftRecursiveRule r) : base(factory, r) { // Since we delete x=lr, we have to manually add decls for all labels // on left-recur refs to proper structs foreach (System.Tuple <GrammarAST, string> pair in r.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels) { GrammarAST idAST = pair.Item1; string altLabel = pair.Item2; string label = idAST.Text; GrammarAST rrefAST = (GrammarAST)idAST.Parent.GetChild(1); if (rrefAST.Type == ANTLRParser.RULE_REF) { Rule targetRule = factory.GetGrammar().GetRule(rrefAST.Text); string ctxName = factory.GetTarget().GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(targetRule); RuleContextDecl d; if (idAST.Parent.Type == ANTLRParser.ASSIGN) { d = new RuleContextDecl(factory, label, ctxName); } else { d = new RuleContextListDecl(factory, label, ctxName); } StructDecl @struct = ruleCtx; if (altLabelCtxs != null) { AltLabelStructDecl s; if (altLabel != null && altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altLabel, out s) && s != null) { @struct = s; // if alt label, use subctx } } @struct.AddDecl(d); // stick in overall rule's ctx } } }
public LeftRecursiveRuleFunction(OutputModelFactory factory, LeftRecursiveRule r) : base(factory, r) { // Since we delete x=lr, we have to manually add decls for all labels // on left-recur refs to proper structs foreach (System.Tuple<GrammarAST, string> pair in r.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabels) { GrammarAST idAST = pair.Item1; string altLabel = pair.Item2; string label = idAST.Text; GrammarAST rrefAST = (GrammarAST)idAST.Parent.GetChild(1); if (rrefAST.Type == ANTLRParser.RULE_REF) { Rule targetRule = factory.GetGrammar().GetRule(rrefAST.Text); string ctxName = factory.GetTarget().GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(targetRule); RuleContextDecl d; if (idAST.Parent.Type == ANTLRParser.ASSIGN) { d = new RuleContextDecl(factory, label, ctxName); } else { d = new RuleContextListDecl(factory, label, ctxName); } StructDecl @struct = ruleCtx; if (altLabelCtxs != null) { AltLabelStructDecl s; if (altLabel != null && altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altLabel, out s) && s != null) @struct = s; // if alt label, use subctx } @struct.AddDecl(d); // stick in overall rule's ctx } } }
protected static string TranslateTokenStringToTarget(string tokenName, OutputModelFactory factory) { if (tokenName == null) { return null; } if (tokenName[0] == '\'') { bool addQuotes = false; string targetString = factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromANTLRStringLiteral(factory.GetGenerator(), tokenName, addQuotes); return "\"'" + targetString + "'\""; } else { return factory.GetTarget().GetTargetStringLiteralFromString(tokenName, true); } }
public virtual void BuildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction(LeftRecursiveRule r, LeftRecursiveRuleFunction function) { BuildNormalRuleFunction(r, function); // now inject code to start alts AbstractTarget target = @delegate.GetTarget(); TemplateGroup codegenTemplates = target.GetTemplates(); // pick out alt(s) for primaries CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt outerAlt = (CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt)function.code[0]; IList <CodeBlockForAlt> primaryAltsCode = new List <CodeBlockForAlt>(); SrcOp primaryStuff = outerAlt.ops[0]; if (primaryStuff is Choice) { Choice primaryAltBlock = (Choice)primaryStuff; foreach (var alt in primaryAltBlock.alts) { primaryAltsCode.Add(alt); } } else { // just a single alt I guess; no block primaryAltsCode.Add((CodeBlockForAlt)primaryStuff); } // pick out alt(s) for op alts StarBlock opAltStarBlock = (StarBlock)outerAlt.ops[1]; CodeBlockForAlt altForOpAltBlock = opAltStarBlock.alts[0]; IList <CodeBlockForAlt> opAltsCode = new List <CodeBlockForAlt>(); SrcOp opStuff = altForOpAltBlock.ops[0]; if (opStuff is AltBlock) { AltBlock opAltBlock = (AltBlock)opStuff; foreach (var alt in opAltBlock.alts) { opAltsCode.Add(alt); } } else { // just a single alt I guess; no block opAltsCode.Add((CodeBlockForAlt)opStuff); } // Insert code in front of each primary alt to create specialized context if there was a label for (int i = 0; i < primaryAltsCode.Count; i++) { LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recPrimaryAlts[i]; if (altInfo.altLabel == null) { continue; } Template altActionST = codegenTemplates.GetInstanceOf("recRuleReplaceContext"); altActionST.Add("ctxName", Utils.Capitalize(altInfo.altLabel)); AltLabelStructDecl ctx = null; if (altInfo.altLabel != null) { function.altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altInfo.altLabel, out ctx); } Action altAction = new Action(@delegate, ctx, altActionST); CodeBlockForAlt alt = primaryAltsCode[i]; alt.InsertOp(0, altAction); } // Insert code to set ctx.stop after primary block and before op * loop Template setStopTokenAST = codegenTemplates.GetInstanceOf("recRuleSetStopToken"); Action setStopTokenAction = new Action(@delegate, function.ruleCtx, setStopTokenAST); outerAlt.InsertOp(1, setStopTokenAction); // Insert code to set _prevctx at start of * loop Template setPrevCtx = codegenTemplates.GetInstanceOf("recRuleSetPrevCtx"); Action setPrevCtxAction = new Action(@delegate, function.ruleCtx, setPrevCtx); opAltStarBlock.AddIterationOp(setPrevCtxAction); // Insert code in front of each op alt to create specialized context if there was an alt label for (int i = 0; i < opAltsCode.Count; i++) { Template altActionST; LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recOpAlts.GetElement(i); string templateName; if (altInfo.altLabel != null) { templateName = "recRuleLabeledAltStartAction"; altActionST = codegenTemplates.GetInstanceOf(templateName); altActionST.Add("currentAltLabel", altInfo.altLabel); } else { templateName = "recRuleAltStartAction"; altActionST = codegenTemplates.GetInstanceOf(templateName); altActionST.Add("ctxName", Utils.Capitalize(; } altActionST.Add("ruleName",; // add label of any LR ref we deleted altActionST.Add("label", altInfo.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel); if (altActionST.impl.FormalArguments.Any(x => x.Name == "isListLabel")) { altActionST.Add("isListLabel", altInfo.isListLabel); } else if (altInfo.isListLabel) { @delegate.GetGenerator().tool.errMgr.ToolError(ErrorType.CODE_TEMPLATE_ARG_ISSUE, templateName, "isListLabel"); } AltLabelStructDecl ctx = null; if (altInfo.altLabel != null) { function.altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altInfo.altLabel, out ctx); } Action altAction = new Action(@delegate, ctx, altActionST); CodeBlockForAlt alt = opAltsCode[i]; alt.InsertOp(0, altAction); } }